Callejón de Huaylas
Huaraz • Carhuaz • Yungay • Caraz
El río Santa, uno de los más caudalosos de la costa peruana, corre de sur a norte entre la Cordillera Blanca y la Cordillera Negra formando a su paso el Callejón de Huaylas, una de las zonas más espectaculares y accesibles de los Andes peruanos, a menos de 8 horas de Lima por carreteras asfaltadas. Comprendida dentro del Parque Nacional Huascarán (ver recuadro), la Cordillera Blanca es la cadena tropical de montañas más alta del mundo, con una longitud de 150 km y más de 30 nevados que superan los 6,000 m. Al oeste de la Cordillera Blanca se levanta la Cordillera Negra, llamada así por la ausencia de glacia¬res. Su punto más alto es el Cerro Rocarre, con 5,187 m. Esta Cordillera contiene restos arqueológicos de la cultura Chavín (1,300 - 400 a.C.), la primera gran civilización andina, así como de culturas posteriores (Recuay, Huari, etc.). Además, sus miradores ofrecen impresionantes vistas. El valle del Santa no alcanza gran amplitud, es estrecho, encajonado: de allí el nombre Callejón. A 14 km al este del río Santa se ubica la cumbre más alta del Perú y los trópicos, el Huascarán (6,768 m), que domina el paisaje desde muchos puntos. La facilidad de acceso, el clima soleado, la rica herencia cultural, la diversidad de deportes de aventura que ofrece y los nevados, convierten a esta zona en uno de los principales destinos turísticos del país.
Información básica
Clima y temporada: La mayor afluencia de turistas se da en Semana Santa, Fiestas Patrias y la Semana de la Aventura (primeros días de junio). En agosto y septiembre los viajes de grupos de escolares saturan los servicios de nivel medio y bajo. Mayo-octubre: Temporada seca; cielo generalmente despejado, sobre todo entre junio y agosto. Abril-mayo: Días nublados, la campiña florece. Noviembre-marzo: Temporada de lluvias, el valle reverdece. A menudo las nubes cubren el paisaje y las rutas afirmadas se vuelven barrosas y dificultan el acceso a las alturas.
Costo: Las opciones de hoteles y servicios en Huaraz, Carhuaz y Caraz abarcan desde alterna¬tivas muy económicas, en albergues y pequeños hostales, hasta la categoría media. Hay además un par de opciones de categoría media superior.
Transporte: La carretera desde Lima se encuentra en buen estado, aunque es muy sinuosa y asciende hasta los 4,100 msnm.
Advertencias: Mal de altura: aclimátese antes de emprender excursiones o caminatas. No in¬tente hacer andinismo ni caminatas de alta dificultad sin la experiencia necesaria o sin la ayuda de un guía experto. Es recomendable para el turista de la costa el uso de sombrero y cremas protectoras.
Por carretera...................
Lima – Conococha. Distancia: 331 km. Carretera asfaltada. Tiempo estimado: 6 a 7 h.
Lima-desvío a Huaraz (207 km). Carretera Panamericana Norte, Ruta 1). Patívilca- Conococha (122 km). Ruta 16. Carretera asfaltada de dos carriles, que se aleja de la línea costera. Muy afectada por el tráfico pesado y las lluvias, al cierre de esta edición (febrero 2009) estaba recibiendo mantenimiento. Pasando Pativilca el desvío a Huaraz nace en el km 209. Hay un pequeño poste que marca su inicio: 000 km. Los primeros 50 km de la carretera son de suave pendiente pero con curvas peligrosas. Cuidado con los vehículos que vienen en sentido contrario, pues van a gran velo¬cidad. Pasando Chasquitambo (km 48), donde hay un control policial, la pendiente aumenta. Fuerte pendiente en subida hasta los 4,100 m de la laguna Conococha. Se pasan los pueblos de Raquia, Coica (último grifo en 100 km) y Cajacay, donde hay otro control policial. El tráfico es menos denso que en la Carretera Central, pero hay muchas curvas y fuertes pendientes. Ocasionalmente hay ganado en la ruta. Ojo con los desprendimientos y neblina, especialmente en temporada de lluvias. El poblado de Conococha se encuentra en el km 120 de esta ruta, pero cambia luego al km 488 pues por allí pasa la Ruta 3N que nace en La Oroya (km 0) y llega a Huaraz y otras ciudades del Callejón de Huaylas.
Conococha – Huaraz. Distancia: 79 km. Carretera asfaltada. Tiempo estimado: 1 h a 1 h 30 m.
Suave declive en bajada hasta Huaraz (3,090 m). Conococha (a 120 km desde el desvío de Pativilca), el punto más alto y frío (4,100 m), es la puerta de entrada al Callejón de Huaylas, con un espectacular panorama de la Cordillera Blanca hacia el norte y, brevemente, de la Cordillera Huayhuash hacia el este. De Conococha a Huaraz el descenso tiene hermosas vistas pasando por un valle cada vez más abrigado. En Catac (km 532 Ruta 3N; desvío a Chavín de Huantar y Callejón de Conchucos) hay grifos y todos los servicios básicos. Pero Recuay está cerca (km 543 Ruta 3N) y tiene un paradero («La Gruta») con servicios más adecuados. De Recuay a Huaraz sólo hay 25 km de suave descenso. De Conococha nace además una nueva carretera asfaltada que evita tener que ir a Chiquián y Aquia para llegar a Pacha Paqui. De este punto, por carretera asfaltada se va a Huallanca (al este) y a Antamina (al norte). Antamina ha construido una carretera auxiliar afirmada, que se encuentra en buen estado, que evita el ingreso al centro minero y desciende a San Marcos.
Los viajeros a Huaraz que deseen tener, aunque sea por unos momentos, una es¬pectacular vista de la cordillera Huayhuash, pueden tomar a la altura de Conococha el desvío que lleva a Aquia, rumbo al este. Ir, ver la Cordillera Huayhuash y regresar a Conococha, toma una hora.
Huaras – Caraz – Huallanca. Distancia: 106 km. Carretera as¬faltada. Tiempo estimado: 2 h.
La carretera (Ruta 3N) sigue el curso del río Santa y desciende por una ruta especta¬cular. Permite vistas panorámicas de Copa, Huascarán y otros nevados de la Cordi¬llera Blanca. Cruza Carhuaz (33 km), Yungay (56 km), Caraz (68 km) y una veintena de pueblos. A 25 km de Caraz, la carretera presenta numerosos túneles y profundos abismos. Esta ruta entra al impresionante Cañón del Pato, que tiene 14 km de longitud y es atravesada por la carretera a través de 35 túneles hasta llegar a Huallanca. En Huallanca está la central hidroeléctrica del Cañón del Pato. Por este camino se llega a Chimbóte (más de 150 km), pero la carretera afirmada está en malas condiciones y hay sólo una estación de servicio en toda la ruta. Por esos motivos es recomendable para pilotos con mucha experiencia y vehículos robustos. A partir de Chuquicara la carretera es asfaltada, como parte del tramo Chimbóte-Cabana. Otra pista afirmada, en pésimas condiciones, con curvas peligrosas y precipicios, parte de Huallanca, rodea la Cordillera Blanca por el norte y llega a los pueblos de Sihuas y Pomabamba.
Caraz – Nepeña. Distancia: 151 km. Tiempo estimado: 6 h.
La ruta afirmada sigue el curso del rio Santa hasta cruzar el puente Choquechaca (7 km); en este punto toma el desvío a Huata, distante 10 km. Luego asciende por bosques de eucaliptos, llega al abra Punta Chacay (4,200 m, a 38 km) y después de un breve recorrido por la cresta toma el desvío a la der. descendiendo hasta Pamparomás (25 km). (Siguiendo por el desvío a la izq., en la ruta a Pueblo Libre, se observa la puya Raimondi y casi 120 km de nevados y glaciares de la Cordillera Blanca.) En el des¬censo se cruzan diversos poblados y luego de pasar Pamparomás se llega a Moro (49 km), que cuenta con restaurantes. Un interesante tramo desértico conduce hasta San Jacinto (12 km), donde empieza la carretera asfaltada que luego de cruzar el ingreso a Nepeña (10 km) intersecta la Panamericana Norte en su km 206.
Yanasa Peru Tours
Deseas cotizar un paquete turístico contactamos al :
Huaraz (3,090 m)
Distancias: Lima: 407 km. Pativilca: 200 km.
Capital de la región Chavín, Huaraz (km 568 de la Ruta 3N) es el centro de la actividad turística de la zona, con una buena y amplia infraes¬tructura hotelera, restaurantes, vida nocturna y variadas oportunidades de entretenimiento. Las construcciones de adobe, típicas de la sierra, fueron destruidas por el terremoto de 1970 y reemplazadas por ladrillo y cemento. Aunque poco pintoresca, esta ciudad de 150 mil habitantes tiene un hermoso paisaje: desde Huaraz se ven nueve nevados que superan los 6,000 m. El reciente auge minero de la zona se refleja en la ciudad, aunque no siempre de manera positiva.
HOSPEDAJE: Andino Club Hotel, Pedro Cochachín 357, (043) 42-1662. Lima: 241 -5927. Gerencia suiza. Espectacular vista de la Cordillera Blanca, comida internacional, US$ 106. El Patio, (043) 42-4965. Lima: 449-6295. Pequeño y agradable hostal, de estilo colonial, ubicado en Monterrey, a 6 km de Huaraz, US$ 77 San Sebastián, Italia 1124, (043) 42-6960, US$ 60 Tiene buenas vistas de la cordillera. Restaurante con chimenea. WiFi, El Tumi, San Martín 1121, (043) 42-1784, US$ 52. Ubicado en el centro de Huaraz. Tiene restaurante. WiFi Hotel Colomba, Francisco de Zela 210, Independencia, (043) 42-1501, US$ 65. Agradables bungalows rodeados de jardines y pinos. Muy acogedor. Desayunos y estacionamiento, Baños Termales Monterrey, Monterrey s/n, (043) 42-7690, US$ 32. Habitaciones dobles y bungalows. A 5 km de Huaraz, con piscinas y aguas termales. Casablanca Hotel, Tarapacá 138, (043) 42-2602, US$ 27, Acogedor, cerca del mercado. Hostal Schatzi, Bolívar 419, (043) 42-3074, US$ 30. Bueno y acogedor, Olaza's B&B, Julio Arguedas 1242, (043) 42-2529, US$ 25. En el barrio La Soledad, a 5 minutos del centro. WiFi, The Lazy Dog Inn, a 30 minutos de Huaraz, km 12 de la carretera Huilcahuain. Turismo vivencial, trekking y cabalgatas guiadas, WiFi (043) 94-3789330. US$ 70.
RESTAURANTES: Alpes Andes, en la Casa de los Guías, plaza Ginebra. Buena comida y buen lugar para conocer a otros viajeros y andinistas. Bistro de los Andes, Julián de Morales 823, abre desde las 6 am y sirve desayunos. La Brasa Roja (pollo a la brasa), Luzuriaga 919, (043) 42-7738. Creperie Patrick (crépes, choucroute, raclette), Luzuriaga 422, (043) 42-6037. Propietario francés. Huaraz Querido (mariscos, ceviche de trucha y vegetariano), Bolívar 981. Bruno Pizza (pizas, ensaladas), Luzuriaga 834. Monte Rosa (pizas, spaghettis, bifes), José de La Mar 691, a una cuadra de la Plaza de Armas. Pilatos (comida típica), av. Confraternidad Internacional. Popular restaurante con gran vista de las montañas. El Horno (pizzería grill), Parque del Periodista, Luzuriaga cdra. 6, (043) 42-4617, WiFi. Piccolo (pizzería y restauran¬te), Julián de Morales 632, (043) 50-9210. Chilli Heaven (comida mexicana), Parque Ginebra, (043) 39-6085. El Encuentro, Gamarra 790, (043) 42-6865. Popular por sus menús al mediodía. Café California (café y desayunos), 28 de Julio 562. Ofrece intercambio de libros y otros servicios a los viajeros. Café Andino, Lúcar y Torre 530, 3er. Piso, (043) 421-203, WiFi.
TURISMO: Información y Asistencia al Turista (Iperú): Pasaje Atusparia, oficina 1, Plaza de Armas, (043) 42-8812. Horario: Lunes a sábado: 8:30 a 18:30 horas; domingo: 8:30 a 14:00 horas,
ALQUILER DE EQUIPOS DE MONTAÑA: Monttrek, Luzuriaga 646, 2do. piso. Montañero. Parque Ginebra 30-B.
EMERGENCIAS: Hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia, Luzuriaga s/n, (043) 42-4146. Hospital EsSalud, Campamento Vichay s/n, (043) 42-2912. Clínica San Pablo, Huaylas 172, (043) 42-8811. Serpost, Luzuriaga 702, (043) 42-1030. Comisaría de Huaraz, José A. de Sucre 250, (043) 42-1330. Policía de Turismo, Luzuriaga cdra. 7 (Municipalidad de Huaraz), (043) 42-1341 / (043) 42-2920.
Platos regionales
Patasca: Sopa de carne, mote, trigo y otras menestras. Pecan caldo: Sopa de cabeza de cordero, aderezada con perejil, culantro, hierbabuena y ají.
Picante de cuy: Cuy frito en olla de barro, aderezado con salsa de ají panca. Se sirve con papas.
Humitas dulces: Tamales de choclo molido y mezclado con huevos y azúcar. Se rellenan con queso y pasas.
Chocho: Ensalada a base de tarwi, papa, tomate, cebolla y limón.
Charqui: Carne secada al frío, que se sirve frita y acompañada con mote y ensalada de cebolla.
Ver y hacer:
Museo Arqueológico de Ancash. Luzuriaga 762, (043) 42-1551. Exhibe diversos objetos de las culturas precolombinas que poblaron la zona. Interesante colección de monolitos de la cultura Recuay expuestos en el Parque Lítico. Mirador de Rataquenua. Con una excelente vista de la ciudad y los alrededores. Se puede llegar mediante una caminata de una hora, aunque es recomendable hacer al menos parte de la ruta en automóvil. No ir solo.
Carhuaz (2,650 m)
Pueblo a 31 km al norte de Huaraz (tramo que se hace en media hora), ubicado en el km 600 de la Ruta 3N. Popular por sus helados. Bonitas vistas de la Cordillera Blanca. Su nombre proviene del quechua «amarillo», color de la retama, la flor más popular de esta región. Entre Carhuaz y Yungay se tienen algunas de las mejores vistas del Huascarán, el Huandoy, el Hualcán (que se ve desde la remodelada Plaza de Armas), el Choplcalqui, entre otros nevados.
Carhuaz es punto de partida para la excursión al espectacular valle de Ulta, al pie de los nevados Huascarán, Chopicalqui y Contrahierbas. Al final de esta quebrada, camino a Chacas, está el paso de Punta Olímpica (4,900 m) al que se llega por una carretera afirmada, irregular, muy sinuosa y empinada por tramos. En época de lluvias (diciembre - marzo) hay que confirmar que no esté cerrada por la nieve o eventuales derrumbes. Entre las celebraciones más importantes está la Fiesta de la Virgen de las Mercedes (24 de setiembre), que congrega gran cantidad de danzantes. En los alrededores se encuentra el pueblo de Marcará, los baños termales de Chancos y el conjunto arqueológico de Joncopampa.
HOSPEDAJE: El Abuelo, 9 de Diciembre 257, (043) 39-4456, US$ 50, Complejo Turístico Carhuaz, Carretera Carhuaz-Huaraz 1099, (043) 39-4051. Lima: 224-1450. Moderno hospedaje, con excelentes vistas de la Cordillera Blanca, US$ 34, La Casa de Pocha, camino Carhuaz-Hualcán s/n, (043) 961-3058, US$ 18. Agradable hostal rústico a medio km de la Ptaza de Armas. Atención previa coordinación. Buena comida preparada con el producto de la misma chacra.
RESTAURANTES: El Abuelo, La Merced 727, Plaza de Armas, restaurante heladería de Felipe Díaz. Tienen información sobre casas/alojamiento agradables y económicas. La Cabaña, km 230 Carretera Pativilca- Caraz (Acopampa), (043) 39-4292. Platos típicos de la región.
Yungay (2,450 m)
56 km al norte de Huaraz y 23 km de Carhuaz. Km 623 de la Ruta 3N. Un devastador aluvión, causado por el terremoto del 31 de mayo de 1970 (7.8 en la escala de Richter), sepultó el antiguo Yungay, enterrando a 22 mil habitantes. Un gran Cristo blanco, ubicado en el cementerio donde muchos sobrevivientes se refugiaron, permane¬ce como testigo en el lugar de la tragedia. Las cuatro palmeras de la Plaza de Armas todavía asoman sobre el depósito aluvial consolidado, así como algunos restos de lo que fue una hermosa iglesia. El nuevo Yungay, 1 km al norte, es una ciudad construida en gran parte con donaciones extranjeras, como las casas que conforman el pintoresco Barrio Ruso, hecho con materiales donados por ese país. Una carretera afirmada en buen estado recorre hacia el este 26 km hasta las lagunas de la quebrada Llanganuco, y luego el bello interior de la quebrada llegando hasta el portachuelo de Llanganuco (4,750 m), que se encuentra a 46 km, desde el cual se tiene un panorama inmejora¬ble del Huascarán, el Huandoy y los otros nevados. La carretera luego desciende a Yanama y al Callejón de Conchucos.
HOSPEDAJE: Almawasi, en Matacoto, 5 km al oeste en la Cordillera Negra, (01) 997 573 526, US$ 50. Albergue campestre, comida casera europea y platos típicos. Atendido por Susy (Alemania) y Regina (Italia). Hostal Blanco, Huantucán s/n (costado Hospital de Yungay), servicios básicos, ubicado en un bosque de eucaliptos, (043) 39- 3115, US$ 10. El Gledel, limpio y amistoso hotel de una estrella, ambiente familiar.
RESTAURANTE: Alpamayo, km 225 de la Carretera Yungay-Caraz.
Caraz (2,250 m)
El antiguo pueblo de Caraz, (68 km al norte de Huaraz) conserva muchas de las construcciones de estilo típicamente andino (adobe) y republicano que desaparecieron en otras partes del Callejón luego del sismo de 1970. Casonas con ventanas de rejas forjadas, balcones, techos de tejas rojas, rodean la hermosa Plaza de Armas que conserva una pila de 1891 y un quiosco de 1927. Esta plaza está totalmente restaurada. El mercado es muy bueno, se pueden conseguir grandes naranjas de huertos locales. Un producto muy popular, gracias a la abundancia y calidad de la producción lechera, es el manjarblanco. Verde y caluroso, Caraz cuenta con cultivos de cítricos, flores y alcachofas todo el año. Tiene varios restaurantes campestres y es una alternativa a Huaraz como base para excursiones a la Cordillera Blanca. Caraz es punto de partida para visitar la hermosa laguna de Parón (32 km al este), al pie del nevado Pirámide de Garcilaso; el Cañón del Pato (22 km al norte, 35 túneles en la vía que une Caraz con Huallanca); las puyas Raimondi (45 km al oeste, en un mirador natural sobre la Cordillera Negra que permite apreciar 120 km de nevados). Más cerca, a sólo 2 km al norte, está la edificación preincaica Tumshukayco. La Fiesta de la Virgen del Rosario de Chiquinquirá (19-22 de enero) se celebra con danzas, alfombras de flores y juegos pirotécnicos.
HOSPEDAJE: O'Pal Inn, Fundo San Luis, (043) 39-1015, US$ 30, bungalows. Hostal Chamanna, 3 km al norte. Propietarios alemanes. Buena comida y servicio. Ambiente campestre, US$ 20. La Alameda, Noé Bazán Peralta 262, (043) 39-1177. Amplios jardines, cochera, atención esmerada, US$ 23. Hostal Tumshukayco, jr. Mariano Melgar. Nuevo y con buenas vistas, US$ 20. Albergue Los Pinos, parque San Martín 103, (043) 39-1130, US$ 20. http://apuaventura./ com/lospinos Perla de los Andes, Daniel Villar 179, Plaza de Armas, (043) 39-2007. Lima: 566-3739. Habitaciones con balcones, restaurante, US$ 16. Hostal Chavín, San Martín 1135, (043) 39-1171, US$ 10. Cómodo, limpio y céntrico, con cochera. Información turística. Grand Hotel Caraz Dulzura, Sáenz Peña 212, (043) 39-1523, US$ 19, WiFi,
RESTAURANTES: Café De Rat Pizzería, Sucre 1266, Plaza de Armas, (043)39-1642, WiFi. Desayunos, pizzas, pastas, comida vegetariana, bar, terraza con chimenea. Buen punto de encuentro con deportistas y andinistas extranjeros. Café Restaurant Venezia, Sucre 1202, Plaza de Armas, (043) 78-4813, carnes y pastas. La Capullana, 3 km al norte, restaurante turístico al aire libre, comida típica como chicharrón, trucha, yunca y charqui. La Punta Grande, Daniel Villar 595, (043) 39-1320, especialidad en comidas típicas, como yunca, charqui, chicharrón. Recreo Campestre El Gordo, 7 km al norte, comidas típicas (especialidad en chocho y charqui), espacios abiertos, juegos infantiles.
INFORMACIÓN: Pony's Expeditions, Sucre 1266, Plaza de Armas, (043) 39-1642. WiFi, Mapas, información de la red vial y los servicios turísticos de la región, alquiler de bicicletas de montaña, carpas, bolsas de dormir, tanques de combustible, tours guiados y reservaciones, Email:
INFORMACIÓN: Pony's Expeditions, Sucre 1266, Plaza de Armas, (043) 39-1642. WiFi, Mapas, información de la red vial y los servicios turísticos de la región, alquiler de bicicletas de montaña, carpas, bolsas de dormir, tanques de combustible, tours guiados y reservaciones, Email:
EMERGENCIA: Departamento de Salvamento de Alta Montaña (DEPSAM), av. 1ro. de Mayo s/n, (043) 39-1163,
Callejon de Huaylas
Carhuaz Yungay Huaraz • • • Caraz
The Santa River, one of the largest rivers in the Peruvian coast runs from south to north between the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Negra forming in its wake the Callejon de Huaylas, one of the most spectacular and accessible areas of the Peruvian Andes, to less than 8 hours from Lima on paved roads. Fall within the Huascaran National Park (see box), the Cordillera Blanca is a tropical string of world's highest mountains, with a length of 150 km and more than 30 mountains that exceed 6.000 m. West of the Cordillera Blanca rises the Cordillera Negra, named for the absence of glaciers ¬ res. Its highest point is Mount Rocarre, with 5.187 m. This mountain range contains archaeological remains of Chavin culture (1.300 - 400 BC), the first great Andean civilizations, as well as later cultures (Recuay, Huari, etc.). Moreover, their viewpoints offer stunning views. The valley of Santa does not reach large amplitude, narrow, boxed: hence the name Alley. A 14 km east of the Santa River lies the highest peak of Peru and the tropics, the Huascaran (6.768 m), which dominates the landscape in many ways. The ease of access, the sunny climate, rich cultural heritage, diversity of adventure sports offered and the mountains, make this area one of the major tourist destinations.
Basic information
Weather and season: The highest influx of tourists is given at Easter, Independence Day and Week of Adventure (early June). In August and September school group travel services saturated medium and low. May to October: Dry season, sky generally clear, mostly between June and August. April-May: Cloudy days, the countryside flourish. November to March: rainy season, the valley greens. Often the clouds cover the landscape and roads become muddy and affirmed hinder access to the heights.
Cost: The choices of hotels and services in Huaraz, and Caraz Carhuaz ¬ tive range from very economical alternative in smaller shelters and hostels, to the middle category. There are also a couple of options, class.
Transportation: The road from Lima is in good condition, although it is very sinuous and rises to 4.100 meters.
Warnings: High-Altitude Illness: aclimátese before or hiking excursions. TENTE do not in ¬ climbing or high difficulty walking without the necessary experience or without the help of an expert guide. It is advisable for tourists from the sea wearing a hat and sunscreen.
Road ...................
Lima - Conococha. Distance: 331 km. Paved road. Estimated time: 6 to 7 h.
Lima-Huaraz detour (207 km). Panamericana Norte Highway, Route 1). Pativilca-Conococha (122 km). Route 16. Two-lane paved road, away from the coastline. Badly affected by heavy traffic and rain, at the end of this edition (February 2009) was receiving maintenance. Pativilca passing the turnoff to Huaraz born at km 209. There is a small pole that marks the beginning: 000 km. The first 50 km of the road are a gentle slope but with dangerous curves. Watch out for vehicles coming in the opposite direction, it will be great veil ¬ capacity. Turning Chasquitambo (km 48), where a police control, the slope increases. Steeply sloping ascent to the 4,100 m in the lagoon Conococha. They spend the peoples of Raquia, Coica (last tap 100 km) and Cajacay, where another police checkpoint. The traffic is less dense than in the Central Highway, but there are many curves and steep slopes. Occasionally there are cattle on the road. Eye with landslides and fog, especially during the rainy season. The village is Conococha at km 120 of this route, but then changed to 488 km because there goes the route 3N born in La Oroya (km 0) and reaches other cities Huaraz and the Callejon de Huaylas.
Conococha - Huaraz. Distance: 79 km. Paved road. Estimated time: 1 h to 1 h 30 m.
Gently sloping downhill to Huaraz (3.090 m). Conococha (120 km from the diversion of Pativilca), the highest point and cold (4.100 m) is the gateway to the Callejon de Huaylas, with a spectacular panorama of the Cordillera Blanca to the north and, briefly, the Huayhuash Cordillera eastward. Huaraz Conococha has beautiful views down the valley through increasingly warm. In Catac (532 km Route 3N; detour to Chavin and Conchucos) there are taps and all basic services. But Recuay is nearby (543 km Route 3N) and has a stop ("The Cave") with appropriate services. Recuay to Huaraz only 25 km of gentle descent. Conococha created a new paved road also avoids having to go to Chiquián and here to go to Pacha Paqui. From this point, paved road will Huallanca (east) and Antamina (north). Antamina has built a side road affirmed, which is in good condition, which prevents entry into the mining town and down to San Marcos.
Huaraz travelers who wish to have, even for a moment, one is given the pectacular ¬ Huayhuash may take up to Conococha the turning that leads to here, heading east. Go, see the Cordillera Huayhuash and return to Conococha, takes an hour.
Huaraz - Caraz - Huallanca. Distance: 106 km. ¬ Road as missing. Estimated time: 2 h.
The road (Route 3N) follows the river and descends Santa spectacular ¬ cular route. Allows panoramic views of Copa, Huascaran and other peaks of the Cordillera Blanca ¬ Cordi. Carhuaz Cross (33 km), Yungay (56 km), Caraz (68 km) and a score of villages. Caraz 25 km, the road has many tunnels and deep chasms. This route enters the impressive Canyon del Pato, who is 14 km long and is crossed by the road through 35 tunnels to reach Huallanca. In the power plant is Huallanca Canyon del Pato. In this way you get to Chimbote (over 150 km), but the dirt road is in poor condition and there is only a service station along the route. For these reasons it is recommended for experienced drivers and vehicles robust. From Chuquicara the road is paved, as part of the section Chimbóte-Cabana. Another court affirmed, in appalling conditions, with dangerous curves and cliffs, part of Huallanca around the Cordillera Blanca in the north and reaches the villages and Pomabamba Sihuas.
Caraz - Nepeña. Distance: 151 km. Estimated time: 6 hours
The unpaved road follows the river until you cross the bridge Santa Choquechaca (7 km), at this point take the detour to Huata, 10 km distant. Then ascends through forests of eucalyptus, arrive at Punta open Chacay (4,200 m, 38 km) and after a brief tour of the crest take the detour to the der. down to Pamparomás (25 km). (Continuing on the road to the left., En route to Pueblo Libre, there is the Puya Raimondi and almost 120 km of mountains and glaciers of the Cordillera Blanca.) In the des ¬ census cross several towns and then go Pamparomás Moro is reached (49 km), which has restaurants. An interesting section leads to San Jacinto desert (12 km), where the paved road that begins after crossing the entrance to Nepeña (10 km) intersects the North American in its 206 km.
Huaraz (3.090 m)
Distances: Lima: 407 km. Pativilca: 200 km.
Chavín regional capital, Huaraz (km 568 of Route 3N) is the hub of tourist activity in the area, with good infrastructure and extensive infrastructure ¬ hotels, restaurants, nightlife and varied entertainment opportunities. The adobe buildings typical of the mountains, were destroyed by the earthquake of 1970 and replaced by brick and cement. Although little quaint, this town of 150 000 inhabitants has a beautiful landscape, from Huaraz snowy nine are above 6,000 m. The recent increase in mining in the area is reflected in the city, although not always positively.
LODGING: Andino Club Hotel, Pedro Cochachin 357, (043) 1942-1662. Lima: 241 -5927. Swiss management. Spectacular views of the Cordillera Blanca, international food, $ 106. El Patio (043) 42-4965. Lima: 449-6295. Small and friendly guest house, colonial style, located in Monterrey, just 6 km from Huaraz, $ 77 San Sebastian, Italy 1124, (043) 42-6960, U.S. $ 60 It has good views of the mountains. Restaurant with fireplace. WiFi, El Tumi, San Martín 1121, (043) 1942-1784, U.S. $ 52. Located in the center of Huaraz. It has a restaurant. WiFi Hotel Colomba, Francisco de Zela 210, Independence, (043) 1942-1501, U.S. $ 65. Nice bungalows surrounded by gardens and pine trees. Very cozy. Breakfast and parking, hot springs Monterrey, Monterrey, s / n, (043) 42-7690, U.S. $ 32. Double rooms and bungalows. 5 km from Huaraz, with pools and hot springs. Casablanca Hotel, Tarapacá 138, (043) 1942-2602, $ 27, Cozy, near the market. Hostal Schatzi, Bolivar 419, (043) 42-3074, U.S. $ 30. Good and friendly Olaza's B & B, Julio Arguedas 1242, (043) 1942-2529, $ 25. In the La Soledad, 5 minutes from downtown. WiFi, / Olaz. The Lazy Dog Inn, 30 minutes from Huaraz, km 12 of road Huilcahuain. Experiential tourism, trekking and horseback riding tours, WiFi (043) 94-3789330. $ 70.
RESTAURANTS: Alpes Andes, in the House of Guides, Plaza Geneva. Good food and good place to meet other backpackers and mountaineers. Bistro de los Andes, Julian de Morales 823, opens from 6 am and serves breakfast. La Brasa Roja (grilled chicken), Luzuriaga 919, (043) 42-7738. Creperie Patrick (crepes, sauerkraut, raclette), Luzuriaga 422, (043) 42-6037. French owner. Huaraz Querido (seafood ceviche trout and vegetarian), Bolivar 981. Bruno Pizza (pizzas, salads), Luzuriaga 834. Monte Rosa (pizzas, spaghetti, steak), José de La Mar 691, one block from the Plaza de Armas. Pilates (traditional food), av. International Fellowship. Popular restaurant with a great view of the mountains. Oven (pizza grill), Parque del Periodista, Luzuriaga cdra. 6, (043) 42-4617, WiFi. Piccolo (pizzeria and restaurant ¬ te), Julian de Morales 632, (043) 50-9210. Chilli Heaven (Mexican food), Geneva Park, (043) 39-6085. The meeting, Gamarra 790, (043) 42-6865. Popular for its menus at noon. California Café (coffee and breakfast), July 28 562. Offers book exchange and other services to travelers. Café Andino, Lucar y Torre 530, 3rd. Floor, (043) 421-203, WiFi.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (Iperú): Passage Atusparia, Office 1, Plaza de Armas, (043) 42-8812. Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8:30 to 18:30, Sunday: 8:30 to 14:00
MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT RENTAL: Monttrek, Luzuriaga 646, 2nd. floor. Mountaineer. 30-B Geneva Park.
EMERGENCY: Victor Ramos Guardia Hospital, Luzuriaga s / n, (043) 42-4146. EsSalud Hospital, Camp Vichayen s / n, (043) 1942-2912. Clinica San Pablo, Huaylas 172, (043) 42-8811. Serpost, Luzuriaga 702, (043) 1942-1030. Huaraz station, Joseph A. Sucre 250, (043) 1942-1330. Tourist Police, Luzuriaga cdra. 7 (City of Huaraz), (043) 42-1341 / (043) 42-2920.
Regional dishes
Patasca: soup meat, hominy, corn and other legumes. Pecan stock: sheep's head soup, garnished with parsley, cilantro, mint and pepper.
Picante de cuy, guinea pig fried in a clay pot, seasoned with chili pepper sauce. Serve with potatoes.
Sweet tamales, tamales with corn ground and mixed with eggs and sugar. Filled with cheese and raisins.
Chocho: tarwi based salad, potato, tomato, onion and lemon.
Jerky: dried meat cold, served fried and served with corn and onion salad.
See and do:
Ancash Archeological Museum. Luzuriaga 762, (043) 1942-1551. Exhibits various objects of pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited the area. Interesting collection of monoliths Recuay culture exposed in the Park Lithic. Rataquenua viewpoint. With an excellent view of the city and surrounding areas. Can be reached by walking for an hour, although it is advisable to make at least part of the route by car. Do not go alone.
Carhuaz (2,650 m)
Village 31 km north of Huaraz (section to be done in half an hour), located at km 600 of Route 3N. Popular for its ice cream. Beautiful views of the Cordillera Blanca. Its name comes from the Quechua "yellow" color of broom, the most popular flower in this region. Among Yungay Carhuaz and have some of the best views of Huascaran, Huandoy the Hualcán (seen from the remodeled Plaza de Armas), the Choplcalqui, including snow.
Carhuaz is the starting point for the hike to spectacular Ulta valley at the foot of the mountains Huascaran, Chopicalqui and Contrahierbas. At the end of this ravine, Chacas way, is the Punta Olimpica pass (4,900 m) which is reached by a dirt road, irregular, very twisty and steep in sections. During the rainy season (December to March) is to confirm that is not closed by snow or landslides possible. Among the most important celebrations is the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy (24 September), which brings a lot of dancers. Nearby is the town of score, Chancos thermal baths and the archaeological site of Joncopampa.
LODGING: The Grandfather, December 9 257, (043) 39-4456, $ 50, Carhuaz Resort, Carretera Huaraz Carhuaz-1099, (043) 39-4051. Lima: 224-1450. Modern accommodation with excellent views of the Cordillera Blanca, $ 34, / Carhuaz La Casa de Pocha, Carhuaz-Hualcán way s / n, (043) 961-3058, $ 18. Nice rustic hostel half miles from the Ptaza de Armas. Preconception care coordination. Good food prepared with the product of the same farm.
RESTAURANTS: El Abuelo, La Merced 727, Plaza de Armas, Felipe Diaz ice-cream restaurant. Have information on homes / property and economic nice. La Cabaña, Carretera 230 km Pativilca-Caraz (Acopampa), (043) 39-4292. Typical dishes from the region.
Yungay (2,450 m)
56 km north of Huaraz and 23 km of Carhuaz. Km 623 of Route 3N. A devastating flood, caused by the earthquake of May 31, 1970 (7.8 on the Richter scale), buried the old Yungay, burying 22 000 inhabitants. A large white Christ, located in the cemetery where many survivors fled, remained ¬ ce as a witness at the scene of the tragedy. The four palm trees in the Plaza de Armas still hovering over the consolidated alluvial deposit, and some remains of what was a beautiful church. The new Yungay, 1 km to the north, is a city built largely by foreign donations, such as houses that make up the picturesque Barrio Russian, made with materials donated by that country. A dirt road in good condition runs eastward 26 km to the lagoons of the creek Llanganuco, and then the beautiful interior of the stream reaching the Llanganuco Portachuelo (4.750 m), which is 46 km, from which has an outstanding panoramic ¬ ble of Huascaran, Huandoy and other glaciers. The road then descends to Yanama and Conchucos.
LODGING: Almawasi in Matacoto, 5 km to the west in the Cordillera Negra, (01) 997 573 526, $ 50. Country inn, home cooking and European dishes. Attended by Susy (Germany) and Regina (Italy). Hostal Blanco, Huantucán s / n (side Yungay Hospital), basic services, located in a eucalyptus forest, (043) 39 - 3115, $ 10. The Gledel, clean and friendly hotel of a star, family atmosphere.
RESTAURANT: Alpamayo, km 225, Highway-Caraz Yungay.
Alcaraz (2,250 m)
The old town of Huaraz, (68 km north of Huaraz) retains many of the typical Andean-style buildings (adobe) and Republican who disappeared in other parts of the alley after the earthquake of 1970. Houses with windows, forged railings, balconies, red tile roofs surround the beautiful Plaza de Armas that keeps a stack of 1891 and a kiosk in 1927. This space is fully restored. The market is very good, you can get great local orange groves. A very popular due to the abundance and quality of milk production, is the caramel. Green and hot Caraz with citrus crops, flowers and artichokes throughout the year. Has several country restaurants and is an alternative to Huaraz base for excursions to the Cordillera Blanca. Alcaraz is the starting point for exploring the beautiful Lake Paron (32 km east), at the foot of Mount Pyramid Garcilaso Pato Canyon (22 km to the north, 35 tunnels on the road linking with Huallanca Caraz), the Puya Raimondi (45 km to the west, in a natural view over the Cordillera Negra to appreciate 120 km of snow). Close, only 2 km to the north, is the building preincaica Tumshukayco. La Fiesta de la Virgen del Rosario de Chiquinquira (19-22 January) is celebrated with dances, carpets of flowers and fireworks.
LODGING: O'Pal Inn, Fundo San Luis, (043) 1939-1015, $ 30, bungalows. Hostal Chamanna, 3 km to the north. German owners. Good food and service. Rural environment, $ 20. The Alameda, Peralta Bazán Noah 262, (043) 1939-1177. Large gardens, garage, attention to detail, $ 23. Hostal Tumshukayco, jr. Mariano Melgar. New with good views, $ 20. Hostel Los Pinos, San Martín Park 103, (043) 1939-1130, $ 20. http://apuaventura./ com / lospinos Perla de los Andes, Daniel Villar 179, Plaza de Armas, (043) 1939-2007. Lima: 566-3739. Rooms with balconies, restaurant, $ 16. Hostal Chavín, San Martín 1135, (043) 1939-1171, $ 10. Comfortable, clean and centrally located, with parking. Tourist information. Grand Hotel Caraz Dulzura, Sáenz Peña 212, (043) 1939-1523, $ 19, WiFi,
RESTAURANT: Pizzeria Cafe Rat, Sucre 1266, Plaza de Armas, (043) 1939-1642, WiFi. Breakfast, pizzas, pastas, vegetarian food, bar, terrace with fireplace. Excellent meeting with athletes and foreign mountaineers. Venezia Cafe Restaurant, Sucre 1202, Plaza de Armas, (043) 78-4813, meats and pastas. The Capullana, 3 km to the north, outdoor tourist restaurant, traditional food such as pork, trout, yunca and jerky. La Punta Grande, Daniel Villar 595, (043) 1939-1320, specializing in traditional foods, such as yunca, jerky, pork rinds. Recreation Campestre El Gordo, 7 km to the north, local foods (specializing in pussy and jerky), open spaces, playgrounds.
INFORMATION: Pony's Expeditions, Sucre 1266, Plaza de Armas, (043) 1939-1642. WiFi, maps, road network information and tourism services in the region, mountain bike rentals, tents, sleeping bags, fuel tanks, guided tours and reservations, Email:
EMERGENCY: Department of High Mountain Rescue (DEPSAM), av. 1st. de Mayo s / n, (043) 1939-1163,
Carhuaz Yungay Huaraz • • • Caraz
The Santa River, one of the largest rivers in the Peruvian coast runs from south to north between the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Negra forming in its wake the Callejon de Huaylas, one of the most spectacular and accessible areas of the Peruvian Andes, to less than 8 hours from Lima on paved roads. Fall within the Huascaran National Park (see box), the Cordillera Blanca is a tropical string of world's highest mountains, with a length of 150 km and more than 30 mountains that exceed 6.000 m. West of the Cordillera Blanca rises the Cordillera Negra, named for the absence of glaciers ¬ res. Its highest point is Mount Rocarre, with 5.187 m. This mountain range contains archaeological remains of Chavin culture (1.300 - 400 BC), the first great Andean civilizations, as well as later cultures (Recuay, Huari, etc.). Moreover, their viewpoints offer stunning views. The valley of Santa does not reach large amplitude, narrow, boxed: hence the name Alley. A 14 km east of the Santa River lies the highest peak of Peru and the tropics, the Huascaran (6.768 m), which dominates the landscape in many ways. The ease of access, the sunny climate, rich cultural heritage, diversity of adventure sports offered and the mountains, make this area one of the major tourist destinations.
Basic information
Weather and season: The highest influx of tourists is given at Easter, Independence Day and Week of Adventure (early June). In August and September school group travel services saturated medium and low. May to October: Dry season, sky generally clear, mostly between June and August. April-May: Cloudy days, the countryside flourish. November to March: rainy season, the valley greens. Often the clouds cover the landscape and roads become muddy and affirmed hinder access to the heights.
Cost: The choices of hotels and services in Huaraz, and Caraz Carhuaz ¬ tive range from very economical alternative in smaller shelters and hostels, to the middle category. There are also a couple of options, class.
Transportation: The road from Lima is in good condition, although it is very sinuous and rises to 4.100 meters.
Warnings: High-Altitude Illness: aclimátese before or hiking excursions. TENTE do not in ¬ climbing or high difficulty walking without the necessary experience or without the help of an expert guide. It is advisable for tourists from the sea wearing a hat and sunscreen.
Road ...................
Lima - Conococha. Distance: 331 km. Paved road. Estimated time: 6 to 7 h.
Lima-Huaraz detour (207 km). Panamericana Norte Highway, Route 1). Pativilca-Conococha (122 km). Route 16. Two-lane paved road, away from the coastline. Badly affected by heavy traffic and rain, at the end of this edition (February 2009) was receiving maintenance. Pativilca passing the turnoff to Huaraz born at km 209. There is a small pole that marks the beginning: 000 km. The first 50 km of the road are a gentle slope but with dangerous curves. Watch out for vehicles coming in the opposite direction, it will be great veil ¬ capacity. Turning Chasquitambo (km 48), where a police control, the slope increases. Steeply sloping ascent to the 4,100 m in the lagoon Conococha. They spend the peoples of Raquia, Coica (last tap 100 km) and Cajacay, where another police checkpoint. The traffic is less dense than in the Central Highway, but there are many curves and steep slopes. Occasionally there are cattle on the road. Eye with landslides and fog, especially during the rainy season. The village is Conococha at km 120 of this route, but then changed to 488 km because there goes the route 3N born in La Oroya (km 0) and reaches other cities Huaraz and the Callejon de Huaylas.
Conococha - Huaraz. Distance: 79 km. Paved road. Estimated time: 1 h to 1 h 30 m.
Gently sloping downhill to Huaraz (3.090 m). Conococha (120 km from the diversion of Pativilca), the highest point and cold (4.100 m) is the gateway to the Callejon de Huaylas, with a spectacular panorama of the Cordillera Blanca to the north and, briefly, the Huayhuash Cordillera eastward. Huaraz Conococha has beautiful views down the valley through increasingly warm. In Catac (532 km Route 3N; detour to Chavin and Conchucos) there are taps and all basic services. But Recuay is nearby (543 km Route 3N) and has a stop ("The Cave") with appropriate services. Recuay to Huaraz only 25 km of gentle descent. Conococha created a new paved road also avoids having to go to Chiquián and here to go to Pacha Paqui. From this point, paved road will Huallanca (east) and Antamina (north). Antamina has built a side road affirmed, which is in good condition, which prevents entry into the mining town and down to San Marcos.
Huaraz travelers who wish to have, even for a moment, one is given the pectacular ¬ Huayhuash may take up to Conococha the turning that leads to here, heading east. Go, see the Cordillera Huayhuash and return to Conococha, takes an hour.
Huaraz - Caraz - Huallanca. Distance: 106 km. ¬ Road as missing. Estimated time: 2 h.
The road (Route 3N) follows the river and descends Santa spectacular ¬ cular route. Allows panoramic views of Copa, Huascaran and other peaks of the Cordillera Blanca ¬ Cordi. Carhuaz Cross (33 km), Yungay (56 km), Caraz (68 km) and a score of villages. Caraz 25 km, the road has many tunnels and deep chasms. This route enters the impressive Canyon del Pato, who is 14 km long and is crossed by the road through 35 tunnels to reach Huallanca. In the power plant is Huallanca Canyon del Pato. In this way you get to Chimbote (over 150 km), but the dirt road is in poor condition and there is only a service station along the route. For these reasons it is recommended for experienced drivers and vehicles robust. From Chuquicara the road is paved, as part of the section Chimbóte-Cabana. Another court affirmed, in appalling conditions, with dangerous curves and cliffs, part of Huallanca around the Cordillera Blanca in the north and reaches the villages and Pomabamba Sihuas.
Caraz - Nepeña. Distance: 151 km. Estimated time: 6 hours
The unpaved road follows the river until you cross the bridge Santa Choquechaca (7 km), at this point take the detour to Huata, 10 km distant. Then ascends through forests of eucalyptus, arrive at Punta open Chacay (4,200 m, 38 km) and after a brief tour of the crest take the detour to the der. down to Pamparomás (25 km). (Continuing on the road to the left., En route to Pueblo Libre, there is the Puya Raimondi and almost 120 km of mountains and glaciers of the Cordillera Blanca.) In the des ¬ census cross several towns and then go Pamparomás Moro is reached (49 km), which has restaurants. An interesting section leads to San Jacinto desert (12 km), where the paved road that begins after crossing the entrance to Nepeña (10 km) intersects the North American in its 206 km.
Huaraz (3.090 m)
Distances: Lima: 407 km. Pativilca: 200 km.
Chavín regional capital, Huaraz (km 568 of Route 3N) is the hub of tourist activity in the area, with good infrastructure and extensive infrastructure ¬ hotels, restaurants, nightlife and varied entertainment opportunities. The adobe buildings typical of the mountains, were destroyed by the earthquake of 1970 and replaced by brick and cement. Although little quaint, this town of 150 000 inhabitants has a beautiful landscape, from Huaraz snowy nine are above 6,000 m. The recent increase in mining in the area is reflected in the city, although not always positively.
LODGING: Andino Club Hotel, Pedro Cochachin 357, (043) 1942-1662. Lima: 241 -5927. Swiss management. Spectacular views of the Cordillera Blanca, international food, $ 106. El Patio (043) 42-4965. Lima: 449-6295. Small and friendly guest house, colonial style, located in Monterrey, just 6 km from Huaraz, $ 77 San Sebastian, Italy 1124, (043) 42-6960, U.S. $ 60 It has good views of the mountains. Restaurant with fireplace. WiFi, El Tumi, San Martín 1121, (043) 1942-1784, U.S. $ 52. Located in the center of Huaraz. It has a restaurant. WiFi Hotel Colomba, Francisco de Zela 210, Independence, (043) 1942-1501, U.S. $ 65. Nice bungalows surrounded by gardens and pine trees. Very cozy. Breakfast and parking, hot springs Monterrey, Monterrey, s / n, (043) 42-7690, U.S. $ 32. Double rooms and bungalows. 5 km from Huaraz, with pools and hot springs. Casablanca Hotel, Tarapacá 138, (043) 1942-2602, $ 27, Cozy, near the market. Hostal Schatzi, Bolivar 419, (043) 42-3074, U.S. $ 30. Good and friendly Olaza's B & B, Julio Arguedas 1242, (043) 1942-2529, $ 25. In the La Soledad, 5 minutes from downtown. WiFi, / Olaz. The Lazy Dog Inn, 30 minutes from Huaraz, km 12 of road Huilcahuain. Experiential tourism, trekking and horseback riding tours, WiFi (043) 94-3789330. $ 70.
RESTAURANTS: Alpes Andes, in the House of Guides, Plaza Geneva. Good food and good place to meet other backpackers and mountaineers. Bistro de los Andes, Julian de Morales 823, opens from 6 am and serves breakfast. La Brasa Roja (grilled chicken), Luzuriaga 919, (043) 42-7738. Creperie Patrick (crepes, sauerkraut, raclette), Luzuriaga 422, (043) 42-6037. French owner. Huaraz Querido (seafood ceviche trout and vegetarian), Bolivar 981. Bruno Pizza (pizzas, salads), Luzuriaga 834. Monte Rosa (pizzas, spaghetti, steak), José de La Mar 691, one block from the Plaza de Armas. Pilates (traditional food), av. International Fellowship. Popular restaurant with a great view of the mountains. Oven (pizza grill), Parque del Periodista, Luzuriaga cdra. 6, (043) 42-4617, WiFi. Piccolo (pizzeria and restaurant ¬ te), Julian de Morales 632, (043) 50-9210. Chilli Heaven (Mexican food), Geneva Park, (043) 39-6085. The meeting, Gamarra 790, (043) 42-6865. Popular for its menus at noon. California Café (coffee and breakfast), July 28 562. Offers book exchange and other services to travelers. Café Andino, Lucar y Torre 530, 3rd. Floor, (043) 421-203, WiFi.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (Iperú): Passage Atusparia, Office 1, Plaza de Armas, (043) 42-8812. Hours: Monday to Saturday: 8:30 to 18:30, Sunday: 8:30 to 14:00
MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT RENTAL: Monttrek, Luzuriaga 646, 2nd. floor. Mountaineer. 30-B Geneva Park.
EMERGENCY: Victor Ramos Guardia Hospital, Luzuriaga s / n, (043) 42-4146. EsSalud Hospital, Camp Vichayen s / n, (043) 1942-2912. Clinica San Pablo, Huaylas 172, (043) 42-8811. Serpost, Luzuriaga 702, (043) 1942-1030. Huaraz station, Joseph A. Sucre 250, (043) 1942-1330. Tourist Police, Luzuriaga cdra. 7 (City of Huaraz), (043) 42-1341 / (043) 42-2920.
Regional dishes
Patasca: soup meat, hominy, corn and other legumes. Pecan stock: sheep's head soup, garnished with parsley, cilantro, mint and pepper.
Picante de cuy, guinea pig fried in a clay pot, seasoned with chili pepper sauce. Serve with potatoes.
Sweet tamales, tamales with corn ground and mixed with eggs and sugar. Filled with cheese and raisins.
Chocho: tarwi based salad, potato, tomato, onion and lemon.
Jerky: dried meat cold, served fried and served with corn and onion salad.
See and do:
Ancash Archeological Museum. Luzuriaga 762, (043) 1942-1551. Exhibits various objects of pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited the area. Interesting collection of monoliths Recuay culture exposed in the Park Lithic. Rataquenua viewpoint. With an excellent view of the city and surrounding areas. Can be reached by walking for an hour, although it is advisable to make at least part of the route by car. Do not go alone.
Carhuaz (2,650 m)
Village 31 km north of Huaraz (section to be done in half an hour), located at km 600 of Route 3N. Popular for its ice cream. Beautiful views of the Cordillera Blanca. Its name comes from the Quechua "yellow" color of broom, the most popular flower in this region. Among Yungay Carhuaz and have some of the best views of Huascaran, Huandoy the Hualcán (seen from the remodeled Plaza de Armas), the Choplcalqui, including snow.
Carhuaz is the starting point for the hike to spectacular Ulta valley at the foot of the mountains Huascaran, Chopicalqui and Contrahierbas. At the end of this ravine, Chacas way, is the Punta Olimpica pass (4,900 m) which is reached by a dirt road, irregular, very twisty and steep in sections. During the rainy season (December to March) is to confirm that is not closed by snow or landslides possible. Among the most important celebrations is the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy (24 September), which brings a lot of dancers. Nearby is the town of score, Chancos thermal baths and the archaeological site of Joncopampa.
LODGING: The Grandfather, December 9 257, (043) 39-4456, $ 50, Carhuaz Resort, Carretera Huaraz Carhuaz-1099, (043) 39-4051. Lima: 224-1450. Modern accommodation with excellent views of the Cordillera Blanca, $ 34, / Carhuaz La Casa de Pocha, Carhuaz-Hualcán way s / n, (043) 961-3058, $ 18. Nice rustic hostel half miles from the Ptaza de Armas. Preconception care coordination. Good food prepared with the product of the same farm.
RESTAURANTS: El Abuelo, La Merced 727, Plaza de Armas, Felipe Diaz ice-cream restaurant. Have information on homes / property and economic nice. La Cabaña, Carretera 230 km Pativilca-Caraz (Acopampa), (043) 39-4292. Typical dishes from the region.
Yungay (2,450 m)
56 km north of Huaraz and 23 km of Carhuaz. Km 623 of Route 3N. A devastating flood, caused by the earthquake of May 31, 1970 (7.8 on the Richter scale), buried the old Yungay, burying 22 000 inhabitants. A large white Christ, located in the cemetery where many survivors fled, remained ¬ ce as a witness at the scene of the tragedy. The four palm trees in the Plaza de Armas still hovering over the consolidated alluvial deposit, and some remains of what was a beautiful church. The new Yungay, 1 km to the north, is a city built largely by foreign donations, such as houses that make up the picturesque Barrio Russian, made with materials donated by that country. A dirt road in good condition runs eastward 26 km to the lagoons of the creek Llanganuco, and then the beautiful interior of the stream reaching the Llanganuco Portachuelo (4.750 m), which is 46 km, from which has an outstanding panoramic ¬ ble of Huascaran, Huandoy and other glaciers. The road then descends to Yanama and Conchucos.
LODGING: Almawasi in Matacoto, 5 km to the west in the Cordillera Negra, (01) 997 573 526, $ 50. Country inn, home cooking and European dishes. Attended by Susy (Germany) and Regina (Italy). Hostal Blanco, Huantucán s / n (side Yungay Hospital), basic services, located in a eucalyptus forest, (043) 39 - 3115, $ 10. The Gledel, clean and friendly hotel of a star, family atmosphere.
RESTAURANT: Alpamayo, km 225, Highway-Caraz Yungay.
Alcaraz (2,250 m)
The old town of Huaraz, (68 km north of Huaraz) retains many of the typical Andean-style buildings (adobe) and Republican who disappeared in other parts of the alley after the earthquake of 1970. Houses with windows, forged railings, balconies, red tile roofs surround the beautiful Plaza de Armas that keeps a stack of 1891 and a kiosk in 1927. This space is fully restored. The market is very good, you can get great local orange groves. A very popular due to the abundance and quality of milk production, is the caramel. Green and hot Caraz with citrus crops, flowers and artichokes throughout the year. Has several country restaurants and is an alternative to Huaraz base for excursions to the Cordillera Blanca. Alcaraz is the starting point for exploring the beautiful Lake Paron (32 km east), at the foot of Mount Pyramid Garcilaso Pato Canyon (22 km to the north, 35 tunnels on the road linking with Huallanca Caraz), the Puya Raimondi (45 km to the west, in a natural view over the Cordillera Negra to appreciate 120 km of snow). Close, only 2 km to the north, is the building preincaica Tumshukayco. La Fiesta de la Virgen del Rosario de Chiquinquira (19-22 January) is celebrated with dances, carpets of flowers and fireworks.
LODGING: O'Pal Inn, Fundo San Luis, (043) 1939-1015, $ 30, bungalows. Hostal Chamanna, 3 km to the north. German owners. Good food and service. Rural environment, $ 20. The Alameda, Peralta Bazán Noah 262, (043) 1939-1177. Large gardens, garage, attention to detail, $ 23. Hostal Tumshukayco, jr. Mariano Melgar. New with good views, $ 20. Hostel Los Pinos, San Martín Park 103, (043) 1939-1130, $ 20. http://apuaventura./ com / lospinos Perla de los Andes, Daniel Villar 179, Plaza de Armas, (043) 1939-2007. Lima: 566-3739. Rooms with balconies, restaurant, $ 16. Hostal Chavín, San Martín 1135, (043) 1939-1171, $ 10. Comfortable, clean and centrally located, with parking. Tourist information. Grand Hotel Caraz Dulzura, Sáenz Peña 212, (043) 1939-1523, $ 19, WiFi,
RESTAURANT: Pizzeria Cafe Rat, Sucre 1266, Plaza de Armas, (043) 1939-1642, WiFi. Breakfast, pizzas, pastas, vegetarian food, bar, terrace with fireplace. Excellent meeting with athletes and foreign mountaineers. Venezia Cafe Restaurant, Sucre 1202, Plaza de Armas, (043) 78-4813, meats and pastas. The Capullana, 3 km to the north, outdoor tourist restaurant, traditional food such as pork, trout, yunca and jerky. La Punta Grande, Daniel Villar 595, (043) 1939-1320, specializing in traditional foods, such as yunca, jerky, pork rinds. Recreation Campestre El Gordo, 7 km to the north, local foods (specializing in pussy and jerky), open spaces, playgrounds.
INFORMATION: Pony's Expeditions, Sucre 1266, Plaza de Armas, (043) 1939-1642. WiFi, maps, road network information and tourism services in the region, mountain bike rentals, tents, sleeping bags, fuel tanks, guided tours and reservations, Email:
EMERGENCY: Department of High Mountain Rescue (DEPSAM), av. 1st. de Mayo s / n, (043) 1939-1163,