Junín - Pasco - Huánuco
Aunque no son regiones ni unidades políticas, para los peruanos la Sierra y la Selva Central son conceptos geográficos definidos por un eje: la Carretera Central. Esta importante vía parte de Lima, en la costa, atraviesa los Andes por el abra de Anticona (4,850 m) y llega hasta la selva amazónica.
La Sierra Central abarca la parte alta de Pasco, Junín y Huánuco. A sólo 133 km de Lima, en Ticlio, la Carretera Central permite apreciar impresionantes vistas de picos, glaciares y lagunas. En La Oroya, tomando la Ruta 3S se desciende hacia el valle del Mantara, una de las regiones más ricas del Perú tanto por su producción minera como agropecuaria. Hacia el este, los Andes ceden paso a la Selva Central: una región de montañas lluviosas entre los 2,700 y 400 m.
El centro del Perú ha sido habitado desde tiempos remotos. La cueva de Lauricocha, en Huánuco, contiene restos humanos que datan de hace 9,000 años, y el templo de las Manos Cruzadas (Cotosh), también en Huánuco, es considerado el más antiguo de América (2,500 a.C.). Los primeros contactos con Occidente se iniciaron en la primera mitad del siglo 16, durante la Conquista. A partir del siglo 19 llegaron a la ceja de selva inmigrantes chinos, ingleses, italianos, prusianos y tiroleses. La confluencia de culturas y tradiciones vivas es uno de los encantos de la región.
La Selva Central es la región amazónica más accesible desde la capital y destino ideal para el turismo por carretera. En 6 horas, un automóvil puede salir de la costa, cruzar la cordillera y entrar en el bosque de nubes, con su escarpada topografía, tupida vegetación y caídas de agua.
La ciudad más importante de la Sierra Central es Huancayo, en el valle del Mantara. Los lazos con la capital han sido propicios para su desarrollo.
La Carretera Central es la principal vía de comunicación entre Lima y el Centro. En el paso de Anticona cruza la divisoria continental o de aguas, que separa los ríos que desaguan en el Pacífico de aquellos que fluyen hacia el Atlántico. En La Oroya (km 174) la carretera se bifurca: por el sur conduce a Jauja y Huancayo y por el norte a Junín, Cerro de Pasco y Huánuco. En este camino (a 22 km de La Oroya) está el desvío a Tarma y la Selva Central.
Tres vías alternativas son la Ruta Nacional Ne 18 (Huaura-Churín-Ambo), la Nfi 20A (Lima- Canta-Huayllay-Cerro de Pasco) y la Na 24 (Cañete-Lunahuaná-Huancayo). A medida que suben, estos caminos se vuelven cada vez más solitarios y difíciles. El Centro está unido también a Lima por el ferrocarril Lima-La Oroya, que tiene el récord mundial de altitud para un tren de itinerario (estación La Galera, 4,781 m). Inaugurado en 1875, hoy es operado por el Ferrocarril Central Andino {361 -2828), que transporta especialmente carga pero también pasajeros—una vez al mes y grupos charter— entre la estación Desamparados en Lima (jr. Ancash 201) y Huancayo, un viaje de casi 12 horas.
Información Básica
Clima y temporada: Abril-octubre: Seco y soleado. Diciembre-abril: Variable y lluvioso. Puna: Frío y seco. Sierra Central: Noches frías, templado de día. Selva Central: Clima tropical, caluroso y muy húmedo. Los servicios se saturan en Semana Santa y Fiestas Patrias. Costo: Estas regiones ofrecen alternativas para todos los bolsillos, desde hoteles y restaurantes de categoría media superior hasta alojamiento básico.
Transporte aéreo: Vuelos de itinerario desde Lima a Huánuco (LC Busre) y Pucailpa (LC Busre, Star Perú y Lan Perú).
Advertencias: En la época de lluvias los huaicos y deslizamientos pueden interrumpir las vías.
carretera se bifurca: por el sur conduce a Jauja y Huancayo y por el norte a Junín, Cerro de Pasco y Huánuco. En este camino (a 22 km de La Oroya) está el desvío a Tarma y la Selva Central.
Tres vías alternativas son la Ruta Nacional Ne 18 (Huaura-Churín-Ambo), la Nfi 20A (Lima- Canta-Huayllay-Cerro de Pasco) y la Na 24 (Cañete-Lunahuaná-Huancayo). A medida que suben, estos caminos se vuelven cada vez más solitarios y difíciles. El Centro está unido también a Lima por el ferrocarril Lima-La Oroya, que tiene el récord mundial de altitud para un tren de itinerario (estación La Galera, 4,781 m). Inaugurado en 1875, hoy es operado por el Ferrocarril Central Andino {361 -2828), que transporta especialmente carga pero también pasajeros—una vez al mes y grupos charter— entre la estación Desamparados en Lima (jr. Ancash 201) y Huancayo, un viaje de casi 12 horas.
Por carretera.............
Lima – La Oroya – Huancayo. Distancia: 298 km. Tiempo estimado: 5-6 h.
Lima-Ticlio (133 km). Vía asfaltada (Ruta 22) con tráfico pesado. Peligrosa de diciembre a abril! por las lluvias, nevadas y niebla por la tarde y noche. La carretera se encuentra en buen estado y con buena señalización reflectiva. Sin embargo, dadas las permanentes reparaciones de la vía, anticipar zonas de una sola vía y controlar velocidad. Pendiente pronunciada, muchas curvas y algunos precipicios. Anticipe maniobras temerarias de otros vehículos, en especial de camiones y buses. Bastante control policial. Ojo con el mal de altura: buena parte de la ruta sobre los 3,500 m. Los principales hitos en este tramo son: Chosica (km 37), Matucana (km 75), San Mateo (km 94), Chicla (km 105) y Casapalca (km 116). Ticlio-La Oroya (46 km). Ruta 22. Desde el abra Anticona, el punto más alto de Ticlio (4,850 msnm), la carretera empieza a descender, pasa por Morococha (km 138) y llega a La Oroya (km 174; 3,750 msnm). En este punto se bifurca y la pendiente es menos pronunciada. Asegúrese de tomar la dirección correcta: Huancayo a la derecha, Cerro de Pasco a la izquierda. En La Oroya hay grifos con gasolina de 97 octanos que aceptan tarjetas Visa y se puede conseguir víveres. Poco antes de esta ciudad están los restaurantes «Muruhuay», «El Tambo» y «Central», que son aceptables. La Oroya-Huancayo (124 km). Ruta 3S. Tramo largo, a la vera del río Mantara. Suave bajada, con muchas curvas. Paisaje atractivo. El moderno y ampliado puente Stuart que da acceso al Valle del Mantara se encuentra operativo; por allí podemos llegar a la ciudad de Jauja (km 80, izquierda) y al desvío de 4 km a la laguna de Paca. La carretera sigue por el valle del Mantara y se bifurca en dos. Por la margen izquierda del río (120 km) —ruta recomendada— es una autopista de cuatro carriles que pasa por los pueblos de Concepción, San Jerónimo (mucho cuidado con los rompemuelles) y Hualhuas antes de llegar a Huancayo. Por la derecha (114 km) —pista en buen estado— pasa por los pueblos de Ataura, Orcotuna, Sicaya y Pilcomayo para llegar a Huancayo.
La Oroya – Tarma. Distancia: 55 km. Tiempo estimado: 1 h.
De La Oroya seguir dirección a Cerro de Pasco (Ruta 3N); a 22 km (Las Vegas) tomar el desvío a Tarma (Ruta 22A, mano derecha). Carretera asfaltada con señalización reflectiva deficiente, con partes en regular estado. Se inicia el tramo con un corto ascenso en el cual la pista tiene algunos huecos, al que sigue una bajada con fuerte pendiente, curvas cerradas, zonas con la pista dañada y precipicios. Cuidado con los huecos, también con los peatones y animales que invaden con frecuencia la carretera.
Tarma – La Merced – Oxapampa – Pozuzo. Distancia: 231 km. Tiempo estimado: 6-7 h.
Tarma-La Merced (73 km, 2h). Carretera asfaltada, en buen estado. Inicia el descenso en Acobamba y pasa por Palca, ciudad con la mejor posta médica rural. Esta ruta tiene muchas curvas y precipicios; cruza Carpapata, zona de derrumbes (cuidado con los obstáculos en la ruta). Túneles y ceja de selva. Un punto importante en este tramo es la ciudad de San Ramón, 10 km antes de La Merced. La Merced-Oxapampa (80 km, 2h).Tres km después de La Merced por carretera asfaltada hay un desvío hacia la izquierda que va a San Luis de Shuaro y al puente Paucartambo. Siguiendo este desvío por carretera afirmada y pasando el puente, el camino se bifurca: hacia la derecha para ir a Villa Rica (20 km) y hacia la izquierda para llegar a Oxapampa por carretera asfaltada. Oxapampa-Pozuzo (78 km, 3h). Desde Oxapampa se continúa hacia Pozuzo por una trocha angosta que presenta el peligro de derrumbes.
La Merced – Satipo – Concepción. Distancia: 333 km. Tiempo estimado: 9 h 30 m.
La Merced-Satipo (124 km, 3h 30m). Si no se toma el desvío a San Luis de Shuaro, se sigue por carretera asfaltada a Satipo y se cruza un puente sobre el río Chanchamayo. Posteriormente se pasa por el poblado Perené y se llega a Plchanaki, ubicado a 72 km de La Merced. La carretera sigue hacia el sureste y 52 km después se arriba a Satipo. Satipo-Concepción (209 km, 6h). Carretera afirmada en buen estado hasta Mariposas (35 km de Satipo). A partir de allí es estrecha, con baches y sube serpenteante hasta alcanzar los 3,800 msnm a 80 km de Satipo. Se sigue subiendo y 15 km después (abra Tortuga) se alcanza los 4,390 msnm y empieza un descenso por carretera estrecha y abismos hasta llegar a Comas (152 km de Satipo). Se sube nuevamente, se pasa una segunda abra (4,500 m) y empieza un nuevo descenso por carretera más ancha hasta Ocopa (200 km de Satipo). Unos 9 km después está Concepción.
La oroya – Huanuco. Distancia: 232 km. Tiempo estimado: 5-6 h.
Carretera asfaltada, en buen estado y bien señalizada hasta Cerro de Pasco; a partir de allí, en regular estado (cuidado con baches y huecos).
La Oroya-Junín (54 km). Este tramo cruza en su trayecto el desvío a Tarma (Las Vegas, km 22). Avanza paralelo al río Paccha y asciende hasta la meseta de Bombón. Cruza a la altura del km 214 el desvío a San Pedro de Cajas y luego pasa cerca al Santuario Histórico Chacamarca (donde se encuentra el monumento conmemorativo de la Batalla de Junín). A 54 km de La Oroya alcanza el desvío a la ciudad de Junín. Cuidado con el soroche en la ruta. Junín-Desv. Cerro de Pasco (64 km). Tramo difícil por la altitud de la zona. Cruza la meseta Chinchaycocha que tiene varias rectas largas (se aprecia el lago de Junín) y luego de 30 km llega a la ciudad de Carhuamayo. Desde este punto, 8 km después se encuentra Ninacaca y 20 km después Vicco, pueblo minero a 9 km del desvío a Cerro de Pasco. Desvío Cerro de Pasco-Huánuco (114 km). Fuerte bajada, con curvas muy cerradas. A la altura de Chicrín la carretera se encuentra en regular estado. Cuidado con las obras y equipos que pertenecen a las minas de la zona. El tramo de carretera que llega a Huánuco se encuentra en regular estado, con zonas de huecos. Deslizamientos de tierra en época de lluvias (noviembre-mayo). Hitos importantes antes de llegar a Huánuco son las ciudades de Huariaca (km 175), San Rafael (km 182) y Ambo (km 211).
Huanuco – Tingo Maria – Pucalpa. Distancia: 371 km,Tiempo estimado: 12 h en temporada seca; 20 h en temporada de lluvias.
Los huaicos afectan seriamente esta ruta en los meses de enero-marzo. Densa neblina y curvas cerradas. Recomendable viajar únicamente de día. Huánuco-Tingo María (116 km). Tiempo: 2-3h. Carretera asfaltada. Muchas curvas sinuosas, especialmente a partir del túnel de Carpish (430 m), situado a 30 km de Huánuco y 2,700 msnm. Fuertes pendientes. Tingo María-Pucallpa (255 km). Viajar únicamente de día, en camioneta o auto en buen estado. Pucallpa está en el km 0 y Tingo María en el 255, por lo que el conteo es regresivo. Carretera asfaltada en sus primeros 20 km (desvío a Tocache); a partir de ese punto se encuentra afirmada y en mal estado hasta el Boquerón del Padre Abad, donde vuelve a ser asfaltada hasta Aguaytía, que cuenta con grifos y servicios básicos.
La Carretera Central, pese a soportar tráfico constante y pesado, es el mejor camino para unir por tierra las dos vertientes de los Andes, la que mira al Pacífico y la que desciende hacia el llano amazónico.
Huancayo (3,250 m)
Distancias: Lima: 298 km. La Oroya: 124 km. Ayacucho: 257 km.
Con 325 mil habitantes, Huancayo es la ciudad más importante de la sierra central del país. Fundada por los españoles en 1572 (la provincia fue creada en 1864), funciona como eje comercial entre las zonas productoras de la Costa, Sierra y Selva. Tiene los mejores hoteles y restaurantes de la región y es el punto de partida para conocer los pueblos y la campiña del valle. Su feria dominical es una de las más grandes del Perú.
HOSPEDAJE: Hotel Presidente, Calle Real 1138, (064) 23-5419, US$ 60, www. hoteles-del-centro.com Hotel Turismo, Ancash 729, (064) 23-1072, US$ 60, www. hoteles-del-centro.com Hostal El Márquez, Puno 294, (064) 21-9026, US$ 47, www. elmarquezhuancayo.com Hotel Blub, pasaje Verand 187, (064) 22-1692, US$ 33, www. hotelblubhuancayo.com Susan's Hotel, Calle Real 851, (064) 20-2251, US$ 29, www. susanshotel.com Hotel Los Balcones, Puno 282, (064) 21-1041, US$ 18, www.los- balconeshuancayo.com
RESTAURANTES: Huancahuasi (comida típica), Mariscal Castilla 2222, El Tambo, (064) 24-4826. El Leopardo (comida típica), Huánuco 701. La Tulipa, Atahualpa 143, El Tambo, (064) 25-3649. Chifa Centro, Giráldez 365. Pizzería Italia, Leandra Torres 441, San Carlos, (064) 23-3145. Pizzería La Cabaña (plzzas, truchas), Giráldez 652. Las Delicias, Juan Vivanco Morales s/n, Concepción.
EMERGENCIAS: Hospital Regional Daniel Camón, Daniel A. Carrión 1552, (064) 22-2157. Hospital de EsSalud, Independencia 296, El Tambo, (064) 24-8473. Clínica Ortega, Daniel A. Carrión 1124, (064) 23-2921. Policía de Turismo, av. Ferrocarril 580, (064) 21-9851.
Ver & Hacer
Iglesia La Merced. Cuadra 1 de la calle Real. La más antigua de Huancayo, en ella se firmó la Constitución de 1839. Conserva el altar principal y el pulpito de madera. Catedral Plaza de la Constitución. Su construcción fue terminada en 1931. De arquitectura neoclásica, en su interior hay lienzos de la escuela cusqueña. Parque de la Identidad Wanka. Al noreste, en el barrio San Antonio. Parque temático en homenaje a la riqueza natural y cultural de la región. Tiene zona de parqueo y restaurantes de comida típica. Cerrito de la Libertad. A 1 km de la ciudad. Llamado también "El Mirador", ofrece una interesante vista de la ciudad y de parte del Valle del Mantara, un zoológico, restaurantes y zona de esparcimiento. Torre Torre. A 2.5 km de Huancayo. Conjunto geológico de enormes torres de tierra arcillosa (10 a 30 metros de altura), moldeadas por acción del viento y las lluvias. Santuario Warivilca. A 6 km al S de la ciudad. Templo de la cultura Wari que preside otros restos arqueológicos de interés. Hay un museo de sitio. Feria dominica!. Av. Huancavelica. Institucionalizada en la calle Real por Jerónimo de Silva en 1572, desde 1976 se trasladó a la av. Huancavelica. Se puede encontrar textiles, orfebrería y productos agropecuarios.
Valle del Mantaro. Entre Huancayo y Jauja (dirección norte) la carretera se divide en dos ramas principales, una a cada lado del río. Por la margen zquierda (este) la carretera sigue la línea del tren y pasa por los pueblos de Hualhuas (hermosos tejidos de lana de alpaca y oveja teñidos naturalmente , tejidos a mano), San Jerónimo deTunán (filigrana de plata, iglesia del siglo 17 y restos arqueológicos), Concepción (20 km al N de Huancayo, Don numerosos atractivos turísticos) y San Lorenzo. Este es el camino al Convento de Ocopa e Ingenio. La carretera al otro lado del río (margen :=recha, oeste) pasa por Pilcomayo, Sicaya (hermosa iglesia colonial de Santo Domingo), Orcotuna (santuario de la Virgen de Cocharcas) y Acó. Siguiendo la Calle Real y camino al sur se llega a Sapallanga (muy buenas -achamancas y carneros al palo), Miraflores (criadero de truchas), Pucará existe un mirador del valle) y Marcavalle. Grandes miradores naturales con museos de sitio. Por el suroeste se puede visitar Huayucachi, Viques y Chupuro (eximios cultores del Huaylas) y Chongos Bajo (iglesia del siglo 16, famosa fiesta de Kaypin Cruzy lugar muy apreciado para la práctica del parapente y el ala delta). Los que conozcan el manejo off-road pueden seguir hacia el sureste, escalando la cordillera rumbo al valle de Canipaco carretera afirmada), que ofrece paisajes, lagunas y pueblos pintorescos como Vista Alegre, Huasicancha y Coica. En general, el estado de las carreteras es bueno. Elija el lado del río que quiere visitar ese día, pues hay pocos puentes. Alojamiento en Concepción: Loma Verde, Leopoldo Peña 770, (064) 58-1569, US$ 87, www.lomaverdeperu.com Centro Vacacional Huaychulo, Calle Oriente s/n, (064) 58-1001, US$ 42. Lima: 261-0240. Convento de Ocopa. A 33 km de Huancayo. Fundado por fray Francisco de San José en 1725, como punto de avanzada en la catequi- zaclón de la Selva, el Convento es un bello edificio colonial convertido en punto turístico. Tiene cuatro claustros (el de la Portería, Olivo, Obrería y el del Padre Pío) y cuenta con una importante biblioteca con más de 25 mil volúmenes (algunos únicos en el mundo), una colección de arte religioso de la escuela cusqueña y huamanguina, animales disecados y objetos de la etnia Asháninka (Campas). Ingenio. A 23 km de Huancayo y a pocos minutos de Concepción. Criadero de truchas y restaurantes cuyas especialidades son la trucha y la alcachofa. Cordillera de Huaytapallana. A 40 km de Huancayo por la carretera afirmada a Parihuanca. Bellos paisajes andinos, con nevados y lagunas. Cochas Chico y Cochas Grande. A 21 km al norte de Huancayo. Pueblos conocidos por sus artesanías, especialmente sus mates burilados.
Satipo (650 m)
A 123 km de La Merced. Ubicada en la región oriental de la región Junín, Satipo fue creado como un distrito de Jauja en 1940, pero en 1965 adquirió el estatus de provincia. La ciudad de este nombre se erige sobre la margen ¡zquierda del río Satipo y cuenta con unos 35 mil habitantes. Los pobladores originales de la región fueron los Asháninkas, Yaneshas, Piros y Amueshas, entre otros. Hoy, las etnias que aún viven en la región son los Asháninkas y los Nomatsiguengas, que mantienen muchas de sus costumbres. En los alrededores de la ciudad hay diversos lugares de interés, como el mirador Cerro Satélite (a 4 km de la ciudad), las cataratas de Bayoz (carretera La Merced-Satipo), Gallito de las Rocas (41 km) y El Arco Iris (34 km), el Puerto Ocopa y los petroglifos de Paratushiali (5 km) y Huanacaure (11 km).
HOSPEDAJE: Hostal San Luis, Miguel Grau 173, (064) 54-5319, US$ 20. Hostal Majestic, Colonos Fundadores 408, (064) 54-5762, US$ 18. Hotel Azul, Augusto B. Leguía 380, (064) 54-5057, US$ 17.
RESTAURANTES: El Jaguar (comida típica), Rubén Calegari 431. Café Yoli (cafetería), Manuel Prado 224. Café Azul, Augusto B. Leguía 380. Restaurante campestre Laguna Blanca, Carretera Marginal km 2, (064) 54-5825.
Platos regionales de Junin
Cordero asado: Cordero entero cocinado a ia brasa, condimentado con diversas especias.
Human caldo: Cabezas de carnero hervidas en una infusión de hierbabuena, cebolla y ají.
Gallina tarmeña: Carne de gallina guisada con papas, huevos y arroz.
Pachamanca: Cocido de diversas carnes, tubérculos y vegetales, preparado bajo tierra.
Papa a la huancaína: Rodajas de papa sancochada, aderezadas con salsa de queso fresco y ají amarillo.
Picante de cuy: Carne de cuy cocida con abundante ají panca.
Sancochado: Trozos de carnero hervidos con papas, arroz y diversas verduras y tubérculos.
Wallpa: Sopa de carne de gallina, con diversas verduras y fideos.
Cutivireni. A unos 200 km al este de Satipo. Población que se encuentra en la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva Comunal Asháninka. Es uno de los puntos de partida para visitar las dos áreas naturales protegidas ubicadas en la provincia de Satipo, distrito de Río Tambo: la Reserva Comunal Asháninka y el Parque Nacional Otishi, de gran riqueza cultural, paisajística y biológica. La zona es un paraíso natural donde el río Cutivireni y sus afluentes deleitan a los visitantes con sus impresionantes cataratas de cientos de metros de caída.
Junín (4,150 m)
A 54 km al norte de La Oroya. Pequeña ciudad, cercana al Santuario Histórico Cha- camarca (25 mil hectáreas) donde se libró la Batalla de Junín. Monumento histórico y museo de sitio. En la Reserva Nacional de Junín (53 mil hectáreas) se encuentra el lago del mismo nombre, el mayor de los lagos altoandinos (467 km2) después del Titicaca, que fue afectado seriamente por relaves mineros, aunque ya se encuentra bastante recuperado. La reserva es considerada el humedal altoandlno con mayor diversidad de aves en el Perú.
A 44 km de Huancayo. Fundada en 1534 por Pizarra, que ordenó la construcción de su actual Catedral, fue la primera capital de la Gobernación del Perú. Tiene 27 mil habitantes y muy buen clima.
Plaza de Armas. Se realizan ferias los miércoles y domingos. En uno de sus costados se yergue la Iglesia Matriz. Museo Arqueológico de Jauja. Unión Artesanos. Exhibe una interesante colección de piezas precolombinas locales. Iglesia de Cristo Pobre (1920). Entre las calles San Martín y Colina. Tiene un estilo gótico, original en los Andes. Tunanmarca. En las alturas de Jauja. Restos arqueológicos poco visitados de la capital de la nación Wanka. Laguna de Paca. A 5 km al norte de Jauja. Ojo de agua (21.4 km2) rodeado de totorales y vida silvestre, ideal para paseos en bote. Se puede visitar la Isla del Amor. Hay hoteles y restaurantes que ofrecen almuerzos típicos de la región (pachamanca, trucha frita).
Distancias: Lima: 229 km. La Oroya: 55 km.
Ubicada 55 km al este de La Oroya, la «Perla de los Andes» es una agradable ciudad situada en un profundo valle y rodeada por cultivos de flores (alhelíes, gladiolos, claveles, entre otras) y laderas cubiertas de eucaliptos. Los últimos 30 km antes de llegar a la ciudad son un serpentín con curvas muy cerradas; maneje con mucho cuidado. La fundación española de Tarma data del siglo 16 y existen restos preincaicos en los alrededores. Sin embargo, la ciudad carece de monumentos coloniales. Uno de sus mayores atractivos es la Catedral, ubicada en la Plaza de Armas. Edificio de estilo neoclásico, reconstruido en 1954, tiene en el altar mayor una imagen de Santa Ana, patraña de Tarma, y una cripta con los restos de Manuel A. Odría, quien ordenó su remodelación. Las calles de la ciudad se tapizan de flores para Semana Santa, el Señor de los Milagros (octubre 18, 28 y 29) y San Sebastián (20 de enero). Tarma es conocida por sus excelentes frutas, quesos y manjarblanco, así como por la belleza de sus flores. Advertencia: En ciertos días de la semana un mercado ambulante ocupa las calles del centro; pregunte antes de estacionar, pues su auto puede quedar bloqueado.
HOSPEDAJE: Los Portales, Ramón Castilla 512, (064) 32-1411, US$ 84, www. hoteieslosportales.com.pe Los Balcones Hotel, Lima 370, (064) 32-3600, US$ 58. Hacienda Santa María, Vista Alegre 1249, Sacsamarca, (064) 32-1232, Lima: 446- 7440, US$ 50, www.haciendasantamaria.com Hostal Campestre Normandie, María Delgado de Odría s/n, Muruhuay, Lima: 348-1724, US$ 40, www.normandie.com. pe San Antonio, Huancavelica 780, (064) 32-2575, US$ 34. Hacienda La Florida, a 6 km en la carretera a Acobamba, (064) 34-1041, Lima: 344-1358, US$ 25, www. haciendalaflorida.com
RESTAURANTES: Restaurante del Hotel Los Portales, Ramón Castilla 512. Señorial, Arequipa 501. Lo Mejorcito de Tarma, Arequipa 501.
TURISMO: Agencia de viajes Centro Tours, 2 de Mayo 675, (064) 32-1104. EMERGENCIAS: Hospital Félix Mayorca Soto, av. Pacheco 362, (064) 32-1401.
Tarma: Alrededores
Acobamba (2,900 m).A10 km al norte de Tarma, camino a La Merced. Sede del nuevo Santuario del Señor de Muruhuay (1972), imagen de Cristo esculpida, según la leyenda, por un oficial realista después de la Batalla de Junín (6 de agosto de 1824). San Pedro de Gajas (4,000 m). A 42 km de Tarma por pista afirmada en la ruta Paicamayo-Junín. Centro productor de tapices de fama internacional. Cueva de Hua- gapo, A 28 km de Tarma, dirección noroeste. En Acobamba se inicia el desvío a Palcamayo y a la vecina cueva de Huagapo, quizás la más profunda del Perú. Se ha explorado 2 km de túneles subterráneos. Estalactitas y pinturas rupestres. Se recomienda contratar un guía. Taraiatambo. A 6 km al sur de Tarma. Interesante complejo arqueológico preincaico.
Nombre de un río y una provincia de Junín. Esta zona, la más accesible de la Selva Central, aunque algo deforestada, es famosa por su producción de fruta, café y uña de gato. En las márgenes del Chancha- mayo, las ciudades vecinas de San Ramón (825 m, 63 km E de Tarma) y La Merced (775 m, 73 km E de Tarma) tienen sol todo el año y una campiña fresca y verde. Sus principales atractivos son los paisajes y naturaleza. San Ramón y La Merced sirven como punto de partida para adentrarse en la Amazonia; desde ambas ciudades parten vías de acceso y vehículos de servicio público a Villa Rica, Oxapampa, Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén, Pozuzo y Satipo.
HOSPEDAJE (La Merced): Hotel Presidente Selva, Carretera Marginal s/n, (064) 53-1686, US$ 57. Hotel Reyna, Palca 259, (064) 53-1780, US$ 24. Hostal Rey, Junín 103, (064) 53-1185, US$ 23. Hostal Las Mercedes, Tarma 552, (064) 53-1070, US$ 14. Hotel Cocos, km .102 Carretera San Ramón-La Merced, (064) 53-2089, US$ 55, www.cocoschanchamayo.com Fundo San José Eco Lodge, La Merced, (064) 53- 1816, US$ 70, www.fundosanjose.com.pe
RESTAURANTES (La Merced): El Sabrosón, Plaza de Armas. Los Kokis, Plaza de Armas. El Shambari Campa, Plaza de Armas, comida típica. Restaurante Campestre Mishaja, Carretera Marginal km 12.5, comida típica.
HOSPEDAJE (San Ramón): Río Grande Inn, Carretera Marginal km 97, Campamento Chino, (064) 33-2193, US$ 60, www.riograndebungalows.com Shirampari, Carretera aVitoc km 0.7, (064) 33-1408, US$ 41, www.shirampari.com El Refugio, Ejército 490, (064) 33-1082, US$ 40. Conquistador, Progreso 298, (064) 33-1157, US$ 18.
RESTAURANTES {San Ramón): Chifa Siu, Progreso 440, (064) 33-1078. Pizzería Brocq, Plaza de San Ramón. Miraflores, Carretera Marginal km 94, (064) 33-1187. TURISMO: PrusiaTours, José Pardo 764, of. 12, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, www.prusiatoursperu.com
Ver & Hacer
Velo de la Movía. Impresionantes cataratas en la ruta Tarma-San Ramón, pasando el túnel de Carpapata. Playas del río Chanchamayo. Al pie de La Merced. Agradables para un picnic o caminata. Bañarse con precaución, pues hay remolinos y las minas arrojan sus relaves aguas arriba. Jardín Botánico El Perezoso. A unos 20 km de La Merced, en Pueblo Pardo, dirección a Oxapampa. Hermoso jardín de plantas nativas, agradables senderos, puentes, pozas y «la casa deTarzán», una cabaña construida en un gran árbol. Playas del río Paucartambo. A unos 25 km de La Merced en la ruta a Oxapampa. Aguas limpias que forman pozas muy agradables. Río Perene. A unos 20 km de La Merced en la ruta a Pichanakiy Satipo (carretera afirmada). Confluencia de los ríos Chanchamayo y Paucartambo. Hermosos paisajes y aldeas asháninkas, como Pampa Michi, donde se puede comprar artesanías. Cascada El Tiro!. Al este de San Ramón. Caída de agua de más de 30 m ubicada al este de San Ramón. Partiendo del pueblo de Playa Hermosa se llega a pie luego de una caminata aproximada de media hora. Canotaje. En el río Chanchamayo y otros: contrate los servicios de un guía profesional. Pampa Hermosa. A 23 km de San Ramón. Los primeros 11 km son de trocha aceptable y los últimos 12, de trocha en mal estado. Toma dos horas recorrer todo el camino. Zona de cataratas, cedros centenarios y hábitat del gallito de las rocas, ave nacional del Perú. Hospedaje: Pampa Hermosa Eco Lodge, US$ 100 diarios por pareja. Lima: 225-1776, www.pampahermosaiodge.com Destilería de Goiombo, A 1 hora de La Merced por la Quebrada de los Italianos. Camino difícil pero muy interesante. En Colombo hay un trapiche donde se destila aguardiente para macerados de plantas medicinales. Catarata de Santa Ana o Nueva Esperanza. A 2h 30m de La Merced, camino a Satipo.
Oxapampa (1,800 m)
Ciudad, capital de la provincia del mismo nombre, ubicada en la ribera del río Chonta- bamba, región Pasco. Originalmente poblada por las etnias yanesha y asháninka, en la actualidad cuenta con 77 mil habitantes. Los primeros colonos tiroleses y prusianos llegaron a Pozuzo en 1859 bajo los auspicios del gobierno de Ramón Castilla. Debido a que el paludismo afectaba a la colonia, 13 familias alemanas salieron a buscar nuevas tierras de cultivo, llegando así a Oxapampa, que fué fundada el 30 de agosto de 1891. Sus descendientes conservan hasta hoy muchas costumbres germanas y sus viviendas se asemejan a las típicas casas tirolesas. La semana turística de Oxapampa se celebra del 25 al 31 de agosto, en homenaje a Santa Rosa, patraña de la ciudad.
HOSPEDAJE: Hospedaje Loechle-Sinty (Sra. Geny de Loechle), San Martín cdra. 12, psj San Alberto, (063) 46-2615, (063) 46-2180, (063) 971-0270, (063) 995-3367. Hospedaje Frau Carolina Egg, San Martín 1085, (063) 46-2331. Posada Edelweiss, Miraflores, entrada a Oxapampa, (063) 46-2567. Albergue El Trapiche, Mullembruk cdra. 1, (063) 46-2551. Hospedaje Don Calucho, San Martín 411, (063) 46-2109. Hospedaje Las Orquídeas, Lima 601, (063) 46-2118. Hostal Arias, Bolognesi 328, (063) 80-6841, US$ 12. Hostal Rey, Grau 476, (063) 46-2316, US$ 10.
RESTAURANTES: Parrilladas Italo's, San Martín s/n, salida a Pozuzo, (063) 46-2367. La Casa de Baco, San Martín cdra. 10, Miraflores, (063) 46-2464. Oasis, Bolognesi 130 (frente al parque), (063) 46-2206. El Trapiche, Mullembruk cdra. 1, (063) 46-2551. Rancho Ruffner, Chontabamba derecha, (063) 46-2196.Tradicional torneo de cinta. Típico Oxapampino, jr. Mariscal Castilla cuadra 1. Frente a la Plaza de Armas. El Ripio, Chontabamba km 3. Pub El Cheyenne, San Martín 474, (063) 46-2162. Bar Vatter Otto, Grau cdra. 4, (063) 46-2510.
TURISMO: Ecotours Oxapampa (Sres. Curly y Soledad Hassinger), (063) 46-2659. ecotours_oxapam-pa@yahoo.com Souvenirs Pecky, recuerdos y artesanías austro-alemanas y yaneshas. Frente a la Plaza de Armas, (063) 46-2593.
Ver & Hacer
Parque Nacional Yanachaga Che- millén. Situado en la región Pasco, comprende 122 mil hectáreas sobre los distritos de Oxapampa, Pozuzo, Huancabamba, Villa Rica y Palcazú. Fue creado en 1986 para conservar las partes altas que abastecen de agua a las poblaciones de dichos distritos, así como la biodiversidad de especies de flora y fauna que alberga esta zona. Sus bosques contienen más de 500 especies de orquídeas, 427 especies de aves y 59 de mamíferos. El nombre procede de dos palabras con significados parecidos: Yanachaga (del quechua: «cerro negro») y Chemillón (vocablo yanesha que quiere decir "cerro negro o quemado"). El nombre hace referencia a una cadena montañosa que en el atardecer domina el paisaje con su oscura silueta. Para visitarlo se recomienda acercarse a las oficinas del Parque Nacional en Oxapampa (jr. Pozuzo cdra. 3 s/n, (063) 462-544). Hay cuatro ingresos para acceder al Parque: dos parten de Oxapampa por trochas carrozables; una sale de la vía a Pozuzo por carretera afirmada y la ultima, parte de Villa Rica hasta Iscozacin, desde donde se tiene que surcar el río del mismo nombre hasta el Parque Nacional. Allí se encuentran las instalaciones para turistas denominada Paujil. Otros atractivos: Catarata del río Tigre, la Laguna del Cisne, el distrito de Chontabamba (Tunqui Cueva, fábrica de quesos), el mirador El Pajonal.
Villa Rica (1,500 m)
A 71 km al sur de Oxapampa. Con 16,000 habitantes, esta pequeña ciudad y centro agropecuario se ubica en la principal zona cafetalera del país. Clima benigno, paisajes bucólicos, flora y fauna. Los misioneros franciscanos recorrieron la zona en el siglo XVII.Tuvo sus orígenes en los esfuerzos de colonos liderados por el alemán Leopoldo Krause.
HOSPEDAJE: Albergue Rapallo, Carretera Marginal s/n (entrada a Villa Rica), US$ 28, (063) 46-5353. Hospedaje Turístico Villa Rica, Leopoldo Krause 451, US$ 12, (063) 46-5013.
RESTAURANTES: Confort, Leopoldo Krause 353, Plaza Principal, (063) 46-5004. Miikas's (comida típica), Puerto Bermúdez cdra. 4. El Cafetalero, Leopoldo Krause 335, Plaza Principal, (063) 960-2324.
Ver & Hacer
El Mirador. A 1.5 km de la ciudad, camino a Eneñas. Permite la vista de toda Villa Rica. Jardín Botánico. En el Instituto Superior Alexander von Humboldt. Orquídeas, plantas ornamentales, aromáticas y medicinales. Cataratas del Yesú. A 3 km de Villa Rica. Hermosas cataratas cerca de la naciente del río del mismo nombre. Cedro Pampa. Pintorescos fundos, principalmente cafetaleros, de los descendientes de los colonos prusianos. Casa Cultural Yanesha. A 36 km de Villa nica en dirección a Puerto Bermúdez. Ubicada en los terrenos de la comunidad Yanesha, allí se mantiene vivos su idioma, arte, folclore y tradiciones.
Pozuzo (850 m)
A 87 km al norte de Oxapampa, en el valle del Palcazú. Su nombre proviene del amuesha (etnia de la región) y significa "agua de sal", ya que el río Pozuzo está formado por una vertiente de agua salada que se une al río Huancabamba. Creado políticamente en 1922, este lugar fue colonizado por inmigrantes tiroleses y austríacos desde mediados del siglo 19. Tiene una población de rasgos europeos que convive con los habitantes oriundos de la región. Es una zona privilegiada donde crecen frutas, café, arroz y tabaco. Alrededores: El puente colgante Guillermo I, el Serpentario del Centro de Salud, el museo Shafferer (sobre la colonización de la zona) y la típica casa tirolesa de la familia Egg, en el fundo Palmatambo.
HOSPEDAJE: Albergue Frau María Egg, av. Los Colonos s/n, (063) 28-7559. Lima: 444-9927. US$ 30. www.pozuzo.com Hostal Prusia, calle Cristóbal Johann s/n, Prusia. Hostal Tirol Pozuzo, calle Alemania s/n, Prusia. El Mango, av. Los Colonos s/n. RESTAURANTES: El Típico Pozuzino (Andrés Egg), av. Los Colonos 72, (063) 28- 7505. El Típico Prusia, Cristóbal Johann s/n (platos típicos alemanes y de la región), Prusia. Restaurante Recreo Las Orquídeas (Teresa Vásquez), av. Los Colonos s/n, (063) 28-7632.Tiene un vivero de orquídeas.
TURISMO: Prusiatours, av. José Pardo 764, of. 12, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, www. prusiatoursperu.com Kaneia, servicios y transportes, 221-4324, 817*0938.
Cerro de Pasco (4,338 m)
Distancias: Lima: 292 km. Huancayo: 242 km. La Oroya: 118 km.
Ciudad minera de 80 mil habitantes, capital del departamento de Pasco, ubicada sobre la Meseta de Bombón, accesible también por la carretera a Canta y por la carretera a Churín y Oyón. Es extremadamente fría. Tiene como principal atractivo el Santuario Nacional de Huayllay (Bosque de Piedras), a 43 km de la ciudad, y las lagunas de Huaracocha, Shegue y Punrún.
HOSPEDAJE: Hotel Horizonte, Daniel A. Carrión 308, San Juan, (063) 42-2392, US$ 21. Hotel Señorial, av. San Martín s/n, San Juan, (063) 42-1026, US$ 19.
Santuario Nacional Huayllay-Bosque de Piedras A 43 km dirección suroeste de la ciudad. Creado en 1974, este santuario tiene 6,815 hectáreas de paredes y pináculos a 4,335 msnm, con hermosas lagunas como Japurín y Huaychaococha, excelentes para la pesca deportiva, y las aguas termo medicinales de La Calera. Existe una rica fauna silvestre propia de la puna, como huallatas, venados, zorrinos y vizcachas. TURISMO: Prusiatours, av. José Pardo 764, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, www.prusia- toursperu.com Kaneia, servicios y transportes, 221-4324, 817*0938.
Huánuco (1,900 m)
Distancias: Lima: 406 km. Huancayo: 356 km. Cerro de Pasco: 114 km.
Fundada en 1539, en la ribera del río Huallaga, tributario del Marañón. Ciudad limpia y bien cuidada, tiene agradables parques y malecones con bellos árboles. Es conocida por su agradable clima templado, sus cultivos de frutas, café, cacao y coca. Al oeste, en un desvío de la ruta a La Unión, a 5 km de la ciudad, se encuentra uno de los restos arqueológicos más antiguos de América: el Templo de Kotosh. Huánuco (130 mil habitantes) es la ciudad más agradable entre Lima y Pucallpa.
HOSPEDAJE: Grand Hotel Huánuco, Dámaso Beraún 775, (062) 51-2410, US$ 59. www.grand- hoteihuanuco.com Hotel Garu, Pedro Puelles 465, (062) 51-3096, US$ 28. Los Portales Hotel, km 3.5 carretera Huánuco-Tingo María, (062) 51-6673, US$ 15. Hotel Imperial, jr. Huánuco 581, (062) 51-4758, US$ 15.
RESTAURANTES: Restaurante del Grand Hotel Huánuco, Dámaso Beraún 775. Restaurante de Los Portales Hotel, km 3.5 carretera Huánuco-Tingo María. Don Sancho (pizzas), Gral Prado 745. Rinconcito Huanuqueño (comida regional), Dos de Mayo 175. La Olla de Barro, Dámaso Beraún, cdra. 8
Ver & Hacer
Plaza de Armas. Tiene una bonita pileta de 4 metros de alto, construida en 1845 de una sola pieza y rodeada de hermosos ficus. Iglesias. Huánuco tiene bonitos templos. Se pueden visitar las iglesias de San Francisco, Cristo Rey, San Sebastián, La Merced y San Cristóbal, algunas de las cuales fueron construidas en el siglo 16. La Catedral, en la Plaza de Armas, tiene una colección de pinturas de la escuela cusqueña. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. General Prado 495. Exhibe animales disecados y miles de piezas arqueológicas. Templo de las Manos Cruzadas. A 5 km de la ciudad. Ha sido fechado por el arqueólogo japonés Seichi Izumi en 4,000 a.C. Poco se sabe sobre esta cultura, una de las más antiguas de los Andes. Andabamba. A 8 km al sur por la carretera a Cerro de Pasco. Casa hacienda de estructura colonial ubicada en medio de una extensa campiña, que fue habitada por la orden franciscana. Tomayquichua.A 19 km al sur por la carretera a Cerro de Pasco. Tomayquichua es famosa por su verde campiña y por ser cuna de Micaela Villegas, la Perricholi. Huánuco Viejo. A 123 km de Huánuco por carretera asfaltada y 10 km de La Unión (provincia de Dos de Mayo) se encuentra el poco visitado sitio arqueológico de Huánuco Pampa (Huánuco Viejo), la más importante ciudad incaica del norte del país. Tiene restos bien preservados, además de un conjunto de baños del inca. En Huallanca y La Unión hay servicios adecuados para pasar la noche.
Platos regionales de huanuco
Caldo verde: Sopa de bagre seco, hervido con papas y servido con un aderezo de cebollas, ají y culantro. Chicharrón de pato: Carne de pato frita, aderezada con salsa de rocoto.
Chifles: Rodajas de plátano verde fritas en aceite o manteca. Puede ser dulce o salado. Locro de gallina: Carne de gallina sancochada, hervida con papas blancas y aderezo de ají. Picante de carne: Carne de res picada, hervida con papas blancas, ajos y cebollas. Patasca de mote: Trozos de carne de res, chancho y cordero, hervidos con mote, cebollas, sal y ají verde picado.
Tacacho: Pasta de plátano verde hervido, a la que se agrega manteca y sal.
Tingo Maria (650 m)
Una carretera asfaltada de 116 km une esta ciudad con Huánuco. Otra vía parcialmente asfaltada de 225 km (Tingo María-Puente Pumahuasi / Boquerón del Padre Abad-Aguaytía) la comunica con Pucallpa. Tingo María ocupa una estribación andina, cerca de la llanura amazónica. La ciudad es pequeña pero se ha incrementado en los últimos años la visita de turistas. El principal atractivo de la zona es el Parque Nacional Tingo María y la famosa Cueva de las Lechuzas. En la salida de Tingo María rumbo a Pucallpa se encuentra el mirador San Cristóbal, que permite una vista panorámica de la ciudad.
HOSPEDAJE: Madera Verde, Universitaria s/n, (062) 56-2047, US$ 44 (tiene restaurante, bar, piscinas, criadero de mariposas, centro de rescate de fauna silvestre y un bosquecillo natural que alberga diversas aves). Lima: 254-0100. www.maderaverdehotel.com Oro Verde, Iquitos cdra. 10, Castillo Grande, (062) 56-1144, US$ 38, www.hotel-oroverde. com Hotel La Gran Muralla, Raimondi 277, (062) 56-3329, US$ 26. Hotel Internacional, Raimondi 232, (062) 56-3035, US$ 17. Villa Jennifer (albergue ecológico), carretera Castillo Grande km 3.4, (062) 960-3509, US$ 30. www.villajennifer.net
RESTAURANTES: Restaurante del Hotel Madera Verde, Universitaria s/n. El Carbón, Alameda Perú 395. Mey Chan, Pucallpa cdra. 2. Las Lomas (restaurante-recreo), entrada de la ciudad.
Parque Nacional Tingo María. Tiene una extensión de 4,777 hectáreas. Creado en 1965 para proteger el conjunto de montañas conocido como Bella Durmiente y los bosques adyacentes. En el parque vive una variedad de reptiles, anfibios e insectos, inclusive endémicos; diversidad de aves como el guácharo y el gallito de las rocas y mamíferos como el sajino, el picuro mama y el tigrillo. Cueva de las Lechuzas. En las faldas de la Bella Durmiente, a 11 km de Tingo María. Gruta de piedra caliza, en el Parque Nacional Tingo María, habitada por el guácharo (peculiar ave de hábito nocturno) y otras especies troglobias y cavicolas. Camino a la cueva pueden verse orquídeas silvestres. La entrada cuesta 5 soles y es necesario contratar un guía, llevar botas de goma y linternas. La Cueva de las Pavas. A 15 km de Tingo María. Pequeñas playas y pozos rodeados de exuberante vegetación. Catarata de Santa Carmen. A 8 minutos de Tingo María en auto y 40 minutos de caminata. Hermosa caída de agua. Catarata El Velo de las Ninfas. En el distrito de Tambillo, a 20 minutos de Tingo María en auto y 1 hora de caminata. Hermosa cadena de cascadas. Boquerón del Padre Abad. A 75 km (3 horas) de Tingo María, en el departamento de Ucayali. Cañón muy estrecho, abierto por el río. Mucha vegetación y hermosas caídas de agua, como el Velo de la Novia (al inicio del Boquerón) y la Ducha del Diablo (casi al finalizar el Boquerón)
Junín - Pasco - Huánuco
Although there are regions or political units, for the Peruvian Central Sierra and Selva are defined by a geographical concepts axis: the central highway. This important way of Lima, on the coast across the Andes by the pass of Anticona (4,850 m) and goes to the Amazon jungle.
The Central Highlands comprises the top of Pasco, Junin, and Huanuco. Just 133 km from Lima, in Ticlio, Central Highway to appreciate stunning views of peaks, glaciers and lakes. In La Oroya, taking the Route 3 goes down into the valley of Mantaro, one of the richest regions in Peru by both mining and agricultural production. To the east, the Andes give way to the Central Selva: a rainy mountain region between 2.700 and 400 m.
The center of Peru has been inhabited since ancient times. Lauricocha cave in Huanuco, contains human remains dating back 9,000 years, and the Temple of the Crossed Hands (Cotosh), also in Huanuco, is considered the oldest of America (2.500 BC). The first contacts with the West began in the first half of the 16th century, during the Conquest. From 19 th century came to the jungle Chinese immigrants, English, Italians, Prussians and Tyrolean. The confluence of cultures and traditions alive is one of the charms of the region.
The Central Selva is the Amazon more accessible from the capital and tourism destination for the road. At 6 hours, a car can leave the coast, crossing the mountains and into the cloud forest, with its rugged topography, dense vegetation and waterfalls.
The largest city in the Central Sierra is Huancayo in the Mantaro Valley. Ties with the capital have been conducive to its development.
Central Road is the main route between Lima and the Centre. In step Anticona crosses the Continental Divide or water, which separates the rivers flowing into the Pacific from those flowing into the Atlantic. In La Oroya (km 174) the road forks: to the south leads to Jauja and Huancayo and north to Junin, Cerro de Pasco and Huanuco. In this way (22 km from La Oroya) is the turnoff to Tarma and the Central Selva.
Three alternative routes are Ne National Route 18 (Huaura-Churín-Ambo), the Nfi 20A (Lima-Canta-Huayllay-Cerro de Pasco) and Na 24 (Cañete-Lunahuaná-Huancayo). As you go up, these roads are becoming more lonely and difficult. The Center is also joined by the railway Lima Lima-La Oroya, which has the world altitude record for a train route (station La Galera, 4.781 m). Opened in 1875, is now operated by the Ferrocarril Central Andino {361 -2828), which carries particular passenger load but once a month and charter groups, among Homeless station in Lima (Jr. Ancash 201) and Huancayo, a travel almost 12 hours.
Basic Information
Weather and season: April to October: Dry and sunny. December-April: Variable and rainy. Puna: Cold and dry. Central Sierra: Cold nights, warm day. Selva Central: Tropical climate, hot and very humid. The services are saturated at Easter and Independence Day. Cost: These regions offer options for every budget, from hotels and restaurants, class to basic accommodation.
Aviation: Flight route from Lima to Huanuco (LC Busre) and Pucailpa (LC Busre, Star Peru and Lan Peru).
Notes: In the rainy season landslides and mudslides may interrupt the tracks.
road forks: to the south leads to Jauja and Huancayo and north to Junin, Cerro de Pasco and Huanuco. In this way (22 km from La Oroya) is the turnoff to Tarma and the Central Selva.
Three alternative routes are Ne National Route 18 (Huaura-Churín-Ambo), the Nfi 20A (Lima-Canta-Huayllay-Cerro de Pasco) and Na 24 (Cañete-Lunahuaná-Huancayo). As you go up, these roads are becoming more lonely and difficult. The Center is also joined by the railway Lima Lima-La Oroya, which has the world altitude record for a train route (station La Galera, 4.781 m). Opened in 1875, is now operated by the Ferrocarril Central Andino {361 -2828), which carries particular passenger load but once a month and charter groups, among Homeless station in Lima (Jr. Ancash 201) and Huancayo, a travel almost 12 hours.
Road .............
Lima - La Oroya - Huancayo. Distance: 298 km. Estimated time: 5-6 h.
Ticlio Lima (133 km). Paved road (Route 22) with heavy traffic. Danger from December to April! by rain, snow and fog in the afternoon and evening. The road is in good condition with good signage reflective. However, given the permanent repairs of the road, expect one-way areas and control speed. Steep, winding and some cliffs. Anticipate reckless maneuvering of other vehicles, especially trucks and buses. Pretty policing. Beware of altitude sickness: much of the route on the 3,500 m. Major milestones in this section are: Chosica (km 37), Matucana (km 75), San Mateo (km 94), Gum (km 105) and Casapalca (km 116). Ticlio-La Oroya (46 km). Route 22. From the open Anticona, the highest point Ticlio (4,850 meters), the road begins to descend, passing through Morococha (km 138) and arrives in La Oroya (km 174, 3.750 m). At this point it forks and the slope is less steep. Make sure you take the right direction right Huancayo, Cerro de Pasco to the left. In La Oroya are taps of 97 octane gasoline that accept Visa cards and can get food. Shortly before this city are the restaurants' Muruhuay "," El Tambo "and" Central ", which are acceptable. La Oroya-Huancayo (124 km). Route 3. Long stage, beside the River Mantaro. Gentle slope, with many curves. Attractive landscape. The modern and expanded Stuart bridge that leads to the Mantaro Valley is operating, for there we can reach the city of Jauja (km 80, left) and the diversion of 4 km to Lake Paca. The road continues through the valley of the Mantaro and splits in two. On the left bank of the river (120 km)-recommended route, is a four-lane highway that passes through the towns of Concepcion, San Jerónimo (careful with the speed bump) and Hualhuas before arriving at Huancayo. On the right (114 km)-track in good condition, passes through the towns of Ataura, Orcotuna, Sicaya and Pilcomayo to get to Huancayo.
La Oroya - Tarma. Distance: 55 km. Estimated time: 1 hour
Follow signs to La Oroya to Cerro de Pasco (Route 3N) 22 km (Las Vegas) take the road to Tarma (Route 22A, right). Paved road with reflective signage deficient, with parts in satisfactory condition. Section starts with a short climb where the track has some holes, which follows a steep descent with, tight corners, the track damaged areas and cliffs. Watch out for gaps, also with pedestrians and animals often invade the road.
Tarma - La Merced - Oxapampa - Pozuzo. Distance: 231 km. Estimated time: 6-7 h.
Tarma-La Merced (73 km, 2h). Paved road in good condition. Starts decreasing and passes in Acobamba Palca, a city with the best rural health post. This road has many curves and precipices, crosses Carpapata, landslide area (watch out for obstacles in the path). Tunnels and jungle. An important point in this section is the city of San Ramon, 10 km before La Merced. La Merced-Oxapampa (80 km, 2h). Three km after La Merced paved road is a detour to the left going to San Luis de Shuaro and Paucartambo bridge. Following this detour on paved highway and crossing the bridge, the road forks: to the right to go to Villa Rica (20 km) and to the left to reach Oxapampa paved road. Oxapampa-Pozuzo (78 km, 3h). From Oxapampa Pozuzo continues to narrow for a trail that presents the danger of landslides.
La Merced - Satipo - Conception. Distance: 333 km. Mado estimated time: 9 h 30 m.
The Merced-Satipo (124 km, 3h 30m). If you do not take the turnoff to San Luis de Shuaro, paved road continues to Satipo and crosses a bridge over the river Chandigarh. Subsequently passed through the town and reaches Perené Plchanaki, located 72 km from La Merced. The road continues to the southeast and 52 km then up to Satipo. Satipo-Concepcion (209 km, 6h). Unpaved road in good condition until Butterflies (35 km of Satipo). Since there is narrow, bumpy and winding up, reaching 3,800 meters to 80 km of Satipo. It is up to 15 km after (open Tortuga) of 4.390 m is reached and begins a descent on narrow road and depths up to Comas (152 km of Satipo). It rises again, passing a second pass (4.500 m) and start a new wider road down to Ocopa (200 km of Satipo). Is about 9 km after conception.
La Oroya - Huanuco. Distance: 232 km. Estimated time: 5-6 h.
Paved road in good condition and well signposted to Cerro de Pasco, from there, in fair condition (beware potholes and holes).
La Oroya-Junin (54 km). This section crosses his path diversion to Tarma (Las Vegas, km 22). Moves parallel to the river Paccha and ascends to the plateau of Blossom. Crosses the height of the 214 km detour to San Pedro de Cajas and then passes near the historic sanctuary Chacamarca (where the memorial to the Battle of Junín). A 54 km de La Oroya reaches the turnoff to the town of Junín. Beware of altitude sickness on the road. Junín-Desv. Cerro de Pasco (64 km). Difficult stretch for the altitude of the area. Chinchaycocha crosses the plateau which has several long straights (you can see the lake Junín) and after 30 km reaches Carhuamayo City. From this point, is 8 km and 20 km later Ninacaca Vicco, a mining town 9 km from the turnoff to Cerro de Pasco. Diversion Cerro de Pasco-Huánuco (114 km). Steep descent with sharp curves. At the height of Chicrín the road is in fair condition. Watch out for buildings and equipment belonging to the mines in the area. The stretch of road leading to Huanuco is in fair condition, with areas of holes. Landslides during the rainy season (November-May). Milestones before reaching the cities of Huanuco Huariaca (km 175), San Rafael (km 182) and Ambo (km 211).
Huanuco - Tingo Maria - Pucallpa. Distance: 371 km Estimated time: 12 h in dry season, 20 h during the rainy season.
The landslides seriously affect this route in the months of January to March. Dense fog and cornering. Recommended travel only by day. Huanuco-Tingo Maria (116 km). Time: 2-3h. Paved road. Many curved lines, especially from Carpish tunnel (430 m), located 30 km from Huanuco and 2.700 meters. Steep slopes. Tingo María-Pucallpa (255 km). Travel only by day, by truck or car in good condition. Pucallpa is at km 0 and Tingo Maria in the 255, so the count is regressive. Paved road in the first 20 km (turnoff to Tocache) from this point is affirmed and in disrepair until the Boqueron del Padre Abad, where again be paved until Aguaytía, with taps and basic services.
Central Road, despite continued support and heavy traffic, is the best way to connect the ground the two sides of the Andes, overlooking the Pacific and descending towards the plains of the Amazon.
Huancayo (3.250 m)
Distances: Lima: 298 km. La Oroya: 124 km. Ayacucho: 257 km.
With 325 thousand inhabitants, Huancayo is the largest city in the central highlands of the country. Founded by the Spanish in 1572 (the province was created in 1864), works as commercial axis between the producing areas of the Costa, Sierra and Selva. Has the best hotels and restaurants in the region and is the starting point to know the towns and countryside of the valley. Its Sunday market is one of the largest in Peru.
LODGING: Hotel Presidente, Calle Real 1138, (064) 23-5419, $ 60, www. hotels-of-centro.com Hotel Turismo, Ancash 729, (064) 1923-1072, $ 60, www. hotels-of-centro.com Hostal El Marquez, Puno 294, (064) 21-9026, U.S. $ 47, www. elmarquezhuancayo.com Hotel Blub, Verand passage 187, (064) 1922-1692, $ 33, www. hotelblubhuancayo.com Susan's Hotel, Calle Real 851, (064) 1920-2251, $ 29, www. susanshotel.com Hotel Los Balcones, Puno 282, (064) 1921-1041, U.S. $ 18-balconeshuancayo.com www.los
RESTAURANTS: Huancahuasi (traditional food), Mariscal Castilla 2222, El Tambo, (064) 24-4826. The Leopard (traditional food), Huánuco 701. The Tulipa, 143 Atahualpa, El Tambo, (064) 25-3649. Chifa Centre Giráldez 365. Pizzeria Italia, Leandra Torres 441, San Carlos, (064) 23-3145. Pizzeria La Cabaña (plzzas, trout), Giráldez 652. Las Delicias, Juan Vivanco Morales s / n, Concepción.
EMERGENCY Regional Hospital Daniel Carrion, Daniel A. Carrión, 1552, (064) 1922-2157. EsSalud Hospital, Independencia 296, El Tambo, (064) 24-8473. Clinical Ortega, Daniel A. Carrion 1124, (064) 1923-2921. Tourist Police, av. Rail 580, (064) 21-9851.
See & Do
Iglesia La Merced. Block 1 of the Calle Real. The oldest of Huancayo, she signed the Constitution of 1839. It retains the main altar and the wooden pulpit. Cate-dral Plaza de la Constitution. Its construction was completed in 1931. Neoclassical architecture, inside there are paintings of the Cusco School. Identity Park Wanka. To the northeast, in the San Antonio. Theme Park in tribute to the natural and cultural wealth of the region. Has parking area and typical restaurants. Cerrito de la Libertad. A 1 km from the city. Also called "El Mirador" offers an interesting view of the city and part of the Mantaro Valley, a zoo, restaurants and entertainment area. Torre Torre. A 2.5 km from Huancayo. Joint Geological huge towers of clay (10 to 30 feet), shaped by wind and rain. Warivilca Sanctuary. A 6 km S of the city. Temple of the Wari culture that presides other remains of archaeological interest. There is a museum. Dominica Fair!. Avenida Huancavelica. Real street institutionalized by Jerome de Silva in 1572, since 1976 he moved to Av. Huancavelica. You can find textiles, jewelry and agricultural products.
Mantaro Valley. Between Huancayo and Jauja (north) the road splits into two main branches, one on each side of river. In the margin zquierda (east) the road follows the railway line and passes through the towns of Hualhuas (beautiful fabrics from alpaca and sheep naturally dyed, hand-woven), Jerome detuned (silver filigree, 17 century church and archaeological sites), Concepcion (20 km to the north of Huancayo, Don numerous tourist attractions) and San Lorenzo. This is the way to the Convent of Ocopa and Ingenio. The road across the river (range: = rejected, west) passes through Pilcomayo, Sicaya (a beautiful colonial church of Santo Domingo), Orcotuna (Shrine of Our Lady of Cocharcas) and Aw. Following the main street and walk to the south is Sapallanga (very good-achamancas and rams the stick), Miraflores (trout farm), Pucara a viewpoint of the valley) and Marcavalle. Big natural lookout site museums. On the south you can visit Huayucachi, Viques and Chupuro (eminent exponents of Huaylas) and Chong Low (16-century church, famous party Cruzy Kaypin beloved place for paragliding and hang gliding). Those who know the off-road driving can continue to the southeast, climbing the mountains toward the valley Canipaco dirt road), which offers landscapes, lakes and picturesque villages like Vista Alegre, Huasicancha and Coica. In general, the state of the roads is good. Choose the side of the river you want to visit that day, as there are few bridges. Accommodation in Concepción: Loma Verde, Leopoldo Peña 770, (064) 1958-1569, $ 87, www.lomaverdeperu.com Huaychulo Resort, Calle Oriente s / n, (064) 1958-1001, U.S. $ 42. Lima: 261-0240. Ocopa Convent. A 33 km from Huancayo. Founded by Fray Francisco de San José in 1725, as outpost in catechins zaclón de la Selva, the convent is a beautiful colonial building become a tourist spot. It has four cloisters (the goal, Olivo, Obrería and Padre Pio) and has a large library with more than 25 000 volumes (some are unique in the world), a collection of religious art from the Cusco School and Huamanga, stuffed animals and objects of ethnic Asháninka (Campas). Ingenio. A 23 km from Huancayo and minutes from Concepción. Trout farm and restaurant whose specialties include trout and artichokes. Huaytapallana Cordillera. 40 km from Huancayo by the dirt road to Parihuanca. Beautiful Andean scenery, with mountains and lakes. Small lakes and large cars. A 21 km north of Huancayo. People known for its handicrafts, especially their gourds.
Satipo (650 m)
A 123 km de La Merced. Located in the eastern region of Junin, Satipo was created as a district of Jauja in 1940, but in 1965 acquired the status of province. The city of that name stands on the banks of the river zquierda Satipo and employs approximately 35 000 inhabitants. The original inhabitants of the region were the Asháninkas, Yaneshas, Piros and Amueshas, among others. Today, ethnic groups still living in the region are Nomatsiguenga Asháninkas and which retain many of their customs. Around the city there are many places of interest such as the Cerro viewpoint Satellite (4 km from the city), Falls Bayoz (road-Satipo La Merced), Cock of the Rocks (41 km) and El Arco Iris (34 km), Port Ocopa and petroglyphs Paratushiali (5 km) and Huanacaure (11 km).
LODGING: Hostal San Luis, Miguel Grau 173, (064) 54-5319, U.S. $ 20. Majestic Hostel, Settlers Founders 408, (064) 54-5762, U.S. $ 18. Hotel Riviera, Augusto B. Leguía 380, (064) 54-5057, U.S. $ 17.
RESTAURANTS: The Jaguar (traditional food), Ruben Calegari 431. Yoli Café (cafeteria-ria), Manuel Prado 224. Blue Café, Augusto B. Leguía 380. Country restaurant Laguna Blanca, Carretera Marginal km 2 (064) 54-5825.
Junin regional dishes
Roasted Lamb: Lamb cooked ia whole grilled, seasoned with various spices.
Human Broth: boiled sheep heads in an infusion of mint, onion and chili.
Tarma chicken: Chicken meat cooked with potatoes, eggs and rice.
Pachamanca: stew of various meats, tubers and vegetables, prepared under the ground.
Andean Potatoes: boiled potato slices, flavored with cheese sauce and yellow pepper.
Picante de cuy, guinea pig meat cooked with plenty of chili pepper.
Parboiled mutton pieces cooked with potatoes, rice and various vegetables and tubers.
Wallpa: beef and chicken soup with various vegetables and noodles.
Cutivireni. At about 200 km east of Satipo. Population is in the buffer zone Asháninka Communal Reserve. One of the points of departure to visit the two protected areas located in the province of Satipo, Tambo River District: Communal Reserve and National Park Asháninka Otishi, rich culture, landscape and biological diversity. The area is a natural paradise where the river and its tributaries Cutivireni delight visitors with its impressive waterfalls drop hundreds of meters.
Junín (4,150 m)
A 54 km north of La Oroya. Small town, near the historic sanctuary Cha-Camarca (25 hectares) which was fought the Battle of Junín. Historical monument and museum. In the Junín National Reserve (53 hectares) is the eponymous lake, the largest highland lake (467 km2) after Titicaca, which was severely affected by mine tailings, although it is quite recovered. The reserve is considered the most diverse altoandlno wetland birds in Peru.
Jauja (3,370 m)
A 44 km from Huancayo. Founded in 1534 by Pizarro, who ordered the construction of the current Cathedral was the first capital of the Government of Peru. It has 27 000 inhabitants and a very good climate.
See & Do
Plaza de Armas. Fairs are held on Wednesdays and Sundays. On its side stands the Mother Church. Archaeological Museum Jauja. Artisans Union. Exhibits an interesting collection of local pre-Columbian pieces. Poor Christ Church (1920). Between San Martin and Hill streets. It has a Gothic style, original in the Andes. Tunanmarca. On the heights of Jauja. Little visited archaeological remains of the nation's capital Wanka. Laguna de Paca. A 5 km north of Jauja. Waterhole (21.4 km2) surrounded by cattails and wildlife, ideal for boating. You can visit the Island of Love There are hotels and restaurants offering typical local lunch (pachamanca, fried trout).
Tarma (3,050 m)
Distances: Lima: 229 km. The Gold-ya: 55 km.
Located 55 km east of La Oroya, the "Pearl of the Andes" is a pleasant town situated in a deep valley and surrounded by flower crops (wallflowers, gladioli, carnations, etc.) and eucalyptus-covered hillsides. The last 30 km before reaching the city is a coil with sharp bends, drive carefully. The Spanish foundation of Tarma century and there are 16 pre-Inca ruins nearby. However, the city lacks colonial monuments. One of its main attractions is the Cathedral, located in the Plaza de Armas. Neoclassical building, constructed in 1954, is on the high altar an image of Santa Ana, Tarma hoax, and a crypt with the remains of Manuel A. Ould, who ordered its restoration. The city streets are upholstered with flowers for Easter, the Lord of Miracles (October 18, 28 and 29) and San Sebastian (20 January). Tarma is known for its excellent fruit, cheese and caramel, as well as the beauty of its flowers. Note: On certain days of the week a street market takes the streets of downtown, so ask before parking, as your car can be locked.
LODGING: Los Portales, Ramón Castilla 512, (064) 1932-1411, $ 84, www. hoteieslosportales.com.pe Los Balcones Hotel, Lima 370, (064) 32-3600, U.S. $ 58. Hacienda Santa Maria, Vista Alegre 1249, Sacsamarca, (064) 1932-1232, Lima: 446-7440, U.S. $ 50 Hostal Campestre www.haciendasantamaria.com Normandie, Mary Delgado Odria s / n, Muruhuay, Lima: 348 - 1724, $ 40, www.normandie.com. eg San Antonio, Huancavelica 780, (064) 1932-2575, U.S. $ 34. Hacienda La Florida, 6 km on the road to Acobamba, (064) 1934-1041, Lima: 344-1358, $ 25, www. haciendalaflorida.com
RESTAURANTS: Restaurant of the Hotel Los Portales, Ramón Castilla 512. Ister-rial, Arequipa 501. Very best of Tarma, Arequipa 501.
TOURISM: Travel Center Tours, May 2 675 (064) 1932-1104. EMERGENCY Mayorca Felix Soto Hospital, av. Pacheco 362, (064) 1932-1401.
Tarma: Around
Acobamba (2,900 m). A10 km north of Tarma, road to La Merced. See the new Sanctuary of the Lord of Muruhuay (1972), sculpted image of Christ, according to legend, by a royalist officer after the Battle of Junín (Aug. 6, 1824). San Pedro de Gajas (4.000 m). A 42 km from Tarma by court affirmed the route Paicamayo-Junin. Tapestry production center of international fame. Hua-GAPO Cave, 28 km from Tarma, northwest. In Acobamba starts turning on and the neighboring Palcamayo Huagapo cave, perhaps the deepest in Peru. 2 km has been explored underground tunnels. Estalac-titas and cave paintings. We recommend hiring a guide. Taraiatambo. A 6 km south of Tarma. Interesting pre-Inca archaeological complex.
Name of a river and a province-ment of Junin. This area, the most accessible of the Central Selva, although some deforested, is famous for its production of fruit, coffee and cat's claw. On the margins of the pig-May, the neighboring cities of San Ramon (825 m, 63 km E of Tarma) and La Merced (775 m, 73 km E of Tarma) have year-round sunshine and a fresh green countryside. Its main attractions are the scenery and nature. San Ramon and La Merced serve as a starting point to venture into the Amazon, from both cities leave roadways and public service vehicles to Villa Rica, Oxapampa National Park Yanachaga-Chemillén Pozuzo and Satipo.
LODGING (La Merced): Hotel President Selva, Carretera Marginal s / n, (064) 1953-1686, U.S. $ 57. Hotel Reyna, Palca 259, (064) 1953-1780, U.S. $ 24. Hostal Rey, Junín 103, (064) 1953-1185, U.S. $ 23. Hostal Las Mercedes, Tarma 552, (064) 1953-1070, U.S. $ 14. Cocos Hotel, km 102 Carretera San Ramon-La Merced, (064) 1953-2089, U.S. $ 55, www.cocoschanchamayo.com Fundo San José Eco Lodge, La Merced, (064) from 1953 to 1816, $ 70, www . fundosanjose.com.pe
RESTAURANTS (La Merced): The Sabroson, Plaza de Armas. The Kokis, Plaza de Armas. The Shambari Campa, Plaza de Armas, typical food. Mishaja Country Restaurant, km 12.5 Carretera Marginal, typical food.
LODGING (San Ramon): Rio Grande Inn, Marginal Road km 97, Chinese Camp, (064) 1933-2193, $ 60, www.riograndebungalows.com Shirampari, Carretera aVitoc km 0.7, (064) 1933-1408, U.S. $ 41, www.shirampari.com El Refugio, Army 490, (064) 1933-1082, $ 40. Conquistador, Progreso 298, (064) 1933-1157, U.S. $ 18.
RESTAURANTS {San Ramon): Chifa Siu, Progreso 440, (064) 1933-1078. Pizzeria Brocq, Plaza de San Ramón. Miraflores, Carretera Marginal km 94, (064) 1933-1187. TOURISM: PrusiaTours, José Pardo 764, of. 12, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, www.prusiatoursperu.com
See & Do
Veil of the movie. Impressive falls in the path Tarma-San Ramón, from Carpapata tunnel. Chandigarh river beaches. At the foot of La Merced. Nice for a picnic or hike. Bathing with caution, as there are eddies and mine tailings dump their upstream. Botanical Garden Lazy. About 20 km from La Merced, in Pueblo Pardo, Oxapampa direction. Beautiful garden of native plants, nice trails, bridges, ponds and "the house deTarzán", a hut built on a large tree. Paucartambo river beaches. About 25 km from La Merced en route to Oxapampa. Clear water pools are very nice. Perennial River. About 20 km from La Merced en route to Pichanakiy Satipo (dirt road). Confluence of the rivers and Paucartambo Chandigarh. Asháninkas beautiful landscapes and villages, as Pampa Michi, where you can buy handicrafts. Cascada Shot!. East of San Ramon. Waterfall of over 30 m located east of San Ramon. From the village of Playa Hermosa is reached on foot after walking about half an hour. Boating. In the river Chandigarh and others: hire the services of a professional guide. Pampa Hermosa. A 23 km from San Ramón. The first 11 km are acceptable and the final gauge 12, gauge in disrepair. It takes two hours to go the whole way. Falls area, ancient cedars and habitat cock of the rock, the national bird of Peru. Lodging: Eco Pampa Hermosa Lodge, $ 100 daily per couple. Lima: 225-1776, www.pampahermosaiodge.com Goiombo Distillery, 1 hour from La Merced by the Gorge of the Italians. Difficult but very interesting way. In Colombo there is a mill where it is distilled liquor for medicinal plants macerated. Catarata de Santa Ana and Nueva Esperanza. A 2h 30m de La Merced, en route to Satipo.
Oxapampa (1.800 m)
City, capital of the province of the same name, located on the banks of the river Chonta-bamba, Pasco region. Originally populated by ethnic yanesha and Ashaninka, currently has 77 thousand inhabitants. The first settlers arrived Tyrolean and Pozuzo Prussians in 1859 under the auspices of the government of Ramón Castilla. Because malaria affecting the colony, 13 German families came to look for new arable land, thus leading to Oxapampa, which was founded on August 30, 1891. Their descendants remain to this day many Germanic traditions and their homes are similar to typical Tyrolean houses. Oxapampa tourism week is celebrated from 25 to 31 August, in honor of Santa Rosa, patroness of the city.
LODGING: Lodging Loechle-Sinty (Ms. Geny of Loechle), San Martín cdra. 12, PSJ San Alberto, (063) 46-2615, (063) 46-2180, (063) 971-0270, (063) 995-3367. Overnight Egg Frau Carolina, San Martín 1085, (063) 1946-2331. Edelweiss Lodge, Miraflores, entrance to Oxapampa, (063) 1946-2567. Albergue El Trapiche, Mullembruk cdra. 1 (063) 1946-2551. Hospedaje Don Calucho, San Martín 411, (063) 1946-2109. Hosting Orchids, Lima 601, (063) 1946-2118. Hostal Arias, Bolognesi 328, (063) 80-6841, $ 12. Hostal Rey, Grau 476, (063) 1946-2316, $ 10.
RESTAURANTS: Italo's Barbeque, San Martín s / n, output Pozuzo, (063) 1946-2367. La Casa de Baco, San Martín cdra. 10, Miraflores, (063) 1946-2464. Oasis, Bolognesi 130 (opposite the park), (063) 1946-2206. El Trapiche, Mullembruk cdra. 1 (063) 1946-2551. Rancho Ruffner, Chontabamba right, (063) 46-2196.Tradicional tournament tape. Typical Oxapampino, jr. Mariscal Castilla block 1. Facing the Plaza de Armas. The Gravel, Chontabamba km 3. Pub Cheyenne, San Martín 474, (063) 1946-2162. Otto Bar Vatter, Grau cdra. 4, (063) 1946-2510.
TOURISM: Ecotours Oxapampa (Mr. Curly and Soledad Hassinger), (063) 1946-2659. ecotours_oxapam-pa@yahoo.com Pecky Souvenirs, souvenirs and crafts and Yaneshas Austro-German. Facing the Plaza de Armas, (063) 1946-2593.
See & Do
National Park Yanachaga Che-millan. Located in the Pasco region, comprising 122 000 hectares over the districts of Oxapampa, Pozuzo, Huancabamba, Villa Rica and Palcazú. It was created in 1986 to preserve the high parts that supply water to the populations of those districts, as well as the biodiversity of flora and fauna species that live in this area. Its forests contain more than 500 species of orchids, 427 species of birds and 59 mammals. The name comes from two words with similar meanings: Yanachaga (Quechua: "black mountain") and Chemillón (yanesha word meaning "black mountain or burned.") The name refers to a mountain range at sunset over the countryside with his dark silhouette. To visit it is recommended to approach the National Park offices Oxapampa (jr. Pozuzo cdra. 3 s / n, (063) 462-544). There are four inputs to access the Park: Two parts of Oxapampa by dirt road, a road goes to Pozuzo paved highway and the last part of Villa Rica to Iscozacin, where you have to ride the river of that name until National Park. There are facilities for tourists called Paujil. Other attractions: Tigre River Falls, Laguna del Cisne, District Chontabamba (Tunqui Cueva, cheese factory), the viewpoint The Pajonal.
Villa Rica (1.500 m)
A 71 km south of Oxapampa. With 16.000 inhabitants, this small town and agricultural center is located in the main coffee-growing country. Mild weather, bucolic landscapes, flora and fauna. The Franciscan missionaries visited the area XVII.Tuvo century origins in the efforts led by the German settlers Leopoldo Krause.
ACCOMMODATION: Hostel Rapallo, Carretera Marginal s / n (entrance to Villa Rica), $ 28, (063) 46-5353. Tourist Accommodation Villa Rica, Leopoldo Krause 451, $ 12, (063) 46-5013.
RESTAURANTS: Comfort, Leopoldo Krause 353, Plaza Principal, (063) 46-5004. Miika's (local food), Puerto Bermúdez cdra. 4. The Coffee, Leopoldo Krause 335, Plaza Principal, (063) 960-2324.
See & Do
El Mirador. A 1.5 km from the city, Eneno way. Allows full view of Villa Rica. Botanical Garden. In the Alexander von Humboldt Institute. Orchids, ornamental plants, aromatic and medicinal. Yesu Falls. A 3 km from Villa Rica. Beautiful waterfalls near the headwaters of the river of the same name. Cedro Pampa. Picturesque farms, mainly coffee, descendants of the settlers Prussians. Yanesha Cultural House. A 36 km de Villa unique for Puerto Bermúdez. Located on the grounds of Yanesha community, there is kept alive their language, art, folklore and traditions.
Pozuzo (850 m)
A 87 km north of Oxapampa, in the valley of Palcazú. Its name comes from Amuesha (ethnicity of the region) and means "salt water", as the river Pozuzo is formed by a salt water spring which joins the river Huancabamba. Politically created in 1922, this place was colonized by Tyrolean and Austrian immigrants from the mid-19. It has a population of European features that coexists with the original inhabitants of the region. It is a privileged area where they grow fruits, coffee, rice and snuff. Around: The suspension bridge William I, the Serpentarium Health Center, the museum Shafferer (on the colonization of the area) and the typical family home Egg zipline in Palmatambo founded.
LODGING: Lodge Frau Maria Egg, av. Settlers s / n, (063) 28-7559. Lima: 444-9927. $ 30. Hostal www.pozuzo.com Prussia, Johann Christopher Street s / n, Prussia. Tirol Hostel Pozuzo, calle Alemania s / n, Prussia. Mango, av. Settlers s / n. RESTAURANTS: The Typical Pozuzino (Andrés Egg), av. Settlers 72, (063) 28-7505. The Typical Prussia, Christopher Johann s / n (German dishes and the region), Prussia. Recreation Restaurant Orchids (Teresa Vasquez), av. Settlers s / n, (063) 28-7632.Tiene an orchid nursery.
TOURISM: Prusiatours, av. José Pardo 764, of. 12, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, www. prusiatoursperu.com Kanei, services and transport, 221-4324, 817 * 0938.
Cerro de Pasco (4.338 m)
Distances: Lima: 292 km. Huancayo, 242 km. La Oroya: 118 km.
Mining town of 80 000 inhabitants, capital of Pasco department, located on the Plateau of Blossom, also accessible by road and on the road Singing to Churín and Oyón. It is extremely cold. Main attraction is the National Shrine of Huayllay (Stone Forest), 43 km from the city, and gaps in Huaracocha, Shego and Punrun.
LODGING: Hotel Horizonte, Daniel A. Carrion 308, San Juan, (063) 1942-2392, $ 21. Hotel Master, av. San Martín s / n, San Juan, (063) 1942-1026, $ 19.
National Shrine Huayllay-Stone Forest 43 km southwest of the city. Created in 1974, this sanctuary has 6.815 acres of walls and pinnacles to 4.335 meters, with beautiful lakes and Japurín and Huaychaococha, excellent for fishing, and the medicinal waters of La Calera. There is a very rich wildlife of the highlands, such as geese, deer, skunks and viscacha. TOURISM: Prusiatours, av. José Pardo 764, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, toursperu.com www.prusia-Kanei, services and transport, 221-4324, 817 * 0938.
Huánuco (1,900 m)
Distances: Lima: 406 km. Huancayo, 356 km. Cerro de Pasco: 114 km.
Founded in 1539, on the banks of the Huallaga River, a tributary of the Maranon. Clean and tidy city has nice parks and piers with beautiful trees. It is known for its pleasant temperate climate, crops of fruit, coffee, cocoa and coca. To the west, in a departure from the route to La Union, 5 km from the city, is one of the oldest archaeological remains of America: the Temple of Kotosh. Huánuco (130 thousand inhabitants) is the most pleasant city between Lima and Pucallpa.
LODGING: Grand Hotel Huánuco, Damaso Beraún 775, (062) 1951-2410, U.S. $ 59. www.grand-hoteihuanuco.com Hotel Garuda, Pedro Puelles 465, (062) 51-3096, $ 28. Los Portales Hotel, km 3.5 Huanuco-Tingo Maria road (062) 51-6673, U.S. $ 15. Hotel Imperial, jr. Huánuco 581, (062) 51-4758, U.S. $ 15.
RESTAURANTS: Restaurant of the Grand Hotel Huánuco, Damaso Beraún 775. Restaurant Los Portales Hotel, km 3.5 Huanuco-Tingo Maria road. Don Sancho (pizzas), General Prado 745. Rinconcito Huanuco (regional cuisine), Dos de Mayo 175. Olla de Barro, Damaso Beraún, block. 8
See & Do
Plaza de Armas. It has a nice pool of 4 meters high, built in 1845 in one piece, surrounded by beautiful ficus. Churches. Huánuco has beautiful temples. You can visit the churches of San Francisco, Cristo Rey, San Sebastian, La Merced and San Cristobal, some of which were built in the 16 century. The Cathedral in the Plaza de Armas, has a collection of paintings from the Cusco School. Museum of Natural Sciences. General Prado 495. Stuffed animals and displays thousands of antiquities. Temple of the Crossed Hands. 5 km from the city. Has been dated by the Japanese archaeologist Izumi Seichi in 4.000 BC Little is known about this culture, one of the oldest in the Andes. Andabamba. A 8 km south on road to Cerro de Pasco. Farmhouse colonial structure located in the middle of a vast countryside, which was inhabited by the Franciscan order. Tomayquichua.A 19 km south on road to Cerro de Pasco. Tomayquichua is famous for its green countryside and for being the birthplace of Micaela Villegas, the Perricholi. Huanuco Viejo. A 123 km of paved road Huánuco and 10 km from La Union (Province of Dos de Mayo) is the little visited archaeological site of Huanuco Pampa (Huanuco Viejo), the most important Inca city in the north. It has well-preserved remains, and a set of baths of the Inca. In Huallanca and La Union are adequate for the night.
Regional dishes huanuco
Caldo verde: dry catfish soup, boiled with potatoes and served with a garnish of onions, peppers and cilantro. Duck cracklings, fried duck meat, seasoned with hot pepper sauce.
Chifles: green plantain slices fried in oil or butter. It can be sweet or savory. Locro chicken: boiled chicken meat, boiled white potatoes and chili dressing. Spicy beef, minced beef, boiled white potatoes, garlic and onions. Mote Patasca: Pieces of beef, pork and lamb, cooked with hominy, onions, salt and chopped green pepper.
Tacacho: boiled green banana pulp, which is added butter and salt.
Tingo Maria (650 m)
A 116-km tarmac road links the city with Huánuco. Another partially paved road of 225 km (Tingo Maria Puente Pumahuasi / Boqueron del Padre Abad-Aguaytía) communicates with Pucallpa. Tingo Maria occupies an Andean foothills near the Amazon basin. The city is small but has increased in recent years visited by tourists. The main attraction of the area is the National Park Tingo María and the famous Cave of the Owls. At the exit of Tingo Maria towards Pucallpa is the lookout San Cristobal, which allows a panoramic view of the city.
LODGING: Wood Green, Universitaria s / n, (062) 1956-2047, U.S. $ 44 (includes a restaurant, bar, swimming pool, butterfly farm, rescue center for wildlife and a natural forest which is home to various birds). Lima: 254-0100. www.maderaverdehotel.com Oro Verde, Iquitos cdra. 10, Castle Grande, (062) 1956-1144, $ 38, www.hotel-Oroverde. com Hotel The Great Wall, Raimondi 277, (062) 56-3329, U.S. $ 26. Hotel Internacional, Raimondi 232, (062) 56-3035, U.S. $ 17. Jennifer Villa (Ecolodge), Castle Grande road km 3.4, (062) 960-3509, $ 30. www.villajennifer.net
RESTAURANTS: Restaurant of Hotel Madera Verde, university s / n. Coal, Alameda Peru 395. Mey Chan, Pucallpa cdra. 2. Las Lomas (restaurant and recreation), entrance to the city.
Tingo Maria National Park. It has an area of 4.777 hectares. Created in 1965 to protect the range of mountains known as Sleeping Beauty and the adjacent woods. The park is experiencing a variety of reptiles, amphibians and insects, including endemic, diversity of birds like the guácharo and the cock of the rock and mammals such as peccary, the picuro breast and ocelot. Cave of the Owls. At the foot of Sleeping Beauty, 11 km from Tingo María. Limestone cave in Tingo Maria National Park, inhabited by the guácharo (peculiar bird of nocturnal habits) and other troglobious and fossorial. Way to the cave wild orchids can be seen. Entrance costs 5 soles and must hire a guide, rubber boots and carrying flashlights. The Cave of Pavas. 15 km from Tingo María. Small beaches and ponds surrounded by lush vegetation. Catarata de Santa Carmen. 8 minutes of Tingo Maria in the car and 40 minutes walking. Beautiful waterfall. Waterfall Veil of the Nymphs. In Tambillo district, 20 minutes of Tingo Maria in the car and 1 hour walk. Beautiful chain of waterfalls. Boqueron del Padre Abad. A 75 km (3 hours) of Tingo María, in the department of Ucayali. Very narrow canyon, the river open. Lush vegetation and beautiful waterfalls, such as Bridal Veil (at the beginning of Boqueron) and Devil's Shower (near the end of the Boqueron)
Junín - Pasco - Huánuco
Although there are regions or political units, for the Peruvian Central Sierra and Selva are defined by a geographical concepts axis: the central highway. This important way of Lima, on the coast across the Andes by the pass of Anticona (4,850 m) and goes to the Amazon jungle.
The Central Highlands comprises the top of Pasco, Junin, and Huanuco. Just 133 km from Lima, in Ticlio, Central Highway to appreciate stunning views of peaks, glaciers and lakes. In La Oroya, taking the Route 3 goes down into the valley of Mantaro, one of the richest regions in Peru by both mining and agricultural production. To the east, the Andes give way to the Central Selva: a rainy mountain region between 2.700 and 400 m.
The center of Peru has been inhabited since ancient times. Lauricocha cave in Huanuco, contains human remains dating back 9,000 years, and the Temple of the Crossed Hands (Cotosh), also in Huanuco, is considered the oldest of America (2.500 BC). The first contacts with the West began in the first half of the 16th century, during the Conquest. From 19 th century came to the jungle Chinese immigrants, English, Italians, Prussians and Tyrolean. The confluence of cultures and traditions alive is one of the charms of the region.
The Central Selva is the Amazon more accessible from the capital and tourism destination for the road. At 6 hours, a car can leave the coast, crossing the mountains and into the cloud forest, with its rugged topography, dense vegetation and waterfalls.
The largest city in the Central Sierra is Huancayo in the Mantaro Valley. Ties with the capital have been conducive to its development.
Central Road is the main route between Lima and the Centre. In step Anticona crosses the Continental Divide or water, which separates the rivers flowing into the Pacific from those flowing into the Atlantic. In La Oroya (km 174) the road forks: to the south leads to Jauja and Huancayo and north to Junin, Cerro de Pasco and Huanuco. In this way (22 km from La Oroya) is the turnoff to Tarma and the Central Selva.
Three alternative routes are Ne National Route 18 (Huaura-Churín-Ambo), the Nfi 20A (Lima-Canta-Huayllay-Cerro de Pasco) and Na 24 (Cañete-Lunahuaná-Huancayo). As you go up, these roads are becoming more lonely and difficult. The Center is also joined by the railway Lima Lima-La Oroya, which has the world altitude record for a train route (station La Galera, 4.781 m). Opened in 1875, is now operated by the Ferrocarril Central Andino {361 -2828), which carries particular passenger load but once a month and charter groups, among Homeless station in Lima (Jr. Ancash 201) and Huancayo, a travel almost 12 hours.
Basic Information
Weather and season: April to October: Dry and sunny. December-April: Variable and rainy. Puna: Cold and dry. Central Sierra: Cold nights, warm day. Selva Central: Tropical climate, hot and very humid. The services are saturated at Easter and Independence Day. Cost: These regions offer options for every budget, from hotels and restaurants, class to basic accommodation.
Aviation: Flight route from Lima to Huanuco (LC Busre) and Pucailpa (LC Busre, Star Peru and Lan Peru).
Notes: In the rainy season landslides and mudslides may interrupt the tracks.
road forks: to the south leads to Jauja and Huancayo and north to Junin, Cerro de Pasco and Huanuco. In this way (22 km from La Oroya) is the turnoff to Tarma and the Central Selva.
Three alternative routes are Ne National Route 18 (Huaura-Churín-Ambo), the Nfi 20A (Lima-Canta-Huayllay-Cerro de Pasco) and Na 24 (Cañete-Lunahuaná-Huancayo). As you go up, these roads are becoming more lonely and difficult. The Center is also joined by the railway Lima Lima-La Oroya, which has the world altitude record for a train route (station La Galera, 4.781 m). Opened in 1875, is now operated by the Ferrocarril Central Andino {361 -2828), which carries particular passenger load but once a month and charter groups, among Homeless station in Lima (Jr. Ancash 201) and Huancayo, a travel almost 12 hours.
Road .............
Lima - La Oroya - Huancayo. Distance: 298 km. Estimated time: 5-6 h.
Ticlio Lima (133 km). Paved road (Route 22) with heavy traffic. Danger from December to April! by rain, snow and fog in the afternoon and evening. The road is in good condition with good signage reflective. However, given the permanent repairs of the road, expect one-way areas and control speed. Steep, winding and some cliffs. Anticipate reckless maneuvering of other vehicles, especially trucks and buses. Pretty policing. Beware of altitude sickness: much of the route on the 3,500 m. Major milestones in this section are: Chosica (km 37), Matucana (km 75), San Mateo (km 94), Gum (km 105) and Casapalca (km 116). Ticlio-La Oroya (46 km). Route 22. From the open Anticona, the highest point Ticlio (4,850 meters), the road begins to descend, passing through Morococha (km 138) and arrives in La Oroya (km 174, 3.750 m). At this point it forks and the slope is less steep. Make sure you take the right direction right Huancayo, Cerro de Pasco to the left. In La Oroya are taps of 97 octane gasoline that accept Visa cards and can get food. Shortly before this city are the restaurants' Muruhuay "," El Tambo "and" Central ", which are acceptable. La Oroya-Huancayo (124 km). Route 3. Long stage, beside the River Mantaro. Gentle slope, with many curves. Attractive landscape. The modern and expanded Stuart bridge that leads to the Mantaro Valley is operating, for there we can reach the city of Jauja (km 80, left) and the diversion of 4 km to Lake Paca. The road continues through the valley of the Mantaro and splits in two. On the left bank of the river (120 km)-recommended route, is a four-lane highway that passes through the towns of Concepcion, San Jerónimo (careful with the speed bump) and Hualhuas before arriving at Huancayo. On the right (114 km)-track in good condition, passes through the towns of Ataura, Orcotuna, Sicaya and Pilcomayo to get to Huancayo.
La Oroya - Tarma. Distance: 55 km. Estimated time: 1 hour
Follow signs to La Oroya to Cerro de Pasco (Route 3N) 22 km (Las Vegas) take the road to Tarma (Route 22A, right). Paved road with reflective signage deficient, with parts in satisfactory condition. Section starts with a short climb where the track has some holes, which follows a steep descent with, tight corners, the track damaged areas and cliffs. Watch out for gaps, also with pedestrians and animals often invade the road.
Tarma - La Merced - Oxapampa - Pozuzo. Distance: 231 km. Estimated time: 6-7 h.
Tarma-La Merced (73 km, 2h). Paved road in good condition. Starts decreasing and passes in Acobamba Palca, a city with the best rural health post. This road has many curves and precipices, crosses Carpapata, landslide area (watch out for obstacles in the path). Tunnels and jungle. An important point in this section is the city of San Ramon, 10 km before La Merced. La Merced-Oxapampa (80 km, 2h). Three km after La Merced paved road is a detour to the left going to San Luis de Shuaro and Paucartambo bridge. Following this detour on paved highway and crossing the bridge, the road forks: to the right to go to Villa Rica (20 km) and to the left to reach Oxapampa paved road. Oxapampa-Pozuzo (78 km, 3h). From Oxapampa Pozuzo continues to narrow for a trail that presents the danger of landslides.
La Merced - Satipo - Conception. Distance: 333 km. Mado estimated time: 9 h 30 m.
The Merced-Satipo (124 km, 3h 30m). If you do not take the turnoff to San Luis de Shuaro, paved road continues to Satipo and crosses a bridge over the river Chandigarh. Subsequently passed through the town and reaches Perené Plchanaki, located 72 km from La Merced. The road continues to the southeast and 52 km then up to Satipo. Satipo-Concepcion (209 km, 6h). Unpaved road in good condition until Butterflies (35 km of Satipo). Since there is narrow, bumpy and winding up, reaching 3,800 meters to 80 km of Satipo. It is up to 15 km after (open Tortuga) of 4.390 m is reached and begins a descent on narrow road and depths up to Comas (152 km of Satipo). It rises again, passing a second pass (4.500 m) and start a new wider road down to Ocopa (200 km of Satipo). Is about 9 km after conception.
La Oroya - Huanuco. Distance: 232 km. Estimated time: 5-6 h.
Paved road in good condition and well signposted to Cerro de Pasco, from there, in fair condition (beware potholes and holes).
La Oroya-Junin (54 km). This section crosses his path diversion to Tarma (Las Vegas, km 22). Moves parallel to the river Paccha and ascends to the plateau of Blossom. Crosses the height of the 214 km detour to San Pedro de Cajas and then passes near the historic sanctuary Chacamarca (where the memorial to the Battle of Junín). A 54 km de La Oroya reaches the turnoff to the town of Junín. Beware of altitude sickness on the road. Junín-Desv. Cerro de Pasco (64 km). Difficult stretch for the altitude of the area. Chinchaycocha crosses the plateau which has several long straights (you can see the lake Junín) and after 30 km reaches Carhuamayo City. From this point, is 8 km and 20 km later Ninacaca Vicco, a mining town 9 km from the turnoff to Cerro de Pasco. Diversion Cerro de Pasco-Huánuco (114 km). Steep descent with sharp curves. At the height of Chicrín the road is in fair condition. Watch out for buildings and equipment belonging to the mines in the area. The stretch of road leading to Huanuco is in fair condition, with areas of holes. Landslides during the rainy season (November-May). Milestones before reaching the cities of Huanuco Huariaca (km 175), San Rafael (km 182) and Ambo (km 211).
Huanuco - Tingo Maria - Pucallpa. Distance: 371 km Estimated time: 12 h in dry season, 20 h during the rainy season.
The landslides seriously affect this route in the months of January to March. Dense fog and cornering. Recommended travel only by day. Huanuco-Tingo Maria (116 km). Time: 2-3h. Paved road. Many curved lines, especially from Carpish tunnel (430 m), located 30 km from Huanuco and 2.700 meters. Steep slopes. Tingo María-Pucallpa (255 km). Travel only by day, by truck or car in good condition. Pucallpa is at km 0 and Tingo Maria in the 255, so the count is regressive. Paved road in the first 20 km (turnoff to Tocache) from this point is affirmed and in disrepair until the Boqueron del Padre Abad, where again be paved until Aguaytía, with taps and basic services.
Central Road, despite continued support and heavy traffic, is the best way to connect the ground the two sides of the Andes, overlooking the Pacific and descending towards the plains of the Amazon.
Huancayo (3.250 m)
Distances: Lima: 298 km. La Oroya: 124 km. Ayacucho: 257 km.
With 325 thousand inhabitants, Huancayo is the largest city in the central highlands of the country. Founded by the Spanish in 1572 (the province was created in 1864), works as commercial axis between the producing areas of the Costa, Sierra and Selva. Has the best hotels and restaurants in the region and is the starting point to know the towns and countryside of the valley. Its Sunday market is one of the largest in Peru.
LODGING: Hotel Presidente, Calle Real 1138, (064) 23-5419, $ 60, www. hotels-of-centro.com Hotel Turismo, Ancash 729, (064) 1923-1072, $ 60, www. hotels-of-centro.com Hostal El Marquez, Puno 294, (064) 21-9026, U.S. $ 47, www. elmarquezhuancayo.com Hotel Blub, Verand passage 187, (064) 1922-1692, $ 33, www. hotelblubhuancayo.com Susan's Hotel, Calle Real 851, (064) 1920-2251, $ 29, www. susanshotel.com Hotel Los Balcones, Puno 282, (064) 1921-1041, U.S. $ 18-balconeshuancayo.com www.los
RESTAURANTS: Huancahuasi (traditional food), Mariscal Castilla 2222, El Tambo, (064) 24-4826. The Leopard (traditional food), Huánuco 701. The Tulipa, 143 Atahualpa, El Tambo, (064) 25-3649. Chifa Centre Giráldez 365. Pizzeria Italia, Leandra Torres 441, San Carlos, (064) 23-3145. Pizzeria La Cabaña (plzzas, trout), Giráldez 652. Las Delicias, Juan Vivanco Morales s / n, Concepción.
EMERGENCY Regional Hospital Daniel Carrion, Daniel A. Carrión, 1552, (064) 1922-2157. EsSalud Hospital, Independencia 296, El Tambo, (064) 24-8473. Clinical Ortega, Daniel A. Carrion 1124, (064) 1923-2921. Tourist Police, av. Rail 580, (064) 21-9851.
See & Do
Iglesia La Merced. Block 1 of the Calle Real. The oldest of Huancayo, she signed the Constitution of 1839. It retains the main altar and the wooden pulpit. Cate-dral Plaza de la Constitution. Its construction was completed in 1931. Neoclassical architecture, inside there are paintings of the Cusco School. Identity Park Wanka. To the northeast, in the San Antonio. Theme Park in tribute to the natural and cultural wealth of the region. Has parking area and typical restaurants. Cerrito de la Libertad. A 1 km from the city. Also called "El Mirador" offers an interesting view of the city and part of the Mantaro Valley, a zoo, restaurants and entertainment area. Torre Torre. A 2.5 km from Huancayo. Joint Geological huge towers of clay (10 to 30 feet), shaped by wind and rain. Warivilca Sanctuary. A 6 km S of the city. Temple of the Wari culture that presides other remains of archaeological interest. There is a museum. Dominica Fair!. Avenida Huancavelica. Real street institutionalized by Jerome de Silva in 1572, since 1976 he moved to Av. Huancavelica. You can find textiles, jewelry and agricultural products.
Mantaro Valley. Between Huancayo and Jauja (north) the road splits into two main branches, one on each side of river. In the margin zquierda (east) the road follows the railway line and passes through the towns of Hualhuas (beautiful fabrics from alpaca and sheep naturally dyed, hand-woven), Jerome detuned (silver filigree, 17 century church and archaeological sites), Concepcion (20 km to the north of Huancayo, Don numerous tourist attractions) and San Lorenzo. This is the way to the Convent of Ocopa and Ingenio. The road across the river (range: = rejected, west) passes through Pilcomayo, Sicaya (a beautiful colonial church of Santo Domingo), Orcotuna (Shrine of Our Lady of Cocharcas) and Aw. Following the main street and walk to the south is Sapallanga (very good-achamancas and rams the stick), Miraflores (trout farm), Pucara a viewpoint of the valley) and Marcavalle. Big natural lookout site museums. On the south you can visit Huayucachi, Viques and Chupuro (eminent exponents of Huaylas) and Chong Low (16-century church, famous party Cruzy Kaypin beloved place for paragliding and hang gliding). Those who know the off-road driving can continue to the southeast, climbing the mountains toward the valley Canipaco dirt road), which offers landscapes, lakes and picturesque villages like Vista Alegre, Huasicancha and Coica. In general, the state of the roads is good. Choose the side of the river you want to visit that day, as there are few bridges. Accommodation in Concepción: Loma Verde, Leopoldo Peña 770, (064) 1958-1569, $ 87, www.lomaverdeperu.com Huaychulo Resort, Calle Oriente s / n, (064) 1958-1001, U.S. $ 42. Lima: 261-0240. Ocopa Convent. A 33 km from Huancayo. Founded by Fray Francisco de San José in 1725, as outpost in catechins zaclón de la Selva, the convent is a beautiful colonial building become a tourist spot. It has four cloisters (the goal, Olivo, Obrería and Padre Pio) and has a large library with more than 25 000 volumes (some are unique in the world), a collection of religious art from the Cusco School and Huamanga, stuffed animals and objects of ethnic Asháninka (Campas). Ingenio. A 23 km from Huancayo and minutes from Concepción. Trout farm and restaurant whose specialties include trout and artichokes. Huaytapallana Cordillera. 40 km from Huancayo by the dirt road to Parihuanca. Beautiful Andean scenery, with mountains and lakes. Small lakes and large cars. A 21 km north of Huancayo. People known for its handicrafts, especially their gourds.
Satipo (650 m)
A 123 km de La Merced. Located in the eastern region of Junin, Satipo was created as a district of Jauja in 1940, but in 1965 acquired the status of province. The city of that name stands on the banks of the river zquierda Satipo and employs approximately 35 000 inhabitants. The original inhabitants of the region were the Asháninkas, Yaneshas, Piros and Amueshas, among others. Today, ethnic groups still living in the region are Nomatsiguenga Asháninkas and which retain many of their customs. Around the city there are many places of interest such as the Cerro viewpoint Satellite (4 km from the city), Falls Bayoz (road-Satipo La Merced), Cock of the Rocks (41 km) and El Arco Iris (34 km), Port Ocopa and petroglyphs Paratushiali (5 km) and Huanacaure (11 km).
LODGING: Hostal San Luis, Miguel Grau 173, (064) 54-5319, U.S. $ 20. Majestic Hostel, Settlers Founders 408, (064) 54-5762, U.S. $ 18. Hotel Riviera, Augusto B. Leguía 380, (064) 54-5057, U.S. $ 17.
RESTAURANTS: The Jaguar (traditional food), Ruben Calegari 431. Yoli Café (cafeteria-ria), Manuel Prado 224. Blue Café, Augusto B. Leguía 380. Country restaurant Laguna Blanca, Carretera Marginal km 2 (064) 54-5825.
Junin regional dishes
Roasted Lamb: Lamb cooked ia whole grilled, seasoned with various spices.
Human Broth: boiled sheep heads in an infusion of mint, onion and chili.
Tarma chicken: Chicken meat cooked with potatoes, eggs and rice.
Pachamanca: stew of various meats, tubers and vegetables, prepared under the ground.
Andean Potatoes: boiled potato slices, flavored with cheese sauce and yellow pepper.
Picante de cuy, guinea pig meat cooked with plenty of chili pepper.
Parboiled mutton pieces cooked with potatoes, rice and various vegetables and tubers.
Wallpa: beef and chicken soup with various vegetables and noodles.
Cutivireni. At about 200 km east of Satipo. Population is in the buffer zone Asháninka Communal Reserve. One of the points of departure to visit the two protected areas located in the province of Satipo, Tambo River District: Communal Reserve and National Park Asháninka Otishi, rich culture, landscape and biological diversity. The area is a natural paradise where the river and its tributaries Cutivireni delight visitors with its impressive waterfalls drop hundreds of meters.
Junín (4,150 m)
A 54 km north of La Oroya. Small town, near the historic sanctuary Cha-Camarca (25 hectares) which was fought the Battle of Junín. Historical monument and museum. In the Junín National Reserve (53 hectares) is the eponymous lake, the largest highland lake (467 km2) after Titicaca, which was severely affected by mine tailings, although it is quite recovered. The reserve is considered the most diverse altoandlno wetland birds in Peru.
Jauja (3,370 m)
A 44 km from Huancayo. Founded in 1534 by Pizarro, who ordered the construction of the current Cathedral was the first capital of the Government of Peru. It has 27 000 inhabitants and a very good climate.
See & Do
Plaza de Armas. Fairs are held on Wednesdays and Sundays. On its side stands the Mother Church. Archaeological Museum Jauja. Artisans Union. Exhibits an interesting collection of local pre-Columbian pieces. Poor Christ Church (1920). Between San Martin and Hill streets. It has a Gothic style, original in the Andes. Tunanmarca. On the heights of Jauja. Little visited archaeological remains of the nation's capital Wanka. Laguna de Paca. A 5 km north of Jauja. Waterhole (21.4 km2) surrounded by cattails and wildlife, ideal for boating. You can visit the Island of Love There are hotels and restaurants offering typical local lunch (pachamanca, fried trout).
Tarma (3,050 m)
Distances: Lima: 229 km. The Gold-ya: 55 km.
Located 55 km east of La Oroya, the "Pearl of the Andes" is a pleasant town situated in a deep valley and surrounded by flower crops (wallflowers, gladioli, carnations, etc.) and eucalyptus-covered hillsides. The last 30 km before reaching the city is a coil with sharp bends, drive carefully. The Spanish foundation of Tarma century and there are 16 pre-Inca ruins nearby. However, the city lacks colonial monuments. One of its main attractions is the Cathedral, located in the Plaza de Armas. Neoclassical building, constructed in 1954, is on the high altar an image of Santa Ana, Tarma hoax, and a crypt with the remains of Manuel A. Ould, who ordered its restoration. The city streets are upholstered with flowers for Easter, the Lord of Miracles (October 18, 28 and 29) and San Sebastian (20 January). Tarma is known for its excellent fruit, cheese and caramel, as well as the beauty of its flowers. Note: On certain days of the week a street market takes the streets of downtown, so ask before parking, as your car can be locked.
LODGING: Los Portales, Ramón Castilla 512, (064) 1932-1411, $ 84, www. hoteieslosportales.com.pe Los Balcones Hotel, Lima 370, (064) 32-3600, U.S. $ 58. Hacienda Santa Maria, Vista Alegre 1249, Sacsamarca, (064) 1932-1232, Lima: 446-7440, U.S. $ 50 Hostal Campestre www.haciendasantamaria.com Normandie, Mary Delgado Odria s / n, Muruhuay, Lima: 348 - 1724, $ 40, www.normandie.com. eg San Antonio, Huancavelica 780, (064) 1932-2575, U.S. $ 34. Hacienda La Florida, 6 km on the road to Acobamba, (064) 1934-1041, Lima: 344-1358, $ 25, www. haciendalaflorida.com
RESTAURANTS: Restaurant of the Hotel Los Portales, Ramón Castilla 512. Ister-rial, Arequipa 501. Very best of Tarma, Arequipa 501.
TOURISM: Travel Center Tours, May 2 675 (064) 1932-1104. EMERGENCY Mayorca Felix Soto Hospital, av. Pacheco 362, (064) 1932-1401.
Tarma: Around
Acobamba (2,900 m). A10 km north of Tarma, road to La Merced. See the new Sanctuary of the Lord of Muruhuay (1972), sculpted image of Christ, according to legend, by a royalist officer after the Battle of Junín (Aug. 6, 1824). San Pedro de Gajas (4.000 m). A 42 km from Tarma by court affirmed the route Paicamayo-Junin. Tapestry production center of international fame. Hua-GAPO Cave, 28 km from Tarma, northwest. In Acobamba starts turning on and the neighboring Palcamayo Huagapo cave, perhaps the deepest in Peru. 2 km has been explored underground tunnels. Estalac-titas and cave paintings. We recommend hiring a guide. Taraiatambo. A 6 km south of Tarma. Interesting pre-Inca archaeological complex.
Name of a river and a province-ment of Junin. This area, the most accessible of the Central Selva, although some deforested, is famous for its production of fruit, coffee and cat's claw. On the margins of the pig-May, the neighboring cities of San Ramon (825 m, 63 km E of Tarma) and La Merced (775 m, 73 km E of Tarma) have year-round sunshine and a fresh green countryside. Its main attractions are the scenery and nature. San Ramon and La Merced serve as a starting point to venture into the Amazon, from both cities leave roadways and public service vehicles to Villa Rica, Oxapampa National Park Yanachaga-Chemillén Pozuzo and Satipo.
LODGING (La Merced): Hotel President Selva, Carretera Marginal s / n, (064) 1953-1686, U.S. $ 57. Hotel Reyna, Palca 259, (064) 1953-1780, U.S. $ 24. Hostal Rey, Junín 103, (064) 1953-1185, U.S. $ 23. Hostal Las Mercedes, Tarma 552, (064) 1953-1070, U.S. $ 14. Cocos Hotel, km 102 Carretera San Ramon-La Merced, (064) 1953-2089, U.S. $ 55, www.cocoschanchamayo.com Fundo San José Eco Lodge, La Merced, (064) from 1953 to 1816, $ 70, www . fundosanjose.com.pe
RESTAURANTS (La Merced): The Sabroson, Plaza de Armas. The Kokis, Plaza de Armas. The Shambari Campa, Plaza de Armas, typical food. Mishaja Country Restaurant, km 12.5 Carretera Marginal, typical food.
LODGING (San Ramon): Rio Grande Inn, Marginal Road km 97, Chinese Camp, (064) 1933-2193, $ 60, www.riograndebungalows.com Shirampari, Carretera aVitoc km 0.7, (064) 1933-1408, U.S. $ 41, www.shirampari.com El Refugio, Army 490, (064) 1933-1082, $ 40. Conquistador, Progreso 298, (064) 1933-1157, U.S. $ 18.
RESTAURANTS {San Ramon): Chifa Siu, Progreso 440, (064) 1933-1078. Pizzeria Brocq, Plaza de San Ramón. Miraflores, Carretera Marginal km 94, (064) 1933-1187. TOURISM: PrusiaTours, José Pardo 764, of. 12, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, www.prusiatoursperu.com
See & Do
Veil of the movie. Impressive falls in the path Tarma-San Ramón, from Carpapata tunnel. Chandigarh river beaches. At the foot of La Merced. Nice for a picnic or hike. Bathing with caution, as there are eddies and mine tailings dump their upstream. Botanical Garden Lazy. About 20 km from La Merced, in Pueblo Pardo, Oxapampa direction. Beautiful garden of native plants, nice trails, bridges, ponds and "the house deTarzán", a hut built on a large tree. Paucartambo river beaches. About 25 km from La Merced en route to Oxapampa. Clear water pools are very nice. Perennial River. About 20 km from La Merced en route to Pichanakiy Satipo (dirt road). Confluence of the rivers and Paucartambo Chandigarh. Asháninkas beautiful landscapes and villages, as Pampa Michi, where you can buy handicrafts. Cascada Shot!. East of San Ramon. Waterfall of over 30 m located east of San Ramon. From the village of Playa Hermosa is reached on foot after walking about half an hour. Boating. In the river Chandigarh and others: hire the services of a professional guide. Pampa Hermosa. A 23 km from San Ramón. The first 11 km are acceptable and the final gauge 12, gauge in disrepair. It takes two hours to go the whole way. Falls area, ancient cedars and habitat cock of the rock, the national bird of Peru. Lodging: Eco Pampa Hermosa Lodge, $ 100 daily per couple. Lima: 225-1776, www.pampahermosaiodge.com Goiombo Distillery, 1 hour from La Merced by the Gorge of the Italians. Difficult but very interesting way. In Colombo there is a mill where it is distilled liquor for medicinal plants macerated. Catarata de Santa Ana and Nueva Esperanza. A 2h 30m de La Merced, en route to Satipo.
Oxapampa (1.800 m)
City, capital of the province of the same name, located on the banks of the river Chonta-bamba, Pasco region. Originally populated by ethnic yanesha and Ashaninka, currently has 77 thousand inhabitants. The first settlers arrived Tyrolean and Pozuzo Prussians in 1859 under the auspices of the government of Ramón Castilla. Because malaria affecting the colony, 13 German families came to look for new arable land, thus leading to Oxapampa, which was founded on August 30, 1891. Their descendants remain to this day many Germanic traditions and their homes are similar to typical Tyrolean houses. Oxapampa tourism week is celebrated from 25 to 31 August, in honor of Santa Rosa, patroness of the city.
LODGING: Lodging Loechle-Sinty (Ms. Geny of Loechle), San Martín cdra. 12, PSJ San Alberto, (063) 46-2615, (063) 46-2180, (063) 971-0270, (063) 995-3367. Overnight Egg Frau Carolina, San Martín 1085, (063) 1946-2331. Edelweiss Lodge, Miraflores, entrance to Oxapampa, (063) 1946-2567. Albergue El Trapiche, Mullembruk cdra. 1 (063) 1946-2551. Hospedaje Don Calucho, San Martín 411, (063) 1946-2109. Hosting Orchids, Lima 601, (063) 1946-2118. Hostal Arias, Bolognesi 328, (063) 80-6841, $ 12. Hostal Rey, Grau 476, (063) 1946-2316, $ 10.
RESTAURANTS: Italo's Barbeque, San Martín s / n, output Pozuzo, (063) 1946-2367. La Casa de Baco, San Martín cdra. 10, Miraflores, (063) 1946-2464. Oasis, Bolognesi 130 (opposite the park), (063) 1946-2206. El Trapiche, Mullembruk cdra. 1 (063) 1946-2551. Rancho Ruffner, Chontabamba right, (063) 46-2196.Tradicional tournament tape. Typical Oxapampino, jr. Mariscal Castilla block 1. Facing the Plaza de Armas. The Gravel, Chontabamba km 3. Pub Cheyenne, San Martín 474, (063) 1946-2162. Otto Bar Vatter, Grau cdra. 4, (063) 1946-2510.
TOURISM: Ecotours Oxapampa (Mr. Curly and Soledad Hassinger), (063) 1946-2659. ecotours_oxapam-pa@yahoo.com Pecky Souvenirs, souvenirs and crafts and Yaneshas Austro-German. Facing the Plaza de Armas, (063) 1946-2593.
See & Do
National Park Yanachaga Che-millan. Located in the Pasco region, comprising 122 000 hectares over the districts of Oxapampa, Pozuzo, Huancabamba, Villa Rica and Palcazú. It was created in 1986 to preserve the high parts that supply water to the populations of those districts, as well as the biodiversity of flora and fauna species that live in this area. Its forests contain more than 500 species of orchids, 427 species of birds and 59 mammals. The name comes from two words with similar meanings: Yanachaga (Quechua: "black mountain") and Chemillón (yanesha word meaning "black mountain or burned.") The name refers to a mountain range at sunset over the countryside with his dark silhouette. To visit it is recommended to approach the National Park offices Oxapampa (jr. Pozuzo cdra. 3 s / n, (063) 462-544). There are four inputs to access the Park: Two parts of Oxapampa by dirt road, a road goes to Pozuzo paved highway and the last part of Villa Rica to Iscozacin, where you have to ride the river of that name until National Park. There are facilities for tourists called Paujil. Other attractions: Tigre River Falls, Laguna del Cisne, District Chontabamba (Tunqui Cueva, cheese factory), the viewpoint The Pajonal.
Villa Rica (1.500 m)
A 71 km south of Oxapampa. With 16.000 inhabitants, this small town and agricultural center is located in the main coffee-growing country. Mild weather, bucolic landscapes, flora and fauna. The Franciscan missionaries visited the area XVII.Tuvo century origins in the efforts led by the German settlers Leopoldo Krause.
ACCOMMODATION: Hostel Rapallo, Carretera Marginal s / n (entrance to Villa Rica), $ 28, (063) 46-5353. Tourist Accommodation Villa Rica, Leopoldo Krause 451, $ 12, (063) 46-5013.
RESTAURANTS: Comfort, Leopoldo Krause 353, Plaza Principal, (063) 46-5004. Miika's (local food), Puerto Bermúdez cdra. 4. The Coffee, Leopoldo Krause 335, Plaza Principal, (063) 960-2324.
See & Do
El Mirador. A 1.5 km from the city, Eneno way. Allows full view of Villa Rica. Botanical Garden. In the Alexander von Humboldt Institute. Orchids, ornamental plants, aromatic and medicinal. Yesu Falls. A 3 km from Villa Rica. Beautiful waterfalls near the headwaters of the river of the same name. Cedro Pampa. Picturesque farms, mainly coffee, descendants of the settlers Prussians. Yanesha Cultural House. A 36 km de Villa unique for Puerto Bermúdez. Located on the grounds of Yanesha community, there is kept alive their language, art, folklore and traditions.
Pozuzo (850 m)
A 87 km north of Oxapampa, in the valley of Palcazú. Its name comes from Amuesha (ethnicity of the region) and means "salt water", as the river Pozuzo is formed by a salt water spring which joins the river Huancabamba. Politically created in 1922, this place was colonized by Tyrolean and Austrian immigrants from the mid-19. It has a population of European features that coexists with the original inhabitants of the region. It is a privileged area where they grow fruits, coffee, rice and snuff. Around: The suspension bridge William I, the Serpentarium Health Center, the museum Shafferer (on the colonization of the area) and the typical family home Egg zipline in Palmatambo founded.
LODGING: Lodge Frau Maria Egg, av. Settlers s / n, (063) 28-7559. Lima: 444-9927. $ 30. Hostal www.pozuzo.com Prussia, Johann Christopher Street s / n, Prussia. Tirol Hostel Pozuzo, calle Alemania s / n, Prussia. Mango, av. Settlers s / n. RESTAURANTS: The Typical Pozuzino (Andrés Egg), av. Settlers 72, (063) 28-7505. The Typical Prussia, Christopher Johann s / n (German dishes and the region), Prussia. Recreation Restaurant Orchids (Teresa Vasquez), av. Settlers s / n, (063) 28-7632.Tiene an orchid nursery.
TOURISM: Prusiatours, av. José Pardo 764, of. 12, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, www. prusiatoursperu.com Kanei, services and transport, 221-4324, 817 * 0938.
Cerro de Pasco (4.338 m)
Distances: Lima: 292 km. Huancayo, 242 km. La Oroya: 118 km.
Mining town of 80 000 inhabitants, capital of Pasco department, located on the Plateau of Blossom, also accessible by road and on the road Singing to Churín and Oyón. It is extremely cold. Main attraction is the National Shrine of Huayllay (Stone Forest), 43 km from the city, and gaps in Huaracocha, Shego and Punrun.
LODGING: Hotel Horizonte, Daniel A. Carrion 308, San Juan, (063) 1942-2392, $ 21. Hotel Master, av. San Martín s / n, San Juan, (063) 1942-1026, $ 19.
National Shrine Huayllay-Stone Forest 43 km southwest of the city. Created in 1974, this sanctuary has 6.815 acres of walls and pinnacles to 4.335 meters, with beautiful lakes and Japurín and Huaychaococha, excellent for fishing, and the medicinal waters of La Calera. There is a very rich wildlife of the highlands, such as geese, deer, skunks and viscacha. TOURISM: Prusiatours, av. José Pardo 764, Miraflores, Lima, 445-6670, toursperu.com www.prusia-Kanei, services and transport, 221-4324, 817 * 0938.
Huánuco (1,900 m)
Distances: Lima: 406 km. Huancayo, 356 km. Cerro de Pasco: 114 km.
Founded in 1539, on the banks of the Huallaga River, a tributary of the Maranon. Clean and tidy city has nice parks and piers with beautiful trees. It is known for its pleasant temperate climate, crops of fruit, coffee, cocoa and coca. To the west, in a departure from the route to La Union, 5 km from the city, is one of the oldest archaeological remains of America: the Temple of Kotosh. Huánuco (130 thousand inhabitants) is the most pleasant city between Lima and Pucallpa.
LODGING: Grand Hotel Huánuco, Damaso Beraún 775, (062) 1951-2410, U.S. $ 59. www.grand-hoteihuanuco.com Hotel Garuda, Pedro Puelles 465, (062) 51-3096, $ 28. Los Portales Hotel, km 3.5 Huanuco-Tingo Maria road (062) 51-6673, U.S. $ 15. Hotel Imperial, jr. Huánuco 581, (062) 51-4758, U.S. $ 15.
RESTAURANTS: Restaurant of the Grand Hotel Huánuco, Damaso Beraún 775. Restaurant Los Portales Hotel, km 3.5 Huanuco-Tingo Maria road. Don Sancho (pizzas), General Prado 745. Rinconcito Huanuco (regional cuisine), Dos de Mayo 175. Olla de Barro, Damaso Beraún, block. 8
See & Do
Plaza de Armas. It has a nice pool of 4 meters high, built in 1845 in one piece, surrounded by beautiful ficus. Churches. Huánuco has beautiful temples. You can visit the churches of San Francisco, Cristo Rey, San Sebastian, La Merced and San Cristobal, some of which were built in the 16 century. The Cathedral in the Plaza de Armas, has a collection of paintings from the Cusco School. Museum of Natural Sciences. General Prado 495. Stuffed animals and displays thousands of antiquities. Temple of the Crossed Hands. 5 km from the city. Has been dated by the Japanese archaeologist Izumi Seichi in 4.000 BC Little is known about this culture, one of the oldest in the Andes. Andabamba. A 8 km south on road to Cerro de Pasco. Farmhouse colonial structure located in the middle of a vast countryside, which was inhabited by the Franciscan order. Tomayquichua.A 19 km south on road to Cerro de Pasco. Tomayquichua is famous for its green countryside and for being the birthplace of Micaela Villegas, the Perricholi. Huanuco Viejo. A 123 km of paved road Huánuco and 10 km from La Union (Province of Dos de Mayo) is the little visited archaeological site of Huanuco Pampa (Huanuco Viejo), the most important Inca city in the north. It has well-preserved remains, and a set of baths of the Inca. In Huallanca and La Union are adequate for the night.
Regional dishes huanuco
Caldo verde: dry catfish soup, boiled with potatoes and served with a garnish of onions, peppers and cilantro. Duck cracklings, fried duck meat, seasoned with hot pepper sauce.
Chifles: green plantain slices fried in oil or butter. It can be sweet or savory. Locro chicken: boiled chicken meat, boiled white potatoes and chili dressing. Spicy beef, minced beef, boiled white potatoes, garlic and onions. Mote Patasca: Pieces of beef, pork and lamb, cooked with hominy, onions, salt and chopped green pepper.
Tacacho: boiled green banana pulp, which is added butter and salt.
Tingo Maria (650 m)
A 116-km tarmac road links the city with Huánuco. Another partially paved road of 225 km (Tingo Maria Puente Pumahuasi / Boqueron del Padre Abad-Aguaytía) communicates with Pucallpa. Tingo Maria occupies an Andean foothills near the Amazon basin. The city is small but has increased in recent years visited by tourists. The main attraction of the area is the National Park Tingo María and the famous Cave of the Owls. At the exit of Tingo Maria towards Pucallpa is the lookout San Cristobal, which allows a panoramic view of the city.
LODGING: Wood Green, Universitaria s / n, (062) 1956-2047, U.S. $ 44 (includes a restaurant, bar, swimming pool, butterfly farm, rescue center for wildlife and a natural forest which is home to various birds). Lima: 254-0100. www.maderaverdehotel.com Oro Verde, Iquitos cdra. 10, Castle Grande, (062) 1956-1144, $ 38, www.hotel-Oroverde. com Hotel The Great Wall, Raimondi 277, (062) 56-3329, U.S. $ 26. Hotel Internacional, Raimondi 232, (062) 56-3035, U.S. $ 17. Jennifer Villa (Ecolodge), Castle Grande road km 3.4, (062) 960-3509, $ 30. www.villajennifer.net
RESTAURANTS: Restaurant of Hotel Madera Verde, university s / n. Coal, Alameda Peru 395. Mey Chan, Pucallpa cdra. 2. Las Lomas (restaurant and recreation), entrance to the city.
Tingo Maria National Park. It has an area of 4.777 hectares. Created in 1965 to protect the range of mountains known as Sleeping Beauty and the adjacent woods. The park is experiencing a variety of reptiles, amphibians and insects, including endemic, diversity of birds like the guácharo and the cock of the rock and mammals such as peccary, the picuro breast and ocelot. Cave of the Owls. At the foot of Sleeping Beauty, 11 km from Tingo María. Limestone cave in Tingo Maria National Park, inhabited by the guácharo (peculiar bird of nocturnal habits) and other troglobious and fossorial. Way to the cave wild orchids can be seen. Entrance costs 5 soles and must hire a guide, rubber boots and carrying flashlights. The Cave of Pavas. 15 km from Tingo María. Small beaches and ponds surrounded by lush vegetation. Catarata de Santa Carmen. 8 minutes of Tingo Maria in the car and 40 minutes walking. Beautiful waterfall. Waterfall Veil of the Nymphs. In Tambillo district, 20 minutes of Tingo Maria in the car and 1 hour walk. Beautiful chain of waterfalls. Boqueron del Padre Abad. A 75 km (3 hours) of Tingo María, in the department of Ucayali. Very narrow canyon, the river open. Lush vegetation and beautiful waterfalls, such as Bridal Veil (at the beginning of Boqueron) and Devil's Shower (near the end of the Boqueron)