Arequipa - El cañon del Colca - Salinas - Aguada Blanca
Arequipa es una región de un gran riqueza cultural y geográfica. su capital Arequipa es la segunda ciudad del Perú con 750 mil habitantes. Al pie de tres volcanes (Chachani, Misti y Pichu Pichu) la Ciudad Blanca conserva magníficos ejemplos de arquitectura colonial, como el convento de Santa Catalina, monumento único en su genero. La región Arequipa cubre un área de 63,500 Km2, con docenas de nevados y casi un centenar de conos volcánicos entre los 3,900 y 6,400 mts. de altitud. Sobre estos desniveles vuela el cóndor. Los cañones del Colca y Cotahuasi están entre los mas profundos de la tierra. La reserva nacional de Aguada Blanca, a la espaldas del Misti, es un santuario de vida silvestre en el que se pueden ver flamencos, vicuñas y guanacos. La costa de Arequipa, la mas extensa del litoral, comprende unos 400 Km. de playas y farallones: un mas frío pero rico en paisajes y vida donde destaca la ciudad y el balneario de Camaná, el balneario de Mejía (junto al Santuario Nacional Lagunas de Mejía, paradero de aves migratorias), la ciudad de Mollendo y el Puerto de Matarani. Arequipa tiene un gran potencial turístico: historia, áreas naturales, andinismo y canotaje - sin olvidar su notable cocina regional y una amplia oferta hotelera.
Por carretera......
LIMA-AREQUIPA. Distancia: 1, 010 km. Tiempo estimado: 13 a 14h.
Seguir la Panamericana Sur (Ruta 1S) hasta Repartición (km 974) y tomar el desvío a Arequipa. Se recomienda dividir el viaje en dos etapas. Nazca (km 450) es una buena opción para pasar la noche. Los primeros 8000km de carretera son relativamente fáciles y casi a nivel del mar. Se llega a Camaná (km 841, peaje y grifos) y en el desvío a Quilca (km 852) comienza una serpenteante subida (Cuesta del Toro) hasta la Pampa de Majes; es la parte más difícil y no es recomendable hacerla después de muchas horas al timón ni de noche, por la presencia de densa neblina de abril a diciembre. Luego se pasa Vitor, se sube hasta Repartición y se llega a Uchumayo (peaje), para enseguida (20km más) arribar a Arequipa.
Arequipa-Juliaca (262 km). Ruta 34ª. saliendo de Arequipa rumbo a Yura, la carretera es asfaltada hasta Juliaca. Luego de pasar por Yura (24 km) avanza hacia el norte y luego hacia el este, bordeando la Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca hasta llegar a Patahuasi (76 km de Arequipa). En este punto, donde nace el desvío por carretera afirmada hacia la mina Tintaya y Cusco, la ruta ingres a a la reserva, cruza los poblados de Pillones e Imata y llega a la estación Crucero Alto, ya en la región Puno. Otro hito importante es el pueblo de Santa Lucía. Desde este punto sólo restan 61 km y se pasa el trayecto por la estación de Deustua, ubicada a 28 km de Juliaca.
Arequipa-Juliaca (281 km). Ruta 34C (antigua). La ruta se inicia por carretera asfaltada. Desde el desvío hasta los baños termales de Jesús empieza un ascenso que se hace más pronunciado a partir de Chihuata (26 km de Arequipa), donde comienza la carretera afirmada. Después de pasar el túnel El Cimbral (54 km de Arequipa) hay un largo tramo que se mantiene sobre los 3,800 msnm, bordea la laguna Salinas (der.), cruza los desvíos a Ubinas e Imata y llega al abra El Alto de Toroya, donde está el punto más alto de la ruta: Yanatambo (4,690 msnm). Desde aquí al desvío de Puno (derecha) en LLapapata hay 37 km. Siguiendo por la izquierda se llega a Santa Lucía, lugar donde se empalma con la ruta anterior y empieza otro tramo asfaltado. El pueblo y estación de Deustua es el último hilo importante antes de llegar a Juliaca.
AREQUIPA-CUSCO. Distancia: 523 km. Tiempo estimado: 8-10 h.
Arequipa-Sicuani (377 km, alternativa a la ruta vía Juliaca que es totalmente asfaltada). Tiempo estimado: 8h. Carretera asfaltada en sus primeros 76 km (Ruta 34A ). Sale de Arequipa y en el primer tramo pasa por Yura ( km 24) y llega 52km después de Patahuasi. En este punto, por carretera afirmada (Ruta 34E) avanza hacia el norte, cruza Vizcachani (desvío a Chivay), ingresa a la Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca, sale de ella y a la altura de km 133 llega a la cuesta de San Bartolomé, que se extiende hasta Pulpera (km 141)- La ruta sigue avanzando, esta vez hacia el noreste, y 10 km después del desvío a Sibayo llega a la cumbre Apacheta y 13 km más allá al puente Condoroma sobre el Colca. Continua su curso en ascenso, llega al abra Negro Mayo (4,770 m) y siguiendo rumbo norte enfrenta el abra Martín (4,400 m), desde donde desciende al poblado de Yauri (hotel, grifo y restaurante básicos), ya en el departamento del Cusco. Desde este punto hasta Sicuani la carretera afirmada no se encuentra en buen estado. Atraviesa el pueblo El Descanso (desvío izq. A Yanaoca) y pasa cerca del gran lago Langhi; desciende por una quebrada pintoresca, llega a Luyo y de allí, ahora por la carretera asfaltada, sigue hasta Sicuani, cuidad que cuenta con todos los servicios básicos
Sicuani-Cusco (146 km). Tiempo estimado: 2h. La Ruta 3S sigue en descenso por la carretera asfaltada, cruza los pueblos de San Pablo, San Pedro, Tinta, Combapata, Checacupe, Cusipata, Quiquijana, Urcos y Huaro, y llega a Andahuaylillas, en el valle del río Vilcanota, a 50 km del Cusco. Prosigue por el valle del río Huatanay y cruza los pueblos de Oropesa, Saylla (peaje), San Jerónimo y San Sebastián antes de llegar a la Capital Arqueológica de América
AREQUIPA – TACNA. Distancia: 363 km. Tiempo estimado: 6-7 h.
Arequipa-Repartición (36 km). Para llegar a Repartición, en la Panamericana Sur, hay dos alternativas: seguir por la izquierda, vía Tingo-Tiabaya, por Cerro Verde (carretera «antigua»), o bien tomar la derecha, por la variante de Uchumayo («carretera nueva»), que es una ruta más rápida. La ruta vía Cerro Verde tiene un tramo después de la mina (aproximadamente 4 km) en pésimas condiciones. Ambas carreteras confluyen cerca de Repartición, donde empalman con la Panamericana Sur. Repartición-Tacna (327 km). Ruta 1-S. Carretera asfaltada, en buen estado. .
Arequipa-Chivay (148 km). Existen dos rutas que confluyen en Chivay. La primera —la mejor— sale de Arequipa por carretera asfaltada con dirección norte rumbo a Yura, bordeando la cara norte del Chachani. Se continúa en subida hasta Pampa Cañahuas. En este punto se toma la izquierda hacia Chivay. La segunda ruta —no recomendable— sale de Arequipa por el este, por la subida Cabre rías, abriéndose paso entre los nevados Chachani y Mistl. En este tramo hay una serie de desvíos; tomar siempre la izq., manteniendo el nevado Chachani a ese lado. Gran parte de esta subida está en mal estado y presenta frecuentemente neblina muy densa hasta llegar a Cañahuas (64 km de Arequipa), donde la ruta empeora. Unos 22 km más adelante se encuentra el desvío a Chivay (izq.). En este punto se presentan dos opciones: seguir hasta Chivay, capital de ia provincia de Caylloma, o continuar rumbo norte hasta Sibayo. La primera alternativa, que cruza una pampa a gran altitud, permite un recorrido más corto del Valle del Coica; la otra, ofrece la alternativa de conocer cuatro pueblos más y acceder al mejor tramo para la práctica del canotaje.
Chivay-Madrigal (160 km). Desde Chivay se puede iniciar la visita al Valle del Coica por cualquiera de las márgenes del río. La margen derecha penetra el Valle por una carretera sin afirmar, en mal estado. Se pasa por Coporaque, Ichupampa y Larl, que al igual que los pueblos ubicados en la otra margen, cuentan con bellas Iglesias coloniales. En Lari se inicia un pequeño tramo de camino de herradura hasta Madrigal.
Chivay-Cabanaconde (220 km). Tramo recomendable. Siguiendo por la margen izq. del Coica es posible adentrarse más en el Valle. Una carretera afirmada cruza los pueblos de Yanque, Maca, Pinchollo y Cabanaconde, y desde allí sigue hasta Majes, punto de retorno hacia Arequipa.
RESTAURANTES: Sambambaia's, Luna Pizarra 304, Valleclto, (054) 22-3657. Sol de Mayo, Jerusalén 207, Yanahuara, (054) 27-0391.Tradición Arequipeña, Dolores 111, José Bustamantey Rivera, (054) 42-6467. Los Guisos Arequipeños, Dolores 111, Pizarra 111, Lambramani.
TURISMO: Información y Asistencia al Turista (¡Perú): Plaza de Armas: Portal de la Municipalidad 110, (054) 22-3265. Horario: M-S: 8:30-19:30. D: 9:00-16:00. Monasterio de Santa Catalina: Calle Santa Catalina 210, (054) 22-1227. Horario: 9:00 - 19:00 (todos los días). Aeropuerto Rodríguez Bailón (Llegadas y Hall Principal): (054) 44-4564. Infor mación de vuelos: 44-3464.
EMERGENCIAS: Clínica Arequipa, esq. Bolognesi con Puente Grau, Yanahuara, (054) 25-3424. Clínica San Juan de Dios, Ejército 1020, (054) 38-2400. Hospital Carlos Alberto Seguín (EsSalud), esq. Peral y Filtro s/n, (054) 21-4110. Policía Nacional, Emmel 106, Yanahuara, (054) 25-4020. Policía de Turismo, Jerusalén 315, (054) 20 1258.Touring y Automóvil Club del Perú, Goyeneche 313, Cercado, (054) 60-3333.
Ver & Hacer
La Catedral (1656). Plaza de Armas, (054) 23-2635. Fue levantada en 1656, pero un incendio (1844) y dos terremotos obligaron a reconstruirla a fines del siglo 19. El terremoto del 2001 afectó sus torres, que ya fueron restauradas. El interior tiene un retablo mayor en mármol de Carrara, una gran lámpara de bronce sevillano y un púlpito tallado en Francia por el artista Rigot, en el que destaca la figura del demonio en la base. Su órgano, de origen belga, es uno de los más grandes de Sudamérica. Monasterio de Santa Catalina (1580). Santa Catalina 301. Fundado en 1579, el convento de clausura de Santa Catalina ocupa un área de 20,000 m2. Durante 250 años acogió a muchachas de familias ricas que tomaban los hábitos y se enclaustraban con una pequeña corte de sirvientas. Hacia 1871 la monja dominica Josefa Cadena tomó la dirección del Convento e impuso un régimen austero. Santa Catalina llegó a tener un millar de internas. Fue abierto al" público en 1970. El complejo tiene pequeñas calles y plazas de estilo español del siglo 16. Tiene una pinacoteca que cuenta con una importante colección de arte religioso, que incluye pinturas de la escuela cusqueña. Primo rosamente restaurado, el Convento es una joya de la arquitectura de este periodo. Iglesia de la Compañía (1698). General Morán 118, Plaza de Armas. Una de las más antiguas de Arequipa.
Arequipa - The Colca Canyon - Salinas - Aguada Blanca
Arequipa is a region rich in culture and geography. its capital Arequipa is Peru's second largest city with 750 thousand inhabitants. At the foot of three volcanoes (Chachani, Misti and Pichu Pichu) White City retains fine examples of colonial architecture, as the convent of Santa Catalina, the only monument of its kind. Arequipa region covers an area of 63.500 km2, with dozens of glaciers and almost a hundred volcanic cones between 3.900 and 6.400 mts. altitude. On these slopes the condor flies. The Colca and Cotahuasi are among the deepest of the earth. The Aguada Blanca National Reserve, to the back of Misti, is a wildlife sanctuary where you can see flamingos, vicuna and guanacos. The coast of Arequipa, the most extensive coastline, some 400 km of beaches and cliffs: a cooler but rich in landscapes and city life where highlights and Spa Camaná, spa Mejia (next to the Lagoons National Sanctuary Mejia, whereabouts of migratory birds), Mollendo City and the Port of Matarani. Arequipa has a great potential for tourism: history, natural areas, camping and boating - not forgetting his outstanding regional cuisine and a wide selection of hotels.
On the road ......
LIMA-AREQUIPA. Distance: 1, 010 km. Estimated time: 13 to 14.
Follow the Panamerican Highway (Route 1S) to Distribution (km 974) and take the road to Arequipa. Travel should be divided into two stages. Nazca (km 450) is a good choice for the night. The first 8000km of road are relatively easy and almost at sea level. Camaná is reached (km 841, toll and taps) and the turnoff to Quilca (km 852) begins a winding ascent (Cuesta del Toro) to the Pampa de Majes, is the most difficult and not recommended it after many hours at the helm or night, by the presence of heavy fog from April to December. Then passed Vitor, climbs up and reaches Distribution Uchumayo (toll) to quickly (over 20km) arrive at Arequipa.
Arequipa-Juliaca. Distance: 262 km. Estimated time: 4-5 h.
Arequipa-Juliaca (262 km). Route 34 ª. leaving Arequipa towards Yura, the road is paved to Juliaca. After passing through Yura (24 km) further north and then east, along the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca Patahuasi to reach (76 km from Arequipa). At this point, the source of the dirt road detour to the mine Tintaya and Cusco, ingres route to a reservation, crossing the towns of Pillones and Imata and arrives at the station Crucero Alto, and in the Puno region. Another landmark is the town of Santa Lucia. From this point only 61 km remaining and passed journeys Deustua station, located 28 km from Juliaca.
Arequipa-Juliaca (281 km). Route 34C (old). The route starts by paved road. Since the detour to the hot springs of Jesus begins a climb that becomes more pronounced from Chihuata (26 km from Arequipa), where the dirt road begins. After passing the tunnel The Cimbral (54 km from Arequipa) is a long stretch that is maintained on 3.800 meters, runs along the lake Salinas (right) crosses the departures from Ubinas and Imata and reaches the open Toroyan El Alto, where the highest point of the route: Yanatambo (4.690 m). From here the diversion of Puno (right) is 37 km LLapapata. Follow the road left leads to Santa Lucia, where it connects with the previous route and start paving another section. The town and station is the last thread Deustua important before arriving at Juliaca.
AREQUIPA, CUSCO. Distance: 523 km. Estimated time: 8-10 h.
Arequipa-Sichuan (377 km, via alternative route is completely paved Juliaca). Estimated time: 8 hours. Paved road in their first 76 km (Route 34A). Sale of Arequipa and the first section goes through Yura (km 24) and comes after Patahuasi 52km. At this point, paved highway (Route 34E) towards the north, crosses Vizcachani (detour to Chivay), go to the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca, she leaves and the height of 133 km reach the hill of San Bartolomé , which extends to Pulpera (km 141) - The path continues to move, this time to the northeast and 10 km after the turnoff to reach the top Sibayo Apacheta and 13 km beyond the bridge over the Colca Condoroma. Continuing its course on the rise, reaches the open Black Mayo (4.770 m) and northward along the open face Martin (4,400 m) from where it descends to the town of Yauri (hotel, restaurant faucet and core), and in the department of Cusco . From this point until the dirt road Sichuan is not in good condition. Through the village El Descanso (yaw left. A Yanaoca) and passes near the great lake Langhi, descending a gorge scenic reaches Luyo and there, now the paved road continues to Sichuan, a city that has all the services basic
Sichuan-Cusco (146 km). Estimated time: 2h. The Route 3 continues to fall along the paved road, crossing the towns of San Pablo, San Pedro, Ink, Combapata, Checacupe, Cusipata, Quiquijana, Urcos and Huaro, reaching Andahuaylillas in Vilcanota River valley, 50 km Cusco. Continues along the river valley and crosses the towns Huatanay Oropesa, Saylla (toll), San Jeronimo and San Sebastian before reaching the Archaeological Capital of America
Arequipa - Tacna. Distance: 363 km. Estimated time: 6-7 h.
Arequipa-Distribution (36 km). Distribution to reach in the American South, there are two choices: go left, via Tingo-Tiabaya for Cerro Verde (road "old"), or take the right, Uchumayo variant ("new road" ), which is a faster route. The route via Cerro Verde has a flight after mine (about 4 km) in appalling conditions. Both roads converge near Distribution, which abut the American South. Distribution-Tacna (327 km). Route 1-S. Paved road in good condition. .
Arequipa - Colca Canyon.
Arequipa-Chivay (148 km). There are two routes that converge in Chivay. The first-best out of Arequipa-paved road heading north towards Yura, bordering the north side of Chachani. Continue uphill until Cañahuas Pampa. At this point take a left towards Chivay. The second route-not recommended-sale of Arequipa in the east, by higher Cabre laugh, pushing through the snow and Mistle Chachani. In this section there are a number of detours, always take the left., Chachani keeping to that side. Much of this increase is in poor condition and very dense fog often occurs up to Cañahuas (64 km from Arequipa), where the road gets worse. Some 22 km further is the turnoff to Chivay (left). At this point there are two options: continue to Chivay, capital of province of Caylloma ia, or continue northward to Sibayo. The first alternative, which crosses a high-altitude plain, allows a shorter travel Colca Valley, the other offers the alternative of four people know more and access the best stretch for canoeing.
Chivay-Madrigal (160 km). From Chivay can start visiting the Colca Valley for any of the riverbanks. The right bank enters the valley on a road without stating in poor condition. It passes through Coporaque, Ichupampa and Larl, which like the villages in the other side, have beautiful colonial churches. Lari starts in a small stretch of dirt road to Madrigal.
Chivay-Cabanaconde (220 km). Tranche recommended. Continuing along the left margin. Colca is possible further into the Valley. A dirt road crosses the towns of Yanque, Maca, Pinchollo and Cabanaconde, and from there continues to Majes, and back to Arequipa.
RESTAURANTS: Sambambaia's, Luna Pizarro 304, Valleclto, (054) 22-3657. Sol de Mayo, Jerusalem 207 Yanahuara, (054) 27-0391.Tradición Arequipa, Dolores 111, Bustamantey Jose Rivera, (054) 42-6467. The Stew Arequipa, Dolores 111, Slate 111, Lambramani.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (Peru): Plaza de Armas: Portal of the Municipality 110, (054) 22-3265. Hours: M-S: 8:30 to 19:30. D: 9:00-16:00. Monasterio de Santa Catalina Calle Santa Catalina 210, (054) 1922-1227. Hours: 9:00 - 19:00 (every day). Rodriguez Ballon Airport (Arrivals Hall and Main): (054) 44-4564. Flights Infor mation: 44-3464.
EMERGENCY: Clinical Arequipa, esq. Puente Bolognesi Grau, Yanahuara, (054) 25-3424. San Juan de Dios Clinic, Army 1020, (054) 1938-2400. Hospital Carlos Alberto Seguin (EsSalud), esq. Peral and Filter s / n, (054) 21-4110. National Police Emmel 106, Yanahuara, (054) 25-4020. Tourist Police, Jerusalem 315, (054) 20 1258.Touring and Automobile Club of Peru, Goyeneche 313, Cercado, (054) 60-3333.
See & Do
The Cathedral (1656). Plaza de Armas, (054) 1923-2635. It was built in 1656, but a fire (1844) and two earthquakes forced to rebuild in the late 19. The 2001 earthquake struck the towers, which were restored. The interior has a high altar of Carrara marble, a large bronze lamp from Seville and a pulpit carved in France by the artist Rigot, in which the figure of the demon on the base. His body, of Belgian origin, is one of the largest in South America. Monasterio de Santa Catalina (1580). Santa Catalina 301. Founded in 1579, the cloistered convent of Santa Catalina occupies an area of 20.000 m2. For 250 years took in girls from wealthy families taking habits and a small cloistered court servants. By 1871 the Sister Josefa Cadena dominica took the direction of the Convent and imposed an austere regime. Santa Catalina came to have a thousand internal. It was open to "public in 1970. The resort has small streets and squares of 16-century Spanish style. It has an art gallery has a large collection of religious art, including paintings from the Cusco School. Rosamente Primo restored, the Convent is a jewel of architecture of this period. Church of the Company (1698). General Moran 118, Plaza de Armas. One of the oldest in Arequipa.
Arequipa - The Colca Canyon - Salinas - Aguada Blanca
Arequipa is a region rich in culture and geography. its capital Arequipa is Peru's second largest city with 750 thousand inhabitants. At the foot of three volcanoes (Chachani, Misti and Pichu Pichu) White City retains fine examples of colonial architecture, as the convent of Santa Catalina, the only monument of its kind. Arequipa region covers an area of 63.500 km2, with dozens of glaciers and almost a hundred volcanic cones between 3.900 and 6.400 mts. altitude. On these slopes the condor flies. The Colca and Cotahuasi are among the deepest of the earth. The Aguada Blanca National Reserve, to the back of Misti, is a wildlife sanctuary where you can see flamingos, vicuna and guanacos. The coast of Arequipa, the most extensive coastline, some 400 km of beaches and cliffs: a cooler but rich in landscapes and city life where highlights and Spa Camaná, spa Mejia (next to the Lagoons National Sanctuary Mejia, whereabouts of migratory birds), Mollendo City and the Port of Matarani. Arequipa has a great potential for tourism: history, natural areas, camping and boating - not forgetting his outstanding regional cuisine and a wide selection of hotels.
On the road ......
LIMA-AREQUIPA. Distance: 1, 010 km. Estimated time: 13 to 14.
Follow the Panamerican Highway (Route 1S) to Distribution (km 974) and take the road to Arequipa. Travel should be divided into two stages. Nazca (km 450) is a good choice for the night. The first 8000km of road are relatively easy and almost at sea level. Camaná is reached (km 841, toll and taps) and the turnoff to Quilca (km 852) begins a winding ascent (Cuesta del Toro) to the Pampa de Majes, is the most difficult and not recommended it after many hours at the helm or night, by the presence of heavy fog from April to December. Then passed Vitor, climbs up and reaches Distribution Uchumayo (toll) to quickly (over 20km) arrive at Arequipa.
Arequipa-Juliaca. Distance: 262 km. Estimated time: 4-5 h.
Arequipa-Juliaca (262 km). Route 34 ª. leaving Arequipa towards Yura, the road is paved to Juliaca. After passing through Yura (24 km) further north and then east, along the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca Patahuasi to reach (76 km from Arequipa). At this point, the source of the dirt road detour to the mine Tintaya and Cusco, ingres route to a reservation, crossing the towns of Pillones and Imata and arrives at the station Crucero Alto, and in the Puno region. Another landmark is the town of Santa Lucia. From this point only 61 km remaining and passed journeys Deustua station, located 28 km from Juliaca.
Arequipa-Juliaca (281 km). Route 34C (old). The route starts by paved road. Since the detour to the hot springs of Jesus begins a climb that becomes more pronounced from Chihuata (26 km from Arequipa), where the dirt road begins. After passing the tunnel The Cimbral (54 km from Arequipa) is a long stretch that is maintained on 3.800 meters, runs along the lake Salinas (right) crosses the departures from Ubinas and Imata and reaches the open Toroyan El Alto, where the highest point of the route: Yanatambo (4.690 m). From here the diversion of Puno (right) is 37 km LLapapata. Follow the road left leads to Santa Lucia, where it connects with the previous route and start paving another section. The town and station is the last thread Deustua important before arriving at Juliaca.
AREQUIPA, CUSCO. Distance: 523 km. Estimated time: 8-10 h.
Arequipa-Sichuan (377 km, via alternative route is completely paved Juliaca). Estimated time: 8 hours. Paved road in their first 76 km (Route 34A). Sale of Arequipa and the first section goes through Yura (km 24) and comes after Patahuasi 52km. At this point, paved highway (Route 34E) towards the north, crosses Vizcachani (detour to Chivay), go to the National Reserve of Salinas and Aguada Blanca, she leaves and the height of 133 km reach the hill of San Bartolomé , which extends to Pulpera (km 141) - The path continues to move, this time to the northeast and 10 km after the turnoff to reach the top Sibayo Apacheta and 13 km beyond the bridge over the Colca Condoroma. Continuing its course on the rise, reaches the open Black Mayo (4.770 m) and northward along the open face Martin (4,400 m) from where it descends to the town of Yauri (hotel, restaurant faucet and core), and in the department of Cusco . From this point until the dirt road Sichuan is not in good condition. Through the village El Descanso (yaw left. A Yanaoca) and passes near the great lake Langhi, descending a gorge scenic reaches Luyo and there, now the paved road continues to Sichuan, a city that has all the services basic
Sichuan-Cusco (146 km). Estimated time: 2h. The Route 3 continues to fall along the paved road, crossing the towns of San Pablo, San Pedro, Ink, Combapata, Checacupe, Cusipata, Quiquijana, Urcos and Huaro, reaching Andahuaylillas in Vilcanota River valley, 50 km Cusco. Continues along the river valley and crosses the towns Huatanay Oropesa, Saylla (toll), San Jeronimo and San Sebastian before reaching the Archaeological Capital of America
Arequipa - Tacna. Distance: 363 km. Estimated time: 6-7 h.
Arequipa-Distribution (36 km). Distribution to reach in the American South, there are two choices: go left, via Tingo-Tiabaya for Cerro Verde (road "old"), or take the right, Uchumayo variant ("new road" ), which is a faster route. The route via Cerro Verde has a flight after mine (about 4 km) in appalling conditions. Both roads converge near Distribution, which abut the American South. Distribution-Tacna (327 km). Route 1-S. Paved road in good condition. .
Arequipa - Colca Canyon.
Arequipa-Chivay (148 km). There are two routes that converge in Chivay. The first-best out of Arequipa-paved road heading north towards Yura, bordering the north side of Chachani. Continue uphill until Cañahuas Pampa. At this point take a left towards Chivay. The second route-not recommended-sale of Arequipa in the east, by higher Cabre laugh, pushing through the snow and Mistle Chachani. In this section there are a number of detours, always take the left., Chachani keeping to that side. Much of this increase is in poor condition and very dense fog often occurs up to Cañahuas (64 km from Arequipa), where the road gets worse. Some 22 km further is the turnoff to Chivay (left). At this point there are two options: continue to Chivay, capital of province of Caylloma ia, or continue northward to Sibayo. The first alternative, which crosses a high-altitude plain, allows a shorter travel Colca Valley, the other offers the alternative of four people know more and access the best stretch for canoeing.
Chivay-Madrigal (160 km). From Chivay can start visiting the Colca Valley for any of the riverbanks. The right bank enters the valley on a road without stating in poor condition. It passes through Coporaque, Ichupampa and Larl, which like the villages in the other side, have beautiful colonial churches. Lari starts in a small stretch of dirt road to Madrigal.
Chivay-Cabanaconde (220 km). Tranche recommended. Continuing along the left margin. Colca is possible further into the Valley. A dirt road crosses the towns of Yanque, Maca, Pinchollo and Cabanaconde, and from there continues to Majes, and back to Arequipa.
RESTAURANTS: Sambambaia's, Luna Pizarro 304, Valleclto, (054) 22-3657. Sol de Mayo, Jerusalem 207 Yanahuara, (054) 27-0391.Tradición Arequipa, Dolores 111, Bustamantey Jose Rivera, (054) 42-6467. The Stew Arequipa, Dolores 111, Slate 111, Lambramani.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (Peru): Plaza de Armas: Portal of the Municipality 110, (054) 22-3265. Hours: M-S: 8:30 to 19:30. D: 9:00-16:00. Monasterio de Santa Catalina Calle Santa Catalina 210, (054) 1922-1227. Hours: 9:00 - 19:00 (every day). Rodriguez Ballon Airport (Arrivals Hall and Main): (054) 44-4564. Flights Infor mation: 44-3464.
EMERGENCY: Clinical Arequipa, esq. Puente Bolognesi Grau, Yanahuara, (054) 25-3424. San Juan de Dios Clinic, Army 1020, (054) 1938-2400. Hospital Carlos Alberto Seguin (EsSalud), esq. Peral and Filter s / n, (054) 21-4110. National Police Emmel 106, Yanahuara, (054) 25-4020. Tourist Police, Jerusalem 315, (054) 20 1258.Touring and Automobile Club of Peru, Goyeneche 313, Cercado, (054) 60-3333.
See & Do
The Cathedral (1656). Plaza de Armas, (054) 1923-2635. It was built in 1656, but a fire (1844) and two earthquakes forced to rebuild in the late 19. The 2001 earthquake struck the towers, which were restored. The interior has a high altar of Carrara marble, a large bronze lamp from Seville and a pulpit carved in France by the artist Rigot, in which the figure of the demon on the base. His body, of Belgian origin, is one of the largest in South America. Monasterio de Santa Catalina (1580). Santa Catalina 301. Founded in 1579, the cloistered convent of Santa Catalina occupies an area of 20.000 m2. For 250 years took in girls from wealthy families taking habits and a small cloistered court servants. By 1871 the Sister Josefa Cadena dominica took the direction of the Convent and imposed an austere regime. Santa Catalina came to have a thousand internal. It was open to "public in 1970. The resort has small streets and squares of 16-century Spanish style. It has an art gallery has a large collection of religious art, including paintings from the Cusco School. Rosamente Primo restored, the Convent is a jewel of architecture of this period. Church of the Company (1698). General Moran 118, Plaza de Armas. One of the oldest in Arequipa.