Lima – Ancash – La Libertad – Lambayeque – Piura - Tumbes
La Panamericana Norte cruza importantes ciudades: Chimbote, Trujillo, Chiclayo y Piura. El estado de la carretera es aceptable, pero subsisten problemas. La señalización de ingreso y salida a las principales ciudades es confusa. Los vehículos pesados imponen su ritmo en los tramos de dos carriles y son comunes las maniobras temerarias en curvas y pendientes. Recomendamos revisar bien el automóvil, ya que la ruta puede ser larga y atravesar amplios tramos sin sombra ni servicios, y poner especial atención en las zonas cercanas a dunas.
Km 150 Panamericana N. Puerto de aproximadamente 55 mil habitantes y centro económico del Norte Chico. ALREDEDORES: Las playas cercanas, desde El Paraíso hasta Végueta, están entre las más hermosas y menos visitadas de la región Lima: una gran zona deportiva para los aficionados al manejo 4x4, la motonáutica, el windsurf y la pesca. Huaura (km 154), pueblo en el cual San Martín proclamó la independencia del Perú desde un balcón que todavía se conserva. Albufera de Medio Mundo (km 172), laguna y paradero de aves migratorias donde se puede acampar y realizar actividades recreativas.
HOSPEDAJES: Hotel Centenario, 28 de Julio 836,232-3731, US$ 35. Hostal La Villa, Félix Cárdenas 139, Santa María, 232-1477, US$34, Suites El Condado, Centenario 150, Santa María, Óvalo de Huacho, 232-6336, USS 34. Scorpio, Ricardo Palma 109, 232-2357.
EMERGENCIAS: Policía Nacional: 28 de Julio 210, 232-2755. Bomberos: Echenique 355, 232-3333. Hospital Regional: José Arnaldo Aramburú 251, 232-2351. Cruz Roja: Malecón Roca 702, 232-3525.
Km 188 Panamericana N. Pequeña ciudad con servicios básicos (restaurantes, grifo, farmacias y talleres mecánicos). A 4 km está el Puerto Supe, lugar de actividad industrial y pesquera. Alrededores: Caral. Este gran complejo arqueológico ubicado en el valle del río Supe contiene los restos de la ciudad más antigua de América que floreció alrededor del 3,000 a.C. Se puede llegar tomando un desvío de 28 km de camino empedrado y paisajes áridos desde el km 159 (Végueta) de la Panamericana N, o Ingresando por un desvío de 25 km de carretera afirmada que nace en el km 182 (Supe pueblo) de la Panamericana N y corre por la margen derecha del río Supe. Este último es más seguro pero puede quedar bloqueado durante la temporada de lluvias por lo que es conveniente llamar antes de emprender el viaje para conocer el estado del terreno (Informes: Para visitar la zona se requiere pagar ingreso (S/. 11 público en general, S/. 3.60 estudiantes y profesores y SI. 1 niños y jubilados) y contratar un guía {SI. 20). Visitas: L-D 9 am - 5 pm. Isla del Faro, a 1 km de la ciudad. Una de las buenas playas del norte chico.
Km 197 Panamericana N. Ciudad ubicada en la bahía del mismo nombre. Su largo malecón se extiende sobre dos playas, Chorrillos y Puerto Chico, que lamentablemente se encuentran en mal estado sanitario (Digesa 2009). Ofrece servicios turísticos en un nivel básico e intermedio.
HOSPEDAJES: Chavín, José Gálvez 222, 235-2253, US$ 30, RESTAURANTES: Tato, Chorrillos 383, 235-2562. Las Gaviotas, Chorrillos 254, 235- 3180.
EMERGENCIAS: Policía Nacional, esq. Independencia con Zorayas/n, 235-2136. Bomberos, Plaza de Armas s/n, 235-2333.
Km 205 Panamericana N. Pequeña ciudad que cuenta con restaurantes, centros de salud y talleres. De larga historia —Pachacútec inició allí su campaña para conquistar el Norte— durante la Independencia, Bolívar residió ahí. Pasando Pativilca (km 209) se inicia la carretera al Callejón de Huaylas y Huaraz. Ver & Hacer: Museo Bo- livariano, Calle Bolívar s/n. Casona colonial que conserva documentos y objetos de la estancia de Bolívar en la ciudad. Alrededores: Paramonga, a 9 km de Pativilca, templo y fortaleza chimú, construida sobre una colina. Remodelada y ampliada por los incas.
Km 296 Panamericana N. Ubicado en el valle del río Huarmey, el pueblo está unido al Puerto Huarmey (muelle, fábricas, pequeñas casas) por camino afirmado. Cuenta con servicios básicos. Cerca se hallan los restos de la fortaleza incaica de Ampanu. Uno de sus principales atractivos son sus hermosas playas, entre ellas Tuqulllo (km 301, desvío por carretera asfaltada con un último tramo afirmado), ubicada en una pequeña bahía, con arena muy blanca y fina, ideal para la pesca submarina.
HOSPEDAJES: La Posada de Huarmey, Panamericana Norte km 293, (043) 40-0330, US$ 25. Costa Virgen Eco Camp (Tuquillo), Panamericana Norte km 302, US$ 18. Lima: 224-1619.
RESTAURANTES: El Pez de Oro, Grau edra. 2. Guille, Playa Tuquillo.
Km 378 Panamericana N. Situada en un valle agrícola. Cuenta con hospedaje, restaurantes, hospital y farmacias. La zona perteneció al señorío Chlmú, luego al Tahuantinsuyo. Uno de los testimonios arqueológicos más importantes es el Complejo Arqueológico de Sechín, extraordinario templo de adobe y piedras labradas a 4 km de Casma sobre cuyo origen —datado en 3,500 años— se tejen diversas hipótesis. Otro sitio arqueológico es Chanquillo, castillo ovalado preincaico ubicado en el km 361. El Huaro, castillo semioval, se encuentra en el km 436.
HOSPEDAJES: Las Poncianas, Panamericana Norte km 379, (043) 41-2123, US$ 45. Campamento Turístico Las Aldas, Panamericana Norte km 347, Lima: 440-3241, US$ 40,
RESTAURANTES: Las Poncianas (Hotel Las Poncianas), Panamericana Norte km 379. La Carreta, av. Perú edra. 9.
Km 396 Panamericana N. Balneario alrededor de una amplia bahía, de mar muy tranquilo, con fondo de piedras y arena, ideal para la práctica de la caza submarina y otros deportes acuáticos. Buena cocina en base a pescado y mariscos. Hermosas playas, accesibles en camionetas 4x4.
HOSPEDAJE: Hospedaje Las Terrazas, Caleta norte, (043) 961-9042, US$ 30, www.lasterra- Hostal Las Poncianas Beach, (043) 71-2123, 9839-9772, US$ 25, http://lasponcla-
Distancias: Lima: 434 km.Trujillo: 129 km.
Capital de la provincia de Santa, Chimbóte es un centro siderúrgico y pesquero. Originalmente un caserío parcialmente destruido en la guerra con Chile, renació en los años 50 convirtiéndose en el primer puerto pesquero del país. Cuenta con hoteles y restaurantes de nivel aceptable. Nuevo Chimbóte es un distrito más tranquilo que el centro.
Alrededores: Cerro de la Juventud, mirador desde el que se puede apreciar la bahía y visitar lugares de interés como la Plaza del Niño, el Santuario del Señor de la Vida y la Cruz de la Paz. Boulevard Isla Blanca, lugar de esparcimiento, decorado con piletas, esculturas de mármol y juegos para niños. El Mirador, edificación de piedra que hace las veces de terraza, ubicada cerca al túnel de Colshco, a unos 15 minutos de la ciudad.
HOSPEDAJES: Gran Chimú, José Gálvez 109, (043) 32-8104, US$ 45. Hostal Ivansino Inn, José Pardo 738, (043) 32-1811, US$ 37. Hotel Presidente, Leoncio Prado 536, (043) 32-2411, US$ 33. Hotel Buenos Aires, Huambacho 296, urb. Buenos Aires, Nuevo Chimbóte, (043) 31-0631, 824*0860, US$ 20, www.hotelbueno-
RESTAURANTES: Venecia, Bolognesi 386, (043) 32-5490. Casino Español, Malecón Grau 423, (043)32-3981.
EMERGENCIAS: Hospital Regional, av. Anchoveta s/n, Bellamar, Nuevo Chimbóte, (043) 31 -2021. EsSalud, Laderas del Norte s/n, (043) 32-3181. Policía Nacional, Leoncio Prado (Plaza de Armas), (043) 32-1651.
La Libertad
Distancias: Lima: 563 km. Chiclayo: 216 km. Piura: 434 km.
La Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera es una de las más importantes del Perú y capital de la región La Libertad. Disfruta de un agradable clima —24°C de promedio en verano y templado el resto del año, con muchos días de sol. Sus numerosos atractivos y una buena infraestructura turística la convierten en un destino destacado en la Costa Norte. La zona fue sede de la cultura preincaica Chimú, que dejó la impresionante ciudad de adobe de Chan Chan. Trujillo fue fundada el 26 de diciembre de 1534 por Diego de Almagro, como un homenaje a la ciudad natal de su socio Francisco Pizarra. Éste oficializó su fundación el 5 de marzo de 1535, denominándola "Ciudad de Trujillo de Nueva Castilla" .Tuvo participación protagónica en el proceso emancipador, apoyó a las fuerzas de San Martín y fue el punto de partida de la campaña de Bolívar. La ciudad cuenta con numerosos monumentos virreinales y republicanos bien conservados. En las cercanías se encuentran importantes restos arqueológicos, especialmente Chan Chan, y concurridas playas como Huanchaco.
HOSPEDAJES: Libertador Plaza Mayor, Independencia 485, Plaza de Armas, (044) 23-2741, Lima: 442-1995, US$ 185, El Gran Marqués, Díaz de Cienfuegos 145, urb. La Merced, (044) 24-9366, US$ 150, El Golf, Los Cocoteros 500, El Golf, (044) 28- 2515, US$ 100. Los Conquistadores, Diego de Almagro 586, (044) 48-1650, US$ 75, Paraíso, San Martín 240, (044) 20-0073, US$ 50, Hostería Haus Frankfurt, Los Cocoteros 253, urb. El Golf, (044) 28-9015, US$ 40. Hostal Colonial, Independencia 618, (044) 25-8261, US$ 18.
RESTAURANTES: El Mochica, Bolívar 462, (044) 29-3441. Alcaparra Restaurante, San Martín 240, (044) 20-1909. Romano Criollo, Estados Unidos162, urb. El Recreo, (044) 24-4207. S'qualos, Díaz de Cienfuegos 250, urb. La Merced, (044) 29-5134. Chel- sea Pub Restaurante, Estete 675, (044) 25-7032. El Rodizio, esq. Valcárcel y Manuel Vera, urb. Primavera. Pizzería II Valentino, Mariscal Orbegoso 224, (044) 246-643. Skbch, Pedro Urraca 515, urb. San Andrés, (044) 22-7845. El Mirador, Alejandro Deustua 633, (044) 23-5838. San Agustín, Bolívar 522 y Pizarra 691. Romano (juguería), Pizarra 747. Café-Bar del Museo del Juguete, Independencia 701, (044) 29-7200. TURISMO: Información y Asistencia al Turista (i- Perú), Diego de Almagro 402. Telefax: (044) 29-4561. Horario: L-S: 9:00 - 19:00; D: 9:00 - 13:00. Policía de Turismo, Independencia 630, (044) 29-1705.
COMPRAS: Malí Aventura Plaza. Real Plaza. Los Jardines Open Plaza.
EMERGENCIAS: Hospital EsSalud, Unión 1350, (044) 21-6119. Clínica Sánchez Ferrer, Laureles 436, urb. California, (044) 28-5541. Policía Nacional, Bolognesi 428, (044) 22-2034. Bomberos, av. España 506, (044) 23-3333. Auxilio mecánico: TACP (044) 23-2635.
Ver & Hacer
Plaza de Armas.También llamada Plaza Mayor. Rodeada por la Catedral, el Palacio Municipal, la Iglesia de La Compañía, casas coloniales y republicanas. Al centro se encuentra un monumento coronado por una estatua alegórica de La Libertad. La Basílica Catedral. Plaza de Armas, (044) 23-5083. Construida en el siglo 17, adornada con valiosos cuadros de la escuela cusqueña y esculturas. Sede del Museo Catedralicio, que exhibe objetos artísticos y de culto de la época colonial. Iglesia San Francisco. Esquina Independencia y Gamarra. Siglo 18. Resalta por su altar mayor, sus retablos y su púlpito. Iglesia y Monasterio El Carmen. Esquina Colón y Bolívar, (044) 24-1823. El monasterio y conjunto arquitectónico más importante de la ciudad. Data de 1750. Conserva frescos y una amplia pinacoteca con lienzos de los siglos 17 y 18. iglesia La Merced. Pizarro 550. Una de las más hermosas piezas arquitectónicas del norte peruano, terminada de construir en 1636. Sus pinturas tienen pasajes de la vida de San Pedro Nolasco. En el coro alto se encuentra un órgano de estilo rococó. Casa Ganoza-Chopitea. Independencia 630. De estilo barroco. Conocida también como Casa de los Leones. Terminada de construir en 1753, está muy bien restaurada y contiene valiosas obras de arte, como un retablo que data de 1649. Casa del Mariscal Orbegoso. Orbegoso 553. Exhibe una interesante colección de muebles, platería, lienzos y espejos. Perteneció al presidente José Luis Orbegoso (1795-1847). Casa de la Emancipación. Pizarro 610. Lugar donde por primera vez se juró la Independencia. Posee una colección de acuarelas encargadas por el obispo Baltasar Jaime Martínez (1737-1797). Palacio Iturregul. Pizarro 668. Bella casona del siglo 19, de estilo neoclásico, ambientada con muebles de la época, lámparas de cristal, óleos y grandes espejos. Museo José Cassinelli. Nicolás de Piérola 607, (044) 24-6110. Pequeño museo privado, con una interesante colección de ceramios de las culturas Moche, Chavín, Nazca y otros.
Trujillo: Alrededores
Chan Chan. En el valle del Moche, frente al mar, (044) 20-6304. A medio camino entre la ciudad de Trujillo y el balneario de Huanchaco se encuentran los restos de lo que fue la capital religiosa y administrativa del reino Chimú, posiblemente la ciudad de adobe más grande del mundo (20 km2). La zona central de este sitio arqueológico se extiende en un área de 6 km2 y está conformada por 10 recintos amurallados ("ciudadelas") y templos piramidales (huacas). Su extensa área urbana comprende complejos administrativos y palacios con muros profusamente decorados. De las diez ciudadelas, nueve comparten características formales: tienen forma rectangular, orientación norte/sur, acceso principal ubicado al norte, zonificación similar en su interior y cuentan con plazas, audiencias, depósitos, plataformas funerarias y pozos. Este Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad tiene un interesante museo de sitio. Huacas del Sol y la Luna. Moche, a 8 km de Trujillo. Fueron el centro religioso de la cultura Moche (siglos 2 a 7 d.C.). Abarcan unas 120 hectáreas. Sobresalen dos edificios de grandes dimensiones: la Huaca del Sol (al oeste y cerca al cauce del río Moche) y la Huaca de la Luna (500 m más al este). En medio de ambas se alzó una ciudad, hoy cubierta por arena. La Huaca del Sol es el edificio de adobe más grande del mundo. Sus restos tienen 20 metros de altura y se calcula que debe haber sido considerablemente más alta. Está compuesta por cuatro cuerpos en forma de plataformas superpuestas. La Huaca de la Luna está constituida por tres plataformas y cuatro plazas delimitadas por muros de adobe. Se encuentra bellamente decorada con relieves y murales polícromos en los que resalta el dios Ai Apaec ("El Degollador). Este segundo complejo se encuentra mejor conservado y puede ser visitado por el público. Ingreso: SI. 11 (adultos). Es recomendable la visita antes del mediodía porque en la tarde hay mucho viento. El Brujo. 40 km al norte de Trujillo, en el valle de Chicama. Este complejo arqueológico abarca un área de 2 km2. En él se encuentran la Huaca Prieta de época Precerámica (2,500 a.C.) y dos huacas Moche, una de ellas conocida como El Brujo (cuyos frisos polícromos en relieve son únicos entre los restos Moche conocidos) y Cao Viejo, con restos de una iglesia cristiana. Sus murales representan escenas de guerra. Huaca del Dragón o del Arco Iris. 4 km ai norte de Trujillo. En el valle de Moche se encuentran estos restos arqueológicos cuya antigüedad se calcula en más de 1,000 años. Los frisos de esta huaca muestran figuras antropomorfas, entre ellas una serpiente de dos cabezas. Tiene un museo de sitio.
12 km al NO de Trujillo. Popular balneario con una buena oferta de servicios turísticos: hoteles, hostales, restaurantes, etc. A pocos kilómetros de Chan Chan e ideal para la práctica del surfing, Huanchaco tiene una playa de arena muy larga, un pintoresco muelle y una hermosa iglesia colonial del siglo 16 en la parte alta del balneario. En la caleta aún se usan los caballitos de totora, embarcaciones de origen Mochica que los pescadores emplean para su trabajo y para eventuales competencias deportivas.
HOSPEDAJE: Huanchaco International Hotel, La Marina 466, Playa Azul, 044) 46-1754, US$ 49, Hostal Braca- monte, Los Olivos 503, (044) 46-1266, US$ 45. pe Hostal Huanchaco, Víctor Larco 287, (044) 46-1272, US$ 28. www.
RESTAURANTES: Huanchaco Beach, av. Víctor Larco 602, urb. El Boquerón, 044) 46-1484. Club Colonial, av. La Ribera 466. La Barca, Unión 209, (044) 46-1549. Big Ben, av. Víctor Larco Herrera 836, (044) 46-1869. Otra Cosa (.vegetariano), av. Víctor Larco 921, (044) 46-1346.
72 km al norte de Trujillo. Este puerto —también conocido como Malabrigo— ofrece clima soleado todo el año. El pintoresco muelle, construido en 1921, así como el malecón y las antiguas casonas de madera, le dan un ambiente especial al lugar. Las olas de 2.5 metros en promedio la han convertido en el lugar preferido para la práctica del surfing. Es probable que la de Chicama sea la ola izquierda más larga del mundo. Aquí también es común el uso de ios caballitos de totora.
HOSPEDAJES: Hotel Chicama Beach, Arica Mz 87 Lote 1 A, (044) 57-6130, US$ 60, Chicama Surf, Arica s/n, Puerto Malabrigo, (044) 57-6206,
Km 681 Panamericana N. Puerto y balneario entre Chiclayo y Trujillo. Distrito fundado por Simón Bolívar en 1825, es un lugar especialmente recomendable para tablistas y aficionados a la buena mesa. En el siglo 19 fue un importante puerto con el muelle más largo del Perú, construido por el presidente José Balta. Tiene un malecón de arquitectura republicana de casi 500 metros. Cerca, y en el camino a Cajamarca, se encuentra la represa de Gallito Ciego (Jequetepeque), que irriga una zona productora de arroz, y San Pedro de Lloc, simpático pueblo republicano, capital de la provincia. También hay sitios de interés arqueológico, como Dos Cabezas, Pakatnamú, Cavoury Farfán. HOSPEDAJES: La Estación, Malecón Grau 69, (044) 52-1515. US$ 38 Pakatnamú, Malecón Grau 103, (044) 52-1051, US$ 33. La Posada del Valle, Ancash 610, San Pedro de Lloc, (044) 52-8037,
Distancias: Lima: 779 km. Trujillo: 216 km. Piura: 218 km.
Importante ciudad de más de 700 mil habitantes, capital de la región Lambayeque y eje económico y comercial del norte del país. Chiclayo no tiene determinada una fecha de fundación. Aparece en una confluencia de caminos que unía los pueblos de Zaña y Lambayeque con la Sierra, luego de que una gran inundación asolara al primero de ellos. Una fecha probable es el 21 de julio de 1559. Su creación como provincia fue el 18 de abril de 1835. Ubicada en una rica zona agrícola, es una ciudad muy dinámica, de clima cálido, escala obligada en el viaje al Norte y punto de acceso a importantes zonas arqueológicas: Huaca Rajada (la tumba del Señor de Sipán), Batán Grande (Señor de Sicán) y Túcume (Valle de las Pirámides). Las playas de Puerto Eten y el balneario de Pimentel, cerca a la ciudad, son apropiadas para la práctica del surflng.
HOSPEDAJES: Garza Hotel, Bolognesl 756, (074) 22-8172, US$ 90, Gran Hotel Chiclayo, Federico Villarreal 115, (074) 23-4911, US$ 80, Costa del Sol, José Balta 399, (074) 22-7272, US$ 72, Las Musas, Los Faiques 101, urb. Sta. Victoria, (074) 23-9884, US$ 60, Gloria Plaza Hotel, Miguel Grau 397, (074) 27-4555, USS 65, Casa de la Luna, Bernardo Alcedo 250, (074) 27-0156, US$ 50, Hotel Paraíso, Pedro Ruiz 1064, (074) 22-2070, US$ 40,
RESTAURANTES: Sabores Peruanos, Grau 1050, urb. Santa Victoria, (074) 23-8497. Marako's Grill, Elvira García y García 490, urb. Los Parques, (074) 27-1457. Fiesta, Salaverry 1820, (074) 20-1970. Hebrón, Balta 605, (074) 23-9486. La Parra, Manuel María Izaga 752, (074) 22-7471. Ricomar, Pedro Ruiz 1059, (074) 22-2798. Chifa Luna Llena, av. Grau 1086, urb. Santa Victoria, (074) 23-3988. Casa Blanca, av. Grau s/n, urb. Santa Victoria.
COMPRAS: Centro Comercial Real Plaza, Miguel de Cervantes 300.
TURISMO: Información y Asistencia al Turista (i-Perú), av. Sáenz Peña 838. Telefax: (074) 20-5703. Dirección Regional deTurlsmo, Sáenz Peña 830, (074) 23-3132. Aeropuerto José Abelardo Quiñones, av. Bolognesi s/n, (074) 23-6016 / 23-3192.
EMERGENCIAS: Hospital Almanzor Aguinaga (EsSalud), Hipólito Unanue 180, (074) 23-7776 / 20-8767. Hospital Regional Docente Las Mercedes, av. Luis Gonzales 635, (074) 23-8232. Clínica del Pacífico, av. José Leonardo Ortiz 420, (074) 23-6378. Policía Nacional, Vicente de la Vega 1189, (074) 27-0751. Policía de Turismo, Sáenz Peña 830, (074) 49-0892. Auxilio mecánico (TACP): (074) 65-8067 / 25-7256.
Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan
Museo construido especialmente para exhibir los objetos arqueológicos descubiertos en Huaca Rajada en 1987, generalmente conocidos como del Señor de Sipán. El edificio asemeja una pirámide trunca formada por cinco prismas que se sustentan mediante planos inclinados. El museo tiene tres niveles. La visita se inicia en el nivel superior y se va descendiendo mientras se observa una reconstrucción de la Tumba del Señor de Sipán. El museo, concebido en sus partes arquitectónicas y de exhibición de acuerdo a las más modernas técnicas museológicas, está a cargo del destacado arqueólogo Walter Alva, quien dirigió las excavaciones en el lugar original. Av. Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzmán s/n, (074) 28-3978, Atención: Martes a domingo.
Chiciayo: Alrededores
Túcume. 33 km al noreste de Chiciayo, por la carretera a Olmos. Complejo arqueológico conformado por 26 pirámides de adobe. Tiene una extensión de 220 hectáreas. Túcume o el Valle de las Pirámides fue centro del poder político y religioso en la región durante las culturas Lambayeque, Chimú e Inca, desde el siglo 11 de nuestra era hasta la Conquista. Actualmente se realizan excavaciones en dos de las principales pirámides y en lo que presuntamente fue una zona residencial. Tiene parador turístico y un Museo de Sitio (074) 42-2027. Asimismo, cuenta con un mirador en el Cerro La Raya o Purgatorio, que permite una impresionante vista de la zona. El pueblo de Túcume se encuentra a 2 km de las pirámides. Sipán. 35 km al este de Chiciayo, por la carretera a Pomalca. Carretera asfaltada. Se encuentra en la zona conocida como Huaca Rajada. Es un complejo arqueológico que ocupa unas 200 hectáreas. Comprende dos pirámides y una plataforma en la que han sido halladas dos de las más importantes tumbas de la cultura Moche: la del Señor de Sipán y la de un antepasado suyo, llamado el Viejo Señor. El mausoleo real, en cuya cámara fue hallado el Señor de Sipán con su séquito, contenía valiosos objetos en oro, plata, cobre y piedras preciosas. Museo de Sitio de Huaca Rajada / Sipán. 28 km al E de Chiciayo siguiendo la ruta a Pomalca. Inaugurado en enero del 2009, se levanta en el complejo arqueológico donde se realizaron los hallazgos de Sipán, que incluyen más de 13 tumbas. Puntualmente, muestra la tumba 14, de un sacerdote guerrero de la cultura Moche. Eten. 20 km al sur de Chiciayo. Ciudad de pescadores y lugar de veraneo. Tiene pintorescas casonas de madera, un gran muelle (muy deteriorado y en estado de abandono) y una bonita plaza. Sus playas son amplias y tranquilas. Pimentel. A 11 km de Chiciayo. Puerto y balneario muy concurrido en verano. Muestra una arquitectura de comienzos del siglo 20, pero también edificaciones modernas y un bonito malecón. El Puerto conserva un gran muelle de madera de más de 100 años de antigüedad. En sus playas es frecuente ver a veraneantes dedicados a los deportes acuáticos —surf, motonáutica, windsurf—junto a pescadores montados en sus caballitos de totora, que típicamente retornan de sus labores entre las 12 m y las 2 pm montados en sus ancestrales embarcaciones. Monsefú. 14 km al sur de Chiciayo. Localidad reconocida por su mercado artesanal en el que se pueden ver productos de cestería, sombreros de paja, tejidos de algodón e hilo. Son famosos sus objetos finamente bordados, como manteles, blusas, faldas, ponchos y mantos. Reserva Ecológica Chaparri. A 75 km al SE de Chiciayo. Zona de 34,000 hectáreas, dedicada a la protección de especies en peligro de extinción como el oso de anteojos, el cóndor andino y la pava aliblanca. Busca conservar el hábitat de los bosques secos. Es manejada por la comunidad campesina Muchik Santa Catalina de Chongoyape. Es un agradable paseo que se puede hacer a pie o a caballo y durante el cual se pueden observar paisajes y diversas especies de animales y aves. Sólo recibe 30 visitantes por día, previa reserva. Informes: (074) 43-3194. El ingreso cuesta S/. 10 y es obligatorio contratar un guía (SI. 40).
20 km al norte de Chiclayo. Pequeña ciudad, sede de los extraordinarios museos Brunning y Tumbas Reales de Sipán. Lambayeque tiene hermosas casonas, entre ellas la Casa Montjoy o Casa de la Logia, con su enorme balcón colonial, posiblemente el más largo del país. Es popular su dulce típico, el king kong, especialmente de las marcas San Roque y Llampayec.
HOSPEDAJES: Hostería San Roque, Dos de Mayo 437, (074) 28-2860, USS 50. RESTAURANTES: Salones Doña Rosita, Av. Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzman 851, (074) 28-1268 (Ver aviso p. 67). El Rincón del Pato, Leguía 270, (074) 28-2751.
Ver & Hacer
Museo Brunning. Huamachuco cdra. 8, (074) 28-2110. Notable colección de cerámica y orfebrería precolombina reunida por el alemán Enrique Brunning y adquirida por el Estado peruano en 1921. Entre las culturas representadas están las Moche, Chavín, Vicus e Inca. Ha sido recientemente remodelado. L-D de 9 am a 5 pm (S/. 8).
Lambayeque: Alrededores
Complejo Arqueológico de Batán Grande. A 26 km de Chiclayo, por carretera asfaltada. En este lugar de 13,500 hectáreas, específicamente en la Huaca La Ventana, se encontró a fines de 1936 y principios de 1937 una serie de objetos de oro, entre ellos el Tumi de Oro (cuchillo ceremonial) y la Máscara de Ojos Alados. En 1991, en Huaca Loro, el arqueólogo Izumi Shimada hizo otro hallazgo sensacional: la tumba del Señor de Sicán, un alto dignatario acompañado de un conjunto de objetos de orfebrería de gran calidad artística e iconográfica. El Museo Nacional Sicán (18 km de Chiclayo, en la carretera Ferreñafe - Pitipo. (074) 28-6469, Ma-D) contiene parte de este hallazgo. Bosque de Pómac. A 36 km de Chiclayo por la carretera a Batán Grande. Santuario histórico que conserva la flora (algarrobos, guarangos) y fauna de la región. También alberga restos arqueológicos de la cultura Sicán.
18 km al NE de Chiclayo. Pueblo de agricultores. Tiene una antigua iglesia, Santa Lucía (1552), de estilo barroco.
50 km al SE de Chiclayo. Lugar que albergó una ciudad fundada en 1563 por familias españolas ricas. La ciudad fue saqueada por piratas en el S 17. Finalmente quedó en ruinas por una crecida del río y los sucesivos desbordes provocados por el fenómeno del Niño. Todavía se aprecian los restos de sus bellas construcciones coloniales.
Distancias: Lima: 997 km, Chiclayo: 218 km.Tumbes: 284 km.
San Miguel de Piura fue la primera ciudad fundada por los españoles en el Perú (1532). La zona en la que se asienta fue un importante eje económico del norte del Virreinato, y el puerto de Paita, a 55 km de San Miguel, era punto de tránsito forzoso de las naves que se dirigían hacia Lima. Centro de una rica región agrícola y petrolera, durante los últimos 20 años se ha convertido en un polo de desarrollo gracias a importantes inversiones privadas. Actualmente, con más de 300 mil habitantes, es una próspera ciudad con servicios turísticos de buen nivel y una prestigiosa universidad. Piura posee hermosas playas, como las de Paita y Colán, y zonas propicias para la práctica de la pesca deportiva y caza submarina.
HOSPEDAJES: Río Verde, Ramón Mujicas/n, San Eduardo, (073) 28-5000, US$ 120. Reservas Lima: 442-5992, Los Portales, Libertad 875, Plaza de Armas, (073) 32-1161, US$ 115, www.hotelpor- Costa del Sol, Loreto 649, (073) 30-2864, US$ 85, www. El Angolo, Fortunato Chirichigno 661, (073) 32-5882, US$ 75, Esmeralda, Loreto 235, (073) 33-1205, US$ 45, Hostal El Sol, Sánchez Cerro 411, (073) 32-4461, US$19.
RESTAURANTES: Río Verde, Ramón Mujicas/n, San Eduardo, (073) 28-5000. Los Portales, Libertad 875, Plaza de Armas, (073) 32-1161. La Santitos, Libertad 1014, (073) 30-9475. D'Pauli, Lima 541. Caracol Azul, Mz A-15, Urb, Chira, (073) 35-5810. Chifa Cantón, Tacna 125, (073) 32-8585. Pepe's Carbumer, Libertad 1014, C.C. Santa Isabel. Pizzería Carbumer, Libertad 1014, C.C. Santa Isabel.
EMERGENCIAS Hospital Cayetano Heredia, av. Independencia s/n, (073) 34-2420. Policía Nacional, Carretera a Sullana km 2, (073) 30-7648. Bomberos: Tacna 160, (073) 30-9999. Dirección Regional de Turismo: Tallanes s/n, (073) 33-4328.
TURiSMO: Información y Asistencia alTurista (¡Perú), Ayacucho 377, (073) 32-0249. L-S: 8:30-19:00. D: 8:30-14:00. Dirección Regional de Turismo, Tallanes s/n, (073) 33-4328. Aeropuerto, (073) 34-4503, 34-4997.
Ver & Hacer
Catedral (siglo 16). Av. Huancavelica 362, Plaza de Armas. Destaca un bello altar de pan de oro y diferentes óleos del pintor piurano Ignacio Merino, como el de San Martín de Porras y la Virgen. Casa Museo de Miguel Grau, Tacna 662, (073) 32-6541. Casa donde nació y residió el héroe de Angarrios. Museo Vicús. Esq. Huánuco y Sultana, (073) 30-2803. El más importante de la ciudad. Amplia colección de piezas precolombinas y objetos de oro. Iglesia del Carmen (siglo 18). La Libertad 366. Sede de un Museo de Arte Religioso. Iglesia de San Francisco. Esq. Callao y Lima. La más antigua de la ciudad. En ella se proclamó la independencia de esta región el 4 de enero de 1821. Tiene una gran campana de bronce en ¡a que está labrada en alto relieve la imagen de San Francisco. Centro Turístico Los Ejidos. A 10km de Piura. Alrededor de una laguna de 20 km2 se puede observar una interesante fauna y flora y realizar actividades recreativas.
A 5 km de Piura por carretera asfaltada. Pueblo ampliamente conocido por su artesanía. También tiene una buena cocina en sus tradicionales picanterías.
A 57km al O de Piura. Ciudad portuaria de unos 70 mil habitantes. Su fiesta principal es La Virgen de las Mercedes en septiembre. Mantiene algunas casonas coloniales. Rodeada de excelentes playas como Yacila y Cangrejos.
16 km al NO de Paita. Llamado también "La Esmeralda", es un hermoso balneario. Su mar es muy calmo y sus casas construidas de madera se yerguen —encima de pilotes— paralelas a la orilla. A pocos kilómetros está el pueblo de San Lucas, con su atractivo principal: la primera iglesia católica construida en el Perú (1536).
HOSPEDAJES: Playa Colan Lodge, Balneario La Esmeralda, Lado Sur, (073) 31-3974, www.pla- US$65. Sunset Bay, Balneario La Esmeralda, Lado Sur, (073) 67-4008, US$ 120, Bungalows Spilberg, Costanera s/n. (073) 32-6843, USS 10 pp.
A 60 km E por la antigua Panamericana Norte. Es conocida principalmente por su cerámica. Tiene las mejores chicherías de Piura y fruta como mangos y limones.
A 110 km NO de la ciudad de Piura. Centro de la industria petrolera. Tiene todas las facilidades de una pequeña ciudad. El interés turístico principal son las playas como Lobitos. HOSPEDAJES: El Angolo, Aviación 413, Barrio Particular, (073) 38-5423, US$ 55, Gran Hotel Pacífico, Aviación 411 ,(073) 38-5449, US$ 40.
Cabo Blanco
A 150 km NO de Piura y 32 km de Talara. Caleta de aguas tibias y clima caluroso todo el año (24°C de temperatura promedio). En una época fue conocida internacionalmente por la práctica de la pesca de altura: merlín, pez espada, pez dorado, mero, róbalo, y recibió a famosos personajes, siendo el más recordado el escritor Ernest Hemingway. En la actualidad es más popular la Punta Cabo Blanco, con su «Panic Point», 250 m al sur del muelle, que algunos consideran la mejor ola para surfing del Perú.
HOSPEDAJE: El Merlfn. El único en la caleta, brinda servicios básicos, (073) 25-6188.
RESTAURANTE: Cabo Blanco, atendido por el legendario Don Pablo.
A 182 km NO de Piura, Este balneario es uno de los lugares predilectos de surfers y amantes del sol que en número creciente tornan bulliciosas sus calles. El notable Incremento del turismo ha determinado la aparición de más y mejores restaurantes y hoteles en la zona. Cuenta con otros populares destinos veraniegos, como playa Pocitas y Vichayito (km 1,155). Los precios de hoteles y hospedajes varían considerablemente según la temporada y en feriados largos.
HOSPEDAJES: Las Olas, Piura s/n, (073) 25-8099, US$ 30 pp, Punta Ballenas, Panamericana Norte km 1,164, (073) 25-8136, US$ 40, www.puntaballenas. com Costa Blanca, Panamericana Norte km 1,155, Vichayito (073) 25-8379, Las Arenas de Máncora, Panamericana Norte km 1,164, (073) 25-8240, US$ 65, Los Corales, Playa Pocitas, Panamericana Norte km 1,215, (073) 25-8309, US$ 40.
RESTAURANTES: Chan Chan, Piura 384, (073) 25-8146. El Faro, Piura 233, (01) 974-52928. El Espada, Piura 501, (073) 25-8304. Hermanos Lama, Grau 503, (073) 25-8215.
Panamericana Norte km 1,032. Ubicada en la margen izquierda del río Chira, a 35 km al norte de Piura, esta ciudad de más de 200,OCX) habitantes es un importante centro agrícola, comercial e industrial del norte. Ofrece todos los servicios básicos. Alrededores: Casa Hacienda Sojo, a 5 km de Sullana en la carretera a Paita, antigua casa hacienda declarada Monumento Histórico Nacional. HOSPEDAJES: Del Chira, José de Lama 112, (073) 50-7360, US$ 22.
A 60 km SO de Piura. Una de las bahías más grandes del país, conformada por atractivas playas. A un extremo de ella se encuentra la zona de manglares Bocana de San Pedro. En el pueblo se puede visitar la iglesia San Martín de Sechura, cuya construcción se remonta a la época colonial.
A 106 km SO de Piura. Zona costera famosa por la transparencia y riqueza de sus aguas. Ideal para la pesca y la caza submarina, así como para la práctica —en playas cercanas— de deportes acuáticos como el surfing, por el tamaño promedio de las olas. La isla Lobos de Tierra se encuentra próxima y también es apropiada para la pesca. Para llegar a Bayóvar es necesario contar con un vehículo todoterreno.
Reserva de Biosfera del Noroeste Peruano
Esta gran unidad de conservación se ubica en las regionesTumbesy Piura. Se divide en tres zonas: el Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape (151,561 Ha.), la Reserva Nacional de Tumbes (19,266 Ha.) y el Coto de Caza El Angolo (65,000 ha). Está en proceso de incorporarse a esta unidad, al Santuario Nacional Manglares de Tumbes (2,972 ha). El objetivo de la reserva es proteger dos ecorregiones únicas en el Perú que se encuentran amenazadas: el Bosque Seco Ecuatorial y el Bosque Tropical del Pacífico, una exuberante selva en la frontera de la Sierra y la Costa, región que en el resto del Perú se caracteriza por su escasa vegetación. Los árboles —ceibos, pretinos y cedros—alcanzan hasta 40 m de altura. La zona también es rica en orquídeas. Entre las especies más abundantes están los venados, zorros y una variedad de vistosas aves. Aquí habitan animales en peligro de extinción, como el cocodrilo americano, la nutria del noroeste y el mono coto o mono aullador. Si bien se puede alcanzar los límites de la reserva en auto (de preferencia 4x4), la zona es agreste, los caminos difíciles y para visitarla se necesita permiso del Inrena y contratar un servicio de guiado. Informes: Inrena, Bartolomé Zeta 127, urb. José LishnerTudela, Tumbes, (072) 52-6489. Biosfera Tours, (072) 983-3372.
Platos regionales Piura / Tumbes
Seco de chabelo: Carne seca salada, asada en brasas con plátanos verdes y aderezada con un guiso de cebolla, tomate, ají, sal y vinagre.
Ceviche de conchas negras: Conchas negras cortadas en cuadraditos, cocidas en zumo de limón y aderezadas con ají, sal y salsa de cebolla. Se sirve con yucas, camotes y choclos sancochados.
Antecoco: Dulce tradicional de Tumbes, en base a coco seco rayado hervido en leche, maicena y azúcar. Cebiche de conchas
Natillas:Tradicional postre piurano hecho con leche de cabra, chancaca y harina, hervidos perol de bronce.
Chinguirito: Licor mezcla de agua de coco y aguardiente.
Distancias: Lima: 1,281 km. Piura: 284 km.
Ubicada en la margen derecha del río del mismo nombre, el origen de esta ciudad —de clima y playas cálidas— está unido a una leyenda que atribuye su fundación a Quitombe, hijo del cacique Tumbi. Incorporada al señorío del Gran Chimú, fue conquistada por Túpac Yupanqui. Una balsa con artesanía local dio a Pizarra la primera evidencia del fabuloso imperio que buscaba. Cálida y ruidosa, Tumbes es hoy una activa ciudad comercial de más de 80,000 habitantes, capital de la región del mismo nombre. Es además paso a los Bosques de Tumbes y punto de partida a las playas de Punta Sal, uno de sus principales atractivos turísticos.
HOSPEDAJES: Costa del Sol, San Martín 275, (072) 52-3991, US$ 105, www.costadelsoiperu. com
RESTAURANTES: Cusicuna, Infancia 430, (072) 24-2917. Los Candiles, Plateros 323, (072) 23- 5430. Classic Restaurant, Tumbes 185, (072) 52-4301. Las Terrazas, Simón Bolívar 328, (072) 52-4660. Latino, Simón Bolívar 163, (072) 52-3198.
EMERGENCIAS: Hospital EsSalud, Grau 466, (072) 52-5345. Hospital de Tumbes, Teniente Vásquez cdra. 8, (072) 52-2222. Policía Nacional, esq. Abad Puell y Zarumilla, (072) 52-2525. Bomberos, Teniente Vásquez 642, (072) 52-3333.
TURISMO: Biosfera Tours, Faustino Piaggio (Panamericana Norte) 094, (072) 54-4390, (072) 983-3372, Visitas a las zonas protegidas.
Tumbes: Alrededores
Mirador Palo Santo
A 5 minutos al SE de Tumbes. Área natural privada que cuenta con una torre de concreto de 18 m de alto ubicado en la colina Pedro el Viejo para admirar parte del bosque seco tropical típico de la zona, además de su interesante flora y fauna.
Puerto Pizarro -
A 13 km al NO de Tumbes. Balneario ubicado en la porción norte del delta del río del mismo $ nombre. En el lugar se encuentra una pequeña caleta de pescadores y extractores de conchas negras. Punto de partida para visitar el Santuario Nacional Manglares de Tumbes. Pa- ¿Jl seos guiados en lancha a motor a las islas del Amor, Hueso de la Ballena y Los Pájaros -MOgi (accesible sólo durante la pleamar). Criadero del lagarto de Tumbes.
HOSPEDAJES: Bay Side (ex Hotel Puerto Pizarro), bungalows, (072) 54-3045, $34
Punta Sal
81 km al S de Tumbes. Para muchos la mejor zona de playas del Perú; mar limpio y cálido de gran riqueza ictiológica. Sol todo el año. Presenta dos alternativas: la Playa Punta Sal Grande —ideal para la pesca deportiva (meros, róbalos, sierras y agujillas) y el buceo—, resguardada por lomas salpicadas de árboles de algarrobo, con hostales, bungalows, chalets privados y restaurantes; y el Punta Sal Club Hotel (7 km al norte), para deportes acuáticos (windsurf, pesca de altura, buceo, torpedos, parasailing). En la caleta de Cancas (3 km al norte de Punta Sal Club Hotel) se pueden conseguir provisiones y alquilar lanchas para pesca de altura. Los precios de hoteles y hospedajes varían considerablemente según la temporada y en feriados largos.
HOSPEDAJES: Punta Sal Club Hotel, Carretera Sullana-Tumbes, km 173, (072) 54-0088, US$ 82 pp (incluye alimentación), Balihai, Panamericana Norte km 1,197, Lima: 264-1870, Hua Punta Sal Hospedaje, Panamericana Norte km 1,187, (072) 54-0043, US$ 48, El Delfín, Panamericana Norte km 1,234, US$ 40, Lima: 224-8541,
A 1,254 km de Lima y 27 km al sur de Tumbes. Esta caleta fue durante el auge de la actividad petrolera el balneario más exclusivo de los tumbesinos. Son famosos su faro, el malecón y su playa de arena. Tiene playas ideales para la práctica del surf: Santa Rosa, Caleta Grau, la Boca del Toro y el propio Zorritos. El mar es tranquilo, con zonas rocosas en sus profundidades y gran variedad de pesca: lenguado, corvina, róbalo, etc. Amplia oferta hotelera y baños termales en la cercana zona de Hervideros, al sur. HOSPEDAJES: Florida Beach, Panamericana Norte km 1,222, (072) 968- 8088, US$ 40 pp (incluye alimentación), Lima: 447-2736, www.playa-florlda. com Playa Punta Camarón, Panamericana Norte km 1,235, Lima: 247-2737, US$ 60 pp, Amotape, Panamericana Norte km 1,248, (072) 54-2385, US$ 65, Costa Azul, Panamericana Norte km 1239, (072) 54-4268, US$ 85, El Delfín, Panamericana Norte km 1,234, US$ 40, Lima: 224-8541,
Aguas Verdes
En plena frontera, a 1,307 km de Lima y 26 km al norte de Tumbes. Punto de intercambio comercial entre Perú y Ecuador. El eje del pueblo es el Puente Internacional sobre el río Zarumilla, por donde se cruza hacia la ciudad ecuatoriana de Huaquillas. Es recomendable mucha prudencia y por su seguridad, no cambiar dólares en la frontera sino en la ciudad de Tumbes. Los trámites para ingresar a Ecuador se hacen en las oficinas de Migraciones, 5 minutos al sur de Aguas Verdes. Se requiere pasaporte o DNI.
Por carretera ………
LIMA – HUACHO: Distancia: 160 km.Tiempo estimado: 2 h 30 m.
Autopista de 4 carriles con berma central. Tráfico lento en Lima hasta Puente Piedra (km 30). Luego del desvío que conduce a Ancón (km 44) y pasando el control policial (ojo: señal de velocidad máxima de 60 km/h hasta el puente) está la variante para vehículos ligeros que evita transitar por el serpentín de Pasamayo y nos lleva por una autopista de carriles dobles y berma centra hasta Huacho. Cuidado con la llovizna y los tramos de neblina de Pasamayo. Otros hitos: óvalo de Chancay (km 83, desvío a Huaral), desvío a la Reserva Nacional Lomas de Lachay (km 103), Las Salinas (km 130) y la unidad de peaje El Paraíso.
Es recomendable manejar este tramo de día, por el alto tránsito de buses y camiones en la noche. El primer hito es Huaura (km 164, grifo). Cuidado con los quioscos ubicados al lado de la carretera que venden licor especialmente en días feriados. A la salida de Huaura se encuentra el desvío (asfaltado) a Sayán. Otros hitos: Supe (km 188; cuidado con curva peligrosa antes de llegar al puerto), Barranca (km 197; buenos grifos, hoteles y restaurantes) y Control Policial de Pativilca (km 209), donde nace el desvío a Huaraz. Ojo: Desde este punto hasta Huarmey no se encuentran servicios. En el km 204, desvíos a Cajatambo (derecha) y Paramonga (izquierda). Ultimos hitos: entrada a Huarmey (km 296, después de pasar el ingreso a Puerto Huarmey) y Puerto Culebras (km 311). Curva peligrosa 5 km antes de llegar a Casma (km 378), donde nace un desvío a Huaraz. Ojo: Proveerse de combustible en Huarmey. El tramo que une esta ciudad con Casma pasa por una zona desértica, sin grifos.
El tramo Casma-Chimbote no ofrece problemas, salvo las curvas en el valle de Casma. En el trayecto: desvío a los balnearios de Tortugas (km 395, izquierda) y Vesique (km 415, peaje), puente Huambacho (km 400), entrada al aeropuerto y vía de evltamiento. La Panamericana pasa por la ciudad de Chimbóte (km 434), muy cerca de la Plaza de Armas.
Autopista en perfecto estado. Pasa frente a Control Policial (km 434), cruza un túnel (km 437) y llega a Coishco (km 442). Cruce con carretera a Huaraz sobre el km 446, poco antes del puente Santa. Otros hitos: poblados de Chao (km 501) y Virú (km 518; peaje y grifos). Cruce con carretera a Salaverry (izquierda) y Otuzco (km 563). El tramo final para llegar a la ciudad de Trujlllo (km 566) es una bajada larga y de pronunciada pendiente, que requiere reducir la velocidad.
La Panamericana cruza los valles de Chicama y Jequetepeque-Zaña. Pista en perfectas condiciones, pero atraviesa numerosas zonas urbanas que limitan la velocidad. Primeros hitos: desvío a Chiquitoy (km 596), peaje y control Sunat, y Chicama Pueblo (km 607). Más adelante: desvíos a Cascas, Chiclín (km 608), Cartavio (km 609), Casa Grande (km 616 y 621), Chocope (km 617; desvío a Ascope y Con- tumazá). En Paiján (km 627) la Panamericana atraviesa peligrosamente la zona comercial. Aquí está el desvío a Puerto Malabrigo (más conocido como Puerto Chicama): 15 km de pista en perfecto estado. Pasando el desvío a Nueva Arenita (km 633), reducir velocidad entre km 664 y 666: dunas en varios tramos. Otros hitos: Desvío a Playa Puémape (km 668), San Pedro de Lloc (km 670) y Pacasmayo (km 680), ambos con vías de evitamiento que tienen varias curvas cerradas pero ahorran entre 10 y 15 minutos. En Ciudad de Dios (peaje) está el desvío a Cajamarca (km 696, der.). Cuidado en este lugar con los paraderos informales a ambos lados de la pista. Pasando Guadalupe (km 703, curva peligrosa antes de la ciudad) se llega a Chepén (km 710). Últimos hitos en el trayecto: Peaje (km 725), Mocupe (km 745), desvío a Zana (km 748) y desvío a ciudad y Puerto Eten (km 770). Finalmente se pasa por Reque (km 771), el desvío a Monsefú (km 773) y se llega a Chiclayo, en el km 779.
Pasando la ciudad de Lambayeque (km 799), la Panamericana se bifurca. 1.- Carretera "nueva" (izquierda) Lambayeque-Piura. Distancia: 213 km. Tiempo estimado: 2h 30m. Carretera en buen estado que cruza el desierto de Sechura. Llenar el tanque antes del viaje. Hitos: Mórrope (km 819; peaje), desvío a Bayóvar (km 902) y a Catacaos (km 992) y, por último, Piura (km 992). 2.- Carretera "antigua": Ramal Lambayeque-Motupe-Olmos-Piura. Distancia: 257 km.Tiempo estimado: 4h. Carretera en buen estado hasta Olmos, y con poco mantenimiento desde este punto hasta Piura. Bordea el desierto de Sechura y se acerca a la Sierra. Cruza consecutivamente Mochumí, Túcume, lllimo (a 24 km de Lambayeque) y Pacora; pasa Jayanca, sigue por Motupe (66 km de Lambayeque), cruza el desvío a la Marginal de la Selva y llega a Olmos (92 km de Lambayeque). Últimos hitos: Insculás, Ñaupe (mucho cuidado con la cuesta), desvío a Canchaque y Huancabamba (km 192; derecha por carretera no recomendable), desvío Chulucanas (km 206, derecha) y Piura (257 km de Lambayeque).
Tramo considerado oficialmente la etapa final de la Panamericana Norte. Entre Piura (km 992) y Sullana (km 1,032) está asfaltado, en buen estado, pero con los laterales muy angostos que impiden estacionarse de manera segura; el resto también está totalmente asfaltado. Hitos: Tambo Grande (km 1,076), Las Lomas (km 1,109), Quiroz y Suyo. Culmina en el límite con el Ecuador, al NO de la ciudad de Piura. El pueblo fronterizo de La Tina está en el km 1,160.
SI bien oficialmente no es parte principal de la Panamericana —se le considera un ramal— este tramo es el más transitado. Partiendo de Sullana (km 1,032), de donde sale un desvío (izquierda) a Paita, luego bordea el valle del Chira, asciende por tablazos petroleros y después de un largo recorrido paralelo a la costa llega a Tumbes. En el trayecto cruza diversos pueblos: Mallaritos, Samán, Ignacio Escudero, A 75 km de Sullana se pasa por el desvío a Talara. Doce km más adelante, la ruta enfrenta una peligrosa subida (Cuesta de la Viuda) y luego se llega al cruce que va hacia El Alto y Cabo Blanco (a 118 km de Sullana). Poco después de recorrer una meseta, desde donde se observa las estaciones de bombeo de petróleo, se inicia una bajada pronunciada que termina en Los Órganos (133 km de Sullana), lugar de hermosas playas, como Punta Veleros y Vichayito. Desde este punto, por un antiguo tramo de la Panamericana, se puede llegar a Máncora, Siguiendo la ruta principal se llega a Máncora (a 147 km), desvío a Punta Sal (a 168 km), Caneas (a 175 km), Zorritos (a 222 km) y La Cruz (a 231 km de Sullana). A Tumbes (249 km de Sullana) se arriba cruzando un puente sobre el río del mismo nombre. Desde esta ciudad a Aguas Verdes, ciudad limítrofe con Ecuador, hay 26 km de carretera asfaltada.
Clima y temporada: La Costa Norte tiene dos climas diferenciados, si bien el cambio es gradual. Hasta el km 600 el verano es cálido (diciembre-marzo) con temperaturas medias de 19°C. El invierno (junio-setiembre) presenta cielos cubiertos, aunque la temperatura rara vez baja de 12°C. Los meses de transición no presentan grandes variaciones. A medida que uno se acerca a latitudes ecuatoriales, el clima es más caluroso, con sol todo el año. En Tumbes y Piura la temperatura media anual supera los 23°C con ocasionales lluvias; esta zona está bajo la Influencia de una corriente cálida ecuatorial. Temporada alta: Año Nuevo, Fiestas Patrias, Semana Santa y fiestas locales (Festival de la Primavera y Festival de la Marinera de Trujillo, etc.). Costo: Las principales ciudades ofrecen servicios en toda la gama de precios. El costo promedio de la habitación doble en un alojamiento de 3 estrellas es de US$ 30.
Transporte*. La principal vía de comunicación es la Carretera Panamericana, que está en buenas condiciones. Transporte aéreo desde Lima: vuelos diarios de Lan Perú a Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura y Tumbes. LC Busre vuela a Chimbóte.
Advertencias: La Panamericana es una vía rápida por la que circula toda clase de vehículos (y choferes), desde camiones pesados hasta autos deportivos. Hay tramos de neblina, así como zonas de dunas. Maneje con cuidado y de preferencia durante el día, pues se han registrado asaltos en esa ruta, en especial al final de ia tarde y en las noches.
Lima - Ancash - La Libertad - Lambayeque - Piura - Tumbes
Crosses the North American major cities, Chimbote, Trujillo, Chiclayo and Piura. The state of the road is acceptable, but problems persist. The entry and exit signs to major cities is unclear. Heavy vehicles impose their pace on two-lane sections and reckless maneuvers are common on curves and slopes. We recommend checking the car well, because the path can be long and go through long stretches without shade or services, and pay special attention to areas near the dunes.
Km 150 Panamericana N. Port of approximately 55 thousand inhabitants and economic center of the Norte Chico. NEARBY: Nearby beaches, from Paradise to Végueta, are among the most beautiful and least visited of the Lima region: a large sports area for 4x4 driving enthusiasts, motor boating, windsurfing and fishing. Huaura (km 154), town in which San Martín proclaimed the independence of Peru from a balcony is still preserved. Albufera de Medio Mundo (km 172), lagoon and whereabouts of migratory birds where you can camp and recreational activities.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Centenario, 836.232-3731 July 28, $ 35. / hotelcen. Hostal La Villa, Félix Cárdenas 139, Santa Maria, 232-1477, $ 34, Suites County, Centennial 150, Santa Maria, Oval Huacho, 232-6336, USS 34. Scorpio, Ricardo Palma 109, 232-2357.
EMERGENCY: Police: 28 July 210, 232-2755. Fire: Echenique 355, 232-3333. Regional Hospital: Arnaldo José Aramburu 251, 232-2351. Red Cross: Pier Roca 702, 232-3525.
Km 188 Panamericana N. Small town with basic services (restaurants, gas station and auto repair shops pharmacies). A 4 km away from the Puerto Supe, rather than industrial and fishing activity. Nearby: Caral. This major archaeological site located in the Supe River valley contains the remains of the oldest city in America that flourished around 3,000 BC Can be reached by taking a detour of 28 km of paved road and arid landscapes from km 159 (Végueta) of the Pan N, or income from an offset of 25 km of road that comes at km 182 (Supe village) of Pan N and run along the right margin of the Supe River. The latter is more secure but can be blocked during the rainy season so it is advisable to call before taking the trip to meet the ground conditions (Reports: To visit the area is required to pay income (S /. 11 general public, S /. 3.60 SI students and teachers. 1 children and pensioners) and hire a guide {SI. 20). Visits: L-D 9 am - 5 pm. Faro Island, 1 km from the city. One of the best beaches in the Norte Chico.
Km 197 Panamericana N. City on the bay of the same name. His long boardwalk extends over two beaches, Chorrillos and Puerto Chico, who unfortunately are in poor health (Digesa 2009). It offers tourist services in basic and intermediate level.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Chavin, José Gálvez 222, 235-2253, $ 30, RESTAURANTS: Tato, Chorrillos 383, 235-2562. Las Gaviotas, Chorrillos 254, 235 to 3180.
EMERGENCY: Police, esq. Independence with Zoraya / n, 235-2136. Fire, Plaza de Armas s / n, 235-2333.
Km 205 Panamericana N. Small town with restaurants, health centers and workshops. Long story, there Pachacutec began his campaign to conquer the North, during independence, Bolívar lived there. Turning Pativilca (km 209) the road starts to Callejon de Huaylas Huaraz. See & Do: Bo-livariano Museum, Calle Bolívar s / n. Colonial house that preserves documents and objects of stay in the city of Bolivar. Nearby: Paramonga, 9 km from Pativilca Chimu temple and fortress, built on a hill. Remodeled and expanded by the Incas.
Km 296 Panamericana N. Located in the valley of Huarmey, the people are united to Puerto Huarmey (spring, factories, small houses) by dirt road. There are basic services. Nearby are the ruins of the Inca fortress of Ampanu. One of its main attractions are its beautiful beaches, including Tuqulllo (km 301, turning on a tarmac road with a last section argued), located in a small bay, with very fine white sand, ideal for underwater fishing.
ACCOMMODATIONS: La Posada de Huarmey, Panamericana Norte km 293, (043) 40-0330, U.S. $ 25. Costa Virgen Eco Camp (Tuquillo), Panamericana Norte km 302, $ 18. Lima: 224-1619.
RESTAURANTS: The Golden Fish, Grau edra. 2. Guille, Playa Tuquillo.
Km 378 Panamericana N. Located in an agricultural valley. Has lodging, restaurants, hospitals and pharmacies. The area belonged to the lordship Chlmú, then to Tahuantinsuyo. One of the most important archaeological evidence is the archaeological complex of Sechin, an extraordinary temple of adobe and stone carvings to 4 km of Casma on the origin-dated at 3,500 years, are woven various scenarios. Another archaeological site is Chanquillo, castle preincaico oval located at km 361. The Huaro, semioval castle is located at km 436.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Poncianas, Panamericana Norte km 379, (043) 1941-2123, U.S. $ 45. The Tourist Camp Aldas, Panamericana Norte km 347, Lima, 440-3241, $ 40,
RESTAURANTS: The Poncianas (Hotel Las Poncianas), Panamericana Norte km 379. La Carreta, av. Edra Peru. 9.
Km 396 Panamericana N. Spa around a wide bay, very calm sea, with rocky and sandy bottom, ideal for underwater hunting and water sports. Fine cuisine based on seafood. Beautiful beaches, accessible by 4x4s.
LODGING: Lodging Las Terrazas, North Cove, (043) 961-9042, $ 30, Hostal Las Poncianas Beach, (043) 1971-2123, 9839-9772, $ 25, http:/ /
Distances: Lima: 434 km.Trujillo: 129 km.
Capital of the province of Santa, Chimbote is a fishing center and steel. Originally a farmhouse partially destroyed in the war with Chile, was reborn in the 50's became the largest fishing port in the country. There are hotels and restaurants acceptable level. Nuevo Chimbote District is quieter than the center.
Nearby: Cerro de la Juventud, viewpoint from which you can see the bay and visit attractions such as the Plaza of the Child, the Sanctuary of the Lord of Life and the Cross of Peace. White Island Boulevard, recreation area, decorated with fountains, marble sculptures and playgrounds. El Mirador, stone building that serves as a terrace, located near the tunnel Colshco, about 15 minutes from the city.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Gran Chimu, José Gálvez 109, (043) 32-8104, U.S. $ 45. Ivansino Inn Hostel, José Pardo 738, (043) 1932-1811, U.S. $ 37. Hotel President, Leoncio Prado 536, (043) 1932-2411, U.S. $ 33. Hotel Buenos Aires, Huambacho 296, urb. Buenos Aires, Nuevo Chimbote, (043) 31-0631, 824 * 0860, $ 20,
RESTAURANTS: Venice, Bolognesi 386, (043) 32-5490. Spanish Casino, Malecon Grau 423, (043) 32-3981.
EMERGENCY Regional Hospital, av. Anchovies s / n, Bellamar, Nuevo Chimbote, (043) 31 -2021. EsSalud, Northern Slopes s / n, (043) 32-3181. National Police, Leoncio Prado (Plaza de Armas), (043) 1932-1651.
Distances: Lima: 563 km. Chiclayo, 216 km. Piura: 434 km.
The City of Eternal Spring is one of Peru's most important capital of the region La Libertad. Enjoy a mild climate averaging -24 ° C in summer and warm the rest of the year, with many sunny days. Its numerous attractions and a good tourist infrastructure make it an important destination on the North Coast. The area hosted the pre-Inca Chimu culture, which left an impressive mud-brick city of Chan Chan. Trujillo was founded on December 26, 1534 by Diego de Almagro, as a tribute to the hometown of Francisco Pizarro partner. This formalized its founding on March 5, 1535, calling it "Trujillo City of New Castile." Had leading role in the independence process, supported the forces of San Martin and was the starting point of the campaign of Bolivar. The city has many monuments well preserved colonial and republican. Nearby are important archaeological remains, especially Chan Chan, and crowded beaches like Huanchaco.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Libertador Plaza Mayor, Independencia 485, Plaza de Armas, (044) 1923-2741, Lima: 442-1995, U.S. $ 185 Grand Marquis Diaz de Cienfuegos 145, urb. La Merced, (044) 24-9366, U.S. $ 150, The Golf, The Coconut 500, El Golf, (044) from 1928 to 2515, $ 100. Los Conquistadores, Diego de Almagro 586, (044) 1948-1650, $ 75, Paradise, San Martín 240, (044) 20-0073, $ 50, Haus Inn Frankfurt, Los Cocoteros 253, urb. The Golf, (044) 28-9015, $ 40. Hostal Colonial, Independencia 618, (044) 25-8261, U.S. $ 18.
RESTAURANTS: The Mochica, Bolivar 462, (044) 29-3441. Capers Restaurant, San Martín 240, (044) 1920-1909. Roman Criollo Unidos162 States, urb. Recreation, (044) 24-4207. S'qualos Diaz de Cienfuegos 250, urb. La Merced, (044) 29-5134. Chel-sea Pub Restaurant, Estete 675, (044) 25-7032. The Rodizio, esq. Valcárcel and Manuel Vera, urb. Spring. Valentino Pizzeria II, Marshal Orbegoso 224, (044) 246-643. Skbch, Pedro Urraca 515, urb. San Andrés, (044) 22-7845. El Mirador, Alejandro Deustua 633, (044) 23-5838. San Augustine, Bolívar 522 and Slate 691. Romano (juice bar), Slate 747. Café-Bar at the Toy Museum, Independencia 701, (044) 29-7200. TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (i-Peru), Diego de Almagro 402. Fax: (044) 29-4561. Hours: M-S: 9:00 - 19:00; D: 9:00 to 13:00. Tourist Police, Independencia 630, (044) 1929-1705.
SHOPPING: Mali Aventura Plaza. Royal Plaza. Open Gardens Plaza.
EMERGENCY EsSalud Hospital, Union 1350, (044) 21-6119. Clinical Sánchez Ferrer, Laureles 436, urb. California, (044) 28-5541. National Police, Bolognesi 428, (044) 1922-2034. Fire, av. Spain 506, (044) 23-3333. Mechanical assistance: TACP (044) 1923-2635.
See & Do
Armas.También Square called Plaza Mayor. Surrounded by the Cathedral, the Municipal Palace, the Church of the Company, colonial and republican houses. At the center is a monument crowned by an allegorical statue of Liberty. The Cathedral Basilica. Plaza de Armas, (044) 23-5083. Built in the 17th century, decorated with valuable paintings and sculptures the Cusco School. See the Cathedral Museum, which displays works of art and religion of the colonial era. San Francisco Church. Esquina Gamarra Independence. Century 18. Stands out for its high altar, the altarpieces and his pulpit. Mo-nasterio Church and El Carmen. Colon Esquina Bolívar, (044) 1924-1823. The monastery and most important architectural complex in the city. Data from 1750. Frescoes and a large art gallery with paintings of the ages 17 and 18. La Merced Church. Pizarro 550. One of the most beautiful architectural pieces of northern Peru, completed in 1636. His paintings are scenes from the life of San Pedro Nolasco. In the choir loft is a rococo organ. Gano-Chopitea House. Independence 630. Baroque. Also known as Casa de los Leones. Completed in 1753, is well restored and contains valuable works of art, like an altarpiece dating from 1649. Casa del Mariscal Orbegoso. Orbegoso 553. Exhibits an interesting collection of furniture, silverware, paintings and mirrors. Belonged to President José Luis Orbegozo (1795-1847). Emancipation House. Pizarro 610. Place where he first vowed Independence. It has a collection of watercolors commissioned by the Bishop Baltazar Jaime Martínez (1737-1797). Iturregul Palace. Pizarro 668. Beautiful house of 19 century, neoclassical style, decorated with antique furniture, crystal chandeliers, oil paintings and large mirrors. José Cassinelli Museum. Nicolas de Pierola 607, (044) 24-6110. Small private museum with an interesting collection of pottery of the Moche, Chavin, Nazca, and others.
Trujillo: Around
Chan Chan. In the Moche valley, facing the sea, (044) 20-6304. Halfway between the city of Trujillo and Huanchaco are the remains of what was the religious and administrative capital of the Chimu kingdom, possibly the largest adobe city in the world (20 km2). The central part of this archaeological site covers an area of 6 km2 and consists of 10 walled ("towns") and pyramidal (huacas). Its urban area includes extensive administrative complexes and palaces with intricately decorated walls. Of the ten towns, nine share formal characteristics: they are rectangular, north / south main entrance located to the north, similar zoning inside and feature spaces, audiences, tanks, burial platforms and wells. The Cultural Heritage of Humanity has an interesting museum. Temples of the Sun and the Moon. Moche, 8 km from Trujillo. Was the religious center of the Moche culture (ages 2 to 7 AD). Covering about 120 hectares. Stand two large buildings: the Huaca del Sol (west and close to the river Moche) and Huaca de la Luna (500 m further east). In between was raised a city, now covered by sand. The Huaca del Sol is the largest adobe building in the world. His remains are 20 meters high and is calculated to have been considerably higher. It consists of four bodies in the form of superimposed platforms. The Temple of the Moon is made of three platforms, four-seat enclosed by adobe walls. It is beautifully decorated with carvings and polychrome murals in which the god stands Apaec Ai ("The Decapitator). This second complex is better preserved and can be visited by the public. Admission: Yes. 11 (adults). It is recommended visit before noon because it is windy evening. El Brujo. 40 km north of Trujillo, in the Chicama Valley. This archaeological complex covers an area of 2 km2. It contains the Huaca Prieta Preceramic period (2.500 BC) and two huacas Moche, one known as El Brujo (polychrome friezes in relief which are unique among known Moche ruins) and Cao Viejo, with a Christian church. His murals depict scenes of war. Huaca del Dragon or Rainbow. 4 km north of Trujillo ai. In the valley of Moche archaeological remains are those whose age is estimated at more than 1.000 years. huaca The friezes of the anthropomorphic figures show, including a snake with two heads. has a museum.
12 km northwest of Trujillo. Popular seaside resort with a good range of tourist services: hotels, hostels, restaurants, etc. A few kilometers from Chan Chan and ideal for surfing, Huanchaco has a very long sandy beach, a picturesque waterfront and a beautiful 16th century colonial church in the upper part of the resort. In the cove still used horses of reeds, boats Mochica origin that fishermen used to work and to any competitive sports.
LODGING: Huanchaco International Hotel, The Marina 466, Playa Azul, 044) 1946-1754, U.S. $ 49 Hostal Braca-monte, Los Olivos 503, (044) 1946-1266, U.S. $ 45. Huanchaco Hostal eg, Victor Larco 287, (044) 1946-1272, $ 28. www.
RESTAURANTS: Huanchaco Beach, av. Victor Larco 602, urb. El Boqueron, 044) 1946-1484. Colonial Club, av. The Bank 466. La Barca, 209 Union, (044) 1946-1549. Big Ben, av. Víctor Larco Herrera 836, (044) 1946-1869. Another thing (. Vegetarian), av. Victor Larco 921, (044) 1946-1346.
72 km north of Trujillo. This port, also known as Malabrigo, offers year-round sunny climate. The picturesque harbor, built in 1921, and the boardwalk and the old wooden houses, give it a special atmosphere to the place. Waves 2.5 meters on average, have become the preferred place for surfing. Is likely to Chicama is the longest left wave in the world. This is also common to use ios reed horses.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Chicama Beach, Arica Mz 87 Lote 1 A, (044) 57-6130, $ 60, Chicama Surf Arica s / n, Puerto Malabrigo (044) 57-6206, www.chicamasurfresort . com
Km 681 Panamericana N. Port and resort between Chiclayo and Trujillo. District founded in 1825 by Simón Bolívar, is a particularly recommended for surfers and lovers of good food. In the 19 th century was an important port in Peru's longest pier, built by President José Balta. It has a boardwalk republican architecture of almost 500 meters. Nearby, and on the road to Cajamarca, is the dam of Gallito Ciego (Jequetepeque), which supplies a rice producing area, and San Pedro de Lloc, nice Republican town, capital of the province. There are also sites of archaeological interest, such as Dos Cabezas, Pakatnamu, Cavoury Farfán. ACCOMMODATIONS: The Station, Malecón Grau 69, (044) 1952-1515. $ 38 Pakatnamu, Malecón Grau 103, (044) 1952-1051, U.S. $ 33. / hotelpakatnamu La Posada del Valle, Ancash 610, San Pedro de Lloc, (044) 52-8037,
Distances: Lima: 779 km. Trujillo, 216 km. Piura: 218 km.
Important city of more than 700 thousand inhabitants, capital of the Lambayeque region and economic and commercial hub of northern Mexico. Chicago has not given a date of foundation. Appears on a confluence of roads that connected the people of Lambayeque Zana and the Sierra, after a major flood devastated the former. A likely date is July 21, 1559. Its creation as a province was the April 18, 1835. Located in a rich agricultural area, is a very dynamic, warm weather, an obligatory stop on the trip north and a point of access to important archaeological sites: Sipan (the tomb of the Lord of Sipan), Batan Grande (Lord of Sican ) and Tucuman (Valley of the Pyramids). The beaches of Puerto Eten and Pimentel resort near the city, are suitable for the practice of surflng.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Garza, Bolognesl 756, (074) 22-8172, U.S. $ 90, Gran Hotel Chiclayo, Federico Villarreal 115, (074) 23-4911, $ 80, Costa del Sol, José Balta 399, (074) 22-7272, U.S. $ 72, The Muses, The acacia 101, urb. Victoria St., (074) 23-9884, U.S. $ 60 Gloria Plaza Hotel, Miguel Grau 397, (074) 27-4555, USS 65, House Luna, Bernardo Alcedo 250, (074) 27-0156, $ 50, Hotel Paraiso, Pedro Ruiz 1064, (074) 1922-2070, $ 40,
RESTAURANTS: Flavors Peruvian Grau 1050, urb. Santa Victoria, (074) 23-8497. Marak's Grill, Elvira Garcia y Garcia 490, urb. Parks, (074) 1927-1457. Fiesta, Salaverry 1820, (074) 1920-1970. Hebron, Balta 605, (074) 23-9486. La Parra, Manuel María Izaguirre 752, (074) 22-7471. Ricoma, Pedro Ruiz 1059, (074) 1922-2798. Full Moon Chinese restaurant, av. Grau 1086, urb. Santa Victoria, (074) 23-3988. White House, av. Grau s / n, Urb. Santa Victoria.
SHOPPING: Royal Plaza Mall, Miguel de Cervantes 300.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (i-Peru), av. Sáenz Peña 838. Fax: (074) 20-5703. Regional Directorate deTurlsmo, Sáenz Peña 830, (074) 23-3132. Airport José Abelardo Quiñones, av. Bolognesi s / n, (074) 23-6016 / 23-3192.
EMERGENCY Almanzor Aguinaga Hospital (EsSalud), Hipolito Unanue 180, (074) 23-7776 / 20-8767. Regional Hospital Las Mercedes, av. Luis Gonzales 635, (074) 23-8232. Pacific Clinic, av. José Leonardo Ortiz 420, (074) 23-6378. National Police, Vicente de la Vega 1189, (074) 27-0751. Tourist Police, Sáenz Peña 830, (074) 49-0892. Mechanical assistance (TACP): (074) 65-8067 / 25-7256.
Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum
Specially built museum to display artifacts discovered at Huaca in 1987, generally known as the Lord of Sipan. The building resembles a truncated pyramid consisting of five prisms that are supported by inclined planes. The museum has three levels. The tour starts at the top level and moves down while watching a reconstruction of the Tomb of the Lord of Sipan. The museum, designed in architectural and display parts according to the latest museological techniques, is in charge of the prominent archaeologist Walter Alva, who led the excavations at the original site. Avenida Juan Pablo Vizcardo and Guzmán s / n, (074) 28-3978, Attention: Tuesday to Sunday.
Chiciayo: Around
Túcume. 33 km northeast of Chiciayo, on the road to Olmos. Archaeological complex made up of 26 adobe pyramids. It has an area of 220 hectares. Túcume or the Valley of the Pyramids was the center of political and religious power in the region during the culture Lambayeque, Chimu and Inca, from the 11 th century AD to the Conquest. Currently carrying out excavations at two of the main pyramid and what was reportedly a residential area. Has tourist stop and a site museum (074) 1942-2027. It also has a viewpoint on the Cerro La Raya or Purgatory, which allows a breathtaking view of the area. The people of Tucuman is located 2 km from the pyramids. Sipan. 35 km east of Chiciayo, on the road to Pomalca. Paved road. Is in the area known as Sipan. It is an archaeological complex covers some 200 hectares. Includes two pyramids and a platform on which they were found two of the most important tombs of the Moche culture: the Lord of Sipan and an ancestor of his, called the Old Lord. The royal mausoleum, whose camera was found in the Lord of Sipan and his retinue, it contains valuable objects in gold, silver, copper and precious stones. Museum of Sipan site / Sipan. E 28 km along the route Chiciayo Pomalca. Opened in January 2009, stands in the archaeological complex where there were findings of Sipan, which include more than 13 graves. Specifically, it shows the tomb 14, a warrior priest of the Moche culture. Eten. 20 km south of Chiciayo. Fishing village and resort. It has quaint wooden houses, a large spring (very deteriorated and been abandoned) and a beautiful plaza. Its beaches are spacious and quiet. Pimentel. A 11 km Chiciayo. Busy port and resort in summer. Shows an architecture of the early 20 th century, but modern buildings and a beautiful waterfront. The Port maintains a large wooden pier over 100 years old. In its beaches is common to see vacationers devoted to water sports-surfing, jet skiing, windsurfing, with fishermen mounted on their horses of reeds, which typically return to their jobs between 12 m and 2 pm, mounted on their ancient craft. Monsefú. 14 km south of Chiciayo. Town known for its traditional market where you can see products baskets, straw hats, cotton fabrics and thread. Is famous for its finely embroidered items such as tablecloths, blouses, skirts, ponchos and shawls. Chaparri Ecological Reserve. A 75 km southeast of Chiciayo. Area of 34.000 hectares dedicated to the protection of endangered species as the spectacled bear, Andean condor and the White-winged Guan. Seeks to preserve the habitat of dry forests. It is managed by the Santa Catalina community Muchik Chongoyape. It is a pleasant walk can be done on foot or horseback, during which you can see landscapes and various species of animals and birds. Only receives 30 visitors per day, upon request. Information: (074) 43-3194. Admission is S /. 10 and is required to hire a guide (Yes 40).
20 km north of Chiclayo. Small town, home to unique museums Brunning and Royal Tombs of Sipan. Lambayeque has beautiful houses, including Montjoy House or House of the Lodge, with its huge colonial balcony, possibly the longest in the country. It is popular with its characteristic sweet, the king kong, especially the San Roque and Llampayec brands.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hosteria San Roque, Dos de Mayo 437, (074) 1928-2860, USS 50. RESTAURANTS: Salons Doña Rosita, Av Juan Pablo Guzman Vizcardo and 851, (074) 1928-1268 (see announcement p. 67). El Rincón del Pato, Leguía 270, (074) 1928-2751.
See & Do
Brunning Museum. Huamachuco cdra. 8, (074) 1928-2110. Remarkable collection of pre-Columbian ceramics and gold collected by the German Henry Brunning and acquired by the Peruvian state in 1921. Among the cultures represented are the Moche, Chavin, Vicus and Inca. Has been recently remodeled. L-D, 9 am to 5 pm (S /. 8).
Lambayeque: Around
Batan Grande archeological complex. A 26 km from Chiclayo, paved road. In this place of 13.500 acres, specifically in the Huaca La Ventana, was found in late 1936 and early 1937 a number of gold objects, including gold Tumi (ceremonial knife) and Winged Eye Mask. In 1991, at Huaca Loro, archaeologist Izumi Shimada made another stunning discovery: the tomb of the Lord of Sican, a senior officer accompanied by a set of gold objects of high artistic and iconographic. Sican National Museum (18 km from Chiclayo, on the road Ferreñafe - Pitipo. (074) 28-6469, Ma-D) contains part of this finding. Pomac Forest. A 36 km from Chiclayo on the road to Batan Grande. Retaining the historic sanctuary flora (carob guarangos) and fauna of the region. It also houses archaeological finds from the Sican culture.
18 km northeast of Chiclayo. Agricultural village. It has an ancient church, Santa Lucia (1552), in Baroque style.
50 km southeast of Chiclayo. Place that housed a city founded in 1563 by wealthy Spanish families. The city was sacked by pirates in the S 17. He was finally ruined by a flood of the river and the successive overflows caused by El Niño. Still see the remains of its beautiful colonial buildings.
Distances: Lima: 997 km, Chicago: 218 km.Tumbes: 284 km.
San Miguel de Piura was the first city founded by the Spanish in Peru (1532). The area in which it sits was a major economic hub of the north of the Viceroyalty, and the port of Paita, 55 km from San Miguel, was forced transit point for ships on their way to Lima. Center of a rich agricultural and oil over the past 20 years has become a pole of development thanks to significant private investment. Currently, over 300 thousand inhabitants, is a prosperous city with good tourist services and a prestigious university. Piura has beautiful beaches, such as Paita and Colan, and areas conducive to the practice of sport fishing and spearfishing.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Green River, Ramón Mujica / n, San Eduardo, (073) 28-5000, U.S. $ 120. Lima reservations: 442-5992, Los Portales, Freedom 875, Plaza de Armas, (073) 1932-1161, U.S. $ www.hotelpor Costa del Sol, Loreto 649, ( 073) 1930-2864, $ 85, www. El Angolo, Fortunato Chirichigno 661, (073) 32-5882, U.S. $ 75, Esmeralda, Loreto 235, (073) 1933-1205, U.S. $ 45 Hostal The Sun, Sánchez Cerro 411, (073) 32-4461, U.S. $ 19.
RESTAURANTS: Green River, Ramón Mujica / n, San Eduardo, (073) 28-5000. Los Portales, Freedom 875, Plaza de Armas, (073) 1932-1161. The Santitos, Libertad 1014, (073) 30-9475. D'Pauli, Lima 541. Caracol Azul, MZ-15, Urb, Chira, (073) 35-5810. Canton Chinese restaurant, Tacna 125, (073) 32-8585. Pepe's Carbumer, Freedom 1014, S.C. Santa Isabel. Pizzeria Carbumer, Freedom 1014, S.C. Santa Isabel.
EMERGENCIES Hospital Cayetano Heredia, Av. Independencia s / n, (073) 1934-2420. National Police, Highway to Sullana km 2 (073) 30-7648. Fire-fighters: Tacna 160, (073) 30-9999. Regional Directorate of Tourism: Tallanes s / n, (073) 33-4328.
TOURISM: Information and Assistance height (Peru), Ayacucho 377, (073) 32-0249. L-S: 8:30 to 19:00. D: 8:30 to 14:00. Regional Directorate of Tourism, Tallanes s / n, (073) 33-4328. Airport, (073) 34-4503, 34-4997.
See & Do
Cathedral (Century 16). Avenida Huancavelica 362, Plaza de Armas. Features a beautiful gold-leaf altar and several oil paintings by Ignacio Merino Piura, such as San Martín de Porras and the Virgin. Casa Museo Miguel Grau, Tacna 662, (073) 32-6541. Birthplace, and resided Angarrios hero. Vicus Museum. Esq Huanuco and Sultana, (073) 1930-2803. The most important of the city. Large collection of pre-Columbian gold objects. Iglesia del Carmen (Century 18). Freedom 366. Seat of a Museum of Religious Art. Church of San Francisco. Callao and Lima Esq. The oldest of the city. It proclaimed the independence of this region, January 4, 1821. It has a large bronze bell that is carved in high relief the image of San Francisco. Resort ejidos. A 10km de Piura. Around a lagoon of 20 km2 can observe an interesting flora and fauna and recreational activities.
A 5 km of paved road Piura. People well known for its handicrafts. It also has good food in their traditional picanterías.
A 57km W of Piura. Port city of some 70 thousand inhabitants. Their main festival is La Virgen de las Mercedes in September. Retains some colonial houses. Surrounded by pristine beaches like Yacila and Crabs.
16 km NW of Paita. Also called "La Esmeralda" is a beautiful resort. The sea is very calm and houses built with wooden stand-up pile-parallel to the shore. A few kilometers away is the town of San Lucas, with its main attraction: the first Catholic church built in Peru (1536).
ACCOMMODATIONS: Colan Beach Lodge, Spa La Esmeralda, South Side, (073) 31-3974, $ 65. Sunset Bay Resort La Esmeralda, South Side, (073) 67-4008, U.S. $ 120, Bungalows Spielberg, Costanera s / n. (073) 32-6843, U.S. $ 10 pp.
A 60 km E by the former North American. It is known for its pottery. It has the best chicha de Piura and fruit such as mangoes and lemons.
A 110 km NW of the city of Piura. Center of the oil industry. It has all the facilities of a small town. The main attractions are the beaches like Lobitos. ACCOMMODATIONS: The Angolo, Aviation 413, Special District, (073) 38-5423, U.S. $ 55, Gran Hotel Pacific Aviation 411, (073) 38-5449, $ 40.
Cabo Blanco
A 150 km NW and 32 km from Piura Talara. Caleta warm water and warm climate all year round (24 ° C average). At a time was known internationally for the practice of fishing: marlin, swordfish, dorado, grouper, sea bass, and received popular characters, the most recalled the writer Ernest Hemingway. Today's most popular Punta Cabo Blanco, with his "Panic Point", 250 m south of the pier, which some consider the best waves for surfing in Peru.
LODGING: The Merlfn. The one in the cove, providing basic services, (073) 25-6188.
RESTAURANT: Cabo Blanco, run by the legendary Don Pablo.
A 182 km NW of Piura, This spa is one of the favorite places for surfers and sun lovers in growing numbers become bustling streets. The remarkable increase in tourism has led to the emergence of more and better restaurants and hotels in the area. With other popular summer destinations such as beach and Vichayito Pocitas (1.155 km). The prices of hotels and accommodations vary widely depending on the season and long weekend.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Las Olas, Piura s / n, (073) 25-8099, U.S. $ 30 pp, Punta Ballenas, Panamericana Norte km 1.164, (073) 25-8136, $ 40, www.puntaballenas. com Costa Blanca, Panamericana Norte km 1.155, Vichayito (073) 25-8379, Las Arenas de Mancora, Panamericana Norte km 1.164, (073) 25-8240, U.S. $ 65, Los Corales, Playa Pocitas, Panamericana Norte km 1.215, (073) 25-8309, $ 40.
RESTAURANT: Chan Chan, Piura 384, (073) 25-8146. El Faro, Piura 233, (01) 974-5292 8. The Sword, Piura 501, (073) 25-8304. Brothers Lama, Grau 503, (073) 25-8215.
Panamericana Norte km 1.032. Located on the left bank of the Chira River, 35 km north of Piura, this city of more than 200, OCX) population is an important agricultural, commercial and industrial north. It offers all basic services. Nearby: Casa Hacienda Sojo, a 5 km road Sullana in Paita, a former plantation house declared a National Historic Landmark. ACCOMMODATIONS: Del Chira, José de Lama 112, (073) 50-7360, U.S. $ 22.
A 60 km southwest of Piura. One of the largest bays in the country, made up of attractive beaches. At one end of it lies the mangrove area of San Pedro Bocana. In town you can visit the church of San Martín de Sechura, which dates back to colonial times.
A 106 km southwest of Piura. Coastal area famous for its transparency and richness of its waters. Ideal for fishing and spearfishing, as well as practice-on nearby beaches, water sports like surfing, the average size of the waves. Lobos de Tierra Island is next and is also suitable for fishing. To reach Bayóvar is a need for an SUV.
Northwest Biosphere Reserve Peru
This large storage unit is located in the Piura regionesTumbesy. It is divided into three zones: the Amotape Hills National Park (151.561 ha), Tumbes National Reserve (19.266 ha) and the Coto de Caza El Angolo (65,000 ha). Is being incorporated into this unit, the Tumbes National Sanctuary (2.972 ha). The purpose of the reserve is to protect only two ecoregions in Peru that are endangered: the Bosque Seco Equatorial Pacific Tropical Forest, a lush jungle on the border of the Sierra and the Coast region than in the rest of Peru characterized by low vegetation. -Ceiba trees, waistband and cedar-reach up to 40 m in height. The area is also rich in orchids. Among the most abundant species are deer, foxes and a variety of colorful birds. Here live endangered animals like the American crocodile, otter and Northwest or howler monkey howler monkey. While you can reach the limits of the reserve by car (preferably 4x4), the area is rugged, roads are difficult and you need permission to visit the Inrena and hire a guide service. Reports: INRENA, Bartholomew Zeta 127, urb. José LishnerTudela, Tumbes, (072) 52-6489. Biosphere Tours, (072) 983-3372.
Regional dishes Piura / Tumbes
Chabelo dry: dry salted beef, grilled over hot coals with green bananas and stew seasoned with onion, tomato, pepper, salt and vinegar.
Ceviche de conchas negras, black shells cut into cubes, cooked in lemon juice and seasoned with pepper, salt and onion sauce. Served with yucca, potatoes and boiled corn.
Antecoco: Traditional Dulce de Tumbes, on the basis of desiccated coconut boiled in milk, cornstarch and sugar. Cebiche shell
Custard: Traditional piurano dessert made with goat milk, molasses and flour, boiled pot of bronze.
Chinguirito: Liquor mixture of coconut water and rum.
Distances: Lima: 1.281 km. Piura: 284 km.
Located on the right bank of the same name, the origin of this city, warm weather and beaches, is attached to a legend attributes its foundation to Quitombe, son of the chief Tumbi. Incorporated into the dominion of the Great Chimu was conquered by Tupac Yupanqui. A raft with local crafts Slate gave the first evidence of the great empire he sought. Warm and noisy, Tumbes is now a bustling market town of over 80,000 inhabitants, capital of the region of the same name. It also happened to the Forest of Tumbes and starting point to the beaches of Punta Sal, one of its main attractions.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Costa del Sol, San Martín 275, (072) 52-3991, U.S. $ 105, www.costadelsoiperu. com
RESTAURANTS: Cusicuna, Children 430, (072) 1924-2917. Fixtures, Silversmiths 323, (072) 23 - 5430. Classic Restaurant, Tumbes 185, (072) 52-4301. Las Terrazas, Simon Bolivar 328, (072) 52-4660. Latino, Simón Bolívar 163, (072) 52-3198.
EMERGENCY EsSalud Hospital, Grau 466, (072) 52-5345. Hospital de Tumbes, Lieutenant Vásquez cdra. 8, (072) 1952-2222. National Police, esq. Puell and Zarumilla Abad, (072) 1952-2525. Firefighter, Lieutenant Vasquez 642, (072) 52-3333.
TOURISM: Biosphere Tours, Faustino Piaggio (North American) 094 (072) 54-4390, (072) 983-3372, Visitors to protected areas.
Tumbes: Around
Mirador Palo Santo
5 minutes southeast of Tumbes. Private natural area features a concrete tower located 18 m high on the hill to admire Pedro el Viejo part of the tropical dry forest typical of the area, besides its interesting flora and fauna.
Puerto Pizarro -
A 13 km NW from Tumbes. Resort located in the northern portion of the river delta $ name. The place is a small fishing and extraction of black shells. Starting point to visit the Tumbes National Sanctuary. Pa-"Jl museums guided by motor boat to the islands of Love, West of the Whale and The Birds, Mogi (accessible only at high tide). Tumbes kennel lizard.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Bay Side (ex Hotel Puerto Pizarro), bungalows, (072) 54-3045, $ 34
Punta Sal
81 km S of Tumbes. For many the best beach area of Peru, clean and warm sea rich of fish. Sun all year. Has two alternatives: the Playa Grande Punta Sal ideal for sport fishing (grouper, sea bass, saw and agujillas) and diving, "sheltered by hills dotted with carob trees, hostels, bungalows, private villas and restaurants, and Punta Sal Club Hotel (7 km north), water sports (windsurfing, fishing, diving, torpedoes, parasailing). In the cove of cancer (3 km north of Punta Sal Club Hotel) can get supplies and rent boats for fishing. The prices of hotels and accommodations vary widely depending on the season and long weekend.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Punta Sal Club Hotel, Tumbes Sullana-Highway, km 173, (072) 54-0088, U.S. $ 82 pp (includes food), Balihai, Panamericana Norte km 1.197, Lima: 264-1870 , Punta Sal Hua lodging, Panamericana Norte km 1.187, (072) 54-0043, U.S. $ Dolphin, Panamericana Norte km 1.234, $ 40, Lima: 224 - 8541,
The 1.254 km of Lima and 27 km south of Tumbes. This creek was at the height of the oil industry the most exclusive beach of Tumbes. They are famous lighthouse, the pier and sandy beach. It has beaches ideal for surfing: Santa Rosa, Caleta Grau, Boca del Toro and Zorritos own. The sea is calm, with rocky areas in depths and a variety of fish: flounder, sea bass, sea bass, etc. Wide range of hotels and thermal baths in the nearby Hervideros the south. ACCOMMODATIONS: Florida Beach, Panamericana Norte km 1.222, (072) 968-8088, $ 40 pp (includes food), Lima: 447-2736, com Playa Punta Shrimp, Panamericana Norte km 1.235, Lima: 247-2737, $ 60 pp, Amotape, Panamericana Norte km 1.248, (072) 1954-2385, U.S. $ 65 Costa Azul Panamericana Norte km 1239, (072) 54-4268, U.S. $ 85, The Dolphin, Panamericana Norte km 1.234, $ 40, Lima: 224-8541,
Aguas Verdes
On the frontier, to 1.307 km of Lima and 26 km north of Tumbes. Point of trade between Peru and Ecuador. The axis of the town is the International Bridge over the River Zarumilla, where it crosses to the Ecuadorian city of Huaquillas. It is recommended that great caution and safety, do not change dollars at the border but in the city of Tumbes. The formalities to enter Ecuador are offices of Immigration, 5 minutes south of Aguas Verdes. Passport or ID is required.
Road ... ... ...
LIMA - HUACHO: Distance: 160 km.Tiempo estimate: 2 h 30 m.
4-lane highway with central berm. Slow traffic in Lima to Stone Bridge (km 30). After the detour that leads to Ancon (km 44) and passing the police control (note: signal maximum speed of 60 km / h to the bridge) is the variant that prevents light vehicles pass through the coil and leads us Pasamayo a double-lane highway and focus to Huacho berm. Beware the drizzle and mist Pasamayo sections. Other milestones: oval Chancay (km 83, Huaral detour), turn to the Reserva Nacional Lomas de Lachay (km 103), Las Salinas (km 130) and Paradise Drive toll.
HUACHO - CASMA: Distance: 218 km. Estimated time: 3 h.
It is advisable to drive this stretch of days, the high traffic of buses and trucks at night. The first milestone is Huaura (km 164, tap). Beware of the kiosks located near the road that sell liquor especially on holidays. A Huaura output is the deviation (tarmac) to Sayan. Other milestones: Supe (km 188; careful dangerous curve before reaching the port), Canyon (197 km, good taps, hotels and restaurants) and Police Control Pativilca (km 209), whence the turnoff to Huaraz. Caution: From this point until Huarmey are not services. At km 204, detours Cajatambo (right) and Paramonga (left). Last milestones: Huarmey entrance (km 296, after passing the entrance to Puerto Huarmey) and Puerto Culebras (km 311). Dangerous curve 5 km before reaching Casma (km 378), whence a detour to Huaraz. Eye: Bring Huarmey fuel. The section linking this city with Casma passes through a desert area without taps.
CASMA - CHIMBOTE: Distance: 56 km. Estimated time: 40 minutes.
The section Casma-Chimbote not cause any problems, except the curves in the valley of Casma. On the way: forwarding to spas Turtle (km 395, left) and Vesique (km 415, toll) Huambacho bridge (km 400), entrance to the airport and route of evltamiento. The American goes through the city of Chimbote (km 434), near the Plaza de Armas.
CHIMBOTE - TRUJILLO: Distance: 132 km. Estimated time: 1h 30m.
Motorway in perfect condition. Control passes in front of Police (km 434), across a tunnel (km 437) and reaches Coishco (km 442). Junction with road to Huaraz on km 446, Santa just before the bridge. Other milestones: Chao villages (km 501) and Viru (km 518; toll and taps). Road junction with Salaverry (left) and Otuzco (km 563). The final stretch to reach the city of Trujlllo (km 566) is a long and steep downhill slope, which requires slow.
Trujillo - Chiclayo: Distance: 213 km. Estimated time: 2 h 45 m - 3 h.
The American crossed the valleys of Chicama and Jequetepeque-Zana. Track in perfect condition, but it spans many urban areas the speed limit. First milestones: turning on Chiquitoy (km 596), toll Sunat control and Chicama Village (km 607). Later: Cascas detours, Chiclín (km 608), Cartavio (km 609), Casa Grande (km 616 and 621), Chocope (km 617; detour and Con-tumazá Ascope). In Paiján (km 627) the American dangerously through the shopping area. Here is the turnoff to Puerto Malabrigo (Puerto Chicama known as): 15 km of track in perfect condition. Passing the turning to New Arenita (km 633), reduce speed between 664 km and 666: Dunes in several sections. Other milestones: Forward Puemape Beach (km 668), San Pedro de Lloc (km 670) and Pacasmayo (km 680), both ways of avoiding having several sharp bends but they save between 10 and 15 minutes. In City of God (toll) is the turnoff to Cajamarca (km 696, der.). Care In the informal stops on both sides of the track. Turning Guadalupe (km 703, dangerous curve before the city) is reached Chepén (km 710). Recent milestones in the journey: Toll (km 725), Mocupe (km 745), Zana detour (km 748) and turning to city and Puerto Eten (km 770). Finally you pass Reque (km 771), the turning Monsefú (km 773) and comes to Chicago, at km 779.
Chiclayo - Piura: Distance: 213 km / 257 km. Estimated time: 2 h 30 m / 4 h.
Passing the city of Lambayeque (km 799), the American branches. 1 .- Road "new" (left), Lambayeque, Piura. Distance: 213 km. Estimated time: 2h 30m. Good road across the desert Sechura. Fill the tank before the trip. Milestones: Mórrope (km 819; toll), turn off to Bayóvar (km 902) and Catacaos (km 992) and, finally, Piura (km 992). 2 .- Road "old" branch-Motupe Lambayeque, Piura-Olmos. Distance: 257 km.Tiempo Estimate: 4h. Good road to Olmos, and with little maintenance from this point to Piura. Sechura desert borders and is close to the Sierra. Mochumí consecutively crosses, Túcume, lllimo (24 km from Lambayeque) and Pacora; passes Jayanca, follows Motupe (66 km of Lambayeque), cross the road to the Marginal de la Selva and reaches Olmos (92 km of Lambayeque). Latest Milestones: Insculás, Naupa (careful of the slope), and Huancabamba Canchaque detour (km 192; right road is not recommended), diversion Chulucanas (km 206, right) and Piura (257 km of Lambayeque).
IURA - SULLANA - LA INK: Distance: 168 km.
Section formally considered the final stage of the Panamericana Norte. Between Piura (km 992) and Sullana (1.032 km) is paved, in good condition, but with very narrow side preventing safely parked, the rest is also fully paved. Milestones: Tambo Grande (km 1.076), Las Lomas (1.109 km), Quiroz and his. Ends on the border with Ecuador, northwest of the city of Piura. The border town of La Tina is 1.160 km.
SULLANA - Talara - TUMBES: Distance: 249 km.Tiempo estimate: 4 hours
While not officially part of the Pan-principal is considered a branch, this installment is the busiest. From Sullana (1.032 km), from which comes a turn (left) to Paita, then runs along the valley of the Chira, oil rises through shoals and after a long run parallel to the coast comes to Tumbes. The track crosses several villages: Mallaritos, Saman, Ignacio Escudero, 75 km from Sullana is passed by the turnoff to Talara. Twelve miles later, facing a dangerous route climb (Cuesta de la Viuda) and then reach the junction that leads to El Alto and Cape Blanco (118 km from Sullana). Shortly after crossing a plateau, where you see the oil pumping stations, begins a steep descent ending Bodies (133 km Sullana), place of beautiful beaches such as Punta Sailboats and Vichayito. From this point, an old section of the Panamericana, you can get to Mancora, Following the main road you come to Mancora (147 km) detour to Punta Sal (168 km), Caneas (175 km), Zorritos (to 222 km) and La Cruz (231 km of Sullana). A Tumbes (249 km Sullana) is up crossing a bridge over the river of the same name. From this city to Aguas Verdes, a city bordering Ecuador, there are 26 km of paved road.
Climate and seasons: The North Coast has two distinct climates, although the change is gradual. To km 600 on hot summer (December-March) with temperatures of 19 ° C. Winter (June-September) has cloudy skies, but temperatures rarely dip below 12 ° C. The months of transition does not vary widely. As you get closer to equatorial latitudes, the climate is warmer, with sunshine all year round. Tumbes and Piura in mean annual temperature exceeds 23 ° C with occasional rains, this area is under the influence of a warm equatorial current. High season: New Year, Independence Day, Easter and local festivals (Spring Festival and Festival of the Marinera de Trujillo, etc.). Cost: The major cities offer services across the range of prices. The average cost of a room in a 3 star hotel is $ 30.
Transportation *. The main road is the Pan American Highway, which is in good condition. Air transportation from Lima, Peru Lan daily flights to Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura and Tumbes. LC Busre flies to Chimbote.
Notes: The American is a quick way into the circulation of all vehicles (and drivers), from heavy trucks to sports cars. There are stretches of mist and dune areas. Handle with care and preferably during the day because there have been attacks on this route, especially at the end of ia afternoon and at night.
Lima - Ancash - La Libertad - Lambayeque - Piura - Tumbes
Crosses the North American major cities, Chimbote, Trujillo, Chiclayo and Piura. The state of the road is acceptable, but problems persist. The entry and exit signs to major cities is unclear. Heavy vehicles impose their pace on two-lane sections and reckless maneuvers are common on curves and slopes. We recommend checking the car well, because the path can be long and go through long stretches without shade or services, and pay special attention to areas near the dunes.
Km 150 Panamericana N. Port of approximately 55 thousand inhabitants and economic center of the Norte Chico. NEARBY: Nearby beaches, from Paradise to Végueta, are among the most beautiful and least visited of the Lima region: a large sports area for 4x4 driving enthusiasts, motor boating, windsurfing and fishing. Huaura (km 154), town in which San Martín proclaimed the independence of Peru from a balcony is still preserved. Albufera de Medio Mundo (km 172), lagoon and whereabouts of migratory birds where you can camp and recreational activities.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Centenario, 836.232-3731 July 28, $ 35. / hotelcen. Hostal La Villa, Félix Cárdenas 139, Santa Maria, 232-1477, $ 34, Suites County, Centennial 150, Santa Maria, Oval Huacho, 232-6336, USS 34. Scorpio, Ricardo Palma 109, 232-2357.
EMERGENCY: Police: 28 July 210, 232-2755. Fire: Echenique 355, 232-3333. Regional Hospital: Arnaldo José Aramburu 251, 232-2351. Red Cross: Pier Roca 702, 232-3525.
Km 188 Panamericana N. Small town with basic services (restaurants, gas station and auto repair shops pharmacies). A 4 km away from the Puerto Supe, rather than industrial and fishing activity. Nearby: Caral. This major archaeological site located in the Supe River valley contains the remains of the oldest city in America that flourished around 3,000 BC Can be reached by taking a detour of 28 km of paved road and arid landscapes from km 159 (Végueta) of the Pan N, or income from an offset of 25 km of road that comes at km 182 (Supe village) of Pan N and run along the right margin of the Supe River. The latter is more secure but can be blocked during the rainy season so it is advisable to call before taking the trip to meet the ground conditions (Reports: To visit the area is required to pay income (S /. 11 general public, S /. 3.60 SI students and teachers. 1 children and pensioners) and hire a guide {SI. 20). Visits: L-D 9 am - 5 pm. Faro Island, 1 km from the city. One of the best beaches in the Norte Chico.
Km 197 Panamericana N. City on the bay of the same name. His long boardwalk extends over two beaches, Chorrillos and Puerto Chico, who unfortunately are in poor health (Digesa 2009). It offers tourist services in basic and intermediate level.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Chavin, José Gálvez 222, 235-2253, $ 30, RESTAURANTS: Tato, Chorrillos 383, 235-2562. Las Gaviotas, Chorrillos 254, 235 to 3180.
EMERGENCY: Police, esq. Independence with Zoraya / n, 235-2136. Fire, Plaza de Armas s / n, 235-2333.
Km 205 Panamericana N. Small town with restaurants, health centers and workshops. Long story, there Pachacutec began his campaign to conquer the North, during independence, Bolívar lived there. Turning Pativilca (km 209) the road starts to Callejon de Huaylas Huaraz. See & Do: Bo-livariano Museum, Calle Bolívar s / n. Colonial house that preserves documents and objects of stay in the city of Bolivar. Nearby: Paramonga, 9 km from Pativilca Chimu temple and fortress, built on a hill. Remodeled and expanded by the Incas.
Km 296 Panamericana N. Located in the valley of Huarmey, the people are united to Puerto Huarmey (spring, factories, small houses) by dirt road. There are basic services. Nearby are the ruins of the Inca fortress of Ampanu. One of its main attractions are its beautiful beaches, including Tuqulllo (km 301, turning on a tarmac road with a last section argued), located in a small bay, with very fine white sand, ideal for underwater fishing.
ACCOMMODATIONS: La Posada de Huarmey, Panamericana Norte km 293, (043) 40-0330, U.S. $ 25. Costa Virgen Eco Camp (Tuquillo), Panamericana Norte km 302, $ 18. Lima: 224-1619.
RESTAURANTS: The Golden Fish, Grau edra. 2. Guille, Playa Tuquillo.
Km 378 Panamericana N. Located in an agricultural valley. Has lodging, restaurants, hospitals and pharmacies. The area belonged to the lordship Chlmú, then to Tahuantinsuyo. One of the most important archaeological evidence is the archaeological complex of Sechin, an extraordinary temple of adobe and stone carvings to 4 km of Casma on the origin-dated at 3,500 years, are woven various scenarios. Another archaeological site is Chanquillo, castle preincaico oval located at km 361. The Huaro, semioval castle is located at km 436.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Poncianas, Panamericana Norte km 379, (043) 1941-2123, U.S. $ 45. The Tourist Camp Aldas, Panamericana Norte km 347, Lima, 440-3241, $ 40,
RESTAURANTS: The Poncianas (Hotel Las Poncianas), Panamericana Norte km 379. La Carreta, av. Edra Peru. 9.
Km 396 Panamericana N. Spa around a wide bay, very calm sea, with rocky and sandy bottom, ideal for underwater hunting and water sports. Fine cuisine based on seafood. Beautiful beaches, accessible by 4x4s.
LODGING: Lodging Las Terrazas, North Cove, (043) 961-9042, $ 30, Hostal Las Poncianas Beach, (043) 1971-2123, 9839-9772, $ 25, http:/ /
Distances: Lima: 434 km.Trujillo: 129 km.
Capital of the province of Santa, Chimbote is a fishing center and steel. Originally a farmhouse partially destroyed in the war with Chile, was reborn in the 50's became the largest fishing port in the country. There are hotels and restaurants acceptable level. Nuevo Chimbote District is quieter than the center.
Nearby: Cerro de la Juventud, viewpoint from which you can see the bay and visit attractions such as the Plaza of the Child, the Sanctuary of the Lord of Life and the Cross of Peace. White Island Boulevard, recreation area, decorated with fountains, marble sculptures and playgrounds. El Mirador, stone building that serves as a terrace, located near the tunnel Colshco, about 15 minutes from the city.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Gran Chimu, José Gálvez 109, (043) 32-8104, U.S. $ 45. Ivansino Inn Hostel, José Pardo 738, (043) 1932-1811, U.S. $ 37. Hotel President, Leoncio Prado 536, (043) 1932-2411, U.S. $ 33. Hotel Buenos Aires, Huambacho 296, urb. Buenos Aires, Nuevo Chimbote, (043) 31-0631, 824 * 0860, $ 20,
RESTAURANTS: Venice, Bolognesi 386, (043) 32-5490. Spanish Casino, Malecon Grau 423, (043) 32-3981.
EMERGENCY Regional Hospital, av. Anchovies s / n, Bellamar, Nuevo Chimbote, (043) 31 -2021. EsSalud, Northern Slopes s / n, (043) 32-3181. National Police, Leoncio Prado (Plaza de Armas), (043) 1932-1651.
Distances: Lima: 563 km. Chiclayo, 216 km. Piura: 434 km.
The City of Eternal Spring is one of Peru's most important capital of the region La Libertad. Enjoy a mild climate averaging -24 ° C in summer and warm the rest of the year, with many sunny days. Its numerous attractions and a good tourist infrastructure make it an important destination on the North Coast. The area hosted the pre-Inca Chimu culture, which left an impressive mud-brick city of Chan Chan. Trujillo was founded on December 26, 1534 by Diego de Almagro, as a tribute to the hometown of Francisco Pizarro partner. This formalized its founding on March 5, 1535, calling it "Trujillo City of New Castile." Had leading role in the independence process, supported the forces of San Martin and was the starting point of the campaign of Bolivar. The city has many monuments well preserved colonial and republican. Nearby are important archaeological remains, especially Chan Chan, and crowded beaches like Huanchaco.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Libertador Plaza Mayor, Independencia 485, Plaza de Armas, (044) 1923-2741, Lima: 442-1995, U.S. $ 185 Grand Marquis Diaz de Cienfuegos 145, urb. La Merced, (044) 24-9366, U.S. $ 150, The Golf, The Coconut 500, El Golf, (044) from 1928 to 2515, $ 100. Los Conquistadores, Diego de Almagro 586, (044) 1948-1650, $ 75, Paradise, San Martín 240, (044) 20-0073, $ 50, Haus Inn Frankfurt, Los Cocoteros 253, urb. The Golf, (044) 28-9015, $ 40. Hostal Colonial, Independencia 618, (044) 25-8261, U.S. $ 18.
RESTAURANTS: The Mochica, Bolivar 462, (044) 29-3441. Capers Restaurant, San Martín 240, (044) 1920-1909. Roman Criollo Unidos162 States, urb. Recreation, (044) 24-4207. S'qualos Diaz de Cienfuegos 250, urb. La Merced, (044) 29-5134. Chel-sea Pub Restaurant, Estete 675, (044) 25-7032. The Rodizio, esq. Valcárcel and Manuel Vera, urb. Spring. Valentino Pizzeria II, Marshal Orbegoso 224, (044) 246-643. Skbch, Pedro Urraca 515, urb. San Andrés, (044) 22-7845. El Mirador, Alejandro Deustua 633, (044) 23-5838. San Augustine, Bolívar 522 and Slate 691. Romano (juice bar), Slate 747. Café-Bar at the Toy Museum, Independencia 701, (044) 29-7200. TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (i-Peru), Diego de Almagro 402. Fax: (044) 29-4561. Hours: M-S: 9:00 - 19:00; D: 9:00 to 13:00. Tourist Police, Independencia 630, (044) 1929-1705.
SHOPPING: Mali Aventura Plaza. Royal Plaza. Open Gardens Plaza.
EMERGENCY EsSalud Hospital, Union 1350, (044) 21-6119. Clinical Sánchez Ferrer, Laureles 436, urb. California, (044) 28-5541. National Police, Bolognesi 428, (044) 1922-2034. Fire, av. Spain 506, (044) 23-3333. Mechanical assistance: TACP (044) 1923-2635.
See & Do
Armas.También Square called Plaza Mayor. Surrounded by the Cathedral, the Municipal Palace, the Church of the Company, colonial and republican houses. At the center is a monument crowned by an allegorical statue of Liberty. The Cathedral Basilica. Plaza de Armas, (044) 23-5083. Built in the 17th century, decorated with valuable paintings and sculptures the Cusco School. See the Cathedral Museum, which displays works of art and religion of the colonial era. San Francisco Church. Esquina Gamarra Independence. Century 18. Stands out for its high altar, the altarpieces and his pulpit. Mo-nasterio Church and El Carmen. Colon Esquina Bolívar, (044) 1924-1823. The monastery and most important architectural complex in the city. Data from 1750. Frescoes and a large art gallery with paintings of the ages 17 and 18. La Merced Church. Pizarro 550. One of the most beautiful architectural pieces of northern Peru, completed in 1636. His paintings are scenes from the life of San Pedro Nolasco. In the choir loft is a rococo organ. Gano-Chopitea House. Independence 630. Baroque. Also known as Casa de los Leones. Completed in 1753, is well restored and contains valuable works of art, like an altarpiece dating from 1649. Casa del Mariscal Orbegoso. Orbegoso 553. Exhibits an interesting collection of furniture, silverware, paintings and mirrors. Belonged to President José Luis Orbegozo (1795-1847). Emancipation House. Pizarro 610. Place where he first vowed Independence. It has a collection of watercolors commissioned by the Bishop Baltazar Jaime Martínez (1737-1797). Iturregul Palace. Pizarro 668. Beautiful house of 19 century, neoclassical style, decorated with antique furniture, crystal chandeliers, oil paintings and large mirrors. José Cassinelli Museum. Nicolas de Pierola 607, (044) 24-6110. Small private museum with an interesting collection of pottery of the Moche, Chavin, Nazca, and others.
Trujillo: Around
Chan Chan. In the Moche valley, facing the sea, (044) 20-6304. Halfway between the city of Trujillo and Huanchaco are the remains of what was the religious and administrative capital of the Chimu kingdom, possibly the largest adobe city in the world (20 km2). The central part of this archaeological site covers an area of 6 km2 and consists of 10 walled ("towns") and pyramidal (huacas). Its urban area includes extensive administrative complexes and palaces with intricately decorated walls. Of the ten towns, nine share formal characteristics: they are rectangular, north / south main entrance located to the north, similar zoning inside and feature spaces, audiences, tanks, burial platforms and wells. The Cultural Heritage of Humanity has an interesting museum. Temples of the Sun and the Moon. Moche, 8 km from Trujillo. Was the religious center of the Moche culture (ages 2 to 7 AD). Covering about 120 hectares. Stand two large buildings: the Huaca del Sol (west and close to the river Moche) and Huaca de la Luna (500 m further east). In between was raised a city, now covered by sand. The Huaca del Sol is the largest adobe building in the world. His remains are 20 meters high and is calculated to have been considerably higher. It consists of four bodies in the form of superimposed platforms. The Temple of the Moon is made of three platforms, four-seat enclosed by adobe walls. It is beautifully decorated with carvings and polychrome murals in which the god stands Apaec Ai ("The Decapitator). This second complex is better preserved and can be visited by the public. Admission: Yes. 11 (adults). It is recommended visit before noon because it is windy evening. El Brujo. 40 km north of Trujillo, in the Chicama Valley. This archaeological complex covers an area of 2 km2. It contains the Huaca Prieta Preceramic period (2.500 BC) and two huacas Moche, one known as El Brujo (polychrome friezes in relief which are unique among known Moche ruins) and Cao Viejo, with a Christian church. His murals depict scenes of war. Huaca del Dragon or Rainbow. 4 km north of Trujillo ai. In the valley of Moche archaeological remains are those whose age is estimated at more than 1.000 years. huaca The friezes of the anthropomorphic figures show, including a snake with two heads. has a museum.
12 km northwest of Trujillo. Popular seaside resort with a good range of tourist services: hotels, hostels, restaurants, etc. A few kilometers from Chan Chan and ideal for surfing, Huanchaco has a very long sandy beach, a picturesque waterfront and a beautiful 16th century colonial church in the upper part of the resort. In the cove still used horses of reeds, boats Mochica origin that fishermen used to work and to any competitive sports.
LODGING: Huanchaco International Hotel, The Marina 466, Playa Azul, 044) 1946-1754, U.S. $ 49 Hostal Braca-monte, Los Olivos 503, (044) 1946-1266, U.S. $ 45. Huanchaco Hostal eg, Victor Larco 287, (044) 1946-1272, $ 28. www.
RESTAURANTS: Huanchaco Beach, av. Victor Larco 602, urb. El Boqueron, 044) 1946-1484. Colonial Club, av. The Bank 466. La Barca, 209 Union, (044) 1946-1549. Big Ben, av. Víctor Larco Herrera 836, (044) 1946-1869. Another thing (. Vegetarian), av. Victor Larco 921, (044) 1946-1346.
72 km north of Trujillo. This port, also known as Malabrigo, offers year-round sunny climate. The picturesque harbor, built in 1921, and the boardwalk and the old wooden houses, give it a special atmosphere to the place. Waves 2.5 meters on average, have become the preferred place for surfing. Is likely to Chicama is the longest left wave in the world. This is also common to use ios reed horses.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Chicama Beach, Arica Mz 87 Lote 1 A, (044) 57-6130, $ 60, Chicama Surf Arica s / n, Puerto Malabrigo (044) 57-6206, www.chicamasurfresort . com
Km 681 Panamericana N. Port and resort between Chiclayo and Trujillo. District founded in 1825 by Simón Bolívar, is a particularly recommended for surfers and lovers of good food. In the 19 th century was an important port in Peru's longest pier, built by President José Balta. It has a boardwalk republican architecture of almost 500 meters. Nearby, and on the road to Cajamarca, is the dam of Gallito Ciego (Jequetepeque), which supplies a rice producing area, and San Pedro de Lloc, nice Republican town, capital of the province. There are also sites of archaeological interest, such as Dos Cabezas, Pakatnamu, Cavoury Farfán. ACCOMMODATIONS: The Station, Malecón Grau 69, (044) 1952-1515. $ 38 Pakatnamu, Malecón Grau 103, (044) 1952-1051, U.S. $ 33. / hotelpakatnamu La Posada del Valle, Ancash 610, San Pedro de Lloc, (044) 52-8037,
Distances: Lima: 779 km. Trujillo, 216 km. Piura: 218 km.
Important city of more than 700 thousand inhabitants, capital of the Lambayeque region and economic and commercial hub of northern Mexico. Chicago has not given a date of foundation. Appears on a confluence of roads that connected the people of Lambayeque Zana and the Sierra, after a major flood devastated the former. A likely date is July 21, 1559. Its creation as a province was the April 18, 1835. Located in a rich agricultural area, is a very dynamic, warm weather, an obligatory stop on the trip north and a point of access to important archaeological sites: Sipan (the tomb of the Lord of Sipan), Batan Grande (Lord of Sican ) and Tucuman (Valley of the Pyramids). The beaches of Puerto Eten and Pimentel resort near the city, are suitable for the practice of surflng.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel Garza, Bolognesl 756, (074) 22-8172, U.S. $ 90, Gran Hotel Chiclayo, Federico Villarreal 115, (074) 23-4911, $ 80, Costa del Sol, José Balta 399, (074) 22-7272, U.S. $ 72, The Muses, The acacia 101, urb. Victoria St., (074) 23-9884, U.S. $ 60 Gloria Plaza Hotel, Miguel Grau 397, (074) 27-4555, USS 65, House Luna, Bernardo Alcedo 250, (074) 27-0156, $ 50, Hotel Paraiso, Pedro Ruiz 1064, (074) 1922-2070, $ 40,
RESTAURANTS: Flavors Peruvian Grau 1050, urb. Santa Victoria, (074) 23-8497. Marak's Grill, Elvira Garcia y Garcia 490, urb. Parks, (074) 1927-1457. Fiesta, Salaverry 1820, (074) 1920-1970. Hebron, Balta 605, (074) 23-9486. La Parra, Manuel María Izaguirre 752, (074) 22-7471. Ricoma, Pedro Ruiz 1059, (074) 1922-2798. Full Moon Chinese restaurant, av. Grau 1086, urb. Santa Victoria, (074) 23-3988. White House, av. Grau s / n, Urb. Santa Victoria.
SHOPPING: Royal Plaza Mall, Miguel de Cervantes 300.
TOURISM: Tourist Information and Assistance (i-Peru), av. Sáenz Peña 838. Fax: (074) 20-5703. Regional Directorate deTurlsmo, Sáenz Peña 830, (074) 23-3132. Airport José Abelardo Quiñones, av. Bolognesi s / n, (074) 23-6016 / 23-3192.
EMERGENCY Almanzor Aguinaga Hospital (EsSalud), Hipolito Unanue 180, (074) 23-7776 / 20-8767. Regional Hospital Las Mercedes, av. Luis Gonzales 635, (074) 23-8232. Pacific Clinic, av. José Leonardo Ortiz 420, (074) 23-6378. National Police, Vicente de la Vega 1189, (074) 27-0751. Tourist Police, Sáenz Peña 830, (074) 49-0892. Mechanical assistance (TACP): (074) 65-8067 / 25-7256.
Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum
Specially built museum to display artifacts discovered at Huaca in 1987, generally known as the Lord of Sipan. The building resembles a truncated pyramid consisting of five prisms that are supported by inclined planes. The museum has three levels. The tour starts at the top level and moves down while watching a reconstruction of the Tomb of the Lord of Sipan. The museum, designed in architectural and display parts according to the latest museological techniques, is in charge of the prominent archaeologist Walter Alva, who led the excavations at the original site. Avenida Juan Pablo Vizcardo and Guzmán s / n, (074) 28-3978, Attention: Tuesday to Sunday.
Chiciayo: Around
Túcume. 33 km northeast of Chiciayo, on the road to Olmos. Archaeological complex made up of 26 adobe pyramids. It has an area of 220 hectares. Túcume or the Valley of the Pyramids was the center of political and religious power in the region during the culture Lambayeque, Chimu and Inca, from the 11 th century AD to the Conquest. Currently carrying out excavations at two of the main pyramid and what was reportedly a residential area. Has tourist stop and a site museum (074) 1942-2027. It also has a viewpoint on the Cerro La Raya or Purgatory, which allows a breathtaking view of the area. The people of Tucuman is located 2 km from the pyramids. Sipan. 35 km east of Chiciayo, on the road to Pomalca. Paved road. Is in the area known as Sipan. It is an archaeological complex covers some 200 hectares. Includes two pyramids and a platform on which they were found two of the most important tombs of the Moche culture: the Lord of Sipan and an ancestor of his, called the Old Lord. The royal mausoleum, whose camera was found in the Lord of Sipan and his retinue, it contains valuable objects in gold, silver, copper and precious stones. Museum of Sipan site / Sipan. E 28 km along the route Chiciayo Pomalca. Opened in January 2009, stands in the archaeological complex where there were findings of Sipan, which include more than 13 graves. Specifically, it shows the tomb 14, a warrior priest of the Moche culture. Eten. 20 km south of Chiciayo. Fishing village and resort. It has quaint wooden houses, a large spring (very deteriorated and been abandoned) and a beautiful plaza. Its beaches are spacious and quiet. Pimentel. A 11 km Chiciayo. Busy port and resort in summer. Shows an architecture of the early 20 th century, but modern buildings and a beautiful waterfront. The Port maintains a large wooden pier over 100 years old. In its beaches is common to see vacationers devoted to water sports-surfing, jet skiing, windsurfing, with fishermen mounted on their horses of reeds, which typically return to their jobs between 12 m and 2 pm, mounted on their ancient craft. Monsefú. 14 km south of Chiciayo. Town known for its traditional market where you can see products baskets, straw hats, cotton fabrics and thread. Is famous for its finely embroidered items such as tablecloths, blouses, skirts, ponchos and shawls. Chaparri Ecological Reserve. A 75 km southeast of Chiciayo. Area of 34.000 hectares dedicated to the protection of endangered species as the spectacled bear, Andean condor and the White-winged Guan. Seeks to preserve the habitat of dry forests. It is managed by the Santa Catalina community Muchik Chongoyape. It is a pleasant walk can be done on foot or horseback, during which you can see landscapes and various species of animals and birds. Only receives 30 visitors per day, upon request. Information: (074) 43-3194. Admission is S /. 10 and is required to hire a guide (Yes 40).
20 km north of Chiclayo. Small town, home to unique museums Brunning and Royal Tombs of Sipan. Lambayeque has beautiful houses, including Montjoy House or House of the Lodge, with its huge colonial balcony, possibly the longest in the country. It is popular with its characteristic sweet, the king kong, especially the San Roque and Llampayec brands.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Hosteria San Roque, Dos de Mayo 437, (074) 1928-2860, USS 50. RESTAURANTS: Salons Doña Rosita, Av Juan Pablo Guzman Vizcardo and 851, (074) 1928-1268 (see announcement p. 67). El Rincón del Pato, Leguía 270, (074) 1928-2751.
See & Do
Brunning Museum. Huamachuco cdra. 8, (074) 1928-2110. Remarkable collection of pre-Columbian ceramics and gold collected by the German Henry Brunning and acquired by the Peruvian state in 1921. Among the cultures represented are the Moche, Chavin, Vicus and Inca. Has been recently remodeled. L-D, 9 am to 5 pm (S /. 8).
Lambayeque: Around
Batan Grande archeological complex. A 26 km from Chiclayo, paved road. In this place of 13.500 acres, specifically in the Huaca La Ventana, was found in late 1936 and early 1937 a number of gold objects, including gold Tumi (ceremonial knife) and Winged Eye Mask. In 1991, at Huaca Loro, archaeologist Izumi Shimada made another stunning discovery: the tomb of the Lord of Sican, a senior officer accompanied by a set of gold objects of high artistic and iconographic. Sican National Museum (18 km from Chiclayo, on the road Ferreñafe - Pitipo. (074) 28-6469, Ma-D) contains part of this finding. Pomac Forest. A 36 km from Chiclayo on the road to Batan Grande. Retaining the historic sanctuary flora (carob guarangos) and fauna of the region. It also houses archaeological finds from the Sican culture.
18 km northeast of Chiclayo. Agricultural village. It has an ancient church, Santa Lucia (1552), in Baroque style.
50 km southeast of Chiclayo. Place that housed a city founded in 1563 by wealthy Spanish families. The city was sacked by pirates in the S 17. He was finally ruined by a flood of the river and the successive overflows caused by El Niño. Still see the remains of its beautiful colonial buildings.
Distances: Lima: 997 km, Chicago: 218 km.Tumbes: 284 km.
San Miguel de Piura was the first city founded by the Spanish in Peru (1532). The area in which it sits was a major economic hub of the north of the Viceroyalty, and the port of Paita, 55 km from San Miguel, was forced transit point for ships on their way to Lima. Center of a rich agricultural and oil over the past 20 years has become a pole of development thanks to significant private investment. Currently, over 300 thousand inhabitants, is a prosperous city with good tourist services and a prestigious university. Piura has beautiful beaches, such as Paita and Colan, and areas conducive to the practice of sport fishing and spearfishing.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Green River, Ramón Mujica / n, San Eduardo, (073) 28-5000, U.S. $ 120. Lima reservations: 442-5992, Los Portales, Freedom 875, Plaza de Armas, (073) 1932-1161, U.S. $ www.hotelpor Costa del Sol, Loreto 649, ( 073) 1930-2864, $ 85, www. El Angolo, Fortunato Chirichigno 661, (073) 32-5882, U.S. $ 75, Esmeralda, Loreto 235, (073) 1933-1205, U.S. $ 45 Hostal The Sun, Sánchez Cerro 411, (073) 32-4461, U.S. $ 19.
RESTAURANTS: Green River, Ramón Mujica / n, San Eduardo, (073) 28-5000. Los Portales, Freedom 875, Plaza de Armas, (073) 1932-1161. The Santitos, Libertad 1014, (073) 30-9475. D'Pauli, Lima 541. Caracol Azul, MZ-15, Urb, Chira, (073) 35-5810. Canton Chinese restaurant, Tacna 125, (073) 32-8585. Pepe's Carbumer, Freedom 1014, S.C. Santa Isabel. Pizzeria Carbumer, Freedom 1014, S.C. Santa Isabel.
EMERGENCIES Hospital Cayetano Heredia, Av. Independencia s / n, (073) 1934-2420. National Police, Highway to Sullana km 2 (073) 30-7648. Fire-fighters: Tacna 160, (073) 30-9999. Regional Directorate of Tourism: Tallanes s / n, (073) 33-4328.
TOURISM: Information and Assistance height (Peru), Ayacucho 377, (073) 32-0249. L-S: 8:30 to 19:00. D: 8:30 to 14:00. Regional Directorate of Tourism, Tallanes s / n, (073) 33-4328. Airport, (073) 34-4503, 34-4997.
See & Do
Cathedral (Century 16). Avenida Huancavelica 362, Plaza de Armas. Features a beautiful gold-leaf altar and several oil paintings by Ignacio Merino Piura, such as San Martín de Porras and the Virgin. Casa Museo Miguel Grau, Tacna 662, (073) 32-6541. Birthplace, and resided Angarrios hero. Vicus Museum. Esq Huanuco and Sultana, (073) 1930-2803. The most important of the city. Large collection of pre-Columbian gold objects. Iglesia del Carmen (Century 18). Freedom 366. Seat of a Museum of Religious Art. Church of San Francisco. Callao and Lima Esq. The oldest of the city. It proclaimed the independence of this region, January 4, 1821. It has a large bronze bell that is carved in high relief the image of San Francisco. Resort ejidos. A 10km de Piura. Around a lagoon of 20 km2 can observe an interesting flora and fauna and recreational activities.
A 5 km of paved road Piura. People well known for its handicrafts. It also has good food in their traditional picanterías.
A 57km W of Piura. Port city of some 70 thousand inhabitants. Their main festival is La Virgen de las Mercedes in September. Retains some colonial houses. Surrounded by pristine beaches like Yacila and Crabs.
16 km NW of Paita. Also called "La Esmeralda" is a beautiful resort. The sea is very calm and houses built with wooden stand-up pile-parallel to the shore. A few kilometers away is the town of San Lucas, with its main attraction: the first Catholic church built in Peru (1536).
ACCOMMODATIONS: Colan Beach Lodge, Spa La Esmeralda, South Side, (073) 31-3974, $ 65. Sunset Bay Resort La Esmeralda, South Side, (073) 67-4008, U.S. $ 120, Bungalows Spielberg, Costanera s / n. (073) 32-6843, U.S. $ 10 pp.
A 60 km E by the former North American. It is known for its pottery. It has the best chicha de Piura and fruit such as mangoes and lemons.
A 110 km NW of the city of Piura. Center of the oil industry. It has all the facilities of a small town. The main attractions are the beaches like Lobitos. ACCOMMODATIONS: The Angolo, Aviation 413, Special District, (073) 38-5423, U.S. $ 55, Gran Hotel Pacific Aviation 411, (073) 38-5449, $ 40.
Cabo Blanco
A 150 km NW and 32 km from Piura Talara. Caleta warm water and warm climate all year round (24 ° C average). At a time was known internationally for the practice of fishing: marlin, swordfish, dorado, grouper, sea bass, and received popular characters, the most recalled the writer Ernest Hemingway. Today's most popular Punta Cabo Blanco, with his "Panic Point", 250 m south of the pier, which some consider the best waves for surfing in Peru.
LODGING: The Merlfn. The one in the cove, providing basic services, (073) 25-6188.
RESTAURANT: Cabo Blanco, run by the legendary Don Pablo.
A 182 km NW of Piura, This spa is one of the favorite places for surfers and sun lovers in growing numbers become bustling streets. The remarkable increase in tourism has led to the emergence of more and better restaurants and hotels in the area. With other popular summer destinations such as beach and Vichayito Pocitas (1.155 km). The prices of hotels and accommodations vary widely depending on the season and long weekend.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Las Olas, Piura s / n, (073) 25-8099, U.S. $ 30 pp, Punta Ballenas, Panamericana Norte km 1.164, (073) 25-8136, $ 40, www.puntaballenas. com Costa Blanca, Panamericana Norte km 1.155, Vichayito (073) 25-8379, Las Arenas de Mancora, Panamericana Norte km 1.164, (073) 25-8240, U.S. $ 65, Los Corales, Playa Pocitas, Panamericana Norte km 1.215, (073) 25-8309, $ 40.
RESTAURANT: Chan Chan, Piura 384, (073) 25-8146. El Faro, Piura 233, (01) 974-5292 8. The Sword, Piura 501, (073) 25-8304. Brothers Lama, Grau 503, (073) 25-8215.
Panamericana Norte km 1.032. Located on the left bank of the Chira River, 35 km north of Piura, this city of more than 200, OCX) population is an important agricultural, commercial and industrial north. It offers all basic services. Nearby: Casa Hacienda Sojo, a 5 km road Sullana in Paita, a former plantation house declared a National Historic Landmark. ACCOMMODATIONS: Del Chira, José de Lama 112, (073) 50-7360, U.S. $ 22.
A 60 km southwest of Piura. One of the largest bays in the country, made up of attractive beaches. At one end of it lies the mangrove area of San Pedro Bocana. In town you can visit the church of San Martín de Sechura, which dates back to colonial times.
A 106 km southwest of Piura. Coastal area famous for its transparency and richness of its waters. Ideal for fishing and spearfishing, as well as practice-on nearby beaches, water sports like surfing, the average size of the waves. Lobos de Tierra Island is next and is also suitable for fishing. To reach Bayóvar is a need for an SUV.
Northwest Biosphere Reserve Peru
This large storage unit is located in the Piura regionesTumbesy. It is divided into three zones: the Amotape Hills National Park (151.561 ha), Tumbes National Reserve (19.266 ha) and the Coto de Caza El Angolo (65,000 ha). Is being incorporated into this unit, the Tumbes National Sanctuary (2.972 ha). The purpose of the reserve is to protect only two ecoregions in Peru that are endangered: the Bosque Seco Equatorial Pacific Tropical Forest, a lush jungle on the border of the Sierra and the Coast region than in the rest of Peru characterized by low vegetation. -Ceiba trees, waistband and cedar-reach up to 40 m in height. The area is also rich in orchids. Among the most abundant species are deer, foxes and a variety of colorful birds. Here live endangered animals like the American crocodile, otter and Northwest or howler monkey howler monkey. While you can reach the limits of the reserve by car (preferably 4x4), the area is rugged, roads are difficult and you need permission to visit the Inrena and hire a guide service. Reports: INRENA, Bartholomew Zeta 127, urb. José LishnerTudela, Tumbes, (072) 52-6489. Biosphere Tours, (072) 983-3372.
Regional dishes Piura / Tumbes
Chabelo dry: dry salted beef, grilled over hot coals with green bananas and stew seasoned with onion, tomato, pepper, salt and vinegar.
Ceviche de conchas negras, black shells cut into cubes, cooked in lemon juice and seasoned with pepper, salt and onion sauce. Served with yucca, potatoes and boiled corn.
Antecoco: Traditional Dulce de Tumbes, on the basis of desiccated coconut boiled in milk, cornstarch and sugar. Cebiche shell
Custard: Traditional piurano dessert made with goat milk, molasses and flour, boiled pot of bronze.
Chinguirito: Liquor mixture of coconut water and rum.
Distances: Lima: 1.281 km. Piura: 284 km.
Located on the right bank of the same name, the origin of this city, warm weather and beaches, is attached to a legend attributes its foundation to Quitombe, son of the chief Tumbi. Incorporated into the dominion of the Great Chimu was conquered by Tupac Yupanqui. A raft with local crafts Slate gave the first evidence of the great empire he sought. Warm and noisy, Tumbes is now a bustling market town of over 80,000 inhabitants, capital of the region of the same name. It also happened to the Forest of Tumbes and starting point to the beaches of Punta Sal, one of its main attractions.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Costa del Sol, San Martín 275, (072) 52-3991, U.S. $ 105, www.costadelsoiperu. com
RESTAURANTS: Cusicuna, Children 430, (072) 1924-2917. Fixtures, Silversmiths 323, (072) 23 - 5430. Classic Restaurant, Tumbes 185, (072) 52-4301. Las Terrazas, Simon Bolivar 328, (072) 52-4660. Latino, Simón Bolívar 163, (072) 52-3198.
EMERGENCY EsSalud Hospital, Grau 466, (072) 52-5345. Hospital de Tumbes, Lieutenant Vásquez cdra. 8, (072) 1952-2222. National Police, esq. Puell and Zarumilla Abad, (072) 1952-2525. Firefighter, Lieutenant Vasquez 642, (072) 52-3333.
TOURISM: Biosphere Tours, Faustino Piaggio (North American) 094 (072) 54-4390, (072) 983-3372, Visitors to protected areas.
Tumbes: Around
Mirador Palo Santo
5 minutes southeast of Tumbes. Private natural area features a concrete tower located 18 m high on the hill to admire Pedro el Viejo part of the tropical dry forest typical of the area, besides its interesting flora and fauna.
Puerto Pizarro -
A 13 km NW from Tumbes. Resort located in the northern portion of the river delta $ name. The place is a small fishing and extraction of black shells. Starting point to visit the Tumbes National Sanctuary. Pa-"Jl museums guided by motor boat to the islands of Love, West of the Whale and The Birds, Mogi (accessible only at high tide). Tumbes kennel lizard.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Bay Side (ex Hotel Puerto Pizarro), bungalows, (072) 54-3045, $ 34
Punta Sal
81 km S of Tumbes. For many the best beach area of Peru, clean and warm sea rich of fish. Sun all year. Has two alternatives: the Playa Grande Punta Sal ideal for sport fishing (grouper, sea bass, saw and agujillas) and diving, "sheltered by hills dotted with carob trees, hostels, bungalows, private villas and restaurants, and Punta Sal Club Hotel (7 km north), water sports (windsurfing, fishing, diving, torpedoes, parasailing). In the cove of cancer (3 km north of Punta Sal Club Hotel) can get supplies and rent boats for fishing. The prices of hotels and accommodations vary widely depending on the season and long weekend.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Punta Sal Club Hotel, Tumbes Sullana-Highway, km 173, (072) 54-0088, U.S. $ 82 pp (includes food), Balihai, Panamericana Norte km 1.197, Lima: 264-1870 , Punta Sal Hua lodging, Panamericana Norte km 1.187, (072) 54-0043, U.S. $ Dolphin, Panamericana Norte km 1.234, $ 40, Lima: 224 - 8541,
The 1.254 km of Lima and 27 km south of Tumbes. This creek was at the height of the oil industry the most exclusive beach of Tumbes. They are famous lighthouse, the pier and sandy beach. It has beaches ideal for surfing: Santa Rosa, Caleta Grau, Boca del Toro and Zorritos own. The sea is calm, with rocky areas in depths and a variety of fish: flounder, sea bass, sea bass, etc. Wide range of hotels and thermal baths in the nearby Hervideros the south. ACCOMMODATIONS: Florida Beach, Panamericana Norte km 1.222, (072) 968-8088, $ 40 pp (includes food), Lima: 447-2736, com Playa Punta Shrimp, Panamericana Norte km 1.235, Lima: 247-2737, $ 60 pp, Amotape, Panamericana Norte km 1.248, (072) 1954-2385, U.S. $ 65 Costa Azul Panamericana Norte km 1239, (072) 54-4268, U.S. $ 85, The Dolphin, Panamericana Norte km 1.234, $ 40, Lima: 224-8541,
Aguas Verdes
On the frontier, to 1.307 km of Lima and 26 km north of Tumbes. Point of trade between Peru and Ecuador. The axis of the town is the International Bridge over the River Zarumilla, where it crosses to the Ecuadorian city of Huaquillas. It is recommended that great caution and safety, do not change dollars at the border but in the city of Tumbes. The formalities to enter Ecuador are offices of Immigration, 5 minutes south of Aguas Verdes. Passport or ID is required.
Road ... ... ...
LIMA - HUACHO: Distance: 160 km.Tiempo estimate: 2 h 30 m.
4-lane highway with central berm. Slow traffic in Lima to Stone Bridge (km 30). After the detour that leads to Ancon (km 44) and passing the police control (note: signal maximum speed of 60 km / h to the bridge) is the variant that prevents light vehicles pass through the coil and leads us Pasamayo a double-lane highway and focus to Huacho berm. Beware the drizzle and mist Pasamayo sections. Other milestones: oval Chancay (km 83, Huaral detour), turn to the Reserva Nacional Lomas de Lachay (km 103), Las Salinas (km 130) and Paradise Drive toll.
HUACHO - CASMA: Distance: 218 km. Estimated time: 3 h.
It is advisable to drive this stretch of days, the high traffic of buses and trucks at night. The first milestone is Huaura (km 164, tap). Beware of the kiosks located near the road that sell liquor especially on holidays. A Huaura output is the deviation (tarmac) to Sayan. Other milestones: Supe (km 188; careful dangerous curve before reaching the port), Canyon (197 km, good taps, hotels and restaurants) and Police Control Pativilca (km 209), whence the turnoff to Huaraz. Caution: From this point until Huarmey are not services. At km 204, detours Cajatambo (right) and Paramonga (left). Last milestones: Huarmey entrance (km 296, after passing the entrance to Puerto Huarmey) and Puerto Culebras (km 311). Dangerous curve 5 km before reaching Casma (km 378), whence a detour to Huaraz. Eye: Bring Huarmey fuel. The section linking this city with Casma passes through a desert area without taps.
CASMA - CHIMBOTE: Distance: 56 km. Estimated time: 40 minutes.
The section Casma-Chimbote not cause any problems, except the curves in the valley of Casma. On the way: forwarding to spas Turtle (km 395, left) and Vesique (km 415, toll) Huambacho bridge (km 400), entrance to the airport and route of evltamiento. The American goes through the city of Chimbote (km 434), near the Plaza de Armas.
CHIMBOTE - TRUJILLO: Distance: 132 km. Estimated time: 1h 30m.
Motorway in perfect condition. Control passes in front of Police (km 434), across a tunnel (km 437) and reaches Coishco (km 442). Junction with road to Huaraz on km 446, Santa just before the bridge. Other milestones: Chao villages (km 501) and Viru (km 518; toll and taps). Road junction with Salaverry (left) and Otuzco (km 563). The final stretch to reach the city of Trujlllo (km 566) is a long and steep downhill slope, which requires slow.
Trujillo - Chiclayo: Distance: 213 km. Estimated time: 2 h 45 m - 3 h.
The American crossed the valleys of Chicama and Jequetepeque-Zana. Track in perfect condition, but it spans many urban areas the speed limit. First milestones: turning on Chiquitoy (km 596), toll Sunat control and Chicama Village (km 607). Later: Cascas detours, Chiclín (km 608), Cartavio (km 609), Casa Grande (km 616 and 621), Chocope (km 617; detour and Con-tumazá Ascope). In Paiján (km 627) the American dangerously through the shopping area. Here is the turnoff to Puerto Malabrigo (Puerto Chicama known as): 15 km of track in perfect condition. Passing the turning to New Arenita (km 633), reduce speed between 664 km and 666: Dunes in several sections. Other milestones: Forward Puemape Beach (km 668), San Pedro de Lloc (km 670) and Pacasmayo (km 680), both ways of avoiding having several sharp bends but they save between 10 and 15 minutes. In City of God (toll) is the turnoff to Cajamarca (km 696, der.). Care In the informal stops on both sides of the track. Turning Guadalupe (km 703, dangerous curve before the city) is reached Chepén (km 710). Recent milestones in the journey: Toll (km 725), Mocupe (km 745), Zana detour (km 748) and turning to city and Puerto Eten (km 770). Finally you pass Reque (km 771), the turning Monsefú (km 773) and comes to Chicago, at km 779.
Chiclayo - Piura: Distance: 213 km / 257 km. Estimated time: 2 h 30 m / 4 h.
Passing the city of Lambayeque (km 799), the American branches. 1 .- Road "new" (left), Lambayeque, Piura. Distance: 213 km. Estimated time: 2h 30m. Good road across the desert Sechura. Fill the tank before the trip. Milestones: Mórrope (km 819; toll), turn off to Bayóvar (km 902) and Catacaos (km 992) and, finally, Piura (km 992). 2 .- Road "old" branch-Motupe Lambayeque, Piura-Olmos. Distance: 257 km.Tiempo Estimate: 4h. Good road to Olmos, and with little maintenance from this point to Piura. Sechura desert borders and is close to the Sierra. Mochumí consecutively crosses, Túcume, lllimo (24 km from Lambayeque) and Pacora; passes Jayanca, follows Motupe (66 km of Lambayeque), cross the road to the Marginal de la Selva and reaches Olmos (92 km of Lambayeque). Latest Milestones: Insculás, Naupa (careful of the slope), and Huancabamba Canchaque detour (km 192; right road is not recommended), diversion Chulucanas (km 206, right) and Piura (257 km of Lambayeque).
IURA - SULLANA - LA INK: Distance: 168 km.
Section formally considered the final stage of the Panamericana Norte. Between Piura (km 992) and Sullana (1.032 km) is paved, in good condition, but with very narrow side preventing safely parked, the rest is also fully paved. Milestones: Tambo Grande (km 1.076), Las Lomas (1.109 km), Quiroz and his. Ends on the border with Ecuador, northwest of the city of Piura. The border town of La Tina is 1.160 km.
SULLANA - Talara - TUMBES: Distance: 249 km.Tiempo estimate: 4 hours
While not officially part of the Pan-principal is considered a branch, this installment is the busiest. From Sullana (1.032 km), from which comes a turn (left) to Paita, then runs along the valley of the Chira, oil rises through shoals and after a long run parallel to the coast comes to Tumbes. The track crosses several villages: Mallaritos, Saman, Ignacio Escudero, 75 km from Sullana is passed by the turnoff to Talara. Twelve miles later, facing a dangerous route climb (Cuesta de la Viuda) and then reach the junction that leads to El Alto and Cape Blanco (118 km from Sullana). Shortly after crossing a plateau, where you see the oil pumping stations, begins a steep descent ending Bodies (133 km Sullana), place of beautiful beaches such as Punta Sailboats and Vichayito. From this point, an old section of the Panamericana, you can get to Mancora, Following the main road you come to Mancora (147 km) detour to Punta Sal (168 km), Caneas (175 km), Zorritos (to 222 km) and La Cruz (231 km of Sullana). A Tumbes (249 km Sullana) is up crossing a bridge over the river of the same name. From this city to Aguas Verdes, a city bordering Ecuador, there are 26 km of paved road.
Climate and seasons: The North Coast has two distinct climates, although the change is gradual. To km 600 on hot summer (December-March) with temperatures of 19 ° C. Winter (June-September) has cloudy skies, but temperatures rarely dip below 12 ° C. The months of transition does not vary widely. As you get closer to equatorial latitudes, the climate is warmer, with sunshine all year round. Tumbes and Piura in mean annual temperature exceeds 23 ° C with occasional rains, this area is under the influence of a warm equatorial current. High season: New Year, Independence Day, Easter and local festivals (Spring Festival and Festival of the Marinera de Trujillo, etc.). Cost: The major cities offer services across the range of prices. The average cost of a room in a 3 star hotel is $ 30.
Transportation *. The main road is the Pan American Highway, which is in good condition. Air transportation from Lima, Peru Lan daily flights to Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura and Tumbes. LC Busre flies to Chimbote.
Notes: The American is a quick way into the circulation of all vehicles (and drivers), from heavy trucks to sports cars. There are stretches of mist and dune areas. Handle with care and preferably during the day because there have been attacks on this route, especially at the end of ia afternoon and at night.