Ica • Arequipa • Moquegua • Tacna
La Costa Sur es una región desértica, atravesada por quebradas secas y algunos ríos que forman valles vitivinícolas, arroceros y algodoneros, así como antiguos olivares. De clima seco y cálido, en los últimos años se ha desarrollado el cultivo de cítricos, espárrago, alcachofa y páprika, orientados a la exportación. La Panamericana Sur (1,336 km) pasa por Cañete, lea, Nazca, Camaná, Tacna y termina en el punto fronterizo de La Concordia. Esta Ruta Longitudinal (1S) es cruzada en varios puntos por Rutas Transversales (de penetración).
Los primeros 450 km de la Panamericana Sur unen algunos de los destinos turísticos más visitados del Perú: el valle del río Cañete (Lunahuaná), la Reserva Nacional de Paracas, lea, Ocucaje y las pampas de Nazca. El tramo restante también tiene atractivos, como Puerto Inca, Tanaka, Chala y las playas de Arequipa y Tacna. El terremoto y tsunami de agosto del 2007 causó centenares de víctimas y severos daños en la zona de lea, sobre todo en Chincha, Pisco, Paracas y zonas aledañas. Además de la destrucción de casas y monumentos —principalmente antiguas iglesias— el paisaje también sufrió un impacto con la destrucción de la formación rocosa "La Catedral" de Paracas. La infraestructura hotelera igualmente fue afectada y varios hoteles han quedado fuera de servicio hasta nuevo aviso. De todas maneras, los principales atractivos de lea siguen vigentes y son dignos de ser visitados.
Km 196 Panamericana S. Ciudad centro de una región productora de algodón, maíz y panllevar. Durante la Colonia y principios de la República concentró gran parte del tráfico de esclavos. Chincha es la cuna del arte negro peruano y el pueblo de El Carmen, a unos 10 km de la ciudad, mantiene antiguas tradiciones de origen africano. Uno de sus atractivos es la Casa Hacienda San José, edificio histórico que funcionaba como hotel, pero que por refacciones sólo atiende temporalmente como restaurante con espectáculos típicos: Panamericana Sur km 203,9817*9749, www.haciendasanjose.com.pe
HOSPEDAJE: Cristoforus Columbus,
Calle Lima 443, (056) 26-4572, US$ 50, www.cristoforucolumbus.com El Otro Sitio, Paraíso 851 Sunampe, (056) 27-1349, US$ 58 www.elotrositio.com.pe
Información básica
Clima y temporada: La Costa Sur presenta dos estaciones marcadas y un rango moderado de temperaturas. La mínima anual en Tacna es de 6.5°C; la máxima anual en lea alcanza 33°C. Invierno (junio-septiembre): húmedo, ocasionales garúas. Verano (diciembre-marzo): húmedo y caluroso, especialmente en la tarde. Los meses de transición entre estaciones presentan días soleados. Excepciones: A medida que uno se aleja del mar, el cielo se vuelve despejado, incluso en invierno. Donde la costa se ensancha, como lea y Nazca, el sol brilla todo el año. Temporada alta: Los hoteles y servicios de los lugares turísticos se saturan en Año Nuevo, Semana Santa, Fiestas Patrias, fiestas locales y fines de semana largos.
Costo: Las principales ciudades ofrecen servicios desde el nivel básico hasta el turista medio. Transporte: La principal vía de comunicación es la Panamericana, que está en buen estado. Transporte aéreo: vuelos diarios a Tacna desde Lima (Lan Perú). Vuelos en avioneta a lea y Nazca: Aerocóndor: (056) 25-7210.
Advertencias: La Panamericana es una vía rápida por la que circulan toda clase de vehículos, desde camiones pesados hasta automóviles deportivos. Hay varios tramos de neblina y la señalización no es buena.
Desvío km 227Panamericana S. Ciudad que comprende tanto al pueblo ("Pisco pueblo") como al puerto y al malecón ("Pisco playa"). Cuenta con estaciones de servicio, talleres mecánicos, hospitales, bancos y hoteles, lo que la convierte en una interesante alternativa como punto de partida a la Reserva Nacional de Paracas. La otra opción es el balneario de Paracas. Desde sus pequeños puertos parten embarcaciones hacia las islas Ballestas, formaciones rocosas pobladas por aves guaneras, pingüinos de Humboldt y lobos marinos.
HOSPEDAJE: Posada Hispana, Bolognesi 222, (056) 53-6363, US$ 22, www.posa-dahispana.com
Pisco: Alrededores
Humay. 35 km al este de Pisco. Por la Ruta de los Libertadores, hogar de Luisa de la Torre, conocida como la Beatita de Humay. Tambo Colorado. Luego de llegar a Humay, siguiendo la misma ruta, 10 minutos más hacia el este se llega al complejo arqueológico inca de Tambo Colorado, uno de los más importantes de la zona. Tiene construcciones de adobe en excelente estado de conservación y un museo de sitio. Bahía y Península de Paracas. Zona de gran valor turístico que incluye la más importante reserva nacional de la Costa y los restos de una avanzada civilización prehispánica, la cultura Paracas, que floreció entre el siglo 8 a.C. y los primeros años de nuestra era. En la península de Paracas se hallaron los célebres fardos funerarios que contenían espléndidos textiles y ofrendas de notable valor. En las últimas décadas, diversas actividades industriales y de extracción han causado graves daños ambientales, afectando la calidad del agua y contaminando el aire. Playas que antes eran poco visitadas, ahora reciben multitudes. Pese a esto, la zona mantiene gran parte de su belleza, y a tres horas de Lima por una carretera asfaltada es un destino atractivo y de fácil acceso. HOSPEDAJES: Doubletree Guest Suites by Hilton Paracas, Lote 30-34 Urb. Santo Domingo, Lima: 617-1000 (a partir de marzo del 2009), doubletree1.hilton.com El Mirador, Carretera Paracas km 20, (056) 54-5086, Lima: 241-6803, US$ 55, www.elmiradorhotel.com Santa María, Plazuela Quiñones, (056) 54-5045, US$ 25, www.santamariahostal.com
RESTAURANTES: El Chorito, Plazuela Quiñones, (056) 54-5045.
Platos regionales Ica
Frijol colado: Postre creado en Chincha. Los frijoles se remojan, pelan y se ponen en baño María; luego se le agrega azúcar rubia, especias y leche. Después de reposar, se sirve a temperatura ambiente.
Chupe de pallares: Caldo que se hace hirviendo pallares verdes, choclo, zapallito italiano, arroz, camarones, huevos, pescado y leche, a lo que se agrega un aderezo de cebolla, ajos y orégano.
Carapulcra: Papa seca sancochada y guisada con carne de chancho y gallina, ají, ajos y otros condimentos. Pisco sour: Cóctel que se prepara con pisco (aguardiente de uva originario del Perú), hielo, clara de huevo y zumo de limón. Aunque hay variantes, lo habitual es mezclar tres partes de pisco por una de zumo de limón y otra de jarabe de goma. Se sirve helado, adornado con amargo de angostura.
Reserva Nacional de Paracas
El área de protección más importante y visitada de la Costa peruana cubre un área de 335,000 hectáreas, incluyendo 217,000 de océano. La zona es un excepcional almacén biológico y centro de reproducción y paradero migratorio de una gran variedad de aves, peces, mamíferos y moluscos. En esta reserva habitan el pingüino de Humboidt, la parihuana o flamenco, el cóndor y los lobos de mar. Algunos hitos para el visitante son la bahía Lagunillas (restaurante La Tía Felá), los salares de Otuma, la playa Mendieta y la Bahía de la Independencia (donde desembarcó la Expedición Libertadora de San Martín). El Candelabro es un gran monumento cavado en la arena, visible desde el mar. Dentro de la reserva se encuentran el Museo Julio C. Tello (km 27, carretera a Pisco, ingreso: S/. 7.50) y la Necrópolis de Cabezas Largas. Se paga un ingreso de S/. 5 por persona.
Distancias: Lima: 301 km. Nazca: 149 km. Arequipa: 709 km.
Ciudad de casi 220 mil habitantes, clima cálido (promedio anual: 24° C) y buena infraestructura hotelera. Es el centro vitivinícola del Perú y festeja en marzo la cosecha de la uva en el Festival Internacional de la Vendimia. Entre las principales bodegas que producen vino y pisco se encuentran Tacama, Vista Alegre y Ocucaje pero casi todas han suspendido las visitas del público en general desde el sismo del 2007. Varios hoteles y operadores ofrecen paseos por el desierto en tubulares y otros vehículos.
Ver & Hacer
Museo Regional, Ayabaca cdra. 8, urb. San Isidro, (056) 23-4383. Tiene una colección de piezas arqueológicas de las culturas que se desarrollaron en la región (Nazca, Paracas, Huari, Inca) y algunos objetos de la Colonia (S/. 5). Santuario del Señor de Luren. Ayacucho cdra. 10. Templo de estilo neoclásico, consagrado al Cristo de Luren. Semidestruido por el sismo del 2007.
HOSPEDAJE: Las Dunas, La Angostura 400, (056) 25-6224, Lima: 213-5000, US$ 118, www.lasdunas-hotel.com Hotel Mossone, Balneario de Huacachina s/n, (056) 21-3630, US$ 80. Fundo Hotel El Arrabal, km 298 Panamericana Sur, (056) 25-6249, US$ 65, www.el-arrabai.com El Carmelo Hotel y Hacienda, Panamericana Sur km 301, (056) 23-2191 / 23-2553, US$ 50, www.elcarmelohoteihacienda.com Hotel Villa del Cóndor, km 299.5 Panamericana Sur (junto al Aeropuerto de lea), (056) 25-7437, US$ 45, www.vililadelcondorperu.com Sol de lea, Manuel Bonilla 162, (056) 23-6168, US 40.
Ica: Alrededores
Laguna de Huacachina. A 5 km de lea. Oasis que cuenta con una laguna rodeada de palmeras y algarrobos. A sus aguas se le atribuyen propiedades medicinales. Tiene un agradable malecón donde se encuentra ei Hotel Mossone. Se alquila pedalones y sunboards para las dunas. Centro Turístico El Catador. Fundo Tres Esquinas, km 296 Panamericana S. Produce vinos y piscos artesanales. Ofrece catas y paseos para observar el proceso de producción. Palpa. Km 399 Panamericana S. A una hora de ica, es una zona de interesantes paisajes y restos arqueológicos. Lugares para acampar. Los restaurantes locales tienen especialidades a base de camarones.
Km 450 Panamericana S. Ciudad fundada en 1591 sobre el emplazamiento de una antiquísima población indígena que destacó por su arte en el tejido, cerámica y sistemas de riego. Dos interesantes museos: Antonini, av. de la Cultura 600, (056) 52-3444, donde se exhiben cerámicas, textiles, maquetas, etc. de la cultura Nazca, y el museo María Reiche, Panamericana Sur km 400.
Cantayo Spa & Resort, altura km 3.5 del desvío a Puquio, Lima: 252-0211, (056) 52-2264, US$ 160, www.hotelcan-tayo.com Nazca Lines, Bolognesi cdra. 1, (056) 52-2293, US$ 80. Casa Andina, Bouievard Bolognesi 367, (056) 52-3563, US$ 79, www.casa-andina.com Nido del Cóndor, Panamericana Sur km 452, (056) 52-2402, US$ 48. www.nidodelcondornasca.com Hotel La Maison Suisse, Panamericana Sur km 447, (056) 52-2434, US$ 46. Inka Hotel, Fermín del Castillo 269 km 447, (056) 52-1482, US$ 30. www.inkahoteinasca.com
El Portón, Ignacio Morseski 120, (056) 52-3490. La Cañada, Lima 162. La Taberna, Lima 321. El Huarango, Arica 602.
Nazca: Alrededores
El nombre Nazca está unido a las llamadas "líneas", trazadas por ios antiguos peruanos en Pampa Colorada, 20 km al norte de la ciudad. Estos geogiifos son uno de los testimonios arqueológicos más famosos del mundo. Consisten en miles de líneas y cientos de dibujos, algunos de grandes dimensiones. La mayoría son zoomorfos, como el mono, la araña y el colibrí. Pueden verse desde avionetas (Aerocóndor, Lima: 614-6014) que parten de Nazca, lea y Lima, o parcialmente desde miradores al lado de la carretera. Otros puntos de interés; Paredones (2 km al este), restos de un centro administrativo Inca. Acueductos de Cantayoc (4 km al este). Cahuachi (22 km), restos de un centro ceremonial de la cultura Nazca.
San Juan de Marcona
Desvío km 489 Panamericana S. Zona de acantilados y puntas que da cobijo a una impresionante población de aves guaneras, lobos de mar y pingüinos de Humboldt. La Lobera es su playa más conocida.
Desvío km 533 Panamericana S. Balneario y puerto de pesca artesanal, situado al NO de la desembocadura del río Santa Lucía. Playas amplias, de aguas tranquilas y ciaras. Los aficionados a la pesca o buceo pueden alquilar botes. Buena comida.
Desvío km 558 de la Panamericana S. Pequeño pueblo al que se llega tomando un desvío a la altura del km 558. La zona tiene restos arqueológicos de las culturas Nazca e Inca. Además, fósiles marinos de 10 millones de años de antigüedad. Museo de sitio en Sacaco.
Puerto Inca
Km 610 Panamericana S. Posee restos arqueológicos bien conservados cerca de la orilla del mar. Playas ideales para acampar. Aguas tranquilas y excelentes para pesca y buceo. Los lobos marinos son un atractivo más de la zona.
HOSPEDAJES: Hotel Puerto Inka, km 610 Panamericana Sur, (054) 27-2663, US$ 62, www.puertoinka.com.pe
Km 620 Panamericana S. Pequeño puerto de 3,500 habitantes, enclavado' sobre un macizo rocoso. Hermosa bahía. Servicios básicos.
Km 841 Panamericana S. Capital del distrito y provincia del mismo nombre, de clima cálido, ubicada en el valle de Majes o Camaná. El desarrollo agrícola (arroz, menestras), pesquero (peces, mariscos, camarones) y comercial de la zona ha permitido el avance de esta ciudad, que cuenta con infraestructura para atender a los viajeros. Amplias playas para la práctica de deportes acuáticos y la caza submarina. Otros atractivos son ia caleta de Quilca (17 km de Camaná) y la isla lobera de Hornillos.
HOSPEDAJES: Hotel de Turistas, Lima 138, (054) 57-1113, US$ 55, www.hoteldeturistas.net Hotel San Diego, esq. Alfonso Ugarte y 28 de Julio, (054) 57-2854, US$ 38, www.sandiego.com.pe
EMERGENCIAS: Hospital de Apoyo de Camané, Lima 150, (054) 57-1132 / 57-1858.
1,059 km S de Lima (989 km por Panamericana Sy 70 km por la Ruta 34). Ciudad de 30 mil habitantes, capital de la provincia de Islay, ubicada a 70 km del km 989 de la Panamericana y cerca de la desembocadura del río Tambo. Los principales atractivos son sus bonitas playas (que se extienden 35 km desde el muelle viejo hacia el sur) y el castillo Forga, construcción del siglo 19 que se ha convertido en símbolo de la ciudad. Cebiches y platos a base de mariscos son preparados en sus tradicionales picanterías.
HOSPEDAJES: El Hostalito, Blondell 169, (054) 53-3674, US$ 20. EMERGENCIAS: Hospital de Moliendo II, Mariscal Castilla s/n. Hospital EsSalud, Juan B. Arenas s/n, (054) 53-2081.
16 km al sur de Mollendo. Balneario con buenos restaurantes, costas tranquilas y pesca de orilla. Cerca se encuentra el Santuario Nacional de Lagunas de Mejía (690 hectáreas), ecosistema aislado, 20 km al sur de Moliendo, cerca de la desembocadura del río Tambo. Declarada santuario nacional en 1984, atrae a millares de aves migratorias. Las lagunas están separadas del océano por una barrera de playas y arenales y registran diferentes grados de salinidad, con lo que crean un rico y complejo ecosistema entre marismas, salinas y totorales.
Moquegua (1,410 m)
Distancias: Lima: 1,147 km.Tacna: 154 km. Arequipa: 207 km.
1,147 km S de Lima. Capital del departamento del mismo nombre, destino turístico con muchos atractivos naturales y culturales, fue fundada por los españoles en 1541. Está situada en el piedemonte andino, en un fértil valle en el que se cultivan frutales y viñedos. La zona está desarrollando su producción de vinos y piscos. También se deben probar los licores macerados y los dulces de la región, así como sus platos típicos. La ciudad, especialmente el centro histórico que cuenta con casonas del siglo 18, fue afectada por el terremoto del 2001.
HOSPEDAJES: El Mirador, Alto de la Villa s/n, (053) 46-1765, US$ 44. Hotel Colonial, Estadio Norte 120, (053) 46-1569, US$ 40, www.hotelcolonialmoqueguaperu.com Hostal Alameda, Junín 322, (053) 46-3971, US$ 35. Los Limoneros, Lima 441, (053)46-1649, US$44.
RESTAURANTES: El Bosque, 25 de Noviembre s/n, La Villa, (053) 46-2245. Las Glorietas, Calle Samegua s/n, (053) 46-1181. Doña Peta, Calle Samegua s/n, (053)46-2555. Moralí, Lima 39. Palermo, Moquegua 419. Los Ángeles, Estuquiña. El Puente, Tumilaca.
EMERGENCIAS: EsSalud. Baita 165. Cercado, (053) 46-2481.
Ver & Hacer
Plaza de Armas, En ella se encuentra una pileta diseñada por Gustave Eiffel y construida en 1877. Museo Gontisuyo, Tacna 294, (053)46-1844, con objetos arqueológicos de la región. Biblioteca y tienda de artesanía. Igiesia Santo Domingo, Ayacucho cdra. 6, (053) 46-2011, donde se conservan y veneran los restos de Santa Fortunata. Mirador, vistas de la ciudad desde la cima del cerro El Siglo.
Ruta del pisco. La Ruta del Pisco incluye numerosas estaciones de las que Moquegua, con su famoso pisco Biondi, es una de las más importantes. Moquegua produce varidades de pisco muy estimadas por los conocedores. Parque ecológico. A 1.5 km de la ciudad es una zona de recreación y hermosos paisajes. Samegua (5 km) y Torata (24 km). Lugares donde se puede apreciar la atractiva campiña que rodea la ciudad, practicar caminatas y probar platos típicos. Cerro Baúl. Lugar de particular configuración geológica, a 12 km de Moquegua, donde se encuentran restos arqueológicos de la cultura Wari. Cuajone. Yacimiento cuprífero de tajo abierto, a 32 km, cuyas instalaciones y actividades se pueden apreciar desde un mirador.
1,239 km al S de Lima (1,195 km por Panamericana S y 44 km por la Ruta 36). Puerto pesquero y principal punto de embarque del sur, con una amplia playa y un malecón inaugurado el 2002 que concentra la vida social de la ciudad. Tiene un mar tranquilo y excelente .gastronomía. La costa entre lio y Moliendo es una de las más accidentadas y escénicas del litoral peruano. La carretera Costanera que la une con Tacna prácticamente corre al lado del mar, haciendo posible el acceso a gran variedad de playas y caletas.
Ver & Hacer
Museo Municipal El Algarrobal. Exhibe momias y piezas arqueológicas de la cultura Chiribaya. Malecón Costero. Desde allí se aprecia el puerto y las playas.
HOSPEDAJES: VIP Hotel, 2 de Mayo 608, (053) 48-1492, US$ 49. Chiribaya, Urb. Villa del Mar L10, Vía Costanera, (053) 48-3040, US$ 30, www.geocities.com/hotel-chiribaya Karina, Abtao 780, (053) 48-1397, US$ 27.
RESTAURANTES: Los Corales, Miramar504, (053) 48-2505. Krismar, urb. Marítimo Matará D-6, (053) 48-5445.
EMERGENCIAS: EsSalud, Alfonso Ligarte s/n, (053) 48-2341.
Tacna (560 m)
Distancias: Lima: 1,301 km. Moquegua: 154 km. Arequipa: 363 km.
Ciudad comercial, de agradable clima templado. Capital del departamento del mismo nombre, fue fundada por los españoles en 1572. Está ubicada sobre una extensa superficie plana, en ei fondo de una de las cortaduras del tablazo costeño del sur. Tacna está unida a lio por la carretera Costanera, vía asfaltada en buen estado que permite el acceso a playas limpias, ideales para el turismo de aventura y la pesca submarina.
HOSPEDAJES: Gran Hotel Tacna, Bolognesi 300, (052) 42-4193, US$ 78, www.granhoteltacna.com Camino Real, San Martín 885, (052) 24-2010, US$ 38. Dorado Hotel, Arias Aragüez 145, (052) 41 -5741, US$ 37, www.doradohoteltacna.com Holiday Sultes, Alto de Lima 1472, (052) 24-1139, US$ 33, www.hotelholiday.org El Mesón Hotel, Hipólito Unanue 175, (052) 41-4070, US$ 32, www.mesonhotel.com Plaza Hotel, San Martín 451, (052) 42-2101, US$ 20, www.plazahotel.com.pe
RESTAURANTES: Fiesta Gourmet, Circunvalación Sur 550, (052) 24-8981. El Rancho San Antonio, Coronel Bustios 298, (052) 42-4138. Mar Adentro, Pinto 28, (052) 42-6027. Mar Adentro, Pinto 28, (052) 42-6027. Puerto Viejo, Vigil 1636. La Cava del Parrillero, Pinto 40, (052) 24-4970. La Fonda del Cazador, San Martín 857, (052) 42-4138. A las Brasas Parrilladas, Francisco Cornejo 912. II Pomodoro (pizzas), San Martín 521, (052) 42-6905. Da Vinci, San Martín 596.
TURISMO: Información y Asistencia al Turista (¡Perú), San Martín 491, Plaza Principal, (052) 42-5514. Complejo Fronterizo Santa Rosa (costado de la oficina de Migraciones).
EMERGENCIAS: EsSalud, Tarapacá 1035, (052) 24-7110. EsSalud, San Martín 282, (052) 24-1293.
Platos regionales de Tacna
Patasca: Carne de cerdo, res y cordero hervidas con zapallo, papas, maíz, trigo, chuño y arvejitas. Se sirve con un aderezo picante, cebolla, comino y aceite.
Conejo: Se prepara frito, en sartén cubierta por una plancha de fierro. Se sirve con guarnición de papas y ají. Guargüeros: Dulce preparado en base a una masa crocante (hecha de yemas de huevo), frita en manteca, a la que posteriormente se le pone manjar blanco.
Ver & Hacer
Plaza de Armas. Reúne sitios de interés como la Catedral (de arquitectura neorrenacentista y diseño de Gustave Eiffel), la Pila de Tacna (bronce del escultor Mathurin) y el Arco Parabólico (monumento de piedra de 18 metros de alto en honor a los combatientes de la Guerra con Chile). Museo Ferroviario. Av. 2 de Mayo con Albarracín. De gran valor histórico y arquitectónico, tiene una muestra sobre el wocarril de Tacna a Arica y una biblioteca. Teatro Municipal. Plazuela Mac Lean. Construcción levantada en el siglo 19, que destaca por su fachada de cantería. Museo Histórico. Apurímac 202. Conserva documentos y objetos de la Independencia y la Guerra del Pacífico.
Monumento y Museo Alto de la Alianza. 8 km al N de Tacna, al NO del cerro intiorko. Conmemora la Batalla del Alto de la Alianza, una de las más cruentas de la Guerra del Pacífico. Tiene un museo de sitio. Baños Termales de Calientes - Pachía. 23 km a/EA1,400 msnm, las aguas medicinales brotan je manantiales geotérmicos. Servicios básicos de alojamiento y restaurantes. Petroglifos de Miculla. Distrito de Pachía, 22 km al NE de Tacna. Represen-aciones estilizadas de hombres y animales en piedras de diverso tamaño. Realizados entre los años 500 y 1,500 d.C., están distribuidos a lo largo de 16 km. Boca del Río. A 52 km de Tacna por un desvío de la Costanera. El balneario más concurrido, con servicios de hospedaje y restaurantes. Playa de piedras y mar tranquilo. Vila Vila. A 59 km de Tacna. Caleta de pescadores que brindan paseos en bote por las roquerías. Puerto Grau. Principal puerto artesanal de la zona. Tarata. A 87km de Tacna. Pueblo de 4,000 habitantes en un profundo valle rodeado de andenería inca. Tiene una interesante Iglesia, San Bendicto Abad (1741). Mirador de Apacheta. Km 60 de la carretera Tacna-Tarata. Ofrece una espectacular vista de la Cordillera del Barroso, una cadena montañosa con picos nevados y abundante fauna en su base.
Por carretera ..............
LIMA-TACNA: Distancia total: 1,301 km,Tiempo estimado: 17-19 h.
LIMA-CAÑETE: 143 km, Tiempo estimado: 2 h.
Desde el cruce con Javier Prado (km 3.7) hasta el km 131, en el desvío a Cerro Azul, la Panamericana Sur es una autopista: 4 carriles y berma central. En este corto trayecto hay tres casetas de peaje: km 20 (Villa), 43 (desvío a Punta Negra) y 66 (Chilca). Desde esta autopista parten los desvíos a las más conocidas playas del Sur: El Silencio, Señoritas, Caballeros (km 38-40), Punta Hermosa (km 41), Punta Negra (km 43), Santa María (km 45), San Bartolo (km 51), Naplo (km 57), Chilca (km 64), Puerto Viejo (km 71), León Dormido (km 80), Totoritas (km 85), Bujama (km 90) y Cayma (km 97). En el último tramo de la ruta Lima-Cañete se encuentran los desvíos al balneario de Cerro Azul (km 131) y Lunahuaná (km 143).
CAÑETE-ICA: 158 km. Tiempo estimado: 2 h.
Desde Cañete (grifos) hasta Jahuay (km 179, peaje) la Panamericana corre paralela al mar. De allí, dobla hacia la izquierda poco antes de Chincha, cruza la Pampa Villacurí y llega a lea. Hito importante en este tramo: Chincha Alta (km 196), ciudad en la que hay bodegas, grifos, bancos, servicios mecánicos básicos y alojamiento. Más adelante están los desvíos a Ayacucho (Vía de los Libertadores, km 227), Pisco (km 232) y Paracas (km 245). Recomendamos manejar con cuidado entre los km 154 y 170: zona desértica, urbana y con tramos de neblina.
ICA-NAZCA: 149 km. Tiempo estimado: 2 h.
La Panamericana pasa por-Oeücaje (km 335), avanza por las desérticas pampas de Huayuri (Gamonal) hasta el puente Santa Cruz, donde se inicia una variante que evita el paso por los túneles Santa Cruz (Túnel de Palpa) y Chico que conducen a un tramo de carretera peligrosa, muy estrecha, con fuerte pendiente y curvas ciegas. La variante es la opción a seguir. Luego de cruzar Río Grande y Palpa (km 399), la ruta ingresa al valle de Ingenio (km 420) y las pampas de San José, donde se encuentran las famosas Líneas de Nazca. Después de pasar un peaje, el puente Aja anuncia el arribo a Nazca (km 450).
NAZCA-CAMANÁ: 391 km. Tiempo estimado: 5-6 h.
Antes de iniciar este tramo hay que tener presente que de Nazca a Chala los parajes son desolados y escasean los grifos y el servicio mecánico. Situación similar se repite entre Ocoña y Camaná. Entre Nazca (km 450) y Camaná (km 841) la carretera se acerca esporádicamente al mar y atraviesa un largo desierto. Cruza enormes despoblados por la zona que separa los centros mineros de Marcona y Acarí (km 489 - km 525). Pasa el desvío a Lomas (km 533) hasta llegar a los valles de Chavíña (km 558) y Yauca (km 572). Corre por un costado de la cordillera costanera —zona de muchas curvas, siempre lluviosa, con neblina y arena que invade la pista— y cruza el valle de Atiquipa (km 601). Baja luego entre acantilados y arenales hasta llegar a Chala (km 620, estación de servicio). Entre Chala y Atico (km 709, donde hay un control policial y una unidad de peaje) existen muchas curvas; y entre Atico y La Planchada (km 762), tramos con deslizamiento de tierra y fuertes vientos con arena (Paracas). En el último tramo, La Planchada-Camaná, se pasa el puente Ocoña (360 m), tres túneles, una garita de control de la PNP y la ciudad de Ocoña (km 784, donde hay estación de servicio), en cuya entrada también hay problemas de deslizamiento de tierra. La ciudad de Camaná, que cuenta con todos los servicios, está en el km 841.
CAMANÁ-DESVÍO MOQUEGUA: 306 km. Tiempo estimado: 4-5 h.
De Camaná, la Panamericana Sur no presenta dificultad hasta el desvío a Quilca (km 852, peaje, carretera asfaltada). En este punto se aleja de la costa y empieza un fuerte ascenso (Cuesta del Toro, zona de neblina) hasta el km 925, donde la pendiente se hace más suave, cruzando la pampa de Sihuas y la irrigación de Majes. Luego de pasar el túnel El Impertinente y el desvío a Vitor (km 955) se llega a Repartición (km 974). En este lugar la Panamericana comparte unos km con la Ruta 30, que va de Matarani hacia Arequipa, vira a la derecha hasta el desvío a la Pampa de La Joya (zona de mucha neblina) y dobla a la izquierda antes de pasar los túneles El Fiscal 1 y 2 (zona en zigzag, de curvas muy cerradas que no están totalmente señalizadas). Luego deja atrás el cruce a Cocachacra, bordea las lomas de Chucarapi y cruza la pampa Salinas. Finalmente se aleja del mar por la pampa Clemesí, ciñe el cerro Pan de Azúcar y llega al desvío a Moquegua.
DESVÍO MOQUEGUA-TACNA: 154 km. Tiempo estimado: 2 h.
Con el río Moquegua a la derecha (a este tramo se le conoce como la Ruta del Pisco), la Panamericana avanza rumbo a la costa hasta el desvío a lio (km 1,195) donde dobla hacia la izquierda, sigue paralela (pero alejada del mar), pasa el desvío aToquepala y llega a la garita de control en Camiara. Los siguientes puntos importantes son el Complejo de Aduanas de Tomasiri (peaje) y los desvíos a Las Yaras y a Sama Grande (km 1,261 derecha e izquierda, respectivamente). El desvío a Tarata y el Alto de la Alianza indican la llegada a Tacna (km 1,301).
ILO-TACNA: 156 km. Tiempo estimado: 1 h 30 m.
Ilo está unido a Tacna también por la Carretera Costanera Sur. Una vía asfaltada en buen estado que saliendo de lio avanza paralela a la costa, pasa por el aeropuerto, Boliviamar, un tramo largo con curvas y cuestas en muchos puntos y llega a la caleta Sama (km 76). Luego prosigue por el balneario Boca del Río y arriba a Pozo Redondo (peaje), donde, dobla hacia la izquierda y se aleja del mar para llegar a Tacna.
• • Ica Arequipa Moquegua Tacna •
The South Coast is a desert region, crossed by streams and some rivers dry up wine valleys, rice and cotton, and ancient olive groves. Dry and warm weather in recent years has developed the cultivation of citrus, asparagus, artichoke and paprika, export-oriented. The American South (1.336 km) passes by Cañete, read, Nazca, Camana, Tacna and ends at the border of La Concordia. This route Longitudinal (1S) is crossed at various points by Path Traversal (penetration).
The first 450 km of the Panamerican Highway together some of the most visited tourist destinations in Peru: Cañete river valley (Lunahuaná), the Paracas National Reserve, read, Ocucaje and Nazca. The remaining section also has attractions such as Puerto Inca, Tanaka, Chala and the beaches of Arequipa and Tacna. The earthquake and tsunami of August 2007 caused hundreds of casualties and severe damage in the area of reading, especially in Chincha, Pisco, Paracas and nearby areas. In addition to the destruction of houses and ancient monuments, mainly churches, the landscape also was hit with the destruction of the rock formation "The Cathedral" of Paracas. The hotel infrastructure was also affected and several hotels have been out of service until further notice. Anyway, read the main attractions remain valid and worth visiting.
Km 196 Panamericana S. City center of a region producing cotton, corn and panllevar. During the colonial and early Republic concentrated much of the slave trade. Chincha is the birthplace of the black art of Peru and the people of El Carmen, about 10 km from the city, maintains old traditions of African origin. One of its attractions is the Casa Hacienda San Jose, historic building that served as a hotel, but for parts only temporarily as a restaurant serving typical shows: Panamericana Sur km 203.9817 * 9749, www.haciendasanjose.com.pe
LODGING: Cristoforus Columbus,
Calle Lima 443, (056) 26-4572, $ 50, www.cristoforucolumbus.com the other site, Paradise Sunampe 851 (056) 1927-1349, U.S. $ 58 www.elotrositio.com.pe
Basic information
Weather and season: The South Coast has two distinct seasons and a moderate range of temperatures. The annual minimum Tacna is 6.5 ° C, the annual maximum read at 33 ° C. Winter (June-September): humid, occasional drizzle. Summer (December-March): hot and humid, especially in the afternoon. The transitional months between seasons have sunny days. Exceptions: As one moves away from the sea, the sky becomes clear, even in winter. Where the coast is widened, as read and Nazca, the sun shines all year. High season: The hotels and services are saturated tourist attractions in the New Year, Easter, Independence Day, local holidays and long weekends.
Cost: The major cities offer services from entry level to the average tourist. Transportation: The main road is the Pan American, which is in good condition. Air transport: Daily flights from Lima to Tacna (Peru Lan). Cheap plane to read and Nazca: Aerocondor: (056) 25-7210.
Notes: The American is a fast track along which all kinds of vehicles, from heavy trucks to sports cars. There are several stretches of mist and signage is not good.
Diversion km 227Panamericana S. City that includes both the people ("Pisco people") as the port and the pier ("Pisco beach"). It has service stations, garages, hospitals, banks and hotels, making it an interesting alternative as a starting point to the Paracas National Reserve. The other option is the Paracas beach. From small boats leave port to the Ballestas islands, rock formations inhabited by sea birds, Humboldt penguins and sea lions.
LODGING: Posada Hispana, Bolognesi 222, (056) 53-6363, U.S. $ 22-dahispana.com www.posa
Pisco: Around
Humay. 35 km east of Pisco. Route of the Libertadores, home of Luisa de la Torre, known as the Beatita of Humay. Tambo Colorado. After arriving in Humay, following the same route, 10 minutes to the east is the Inca archaeological complex of Tambo Colorado, one of the most important in the area. Has adobe buildings in excellent condition and a museum. Paracas Bay and Peninsula. Area of great tourist value, including the largest national reserve in the Coast and the remains of an advanced pre-Columbian civilization, the Paracas culture, which flourished from the 8th century BC and the first years of our era. In the Paracas Peninsula found the famous funerary bundles containing splendid textiles and offerings of considerable value. In recent decades, various industrial and mining activities have caused serious environmental damage, affecting water quality and polluting the air. Beaches that were once rarely visited now receive multitudes. Despite this, the area retains much of its beauty, and three hours from Lima by a paved road is an attractive and easily accessible. ACCOMMODATIONS: Doubletree Guest Suites by Hilton Paracas, Lot 30-34 Urb Santo Domingo, Lima: 617-1000 (from March 2009), doubletree1.hilton.com El Mirador Paracas Road km 20, (056) 54 - 5086, Lima: 241-6803, $ 55, www.elmiradorhotel.com Santa Maria, Plaza Quiñones, (056) 54-5045, $ 25, www.santamariahostal.com
RESTAURANTS: The Mussel, Plaza Quiñones, (056) 54-5045.
Ica regional dishes
Bean Cast: Dessert created in Chincha. The beans are soaked, stripped and placed in a water bath, then added brown sugar, spices and milk. After standing, served at room temperature.
Pallares suck Broth is made by boiling green lima beans, corn, Italian zucchini, rice, shrimp, eggs, fish and milk, which adds a garnish of onion, garlic and oregano.
Carapulcra: dried potatoes cooked with pork and chicken, chili, garlic and other seasonings. Pisco Sour: Cocktail is made with pisco (grape brandy from Peru), ice, egg white and lemon juice. Although there are variations, the usual mix three parts pisco by a lemon juice and a syrup. Serve ice cream, garnished with Angostura bitters.
Paracas National Reserve
The most important protection area and visited the Peruvian Coast covers an area of 335,000 hectares including ocean 217.000. The storage area is an exceptional biological and breeding center and whereabouts migration of a variety of birds, fish, mammals and molluscs. In this reserve Humboidt penguins inhabit the flamingo, condors and sea lions. Some highlights for visitors are the bay Lagunillas (restaurant La Tia Fela), the salt flats of Otuma, Mendieta Beach and Independence Bay (where he landed the Liberating Expedition of St. Martin). The chandelier is a great monument dug in the sand, visible from the sea. Within the reserve are the Museo Julio C. Tello (km 27, road to Pisco, income: S /. 7.50) and the Necropolis of long head. It pays an income of S /. 5 per person.
Distances: Lima: 301 km. Nazca: 149 km. Arequipa: 709 km.
City of nearly 220 000 people, warm climate (average: 24 ° C) and good hotels. It is the wine center of Peru in March and celebrates the grape harvest at the Harvest Festival. Among the major wineries producing wine and pisco are Tacama, Vista Alegre and Ocucaje but almost all have been suspended visits to the general public since the earthquake of 2007. Several hotels and tour operators offer trips through the desert in tubular and other vehicles.
See & Do
Regional Museum, Ayabaca cdra. 8, urb. San Isidro, (056) 23-4383. Has a collection of archaeological pieces from the cultures that developed in the region (Nazca, Paracas, Huari, Inca) and some items of the Colony (S /. 5). Sanctuary of the Lord of Luren. Cdra Ayacucho. 10. Neoclassical temple, dedicated to Christ Luren. Almost destroyed by the earthquake of 2007.
LODGING: The Dunes, La Angostura 400, (056) 25-6224, Lima: 213-5000, $ 118, Mossone www.lasdunas-hotel.com Hotel, Balneario de Huacachina s / n, (056) 21-3630, $ 80. Fundo Hotel El Arrabal, Panamericana Sur km 298, (056) 25-6249, U.S. $ 65, www.el-arrabai.com El Carmelo Hotel and Hacienda, Panamericana Sur km 301, (056) 1923-2191 / 1923-2553, $ 50 www.elcarmelohoteihacienda.com Hotel Villa del Condor, Panamericana Sur km 299.5 (near the airport read), (056) 25-7437, U.S. $ 45, Sun www.vililadelcondorperu.com read, Manuel Bonilla 162, (056) 23-6168, U.S. 40.
Ica: Around
Laguna de Huacachina. 5 km to read. Oasis has a lagoon surrounded by palm trees and carob trees. The waters are attributed medicinal properties. It has a nice waterfront hotel where i Mossone. To rent paddleboats and sunboards for the dunes. Tourist Center Sampler. Fundo Tres Esquinas, 296 km S. Pan Produces handcrafted wines and pisco. Offers tastings and tours to observe the production process. Palpa. Km 399 Panamericana S. At a time ica, is an area of interesting landscapes and archaeological sites. Campsites. Local restaurants have specialties based on shrimp.
Km 450 Panamericana S. City founded in 1591 on the site of an ancient indigenous population known for her fabric art, ceramics and irrigation systems. Two interesting museums: Antonini, av. of Culture 600, (056) 52-3444, which displays ceramics, textiles, models, etc. Nazca culture, and the Museum Maria Reiche, Panamericana Sur km 400.
Cantayo Spa & Resort, height km 3.5 of diversion to Puquio, Lima: 252-0211, (056) 1952-2264, U.S. $ 160-tayo.com www.hotelcan Nazca Lines, Bolognesi cdra. 1 (056) 1952-2293, $ 80. Casa Andina Bouievard Bolognesi 367, (056) 52-3563, U.S. $ 79, www.casa-andina.com Nido del Condor, Panamericana Sur km 452, (056) 1952-2402, U.S. $ 48. www.nidodelcondornasca.com Hotel La Maison Suisse, Panamericana Sur km 447, (056) 1952-2434, U.S. $ 46. Inka Hotel, Fermin del Castillo 269 km 447, (056) 1952-1482, $ 30. www.inkahoteinasca.com
The Gate, Ignacio Morseski 120, (056) 52-3490. La Cañada, Lima 162. The Tavern, Lima 321. The Huarango, Arica 602.
Nazca: Around
Nazca's name is linked to so-called "lines" drawn by ancient Peruvians ios Pampa Colorada, 20 km north of the city. These geogiifos are one of the most famous archaeological world. Consist of thousands of lines and hundreds of drawings, some of large dimensions. Most are zoomorphic, as the monkey, the spider and the hummingbird. Can be seen from airplanes (Aerocondor, Lima: 614-6014) departing from Nazca, read and Lima, or partly from vantage points near the road. Other points of interest; Walls (2 km to the east), remains of an Inca administrative center. Cantayoc Aqueduct (4 km to the east). Cahuachi (22 km), the remains of a ceremonial center of the Nazca culture.
San Juan de Marcona
Diversion 489 km Pan S. Area of cliffs and tips that houses an impressive population of birds, sea lions and Humboldt penguins. The Lobera is its most famous beach.
Diversion 533 km Pan S. Resort and fishing port, located northwest of the mouth of the Santa Lucia. Wide beaches, calm waters and Ciara. Fishing enthusiasts can hire boats or diving. Good food.
Diversion km 558 of the American S. Small town which is reached by taking a detour at km 558. The area has archaeological remains of the Nazca and Inca cultures. Furthermore, marine fossils 10 million years old. Sacaco Museum site.
Puerto Inca
Km 610 Panamericana S. It has well-preserved archaeological sites near the sea. Beaches ideal for camping. Calm waters and excellent fishing and diving. Sea lions are another attraction of the area.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Puerto Inka, Panamericana Sur km 610, (054) 1927-2663, U.S. $ 62, www.puertoinka.com.pe
Km 620 Panamericana S. Small port of 3,500 inhabitants, located 'on a rock mass. Beautiful bay. Basic services.
Km 841 Panamericana S. Capital of district and province of the same name, warm weather in the valley of Majes or Camaná. Agricultural development (rice, beans), fishing (fish, shellfish, shrimp) and commercial area has allowed the development of this city, with infrastructure to serve travelers. Wide beaches for water sports and underwater hunting. Other attractions are ia Quilca cove (17 km Camaná) and the island rookery of Plates.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel de Turistas, Lima 138, (054) 1957-1113, U.S. $ 55, www.hoteldeturistas.net Hotel San Diego, esq. Alfonso Ugarte and July 28, (054) 1957-2854, U.S. $ 38, www.sandiego.com.pe
EMERGENCY Camané Support Hospital, Lima 150, (054) 1957-1132 / 1957-1858.
1.059 km S of Lima (989 km 70 km Sy Panamericana Route 34). City of 30 000 inhabitants, capital of the province of Islay, located 70 km from km 989 of the Panamericana and near the mouth of the Tambo River. The main attractions are its beautiful beaches (extending 35 km from the old pier to the south) and the castle Forga, 19 century building that has become a symbol of the city. Ceviche and seafood dishes are prepared in their traditional picanterías.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Hostalito, Blondell 169, (054) 53-3674, U.S. $ 20. EMERGENCY Milling II Hospital, Mariscal Castilla s / n. EsSalud Hospital, John B. Arenas s / n, (054) 1953-2081.
16 km south of Mollendo. Resort with good restaurants, quiet coastlines and shore fishing. Nearby is the National Sanctuary of Mejía Lagoons (690 hectares), isolated ecosystem, 20 km south of Milling, near the mouth of the Rio Tambo. Declared a national shrine in 1984, attracts thousands of migratory birds. The lagoons are separated from the ocean by barrier beaches and dunes and recorded varying degrees of salinity, thus creating a rich and complex ecosystem between marshes, salt marshes and reeds.
Moquegua (1,410 m)
Distances: Lima: 1.147 km.Tacna: 154 km. Arequipa: 207 km.
1.147 km S of Lima. Capital of the department of the same name, a tourist destination with many natural and cultural attractions, was founded by the Spanish in 1541. It is located in the Andean foothills, in a fertile valley where orchards and vineyards are cultivated. The area is developing its wine and pisco production. Also must prove the macerated spirits and sweets of the region, as well as dishes. The city, especially the historical center with 18-century houses, was affected by the earthquake of 2001.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Mirador, Alto de la Villa s / n, (053) 1946-1765, $ 44. Colonial Hotel, 120 North Stadium, (053) 1946-1569, $ 40, www.hotelcolonialmoqueguaperu.com Hostal Alameda, Junín 322, (053) 46-3971, U.S. $ 35. The Lemons, Lima 441, (053) 1946-1649, $ 44.
RESTAURANTS: El Bosque, November 25 s / n, La Villa, (053) 1946-2245. The Pavilions, Calle Samegua s / n, (053) 1946-1181. Mrs. Peta, Calle Samegua s / n, (053) 1946-2555. Morali, Lima 39. Palermo, Moquegua 419. Los Angeles, Estuquiña. The Bridge, Tumilaca.
EMERGENCY EsSalud. Baita 165. Closed, (053) 1946-2481.
See & Do
Plaza de Armas, It is a fountain designed by Gustave Eiffel and built in 1877. Gontisuyo Museum, Tacna 294, (053) 1946-1844, with archaeological objects from the region. Library and craft shop. Igiesia Santo Domingo, Ayacucho cdra. 6, (053) 1946-2011, which are preserved and venerated the remains of Santa Fortunata. Gazebo, overlooking the city from the top of the hill El Siglo.
Ruta del Pisco. La Ruta del Pisco includes several stations that Moquegua, with its famous Pisco Biondi is one of the most important. Moquegua varidades pisco producing highly appreciated by connoisseurs. Ecological park. A 1.5 km of the city is a playground and beautiful landscapes. Samegua (5 km) and Torata (24 km). Places where you can appreciate the attractive countryside around the city, practice walking and test dishes. Cerro Baul. Place of particular geological settings, 12 km from Moquegua, where there are archaeological remains of the Wari culture. Cuajone. Open pit copper deposit, 32 km, with facilities and activities can be seen from a viewpoint.
1.239 km S of Lima (1.195 km and 44 km S Panamericana Route 36). Fishing port and major shipping point for the south, with a wide beach and a pier opened in 2002 that concentrated social life of the city. It has a calm sea and excellent. Gastronomy. The coast between mess and Milling is one of the most rugged and scenic coast of Peru. The coastal road that runs virtually Tacna meets the sea, allowing access to a variety of beaches and coves.
See & Do
The Municipal Museum Algarrobal. Mummies and archaeological exhibits of the Chiribaya culture. Malecón Costero. From there you can see the port and beaches.
ACCOMMODATIONS: VIP Hotel, May 2 608 (053) 1948-1492, $ 49. Chiribaya L10 Urb Villa del Mar, Coast Road, (053) 48-3040, $ 30, www.geocities.com / hotel-Chiribaya Karina, Abtao 780, (053) 1948-1397, $ 27.
RESTAURANTS: Los Corales, Miramar504, (053) 1948-2505. Krismar, urb. Maritime Matara D-6, (053) 48-5445.
EMERGENCY EsSalud, Alfonso Ugarte s / n, (053) 1948-2341.
Tacna (560 m)
Distances: Lima: 1.301 km. Moquegua: 154 km. Arequipa: 363 km.
Commercial city with a pleasant temperate climate. Capital of the department of the same name, was founded by the Spanish in 1572. It is located on a large flat surface in a background i cuts the southern coastal Tablazo. Tacna is bound to mess the coastal road, paved road in good condition that allows access to clean beaches, ideal for adventure travel and underwater fishing.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Gran Hotel Tacna, Bolognesi 300, (052) 42-4193, $ 78, www.granhoteltacna.com Camino Real, San Martín 885, (052) 1924-2010, U.S. $ 38. Dorado Hotel, Arias Aragüez 145, (052) 41 -5741, $ 37, Holiday www.doradohoteltacna.com Sultan, Alto de Lima 1472, (052) 1924-1139, $ 33, www.hotelholiday.org El Meson Hotel Hipolito Unanue 175, (052) 41-4070, U.S. $ 32, www.mesonhotel.com Plaza Hotel, San Martin 451, (052) 1942-2101, $ 20, www.plazahotel.com.pe
RESTAURANTS: Gourmet Festival, South Ring Road 550, (052) 24-8981. The Rancho San Antonio, Coronel Bustios 298, (052) 42-4138. Mar Adentro, Pinto 28 (052) 42-6027. Mar Adentro, Pinto 28 (052) 42-6027. Puerto Viejo, Vigil 1636. La Cava's Grill, Pinto 40, (052) 24-4970. La Fonda del Cazador, San Martin 857, (052) 42-4138. At Ember Grills, Francisco Cornejo 912. II Pomodoro (Pizza), San Martín 521, (052) 42-6905. Da Vinci, San Martín 596.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (Peru), San Martín 491, Plaza Principal, (052) 42-5514. Santa Rosa Border Complex (next to the office of Migration).
EMERGENCY EsSalud, Tarapacá 1035, (052) 24-7110. EsSalud, San Martín 282, (052) 1924-1293.
Tacna regional dishes
Patasca: Pork, beef and mutton boiled with cabbage, potatoes, corn, wheat, potato and peas. Served with a spicy seasoning, onion, cumin and oil.
Rabbit: Prepared fried in a pan covered with a sheet of iron. Serve garnished with potatoes and peppers. Guargueros: Dulce prepared based on a crispy dough (made from egg yolks), fried in lard, which was later set blancmange.
See & Do
Plaza de Armas. Gather sites as the Cathedral (Neo-Renaissance architecture and design of Gustave Eiffel), the stack of Tacna (bronze sculptor Mathurin) and the parabolic arc (stone monument 18 meters high in honor of the combatants of the War Chile). Railway Museum. May 2nd Avenue with Albarracín. Of great historical and architectural value, has an exhibition on wocarril from Tacna to Arica and a library. Teatro Municipal. MacLean square. Building constructed in the 19th century, noted for its stone façade. Historical Museum. Apurimac 202. Preserved documents and objects of Independence and the Pacific War.
Memorial and Museum Alto de la Alianza. 8 km N of Tacna, NW of Cerro Intiorko. It commemorates the Battle of Alto de la Alianza, one of the bloodiest of the Pacific War. It has a museum. Calientes Thermal Baths - Pachia. A/EA1 23 km, 400 m, medicinal spring waters je geothermal springs. Basic accommodation and restaurants. Miculla petroglyphs. Pachia district, 22 km NE of Tacna. Ations represented stylized humans and animals in different size stones. Performed between 500 and 1500 AD, are spread along 16 km. Boca del Rio. A 52 km from Tacna by a deflection of the Coast. The most popular resort, with lodging and restaurant services. Shingle beach and calm waters. Vila Vila. A 59 km from Tacna. Fishing creek that offer boat rides on the rocks. Puerto Grau. Handmade main port area. Tarata. A 87km from Tacna. Town of 4,000 inhabitants in a deep valley surrounded by Inca terracing. Has an interesting church, San Bendicto Abad (1741). Apacheta viewpoint. Km 60 road-Tarata Tacna. It offers a spectacular view of the Cordillera del Barroso, a mountain range with peaks and abundant wildlife in its base.
Road ..............
LIMA-TACNA: Total distance: 1.301 km Estimated time: 17-19 h.
LIMA-CAÑETE: 143 km Estimated time: 2 h.
From the junction with Javier Prado (km 3.7) to km 131, turning on Cerro Azul Panamericana Sur is a highway: 4 lanes and central berm. In this short journey there are three toll booths: km 20 (Villa), 43 (detour to Punta Negra) and 66 (Chilca). From this highway depart departures from best-known beaches of the South: El Silencio, Ladies, Gentlemen (km 38-40), Punta Hermosa (km 41), Punta Negra (km 43), Santa María (km 45), San Bartolo (km 51), Naples (km 57), Chilca (km 64), Puerto Viejo (km 71), Kicker (km 80), Totoritas (km 85), Bujama (km 90) and Cayman (km 97). In the last section of the route Lima-Cañete diversions are the resort of Cerro Azul (km 131) and Lunahuaná (km 143).
CAÑETE-ICA: 158 km. Estimated time: 2 h.
From Cañete (taps) to Jahuay (km 179, toll road) runs along the Panamerican Highway to the sea. From there, turn left just before Chincha, crosses the Pampa and reaches Villacurí read. Important milestone in this section: Chincha Alta (km 196), the city where there are warehouses, cranes, banking, basic mechanical and lodging. Below are the departures from Ayacucho (Via de los Libertadores, km 227), Pisco (km 232) and Paracas (km 245). We recommend careful handling between 154 and 170 km: desert, urban, with tranches of fog.
ICA-NAZCA: 149 km. Estimated time: 2 h.
The Pan-Oeücaje passes (km 335), moves through the desert plains of Huayuri (Gamonal) to the bridge Santa Cruz, where he started a variant that prevents the passage through tunnels Santa Cruz (Palpa Tunnel) and Chico leading to a dangerous stretch of road, very narrow, with steep and blind corners. The variant is the way to go. After crossing the Rio Grande and Palpa (km 399), the route enters the valley of Genius (km 420) and the Pampas of San Jose, where are the famous Nazca Lines. After passing a toll bridge Aja announces the arrival to Nazca (km 450).
NAZCA-CAMAN: 391 km. Estimated time: 5-6 h.
Before you begin this section must bear in mind that the sites Chala Nazca are desolate and sparse taps and mechanic service. A similar situation is repeated between Ocoña and Camaná. Among Nazca (km 450) and Camaná (km 841) the road sporadically about the sea and through a long desert. Across huge depopulated by the area between the mining centers of Marcona and Acari (km 489 - km 525). Pass the turnoff to Lomas (km 533) to reach the valleys of Chavin (km 558) and Yauca (km 572). Run along the side of the coastal mountain-area curvy, always rainy, with fog and sand invading the track, and cross the valley Atiquipa (km 601). Then low cliffs and sand to reach Chala (km 620, service station). Among Chala and Atico (km 709, where a police control unit and a toll road) there are many curves, and between Atticus and the iron (km 762), stretches of landslides and strong winds with sand (Paracas). In the last section, the Planchada-Camana Ocoña pass the bridge (360 m), three tunnels, a checkpoint of the PNP and the city of Ocoña (km 784, where a service station), whose input also problems of landslide. Camaná city, with all services, at km 841.
CAMAN-DIVERSION MOQUEGUA: 306 km. Estimated time: 4-5 h.
Camaná, the American South presents no difficulty to the turnoff to Quilca (km 852, toll, paved road). At this point it away from the coast and began a steep ascent (Cuesta del Toro, fog zone) until km 925, where the slope becomes smoother, crossing the plains of Sihuas Majes and irrigation. After passing the tunnel and diversion Impertinente Vitor (km 955) is reached Distribution (km 974). Here, the Pan American shares some miles to Route 30 which goes Matarani to Arequipa, turn right up the road to the Pampa de La Joya (foggy area) and turn left before passing the tunnels The Prosecutor 1 and 2 (zigzag area of sharp curves that are not fully signposted). After leaving behind the crossing Cocachacra, skirting the hills and across the pampa Chucarapi Salinas. Finally away from the sea by the plain Clemesí gird up Sugar Loaf Mountain and reach the turning to Moquegua.
Moquegua, Tacna DETOUR: 154 km. Estimated time: 2 h.
With the Moquegua river right (in this section is known as the Ruta del Pisco), the American advance toward the coast to the turnoff to July (1.195 km) which turns left, runs parallel (but from the sea ) passes the diversion aToquepala and reaches the checkpoint in Camiara. The following important points are Tomasiri Customs Complex (toll) and departures from Yaras Sama Grande (1.261 km left and right, respectively). The turnoff to Tarata and the Alto de la Alianza indicate arrival in Tacna (1.301 km).
ILO-TACNA: 156 km. Estimated time: 1 h 30 m.
Tacna, Ilo is also joined by the South Coastal Highway. A paved road in good condition out of mess runs parallel to the coast, passing through the airport, Boliviamar, a long stretch with curves and slopes at many points and reached the cove Sama (km 76). Then continue along the Boca del Rio resort up Pozo Redondo (toll), where, turns left and away from sea to Tacna
• • Ica Arequipa Moquegua Tacna •
The South Coast is a desert region, crossed by streams and some rivers dry up wine valleys, rice and cotton, and ancient olive groves. Dry and warm weather in recent years has developed the cultivation of citrus, asparagus, artichoke and paprika, export-oriented. The American South (1.336 km) passes by Cañete, read, Nazca, Camana, Tacna and ends at the border of La Concordia. This route Longitudinal (1S) is crossed at various points by Path Traversal (penetration).
The first 450 km of the Panamerican Highway together some of the most visited tourist destinations in Peru: Cañete river valley (Lunahuaná), the Paracas National Reserve, read, Ocucaje and Nazca. The remaining section also has attractions such as Puerto Inca, Tanaka, Chala and the beaches of Arequipa and Tacna. The earthquake and tsunami of August 2007 caused hundreds of casualties and severe damage in the area of reading, especially in Chincha, Pisco, Paracas and nearby areas. In addition to the destruction of houses and ancient monuments, mainly churches, the landscape also was hit with the destruction of the rock formation "The Cathedral" of Paracas. The hotel infrastructure was also affected and several hotels have been out of service until further notice. Anyway, read the main attractions remain valid and worth visiting.
Km 196 Panamericana S. City center of a region producing cotton, corn and panllevar. During the colonial and early Republic concentrated much of the slave trade. Chincha is the birthplace of the black art of Peru and the people of El Carmen, about 10 km from the city, maintains old traditions of African origin. One of its attractions is the Casa Hacienda San Jose, historic building that served as a hotel, but for parts only temporarily as a restaurant serving typical shows: Panamericana Sur km 203.9817 * 9749, www.haciendasanjose.com.pe
LODGING: Cristoforus Columbus,
Calle Lima 443, (056) 26-4572, $ 50, www.cristoforucolumbus.com the other site, Paradise Sunampe 851 (056) 1927-1349, U.S. $ 58 www.elotrositio.com.pe
Basic information
Weather and season: The South Coast has two distinct seasons and a moderate range of temperatures. The annual minimum Tacna is 6.5 ° C, the annual maximum read at 33 ° C. Winter (June-September): humid, occasional drizzle. Summer (December-March): hot and humid, especially in the afternoon. The transitional months between seasons have sunny days. Exceptions: As one moves away from the sea, the sky becomes clear, even in winter. Where the coast is widened, as read and Nazca, the sun shines all year. High season: The hotels and services are saturated tourist attractions in the New Year, Easter, Independence Day, local holidays and long weekends.
Cost: The major cities offer services from entry level to the average tourist. Transportation: The main road is the Pan American, which is in good condition. Air transport: Daily flights from Lima to Tacna (Peru Lan). Cheap plane to read and Nazca: Aerocondor: (056) 25-7210.
Notes: The American is a fast track along which all kinds of vehicles, from heavy trucks to sports cars. There are several stretches of mist and signage is not good.
Diversion km 227Panamericana S. City that includes both the people ("Pisco people") as the port and the pier ("Pisco beach"). It has service stations, garages, hospitals, banks and hotels, making it an interesting alternative as a starting point to the Paracas National Reserve. The other option is the Paracas beach. From small boats leave port to the Ballestas islands, rock formations inhabited by sea birds, Humboldt penguins and sea lions.
LODGING: Posada Hispana, Bolognesi 222, (056) 53-6363, U.S. $ 22-dahispana.com www.posa
Pisco: Around
Humay. 35 km east of Pisco. Route of the Libertadores, home of Luisa de la Torre, known as the Beatita of Humay. Tambo Colorado. After arriving in Humay, following the same route, 10 minutes to the east is the Inca archaeological complex of Tambo Colorado, one of the most important in the area. Has adobe buildings in excellent condition and a museum. Paracas Bay and Peninsula. Area of great tourist value, including the largest national reserve in the Coast and the remains of an advanced pre-Columbian civilization, the Paracas culture, which flourished from the 8th century BC and the first years of our era. In the Paracas Peninsula found the famous funerary bundles containing splendid textiles and offerings of considerable value. In recent decades, various industrial and mining activities have caused serious environmental damage, affecting water quality and polluting the air. Beaches that were once rarely visited now receive multitudes. Despite this, the area retains much of its beauty, and three hours from Lima by a paved road is an attractive and easily accessible. ACCOMMODATIONS: Doubletree Guest Suites by Hilton Paracas, Lot 30-34 Urb Santo Domingo, Lima: 617-1000 (from March 2009), doubletree1.hilton.com El Mirador Paracas Road km 20, (056) 54 - 5086, Lima: 241-6803, $ 55, www.elmiradorhotel.com Santa Maria, Plaza Quiñones, (056) 54-5045, $ 25, www.santamariahostal.com
RESTAURANTS: The Mussel, Plaza Quiñones, (056) 54-5045.
Ica regional dishes
Bean Cast: Dessert created in Chincha. The beans are soaked, stripped and placed in a water bath, then added brown sugar, spices and milk. After standing, served at room temperature.
Pallares suck Broth is made by boiling green lima beans, corn, Italian zucchini, rice, shrimp, eggs, fish and milk, which adds a garnish of onion, garlic and oregano.
Carapulcra: dried potatoes cooked with pork and chicken, chili, garlic and other seasonings. Pisco Sour: Cocktail is made with pisco (grape brandy from Peru), ice, egg white and lemon juice. Although there are variations, the usual mix three parts pisco by a lemon juice and a syrup. Serve ice cream, garnished with Angostura bitters.
Paracas National Reserve
The most important protection area and visited the Peruvian Coast covers an area of 335,000 hectares including ocean 217.000. The storage area is an exceptional biological and breeding center and whereabouts migration of a variety of birds, fish, mammals and molluscs. In this reserve Humboidt penguins inhabit the flamingo, condors and sea lions. Some highlights for visitors are the bay Lagunillas (restaurant La Tia Fela), the salt flats of Otuma, Mendieta Beach and Independence Bay (where he landed the Liberating Expedition of St. Martin). The chandelier is a great monument dug in the sand, visible from the sea. Within the reserve are the Museo Julio C. Tello (km 27, road to Pisco, income: S /. 7.50) and the Necropolis of long head. It pays an income of S /. 5 per person.
Distances: Lima: 301 km. Nazca: 149 km. Arequipa: 709 km.
City of nearly 220 000 people, warm climate (average: 24 ° C) and good hotels. It is the wine center of Peru in March and celebrates the grape harvest at the Harvest Festival. Among the major wineries producing wine and pisco are Tacama, Vista Alegre and Ocucaje but almost all have been suspended visits to the general public since the earthquake of 2007. Several hotels and tour operators offer trips through the desert in tubular and other vehicles.
See & Do
Regional Museum, Ayabaca cdra. 8, urb. San Isidro, (056) 23-4383. Has a collection of archaeological pieces from the cultures that developed in the region (Nazca, Paracas, Huari, Inca) and some items of the Colony (S /. 5). Sanctuary of the Lord of Luren. Cdra Ayacucho. 10. Neoclassical temple, dedicated to Christ Luren. Almost destroyed by the earthquake of 2007.
LODGING: The Dunes, La Angostura 400, (056) 25-6224, Lima: 213-5000, $ 118, Mossone www.lasdunas-hotel.com Hotel, Balneario de Huacachina s / n, (056) 21-3630, $ 80. Fundo Hotel El Arrabal, Panamericana Sur km 298, (056) 25-6249, U.S. $ 65, www.el-arrabai.com El Carmelo Hotel and Hacienda, Panamericana Sur km 301, (056) 1923-2191 / 1923-2553, $ 50 www.elcarmelohoteihacienda.com Hotel Villa del Condor, Panamericana Sur km 299.5 (near the airport read), (056) 25-7437, U.S. $ 45, Sun www.vililadelcondorperu.com read, Manuel Bonilla 162, (056) 23-6168, U.S. 40.
Ica: Around
Laguna de Huacachina. 5 km to read. Oasis has a lagoon surrounded by palm trees and carob trees. The waters are attributed medicinal properties. It has a nice waterfront hotel where i Mossone. To rent paddleboats and sunboards for the dunes. Tourist Center Sampler. Fundo Tres Esquinas, 296 km S. Pan Produces handcrafted wines and pisco. Offers tastings and tours to observe the production process. Palpa. Km 399 Panamericana S. At a time ica, is an area of interesting landscapes and archaeological sites. Campsites. Local restaurants have specialties based on shrimp.
Km 450 Panamericana S. City founded in 1591 on the site of an ancient indigenous population known for her fabric art, ceramics and irrigation systems. Two interesting museums: Antonini, av. of Culture 600, (056) 52-3444, which displays ceramics, textiles, models, etc. Nazca culture, and the Museum Maria Reiche, Panamericana Sur km 400.
Cantayo Spa & Resort, height km 3.5 of diversion to Puquio, Lima: 252-0211, (056) 1952-2264, U.S. $ 160-tayo.com www.hotelcan Nazca Lines, Bolognesi cdra. 1 (056) 1952-2293, $ 80. Casa Andina Bouievard Bolognesi 367, (056) 52-3563, U.S. $ 79, www.casa-andina.com Nido del Condor, Panamericana Sur km 452, (056) 1952-2402, U.S. $ 48. www.nidodelcondornasca.com Hotel La Maison Suisse, Panamericana Sur km 447, (056) 1952-2434, U.S. $ 46. Inka Hotel, Fermin del Castillo 269 km 447, (056) 1952-1482, $ 30. www.inkahoteinasca.com
The Gate, Ignacio Morseski 120, (056) 52-3490. La Cañada, Lima 162. The Tavern, Lima 321. The Huarango, Arica 602.
Nazca: Around
Nazca's name is linked to so-called "lines" drawn by ancient Peruvians ios Pampa Colorada, 20 km north of the city. These geogiifos are one of the most famous archaeological world. Consist of thousands of lines and hundreds of drawings, some of large dimensions. Most are zoomorphic, as the monkey, the spider and the hummingbird. Can be seen from airplanes (Aerocondor, Lima: 614-6014) departing from Nazca, read and Lima, or partly from vantage points near the road. Other points of interest; Walls (2 km to the east), remains of an Inca administrative center. Cantayoc Aqueduct (4 km to the east). Cahuachi (22 km), the remains of a ceremonial center of the Nazca culture.
San Juan de Marcona
Diversion 489 km Pan S. Area of cliffs and tips that houses an impressive population of birds, sea lions and Humboldt penguins. The Lobera is its most famous beach.
Diversion 533 km Pan S. Resort and fishing port, located northwest of the mouth of the Santa Lucia. Wide beaches, calm waters and Ciara. Fishing enthusiasts can hire boats or diving. Good food.
Diversion km 558 of the American S. Small town which is reached by taking a detour at km 558. The area has archaeological remains of the Nazca and Inca cultures. Furthermore, marine fossils 10 million years old. Sacaco Museum site.
Puerto Inca
Km 610 Panamericana S. It has well-preserved archaeological sites near the sea. Beaches ideal for camping. Calm waters and excellent fishing and diving. Sea lions are another attraction of the area.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Puerto Inka, Panamericana Sur km 610, (054) 1927-2663, U.S. $ 62, www.puertoinka.com.pe
Km 620 Panamericana S. Small port of 3,500 inhabitants, located 'on a rock mass. Beautiful bay. Basic services.
Km 841 Panamericana S. Capital of district and province of the same name, warm weather in the valley of Majes or Camaná. Agricultural development (rice, beans), fishing (fish, shellfish, shrimp) and commercial area has allowed the development of this city, with infrastructure to serve travelers. Wide beaches for water sports and underwater hunting. Other attractions are ia Quilca cove (17 km Camaná) and the island rookery of Plates.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel de Turistas, Lima 138, (054) 1957-1113, U.S. $ 55, www.hoteldeturistas.net Hotel San Diego, esq. Alfonso Ugarte and July 28, (054) 1957-2854, U.S. $ 38, www.sandiego.com.pe
EMERGENCY Camané Support Hospital, Lima 150, (054) 1957-1132 / 1957-1858.
1.059 km S of Lima (989 km 70 km Sy Panamericana Route 34). City of 30 000 inhabitants, capital of the province of Islay, located 70 km from km 989 of the Panamericana and near the mouth of the Tambo River. The main attractions are its beautiful beaches (extending 35 km from the old pier to the south) and the castle Forga, 19 century building that has become a symbol of the city. Ceviche and seafood dishes are prepared in their traditional picanterías.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Hostalito, Blondell 169, (054) 53-3674, U.S. $ 20. EMERGENCY Milling II Hospital, Mariscal Castilla s / n. EsSalud Hospital, John B. Arenas s / n, (054) 1953-2081.
16 km south of Mollendo. Resort with good restaurants, quiet coastlines and shore fishing. Nearby is the National Sanctuary of Mejía Lagoons (690 hectares), isolated ecosystem, 20 km south of Milling, near the mouth of the Rio Tambo. Declared a national shrine in 1984, attracts thousands of migratory birds. The lagoons are separated from the ocean by barrier beaches and dunes and recorded varying degrees of salinity, thus creating a rich and complex ecosystem between marshes, salt marshes and reeds.
Moquegua (1,410 m)
Distances: Lima: 1.147 km.Tacna: 154 km. Arequipa: 207 km.
1.147 km S of Lima. Capital of the department of the same name, a tourist destination with many natural and cultural attractions, was founded by the Spanish in 1541. It is located in the Andean foothills, in a fertile valley where orchards and vineyards are cultivated. The area is developing its wine and pisco production. Also must prove the macerated spirits and sweets of the region, as well as dishes. The city, especially the historical center with 18-century houses, was affected by the earthquake of 2001.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Mirador, Alto de la Villa s / n, (053) 1946-1765, $ 44. Colonial Hotel, 120 North Stadium, (053) 1946-1569, $ 40, www.hotelcolonialmoqueguaperu.com Hostal Alameda, Junín 322, (053) 46-3971, U.S. $ 35. The Lemons, Lima 441, (053) 1946-1649, $ 44.
RESTAURANTS: El Bosque, November 25 s / n, La Villa, (053) 1946-2245. The Pavilions, Calle Samegua s / n, (053) 1946-1181. Mrs. Peta, Calle Samegua s / n, (053) 1946-2555. Morali, Lima 39. Palermo, Moquegua 419. Los Angeles, Estuquiña. The Bridge, Tumilaca.
EMERGENCY EsSalud. Baita 165. Closed, (053) 1946-2481.
See & Do
Plaza de Armas, It is a fountain designed by Gustave Eiffel and built in 1877. Gontisuyo Museum, Tacna 294, (053) 1946-1844, with archaeological objects from the region. Library and craft shop. Igiesia Santo Domingo, Ayacucho cdra. 6, (053) 1946-2011, which are preserved and venerated the remains of Santa Fortunata. Gazebo, overlooking the city from the top of the hill El Siglo.
Ruta del Pisco. La Ruta del Pisco includes several stations that Moquegua, with its famous Pisco Biondi is one of the most important. Moquegua varidades pisco producing highly appreciated by connoisseurs. Ecological park. A 1.5 km of the city is a playground and beautiful landscapes. Samegua (5 km) and Torata (24 km). Places where you can appreciate the attractive countryside around the city, practice walking and test dishes. Cerro Baul. Place of particular geological settings, 12 km from Moquegua, where there are archaeological remains of the Wari culture. Cuajone. Open pit copper deposit, 32 km, with facilities and activities can be seen from a viewpoint.
1.239 km S of Lima (1.195 km and 44 km S Panamericana Route 36). Fishing port and major shipping point for the south, with a wide beach and a pier opened in 2002 that concentrated social life of the city. It has a calm sea and excellent. Gastronomy. The coast between mess and Milling is one of the most rugged and scenic coast of Peru. The coastal road that runs virtually Tacna meets the sea, allowing access to a variety of beaches and coves.
See & Do
The Municipal Museum Algarrobal. Mummies and archaeological exhibits of the Chiribaya culture. Malecón Costero. From there you can see the port and beaches.
ACCOMMODATIONS: VIP Hotel, May 2 608 (053) 1948-1492, $ 49. Chiribaya L10 Urb Villa del Mar, Coast Road, (053) 48-3040, $ 30, www.geocities.com / hotel-Chiribaya Karina, Abtao 780, (053) 1948-1397, $ 27.
RESTAURANTS: Los Corales, Miramar504, (053) 1948-2505. Krismar, urb. Maritime Matara D-6, (053) 48-5445.
EMERGENCY EsSalud, Alfonso Ugarte s / n, (053) 1948-2341.
Tacna (560 m)
Distances: Lima: 1.301 km. Moquegua: 154 km. Arequipa: 363 km.
Commercial city with a pleasant temperate climate. Capital of the department of the same name, was founded by the Spanish in 1572. It is located on a large flat surface in a background i cuts the southern coastal Tablazo. Tacna is bound to mess the coastal road, paved road in good condition that allows access to clean beaches, ideal for adventure travel and underwater fishing.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Gran Hotel Tacna, Bolognesi 300, (052) 42-4193, $ 78, www.granhoteltacna.com Camino Real, San Martín 885, (052) 1924-2010, U.S. $ 38. Dorado Hotel, Arias Aragüez 145, (052) 41 -5741, $ 37, Holiday www.doradohoteltacna.com Sultan, Alto de Lima 1472, (052) 1924-1139, $ 33, www.hotelholiday.org El Meson Hotel Hipolito Unanue 175, (052) 41-4070, U.S. $ 32, www.mesonhotel.com Plaza Hotel, San Martin 451, (052) 1942-2101, $ 20, www.plazahotel.com.pe
RESTAURANTS: Gourmet Festival, South Ring Road 550, (052) 24-8981. The Rancho San Antonio, Coronel Bustios 298, (052) 42-4138. Mar Adentro, Pinto 28 (052) 42-6027. Mar Adentro, Pinto 28 (052) 42-6027. Puerto Viejo, Vigil 1636. La Cava's Grill, Pinto 40, (052) 24-4970. La Fonda del Cazador, San Martin 857, (052) 42-4138. At Ember Grills, Francisco Cornejo 912. II Pomodoro (Pizza), San Martín 521, (052) 42-6905. Da Vinci, San Martín 596.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (Peru), San Martín 491, Plaza Principal, (052) 42-5514. Santa Rosa Border Complex (next to the office of Migration).
EMERGENCY EsSalud, Tarapacá 1035, (052) 24-7110. EsSalud, San Martín 282, (052) 1924-1293.
Tacna regional dishes
Patasca: Pork, beef and mutton boiled with cabbage, potatoes, corn, wheat, potato and peas. Served with a spicy seasoning, onion, cumin and oil.
Rabbit: Prepared fried in a pan covered with a sheet of iron. Serve garnished with potatoes and peppers. Guargueros: Dulce prepared based on a crispy dough (made from egg yolks), fried in lard, which was later set blancmange.
See & Do
Plaza de Armas. Gather sites as the Cathedral (Neo-Renaissance architecture and design of Gustave Eiffel), the stack of Tacna (bronze sculptor Mathurin) and the parabolic arc (stone monument 18 meters high in honor of the combatants of the War Chile). Railway Museum. May 2nd Avenue with Albarracín. Of great historical and architectural value, has an exhibition on wocarril from Tacna to Arica and a library. Teatro Municipal. MacLean square. Building constructed in the 19th century, noted for its stone façade. Historical Museum. Apurimac 202. Preserved documents and objects of Independence and the Pacific War.
Memorial and Museum Alto de la Alianza. 8 km N of Tacna, NW of Cerro Intiorko. It commemorates the Battle of Alto de la Alianza, one of the bloodiest of the Pacific War. It has a museum. Calientes Thermal Baths - Pachia. A/EA1 23 km, 400 m, medicinal spring waters je geothermal springs. Basic accommodation and restaurants. Miculla petroglyphs. Pachia district, 22 km NE of Tacna. Ations represented stylized humans and animals in different size stones. Performed between 500 and 1500 AD, are spread along 16 km. Boca del Rio. A 52 km from Tacna by a deflection of the Coast. The most popular resort, with lodging and restaurant services. Shingle beach and calm waters. Vila Vila. A 59 km from Tacna. Fishing creek that offer boat rides on the rocks. Puerto Grau. Handmade main port area. Tarata. A 87km from Tacna. Town of 4,000 inhabitants in a deep valley surrounded by Inca terracing. Has an interesting church, San Bendicto Abad (1741). Apacheta viewpoint. Km 60 road-Tarata Tacna. It offers a spectacular view of the Cordillera del Barroso, a mountain range with peaks and abundant wildlife in its base.
Road ..............
LIMA-TACNA: Total distance: 1.301 km Estimated time: 17-19 h.
LIMA-CAÑETE: 143 km Estimated time: 2 h.
From the junction with Javier Prado (km 3.7) to km 131, turning on Cerro Azul Panamericana Sur is a highway: 4 lanes and central berm. In this short journey there are three toll booths: km 20 (Villa), 43 (detour to Punta Negra) and 66 (Chilca). From this highway depart departures from best-known beaches of the South: El Silencio, Ladies, Gentlemen (km 38-40), Punta Hermosa (km 41), Punta Negra (km 43), Santa María (km 45), San Bartolo (km 51), Naples (km 57), Chilca (km 64), Puerto Viejo (km 71), Kicker (km 80), Totoritas (km 85), Bujama (km 90) and Cayman (km 97). In the last section of the route Lima-Cañete diversions are the resort of Cerro Azul (km 131) and Lunahuaná (km 143).
CAÑETE-ICA: 158 km. Estimated time: 2 h.
From Cañete (taps) to Jahuay (km 179, toll road) runs along the Panamerican Highway to the sea. From there, turn left just before Chincha, crosses the Pampa and reaches Villacurí read. Important milestone in this section: Chincha Alta (km 196), the city where there are warehouses, cranes, banking, basic mechanical and lodging. Below are the departures from Ayacucho (Via de los Libertadores, km 227), Pisco (km 232) and Paracas (km 245). We recommend careful handling between 154 and 170 km: desert, urban, with tranches of fog.
ICA-NAZCA: 149 km. Estimated time: 2 h.
The Pan-Oeücaje passes (km 335), moves through the desert plains of Huayuri (Gamonal) to the bridge Santa Cruz, where he started a variant that prevents the passage through tunnels Santa Cruz (Palpa Tunnel) and Chico leading to a dangerous stretch of road, very narrow, with steep and blind corners. The variant is the way to go. After crossing the Rio Grande and Palpa (km 399), the route enters the valley of Genius (km 420) and the Pampas of San Jose, where are the famous Nazca Lines. After passing a toll bridge Aja announces the arrival to Nazca (km 450).
NAZCA-CAMAN: 391 km. Estimated time: 5-6 h.
Before you begin this section must bear in mind that the sites Chala Nazca are desolate and sparse taps and mechanic service. A similar situation is repeated between Ocoña and Camaná. Among Nazca (km 450) and Camaná (km 841) the road sporadically about the sea and through a long desert. Across huge depopulated by the area between the mining centers of Marcona and Acari (km 489 - km 525). Pass the turnoff to Lomas (km 533) to reach the valleys of Chavin (km 558) and Yauca (km 572). Run along the side of the coastal mountain-area curvy, always rainy, with fog and sand invading the track, and cross the valley Atiquipa (km 601). Then low cliffs and sand to reach Chala (km 620, service station). Among Chala and Atico (km 709, where a police control unit and a toll road) there are many curves, and between Atticus and the iron (km 762), stretches of landslides and strong winds with sand (Paracas). In the last section, the Planchada-Camana Ocoña pass the bridge (360 m), three tunnels, a checkpoint of the PNP and the city of Ocoña (km 784, where a service station), whose input also problems of landslide. Camaná city, with all services, at km 841.
CAMAN-DIVERSION MOQUEGUA: 306 km. Estimated time: 4-5 h.
Camaná, the American South presents no difficulty to the turnoff to Quilca (km 852, toll, paved road). At this point it away from the coast and began a steep ascent (Cuesta del Toro, fog zone) until km 925, where the slope becomes smoother, crossing the plains of Sihuas Majes and irrigation. After passing the tunnel and diversion Impertinente Vitor (km 955) is reached Distribution (km 974). Here, the Pan American shares some miles to Route 30 which goes Matarani to Arequipa, turn right up the road to the Pampa de La Joya (foggy area) and turn left before passing the tunnels The Prosecutor 1 and 2 (zigzag area of sharp curves that are not fully signposted). After leaving behind the crossing Cocachacra, skirting the hills and across the pampa Chucarapi Salinas. Finally away from the sea by the plain Clemesí gird up Sugar Loaf Mountain and reach the turning to Moquegua.
Moquegua, Tacna DETOUR: 154 km. Estimated time: 2 h.
With the Moquegua river right (in this section is known as the Ruta del Pisco), the American advance toward the coast to the turnoff to July (1.195 km) which turns left, runs parallel (but from the sea ) passes the diversion aToquepala and reaches the checkpoint in Camiara. The following important points are Tomasiri Customs Complex (toll) and departures from Yaras Sama Grande (1.261 km left and right, respectively). The turnoff to Tarata and the Alto de la Alianza indicate arrival in Tacna (1.301 km).
ILO-TACNA: 156 km. Estimated time: 1 h 30 m.
Tacna, Ilo is also joined by the South Coastal Highway. A paved road in good condition out of mess runs parallel to the coast, passing through the airport, Boliviamar, a long stretch with curves and slopes at many points and reached the cove Sama (km 76). Then continue along the Boca del Rio resort up Pozo Redondo (toll), where, turns left and away from sea to Tacna